Be My Guest Ch. 01: Eviction NoticeD


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"I'm not...GRRRRRRRR!" With temper flaring she just goes for it. Tongue fully licking the tip of his covered cock until she could lift the noodle with success in sucking the noodle up through her lips until gone. That of course took three tries. Zach nearly shot his load at her persistence.

"Daaamn! That was unexpected."

"Got any mouthwash?" He merely hands her his beer. She takes a hefty swig and gargles. He had to chuckle and admire the wet stains all around the crown of his dick.

"I will never ever forget that challenge." He laughs as she stands up finishing his beer to get the taste of sweatpants off her tongue. Sitting his bottle down she grabs her own then hands it to him as a replacement.

"I'm scarred for life thanks to you."

"I didn't force you to go that far."

"I got the job done. Closest thing to a blowjob you'll ever get from me." She giggles and curls up on the couch again. Noticing something that caught her eye she immediately hops back up stretching over toward the moved coffee table, "Fortune Cookies."

"Oh yeah! Forgot the cookie monsters."

Tossing him one first, she tears the plastic of her own treat between her teeth, plucking her cookie out and breaking it in half. "Eat it first or the fortune won't come true." She chews hers as he opens his and joins her. After she polishes both halves off she reads her fortune wincing at it.

"Need glasses?"

"Nooooo! 20/20 vision thank you."

"What's yours say?"

"Two hands are better than none."

"That's morbid." He chuckles.

"Should have been your fortune Mister Monster." She points a pinky at his cock. "You're gonna need two hands."

"One is sufficient. Two if I..."


"Sorry. Hey! You started the trash talk Feathers."

"Feathers?" She giggled, "Oh my God, Tom! How many nicknames are we going to have for each other?"

"All in good fun Heidi."

"I know. It is cute. All good Catnip."

"Hey now! You tasted my catnip." He laughed.

"Don't remind me." She grimaces then steals his beer to gargle a second time. Wagging her tongue with a gross expression she points his direction, "Read yours."

Opening his fortune he nods, "Man running through Airport turnstile going to Bangkok."

"It doesn't really say that does it?"

"No! It's an old Confucius joke I read once. Bang Cock? He points at his tent.

"Ohhhhh shit!" She busts up laughing. "That's fucking hilarious."

"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot." He adds another proverb. She couldn't stop laughing. "Woman who stands on toilet has crack up." She didn't get that one. ""Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon lead to undoing of fly."

"Oh my God! Stop before I pee. What's yours really say?"

Looking at it again for real this time he pauses, "Life is short. Take time to smell the flowers." A shrug later he adds, "Nothing to be superstitious over in that one."

Her jaw drops and she shivers, "I wouldn't be too sure about that."

"Meaning what?" He poised an eye brow high.

"Nothing." She turns away shyly.

"Don't leave me hanging here. What's that all about?"

"FINE!" She pats her heart nervously, "I believe in fortune tellers. That one hit close to home is all."

"Annnnd?" He reacts with inquiry.

"I'll show you my tattoo so you might see my point. Just...don't...well smell it." She sighs trying not to laugh. Standing up in front of him she lifts her shirt past her belly button and uses her mouth to hold the length of it, in order for it not to hide her body. With her mouth full she mumbles, "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be." He studies her flat milky tummy with the most amazing sunken button. Nervously she uses both hands to roll the waistband of her leggings down into her pubic area. Suddenly a cute but tiny sunflower appears rising out of her thin strip of fur, very near her clit. She whimpered faintly at exposing it.

"Wow! That's...beautiful. Now I really do wanna smell it." He grins with a wink.

"Ugh!" She rolls her eyes, "Get it over with."

"Seriously?" He looked with shock. Closing her eyes she awaited him to do just that. Shrugging at the option given he ran with it and teased her lower belly with the tip of his nose and inhaled, he then exhaled warmly over the flower. That was it. Heidi released her teeth and the shirt fell back into place. She steps back quickly and continued blushing. "You okay there?"

"I'll live...a lil." She giggled huffing. "Felt a bit tingly there. We have to chill out on this crap."

"I agree. Not helping me one damned bit."

"Do something about that damned thing already." She sat back down fanning herself.

"Want me to go to my room?"

"You...don't have to, just don't...don't show it. Maybe just stroke it with your hand under your sweats. I'll turn the other way."

"I can try, sweats aren't loose though. Can I take my shirt off to be more relaxed?"

"Oh my God! You ask a lot." She waves a hand allowing it. In response he lifts his Seahawk tee up over his head and throws it at her. She growls and removes it from her shoulder. "Hurry it up."

"You don't have to sit here. You can just as easily go to your room." He laughs.

"Y'know what? I'm going to miss my bus anyway I'm just going to stay the my own room." She sneers pointing at him as his fingers slither under his waistband and encircle his cock. She tries to look away but finds curiosity drawing glances. He knew it. Zach Pedigo watched her every reaction. It was priceless.

