Beauty and the Beast Pt. 02


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"I... I'm not so sure either. Vampires can't breed amongst themselves, but Lycans can. Though, I've never gotten a human pregnant either. I'm not sure, but would that be so bad?"

The wet feeling in my panties thinking about Droan breeding me had to stop... "Yes... And no... It would be nice to have children. But there's going to be Lycans who won't like us being together as it is. If I'm pregnant as well, that will just make things worse."

Droan just nodded solemnly, "I can see how that will be a problem. Is your pack really that likely to turn on you?"

I smiled, "no, not my core group. Dan is my second, he's like a brother to me. In case you're wondering he's also gay." I appreciated his uncaring shrug. "Most of my fighters are loyal to a fault. The rest are neither here nor there. As you found the other night. Those were just the nearest to respond to a summons."


I was feeling better about the whole situation now. She was definitely the alpha of the city. The vampires were a rogue element on their own. And I had this gorgeous creature, for lack of a better term, madly in love with me. If things got weird later, I could still leave. I still had my money, contacts, and plane here. But maybe... Maybe it was time to stop roaming for a while... Who knows... She certainly was easy on the eyes... I was definitely attracted to her. Hell, if I wasn't mistaken, I could hear the squelch from between her thighs as we walked. If she were human she'd be chafed. But for now, someone was waiting up ahead.

"Is that one of yours?" I asked.

"No," she said softly, "all my people were ordered to keep away. They'd have to be stupid to show up like this."

"So either a vampire or a human then."

Ella just nodded, "what do you want to do?"

"Let's just play this out," I smiled.

Continuing like nothing was wrong, we were slowly approaching the man. As we came within a few meters, he stood and walked out in front of us.

"Oi, you, little girl. Fuck off, I've got business with your big sister here."

I felt her tense on my arm a moment and gently patted her hand. lowering Ella's hand from my arm, I stepped closer to the, now obvious vampire. "And what sort of business would you have with me, hmmm?"

The soft thud of a second vampire landing behind Ella told me it was more than a little business. In the blink of an eye, I drove my fist into the centre of the vampire's chest. Watching him fly backwards several metres, I turned and winked at Ella as I strode towards the dark spot where he had been waiting for us. Just as the footsteps of his colleague caught up with me, I vanished into the shadows. This was something I'd perfected centuries before I'd ever made my first vampire. I still had a presence, but it was like my body became corporeal. I still answered to the same laws of physics, except I was capable of leaping short distances to hide in other shadows. So long as they were large enough to hide me.

Examining my foe, the one who missed me was staring in shock in my general direction. The one I punched was getting up off the ground. Ella was standing here with her mouth open. Leaning out of the darkness, I brought my lips close to her ear. Kissing the side of her neck softly, I whispered, "watch."

Then with a laugh, I blended with the shadows once more. The two vampires only saw me for the briefest moment before I was gone again. The one I punched was staring in horror where I vanished, the other stormed towards Ella.

"What the fuck is going on!" he growled.

Ella just cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "You might wanna back off. I'm the one who set the bounty. Trust me, you don't want to fuck with the Lycans over this."

"Fuck the Lycans, what's some dog bitch gonna do about-"

My arm appeared in an instant. Heaving him against the wall. With the claws of my left hand, I drove my fingers into his eyes. The claws of my right gripped his throat. With a sharp yank, I brutally severed his head. The flash of orange sparks, signifying his death, illuminated me in orange light. The second vampire, stopped cold, seeing my smile just as the darkness took me again.

I watched as he turned and fled. Leaping towards the fleeing man into the shadow of a nearby tree, that brought me close enough to leap to the shadow of a nearby parked car. As the vampire fled towards me, I reached out and snagged his ankle, dragging him to the ground. Heaving his body under the car, he shrieked in terror as all he could see was my outstretched arm disappear into shadow. Though he could no longer see me, he could still feel the iron grip I had on his leg. Continuing to drag his body under the car, I decided it was time to send my message. Appearing out of the shadow, I crawled atop the terrified vampire.

"I'm not like you. I was never like you and I will never be like you. Starting a fight with me will end very badly for everyone, in particular, your coven. Because if you somehow manage to kill me, you'll still be fighting the alpha."

Pointing upwards Ella was standing just above his range of view. But she made the effort to growl cutely at him. It didn't matter whether or not he knew who she was, he'd find out after reporting in, to the coven.

