Beauty Has No Sex

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I met my college professor for dinner and allowed him to seduce me.
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I met my college professor for dinner and allowed him to seduce me.

During my freshman year in college I took a Renaissance Art History class. The professor was a very interesting guy who presented the material in a way that really brought the art to life. He was also very approachable and friendly. I remember visiting him in his office, talking first about the course, and later after repeated visits, we would talk about many other things. He would ask me what was going on with my life on campus. He showed a sincere interest in me.

One time I remember him asking me if I had a girlfriend. I had been going out with someone at the start of the semester but not anymore and I made an offhand comment that things had changed. I simply left it at that. He didn't say anything more about it. Several days later I got a phone call from him at the fraternity I was a member of. He had left a message. Whoever took the message wrote the wrong name down, so when I returned the call I wasn't sure who I was calling. When he clarified he was my art history professor, well, I was surprised at first. Wondering why he would, be calling me?

He said is wanted to invite me over for dinner. Here I was, a naïve 19-year-old, not really giving it much thought. I was curious. He was a cool guy. So, I told him sure.

He lived in a part of town that had these really cool older Victorian homes; large and pricy.

When I arrived, I remember sitting with him on his living room couch. We were just talking about his class and and other normal things on campus when all of a sudden he reached over and placed his hand on my thigh. I remember being surprised and jumped up, not sure what was going on. When he invited me to dinner I thought he was just being nice and wanted to get to know me better. I really didn't think this through at all. Obviously.

After the initial shock, he was being really nice and continued talking to me, calming me down. I sat down again, and he then said the strangest thing to me, catching me off guard.

He said, "beauty has no sex."

I heard what he said.

It stopped me in my tracks. What an unusual and interesting thing to say. He continued to talk but I really wasn't listening to what he was saying. I was trying to process this strange and curious comment. I realized he was giving me a compliment. He was sincere and simply expressing his opinion. After all, he "was" an art history professor, so he must know what he is talking about, right?

Did I say I was pretty naive at this time.

Anyway, as I was trying to process this, I was in kind of in a daze, listening to him but not really hearing what he was saying. I also noticed that his calming voice and friendly nature was reassuring and non-threatening. Then I heard him repeat to me what I had said in his office the other day about "things had changed" when he asked me if I had a girlfriend.

It finally sunk in. He mistook what I meant. Oh, well.

Then I looked at him and still not really hearing what he was saying I became curious. All these things were running through my mind. I was thinking back to all those conversations we had in his office. I began to see where he must have thought I was coming on to him, with my repeated visits and our friendly conversations. Nothing had really changed. I liked the guy. I liked talking to him. He was interesting and funny and made me laugh as well as think.

The more I thought about it the more curious I became.

He must have noticed this. He stopped talking. He smiled and asked if we were still ok?

I told him that we were still ok and that he had just taken me by surprise.

He placed his hand on my thigh again.

This time I didn't jump up.

I looked down at his hand.

I looked up at his eyes.

I let him leave his hand on my thigh.

Beauty has no sex, I thought.

He sensed the shift in my demeanor.

He leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

I was still processing the "beauty has no sex" comment, and now a kiss?

That sent a shiver down my spine.

I closed my eyes. He took this as an encouraging sign. I took a deep breath. He kissed me again, still gently, but this time a little longer...

I had never been kissed by a guy before. It was pretty arousing. I was still processing all of this but also just going along with the flow. Still curious and now something else. His hand on my thigh. His kiss on my lips. I felt a stirring in my groin. I was actually getting turned on my this. I mean I was getting hard and I wondered if he noticed.

He obviously had. He moved his hand up my thigh so that his fingers were just touching the tip of my cock through my jeans. My eyes were still closed as I allowed him to continue to kiss me on the lips.

I returned his kiss.

He touched my lips with his tongue. Just a little. Teasing, testing, exploring a little bit at a time. He was being very gentle and allowing me to adjust... to what was happening. Our bodies had shifted a little so that we were partially facing each other on the couch.

He pulled back from his kiss. I opened my eyes. He smiled. He leaned in and kissed me again. This time I was more of an eager participant. This was really turning me on. Being kissed by a man who thought I was, well, beautiful. He must know what he is talking about, after all he is an art history professor.

The kissing became more passionate. I was letting him take the lead. I was following, compliant, submissive. I really didn't think about any of this, it was just how I was reacting to the situation. It seemed like the natural thing for me to do.

He moved his hand from my leg up under my shirt. The feeling of his cool fingers on my warm stomach sent a little shiver up my spine.

I liked it.

He noticed this.

While he continued kissing me he began exploring my stomach and chest with his hand. He finally pulled away again and simply lifted my shirt up over my head. Using both hands, slowly lifting my shirt, letting his hands linger along my skin. I willingly let him.

I was 19. He was probably more than twice my age. I was also in very good shape. I had a slender, swimmers build. Slim, taught, sinewy muscles. He noticed this. He also noticed my growing excitement below the waist. He was driving the show. I was simply on auto pilot; I was following his lead.