"So who did your tattoo that close to the Garden of Eden?" He jerked slowly trying to keep her from getting too uncomfortable.

"Promise not to think badly of me?" She turns her gaze to look toward the TV.

"As long as you don't think badly of my doing what you suggested I do."

"I'm good. You needed to deal with that. If we're going to be roommates I suppose we need to get used to one another's habits."

"I agree."

"My stepdad is a tattooist. He has his own parlor. I was stupid enough to let him get my pants off. Not sexually, just for the tattoo. I wanted something crazy and we decided on that."

"No offense, but I bet he got as hard as I am right now."

"Shut up." She laughs, "Yeah, he did. He's been wanting to pierce my clit too."

"No shit?"

"Yeah, but that's a bit much letting him get that close." She was fire red.

"I can picture it that's good enough for me."

"Great! Now you're picturing me naked."

"Truth? I stripped you nude in my mind when you first showed up at my front door."

"I figured as much. Hurry up already."

"I told you it's not easy when the sweats are tight."

"Who wears tight sweats?"

"I work out Heidi. Old sweats don't shrink to accommodate new muscle."

"Dammit! Pull them down." She totally turns her back to him this time. Smirking devilishly he just took the sweats completely off and tossed them over her head. She busted up laughing and ripped them from her scalp. "Fuck you Tom." She poises a finger over her shoulder flipping him off, "Not an offer."

"Now I've got room to work."

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this."

"Me neither. Thanks though." His rhythm was stepping up, knuckles racing to get the job done. "Fuck this feels good."

"You don't have to vocalize it." She laughs.

"My side of the apartment. My rules." He chuckled, "It's nice and purple right now." He tormented her. "So earlier today...?"

"What about it?"

"You mentioned having bad habits. Sleepwalking and all."

"Yeah! I never know when that shit happens. Everyone has caught me at one time or another. Mom found me in the kitchen holding the refrigerator door open at 4 A.M. Kayla came home from a date last year and found me in my bra and panties in the hallway. Luckily nobody in the complex caught me. When I was younger...not saying my age I...better quit while I'm ahead."

"Tell me." He moaned a bit, she could hear how gruff his hand was being.

"Mom was at work. Kayla and Pete were asleep. Pete's my stepdad. He woke up to go to the restroom and found me naked in his bedroom at the foot of his bed. Just standing there all stalker crazy like. I didn't know what I was doing at all. He took me back to my own bed."

"Sure he didn't paw you up before that?"

"I hope not." She sighed. "Getting close Tom?"

"Feeling the build up. Gonna be noisy when I unload."

"I'm loud too. Don't panic if you get woke up from hearing me scream."

"Looking forward to it."

"SHUT UP!" She shook her head laughing, holding her palms over her face.

"You mind passing me some of those napkins on the coffee table? Gonna be really messy."

Hesitantly, she lowers her hands and eyes the coffee table with her peripheral vision. Standing up she backed toward the table, brushing up against his leg. She shivered at the proximity but found the napkins and reached behind her to hand them to him.

"Thanks." He breaths heavily, huffing and groaning a bit. She sat down again but this time closed her eyes and faced him. Not once did she peek. Feeling mischievous she blindly reached out and rubbed his leg. Her touch made him crease a brow.

"Don't read into it Tom. Just offering inspiration."

"Little more to your right." He laughed and moaned at the same time. She actually moved a bit higher up his thigh just for the hell of it. The vibrations over his flesh made her tremble. "Little more."

"Come on Tom. I'm not going any further than this." She slips her knuckles inwardly on his thigh slightly until she feels his balls crush over her fingers. "SHIT!" She squeezes her eyes even tighter and doesn't move. "Not what I had planned Tom."

He pants heavily and she feels his strength increasing, rapid thrusts of his fist pumping up and down gave her goosebumps. Each time his hand came crashing down his ball sack tightened over two fingers. She bit her lip at the sensations.

"So close." He mumbles as she couldn't handle it any further, removing her hand she again turns her back to him just as he nuts really hard, cum shooting high, falling over his lap and her hand. Deafening grunts made her tense up. Without a word Heidi Baker stands up and shuffles away to her bedroom, he did notice she didn't wipe her hand off. Zach finishes his guttural exhaustion then calls out, "Heidi?"

"Goodnight Tom."

"Are you okay?"

"I will be." He hears her soft reply.

Cleaning himself off with the napkins he stands to stretch, then retrieve his sweatpants. Pulling them on he discards his napkins in the trash and washes his hands at the kitchen sink. Worried, he lingers just long enough to put their leftover Chinese food in the fridge. From there he steps into the hallway, realizing her bedroom door was wide open, but her room was smothered in pitch black darkness.