"If ever I see you again, it will be the moment I tear your head from your body," I whispered softly. "Now, go tell your master a neutral element is in town. Emphasis on neutral."

Climbing off the man, I quickly dusted myself off. The whole time, listening to the footsteps of the terrified vampire.

"I'm not even going to bother asking how you did that," Ella said, holding up her hand.

I just smiled and took it in the crook of my arm. Turning to continue our walk, I smiled. "This old dog still has some tricks."

Funnily enough, we were only a block from Ella's hotel, so we walked quickly. It was not a good time to be on the streets, apparently.


I was still a little shocked at what I had seen. Droan... He literally just vanished into the darkness like some kind of wraith. Only to appear out from under a car dozens of meters away and bring down that vampire... I desperately wanted to get him back to the hotel... I needed something inside me... Which was strange... As an alpha, I'd always been the one in charge. But here, now, with my mate. I don't think I could deny him anything. At least not as far as my body went. As much as I wanted to wait, if he tried to breed me... I couldn't be sure, but I'm pretty sure I might come so hard I'd die. Just the thought of it made me tingle.

So it was a good thing we finally made it to the front doors. "Wait a moment, I need my card."

Before I could rummage it out of whatever pocket I'd left it, Droan produced the one Dan gave him. Holding it up to the sensor, the door beeped and the lock retracted.

"Shall we?" He said, holding the door open for me.

I just smiled and went inside. If he didn't fuck me as soon as we got to my floor, I was going to fuck him... The reception at this time of night was empty. There wouldn't be anyone here unless they were expecting guests. There were no walk-ins... Ever... Leading Droan past the main elevators around the corner. There was my private elevator. This time I had my card out and swiped at it impatiently. I swore I heard a small chuckle, but when I looked at Droan he was fiddling with his collar in the reflection of the steel doors. A moment later, they opened and I lead Droan inside. There wasn't any button to push, the elevator only had a single stop.

A couple of minutes later the doors opened into my foyer. I grabbed Droan's hand and stormed inside. Immediately in front was the lounge. Reaching up, I grabbed my panties and practically threw them at the floor, before bending over the couch.

"Tsk tsk, this isn't right at all," Droan said behind me.

Spinning around, I was desperate enough I was considering tackling him and taking his cock by force. But seeing his expression, I stood and waited to hear what he said.

"As I remember, you used me to make a crater in a wall. I was in the process of returning the favour, when we were interrupted."

I thought back to that first time and felt my pussy throbbing at the thought. A sudden flash of movement caught my eye, but not before I was slammed into the nearby wall. I was being held by the neck a foot off the ground by my mate. He was just standing there, with an amused gleam in his eye.

"Now, you can still breathe, correct?" I nodded. "And you're sure about me being your mate," I nodded again. "And you're absolutely desperate for a good fucking, even though you had one just a couple hours ago."

This time, I reached between my legs and rubbed my fingers through my own juices. Bringing them to my mouth, I sucked my fingers clean. I moaned at my own flavour and closed my eyes. Which was the exact moment I felt his cock slide into me. The moment my weight was settled on his hips, he released my throat and firmly kissed me against the wall. It was all it took for me to slam right through my first orgasm. Only, he didn't stop to let me enjoy it, he just kept thrusting. Harder and harder until I was screaming into his mouth. After a few minutes of this agonizing ecstasy, he finally relented and slowed to a stop. I just panted and clung to him. It didn't even occur to me I had to peel myself out of a small crater to do so.

Now he slowly pushed in and out of me in long strokes. Every time he bottomed out, he made sure to push his pubic bone against me to stimulate my clitoris. Leaning towards my neck, he kissed me twice before whispering, "you just want to bred, like a common bitch in heat."

I couldn't help the moan that escaped, "Yes, please yes," I begged while nodding furiously.

Droan just smiled, before kissing me gently. "Maybe next time then."

Pulling his cock free of my pussy, I gasped. But when I felt the head of his cock brush my ass, I bit my lip and nodded again. Just like last time, he was slow but firm. The only discomfort I felt the second time, was as his cock pushed past the ring of muscle at the entrance. Once inside me, I came even before he started pushing his full length inside. I was only vaguely aware of my surroundings now. The feelings shooting through my body felt like they were turned up to eleven as he pummeled my ass. My world was a singular rolling orgasm. As I felt him suddenly still, I rocked my hips, wanting to give him the same pleasure he gave me, as his hot seed filled my ass.