He looked at my bare chest. My tight, well defined but not large muscles. I could see something in his eyes when I did look and was pleased with what I saw, knowing that he was as well. I closed my eyes again as he let his hands roam over my bare skin. Exploring, touching, pinching. He leaned in and kissed my nipples.

Wow. This sent another shiver up my spine. I felt my nipples become hard and oh, so sensitive. He flicked them with his tongue. He kissed them. He even sucked on them, while I just laid back and allowed him to play with my naked torso.

I was feeling very relaxed, very excited, very aroused. My nipples were hard as pencil erasers, my cock was straining in my pants, I was beginning to breathe a little faster, there was a slight sheen on my skin.

He took this all in. I could tell he was enjoying what he was seeing and doing with me.

He paused for a moment.

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

He told me to stand up.

I complied.

He reached over and unbuckled my belt, looked up at me and told me to remove my pants.

It was as if I was in a trance. I wasn't, or at least I didn't think I was. It was more like I was on autopilot. Or maybe it was remote control.

I lowered my pants, realized my shoes were still on so I used the toe of one foot to ease the sneaker off of the other and did the same with the other foot. Then I reached down, picked up my pants, folded them and placed them on the arm of the couch.

I gave a shy shrug and smiled.

He looked at my underwear, then up at my eyes. Without having to say anything, I knew what he wanted and lowered my shorts, this time just flicking them up, so they landed on my pants.

I really didn't feel embarrassed. I knew I had a very hot body. I could see the appreciation in his expression. It was more than just lust or excitement on his part. It really felt like he was appreciating the human form, the simple beauty of the naked body.

Beauty has no sex.

I was still on autopilot, but it also felt like I was in total control of the situation. I had the feeling that he not only appreciated my body, the human form, but that he also respected me, not as an object to be desired but as an extension of himself, of his being. It felt like we were in a transcendental state. We were more than just two separate individuals. At this moment in time, it was as if we were somehow merging into one existence.

It was a pretty strange experience. One that I had never had before or after.

I was standing in the living room of my college art history professor's house.

I was naked.

I was curious.

I was aroused.

I was waiting.

I was willing.

He was totally engaged. We both were.

I could also see he was as physically aroused as I was. The only difference was that I was stark naked, standing in front of him, while he was fully clothed, gazing at me while sitting on the couch. He was appraising the situation, appreciating the art form, taking it/me all in with his gaze.

He moved forward to the edge of the couch. He got down on his knees. He reached his hands around my ass cheeks and pulled me in closer to him. I could feel his breath on my skin, on my cock. He leaned in and kissed the tip of my cock. He flicked his tongue and licked the tip of my cock. My very erect, hard, cock. This sent yet another shiver up my spine. My skin was tingling. My cock was twitching. There was a sheen of sweat on my brow. My body was tense with anticipation. I had never been in a situation like this before. I was transfixed.

He opened his mouth. He leaned in more, and ever so slowly engulfed my cock. Moving it inside his mouth. He pulled back and repeated the process. Sucking my cock inside his mouth. Moving back and forth. Slowly, taking his time.

Back and forth.

His mouth.

My cock.

My eyes were still closed. My head tilted back. My mouth was open. My breathing was becoming more rapid.

His mouth was moist and warm.

My cock was hard and pulsing.

In and out.

I felt his nose up against my stomach.

I glanced down. He had my entire cock deep inside his mouth and snaking down his throat.

My knees were becoming weak.

I placed my hands on his head for support.

He held me deep in his throat for a few moments. Pulled back so that just the tip of my pulsing cock was at his lips. He moved in again, sucking me deep into his throat. He made some motions with his throat. It was if he was massaging my cock with this throat. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

He noted this by the grip of my hands on his head, my shifting breathing, my cock swelling in size... he held me in place with his hands on my ass cheeks. Holding me tight.

I started to spasm. My body started to make convulsive movements. I started to shoot cum into my college professor's mouth and throat. He continued to suck and now swallow everything I was giving him. And that was a lot. I don't think I have ever ejaculated more in my life.

I let go.

I let out a long breath.

My spent cock slipped out of his mouth.

I collapsed onto the floor.

I was in a daze.

I had never been so high in my life. Not on any drug, alcohol or stimulant, just on the pure pleasure of sexual release.

Beauty has no sex.

I don't recall exactly what happened next. I know there was some movement. I was looking at the ceiling and noticed things in the room I was not aware of before. Then I realized there was a pillow under my head. I was still lying naked on the living room rug. There was also a pillow or two under my back. My hips were raised up into the air. My arms and legs were splayed out.

I was letting him take the lead again. I was following, compliant, submissive. I really didn't think about any of this, it was just how I was reacting to the situation. It seemed like the natural thing for me to do. Just going with the flow,.