"Did I upset you? If so, I'm really sorry." He stands in her doorway, barely visible to her in the living room light that was still on.

"No." She sobs making his heart sink, "What's wrong then?"

Silence for two minutes led him to shut the living room light out and head to his room in the darkness. At his door something stops him, and he listens intently. Buzzing noises brightened his eyes. She was using her vibrator. It was obvious that he had turned her on enough to isolate herself and take care of her own needs. Still, her door was wide open. Was that a hint? Surely not.

"Night Heidi." He called out.



"Stand guard at my door. New place and all."

"Afraid of that cookie monster?"

"Yes." Light moans follow her affirmation.

"I'll be right here until you fall asleep."


"No more lies."


"Still here."

"I'm...glad you lied to me."

"To get you to move in?"

"Yes." More moans.

"Not too late to hit up ole' Herman?"

"Noooooooooo!" She squeals a bit.

"Maybe he's the cookie monster."

"Save me."

"Pussy feeling good?"

"God yes."

"Need that flower watered?"

"Nooooooooo!" She lets out a laugh.

"Why didn't you close your bedroom door?"

"Establishing a trust."

"Barrier is this threshold."

"Thanks Old Man."

"An old guy that got you worked up." He chuckled.


"Again, still here."

"Can I totally trust you?"

"Depends on what we're talking about."

"I want us to be really good friends...without...going too far."

"As in all the way?"


"Just...really close?"

"Maybe. Can we agree not to take things all the way?"

He puffs his cheeks imagining just that, going all the way with this cute little blond bombshell. Taking time to think about this she moans even harder. Light squeals escape her throat. The more he ignored giving her an answer the more she moaned. What was this about?

"Can we agree Tom?"

"Still thinking."

"TOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!" She stretches out her whimpering.

"Taking my sweats back off."

"Why?" She pauses.

"Standing guard with my dick in my hand."

She wiggles all over her bedding as her toy destroys her G-spot. In seconds she squirts all around her vibrator before crying out, "Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes."


"Yeah?" She pants

"You make my dick really hard."

"Already knew that."

"You want nothing but honesty out of me right?"

"Yes. Lies only make things difficult on everyone."

"My dick will always be hard as long as you live here."

"Your home too. I can't stop that."

"Sooner or later you're going to see me jack off, looking right at it."

She goes quiet as her buzzing stops. As if resorting to his earlier thoughts she remains quiet, listening to him groan under his breath. Finally she opens back up.

"I guess you really are a perv."

"Want that check back?"


"Can you accept watching me jack off?"

"Can my sister watch?" She laughs.


"Can we reach that goal slowly? I'm open, but not on our first day. It was close enough as it was. You...shot jizz on my hand."

"I'm fine by that. The slow part, sorry I shot you. Just informing you I don't want to hide it."

"As long as that's as far as you go."

"I can deal with that. It's...been awhile since...well, anything." Not totally true.

"Can you live with seeing me in my undies every day?"

"Do you really need to ask that?" He chuckles yet again, this time rolling his eyes. "Truth?"


"Go naked."

"Once I fully trust you I can."

"Test me."

"What do you mean?"

"Test my trustworthiness."



"Ummm! Okay. Take three steps into my room."

He takes his three strides forward into the unknown. He had a rough recollection of where her bedding was laid out. If she was on it then he was less than three feet from her. "I'm in."

"So are my fingers." She sighed, "Let's masturbate together in the dark. I trust you not to go further than you are right now."

"Fair enough."

"FAR ENOUGH." She laughed.

"That too. I liked your tongue on my cock earlier."

"Your sweats, not your cock."

"Might as well have been. I felt your tongue."

"I felt your fucking cock too. Shut up Old Man."

"Honesty out of you too, right?"


"You had fun doing that didn't you?"

"Chasing the noodle? Yeeeeeaaaaaaah! Can you just zip it and moan with me?"

"Might shoot cum on you." He grins.

"You did that earlier. Try not to."

"Are you under your blanket?"

"Nope. Right on top."



"Dammmmmn! How close to me are you?"

She extends her left foot and rubs her toes over his shin. "That close I guess."

"Ohhhh fuck! That just sent the blood to my crown."

"Cum for me Tom."

"Cum for me Dove."

It became a duel of moans, he hearing squishy noises of a really wet pussy, she thriving on his grunts and verbal caresses. Minutes pass before Heidi squirts a second round and begins convulsing on her sheet. As she let her hands roam her body in ecstasy, Zach detonates a massive round of jizz, firing blindly.

"SHIT!" She exhales, "You got me."

"More to cum gorgeous." He hits another cylinder of liquid heat. Droplets pelting her chest in the darkness.

"STOOOOOOP!" She laughs, "That's soooo wrong. Go to bed."

"Fuck that was amazing."