I was still rocking my hips as hot water cascaded down my back. Snapping open my eyes, he was staring at me with what I could only describe as love. He'd carried me into the shower without a single word of complaint. Unwrapping my legs from his waist, I lifted myself off his cock and settled on my feet.

The shower was long and hot, as we scrubbed ourselves and each other clean. Climbing out, we dried ourselves and I lead Droan to the bedroom. Curling up on the bed, Droan climbed in beside me. I had only the faintest tinge of sadness, before his arms wrapped around me and pulled me tightly against his chest. Only moments later I heard his soft snore, and I followed soon after.


I sat on my throne, staring at the poor excuse for a vampire before me. He'd come running into the coven screaming about demons or some nonsense. If not for the fact he was on the search team for the alpha's pet vampire, I'd have thrown him out.

"Yes, that description does indeed sound like the alpha. He didn't mention his name though, did he?" I said with a charming smile.

"N-no, my Lord Master Basule. He just wanted me to come back and tell you he was neutral and starting a fight would be bad," the young vampire said quickly.

I sat back against my chair, "did he now?"

Flicking my wrist in dismissal, the young vampire stood and practically fled the room. It seems I had misunderestimated this... newcomer... Perhaps the alpha could be persuaded in allowing a visit. With a weary sigh, I climbed to my feet. It had been a long evening and I was looking forward to a meal before I bedded down for the day. I strode silently into the bedchamber. There she was, in her twenties, she was a little older than I preferred. She was a homeless girl. One of my men picked her up a few hours ago after she missed curfew for the shelter she was staying at. Now, she was scrubbed clean and hanging limply from chains anchored to the ceiling. Unfortunately, it seemed she had sullied her flesh with a few piercings... I had no idea why humans would do such disgusting things and it was strictly forbidden in my coven. But... It wouldn't affect the taste. Reaching up, I grabbed the back of her head and yanked her eyes level with my own.

Her eyes, big and green snapped open wide with terror. "Hello my dear," I smiled.

"Please... Please let me go. I won't tell anyone, I promise." She started crying, "p-please!"

"Uhh..." I hated the ones that cried. I preferred it when they screamed.

Yanking her head violently to one side, I slammed my fangs into the delicate flesh of her neck. Twisting my teeth in the wound to tear open the holes, I finally heard her scream. Pulling back, I made sure to laugh at her feeble attempt to escape me as she shook violently from side to side. Grabbing her by the jaw, I pulled her head to one side and listened to that sweet sound once more. This time I didn't release until she finally went limp in the chains... It was a satisfying meal in the end.

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TheNienburgerTheNienburgerabout 2 months ago

Die Geschichte gefällt mir, ich denke du solltest sie fortsetzen, die hat Potential

Mizdrgn28Mizdrgn288 months ago

Any chance you’ve written more of this story on your Patreon page????? I would definitely pay to see more chapters! Loved it so far! 😊

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You are a wonderful writer but not finishing your stories is very frustrating for me.

mharrisonmharrisonover 1 year ago

Great story but needs finishing please - been far too long!!!

Your work is really good and i understand that sometimes a story just doesn't all appear fully to writers and takes time to make it's way to paper / pc but having nothing new since 2019 is getting rather too long....

If you have any intention of finishing it please do :)

LevindlLevindlover 1 year ago

I truly enjoy your stories, but I am getting very tired of the majority of them being only partially completed.

It is as if you have ADD and you say “oh, look! Something shiny!” When you go onto your next project, leaving with this story and many others incomplete.

Could you please stick to one story and complete it then move onto your next, so we are not left hanging with so many stories that are halfway done?

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. Not crazy about the very ending UNLESS there are follow-up chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Aw. Come on.

One can hope you'll come back to this story.

Probably just a forlorn hope. :/

Aspie007Aspie007almost 2 years ago

Love the story, but unfortunately I have to give it 3* due to it being incomplete

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 years ago

Dammitall! I need the rest of this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What do I think? I think it pisses me off to find a well written story only to find out it's not complete. 5 stars minus 3 for pissing me off.

Cree Galt

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