"I have to work in the morning. Setting my cell alarm, but if I don't get up by 7:00 wake me up. I'm going to be dressed so don't get any ideas."

"I meant what I said. You can trust me, but I might walk naked in front of you."

"Can I sleep now?"

"Sure. Night Dove."

"Night Grampa."

Shaking his head Zach Pedigo went to his bedroom, but like her left his door open. Maybe she might sleepwalk into his room and climb in bed with him, he thought hopefully. As he settled into bed fondling himself still, he heard that annoying buzz again.

"Looks like she's as turned on by me, as I am of her. She's going to come around to me, I just know it. I'll be patient."

One last round of shrill whines Heidi Baker falls silent, as does her vibrator. Exhausted she had forgotten that she was still wearing Zach's cum. Truth be known, Heidi Baker loved cum on her flesh. A fetish for another time. Yep! She didn't lie. Snored like a freight train on uneven tracks.

"I'll show her Old Man."

Fantasy worn off for one night, Zach joined her in slumber. From his room, not hers.

Amtrak trains passing one another in the night.


Coming soon : Be My Guest 2 : paRENTAL advisory

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
xavierwxavierwover 1 year ago

Excellent storyline, character development, and you really brought the heat to the controlled environment. PLEASE say there’s another chapter coming!


catamitecatamiteover 2 years ago

Best wishes and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones also. Regards C

SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

You're quite welcome Catamite. I'll be sinking my teeth into some new chapters of this series in January and February. With any luck I can write a good ten chapters in a row. Fingers crossed mind you. LOL! I just wrote 20 episodes in a row on my COUGAR HOUSE series to release monthly for a good 2 years without fail. My strategy board often deviates but I always circle back. Whether this series goes monthly like Cougar remains to be seen with what I get written these next two months. I'm trying hard to create a healthy stockpile of stories. Not only do I have enough for COUGAR to last 2 years, the same can be said of my soap opera porn STARTING FROM SCRATCH and my BDSM series MIDNIGHT. I'd love nothing more than to be able to add BE MY GUEST, PAIGE, and a few others to that monthly, or at worst bi-monthly roster. We shall see.

God bless and happy holidays Catamite. Thank you for the praise.


catamitecatamiteover 2 years ago

OMG! The absolute BEST. I loved the premise from the first paragraph. This one goes straight into my favorites list. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us....

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor
Thanks Rob

This series is one of my favorites to write. Lots of plans over the next two years so I hope you can stick around my friend. I'll be working on Chapter 20 : BUCKLE DOWN in January for either a late January or early February release. I'm trying for Bi-Monthly releases but life gets in the way sometimes.

Thanks again for becoming a fan.


GoofyRobGoofyRobover 3 years ago

Excellent writing. Excellent stroy. Good lead in and build up. Really good story

SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor
Only get sexier

I appreciate the compliments there Anonymous. The chemistry between Heidi and Zach gets insane yet dials back, then gets more insane. LOL! As you read each chapter you will witness the effect they have on one another's evolution. Weaknesses become strengths, strengths become weaknesses. Nothing is sacred in the end but a friendship.

The new chapter MAN UP will release this week, just need to go back over it and touch it up some.

Thanks for being a fan


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great sexy playful teasing fun!

Most fun I have had reading in a long time!

Loving their interplay... and foreshadowing.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks Sandman

Hope you enjoy the rest...plenty more to come, I finished Chapter 14 yesterday, should complete 15 today, 16 is already written. Might stop there til after the New Year to devote time to other series then jump back on the bandwagon around January. Try some of my other series if you get time. Let me know your thoughts, good or bad, it all helps.

Thanks again


dirtysandmandirtysandmanover 4 years ago

This series is incredible im hooked on to the next part.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

Chapter 3 : CASUAL sEX coming very soon. Yes the cap lock is a clue to the content. LOL! Thanks Mammoet, I hope you continue to like this series in the future. Like all series of mine there will be twists and turns to keep the series from growing stale.

Please vote for each chapter, it helps to know when I'm appreciated. It also lets me know if I'm going the wrong direction.

Stay in touch my friend.

Zen ( me )

mammoetmammoetover 4 years ago
loved it

now going to read ch.02 asap.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

Glad you liked it Rod. Let me know what you think as the series progresses. Two strong willed individuals with freak tendencies under the same roof will be pretty darn interesting. We'll see just where these two roomies end up together. Both Heidi and Zach will get plenty of action, and both are going to evolve by knowing one another.

Ch. 02 : paRENTAL advisory, will be coming in roughly 2 weeks. Cya there Rod.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the praise. Plenty more coming. Ive written up to Chaptet 10 thus far. Look for the 2nd chapter in a few weeks. Thanks again I hope the series keeps you entertained.

rodryder44rodryder44over 4 years ago

Love the bantering back and forth.

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