I then noticed that my college professor was also naked. He was standing over me. Looking down on me. An appreciative smile on his face. For some reason I felt totally at ease and comforted by his kind, appreciative gaze. I also noted that he had a very large cock. Larger than mine, and I was no slouch. And it was as hard as mine was a short while ago. I also noted that my cock was now responding again. When you are 19, it really doesn't take long to get hard again and to also have more than one organism in a short period of time as I was about to find out.

We hadn't spoken too much during the last period of time. That didn't change. We really didn't need to say anything. It had already been said and assumed. We were on the same wavelength.

He knelt down.

He raised my legs up.

Then he did something totally unexpected. I mean I really didn't know what to expect but I had some idea of what was about to happen. I was "all in" at this point.

What he did was place my big toe inside his mouth.

He started to gently suck on it. Just a slow, sensual sucking that just about blew my mind. I mean that was the last thing I would have expected him to do in this situation. Me lying naked on my back, in the middle of his living room, with a pillow under my hips and my legs raised up in the air, and a raging hardon.

Totally open.

Totally willing.

Totally submissive.

I don't know if I was ready, but I was totally willing...

And then here he was sucking on my big toe. That really turned me on. I mean, almost as much as having him suck my cock for the first time. And by the way, that was the very first time someone had ever sucked my cock. There were a lot of firsts for me this evening. And the evening was far from being over.

After the pleasant surprise of having by toe sucked on, my college professor placed my legs on his shoulders and moved his hands down my legs and started to massage my ass cheeks. My small, firm ass cheeks. He had some lotion or lubricant; I wasn't sure what it was other than it felt cool when he poured some on my ass crack and let it dribble down onto my puckered asshole. He rubbed some on his hands and fingers and proceeded to knead my bottom and massage around my little opening.

He began to play with my ass like he first did with my stomach and chest. He added more lubricant as he slowly inserted his finger into my butt. I have to say that I have played with myself before, so this was not totally new to me. The only difference was that someone else had their finger in my ass and not me. He gently probed and pushed and played as he fingered me. He was taking his time opening me up and getting me prepared for what was to come. I knew what that was but since I had never been fucked before I had little clue what to expect.

I was just going along with the flow. On autopilot. Trying to relax, be compliant, open, and submissive. Letting him take control and guide me. I was now rock-hard again. My cock was at total attention. He was stiff and firm. I noticed he was throbbing a little bit.

This massaging, fingering, probing, and playing went on for a long time. He was lulling me into that trance state again. My eyes were closed, I was breathing, I was starting to sweat a little again. I was feeling relaxed and loosened up.

Without me even being aware of what he was doing, he had placed the tip of his very hard cock at my entrance and before I even knew what he was doing he had pushed himself inside me.

I opened my eyes and at the same time, I let out a gasp.

He was looking at me with that kind, knowing smile on his face.

Our eyes locked.

My legs were on his shoulders.

His hands were on my elevated hips.

His cock was inside me.

Still watching each other, he started to slowly move his cock in and out. I could feel myself opening up to him. I could feel the friction. I could feel the lubricant. I could feel the pulsing.

I was clenching my ass muscles, not on purpose but just because of the stimulation. He let out a soft moan indicating that was a very nice move on my part.

He continued to slowly push in and out. His cock was slicked up and easily sliding inside my very tight asshole.

In and out.

In and out.

Going deeper and deeper.

Gradually picking up the pace.

Long, smooth strokes. His cock sliding inside me, backing out and going even deeper inside me. It was like no experience I had ever had before. I mean the toe sucking was surprising and erotic, but this was sensual in a way that is hard to describe. I felt him rubbing against my prostate and felt my cock stiffen even more than before. I was starting to pant. I was moving my hips in unison with his thrusts. He was moving at a faster pace now. Building up momentum. I was matching him, stroke for stroke with my hips. I was now moaning, panting, sweating. My hands were digging into the carpet.

I started to buck.

He started to grunt.

I let out an oofffff.

He started to slam inside me. His pelvis was slapping against mine. We were both making small, animalistic noises. In and out, slam, bang, grunt, moan...

He stiffened. My cock began to shoot cum onto my stomach, my chest, some even reaching my face and lips. His cock began shooting loads of sperm inside me. Pumping, cumming, grunting, panting. Over and over and over.

Time seemed to stand still.

He lowered my legs and collapsed onto my naked, sweating, cum soaked body.

He just laid there on top of me, both of us panting.

He leaned in and kissed me on the mouth, tasting the cum that I had shot onto my mouth. Breaking the kiss to lick his lips and leaning back in for an even deeper kiss. Out tongues meeting and joining in the coupling.

I was thinking, "Beauty has no sex."

I don't even recall if we had dinner.

I ended up spending the night with him.

Letting him fuck me again during the night and again in the morning.

I even sucked his cock -- another first for me.

He even fucked me in the shower.

The rest of that semester I spent a lot more time in my professor's locked office.

And we had many more "dinners" together.

Beauty has no sex!

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Stories like this make me understand that I must have this…I need to put my aggressive, competitive work persona aside and I just need to totally submit as an experienced gay top forcefully takes me and uses me…

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It was my college fantasy !

BlueEyes1969BlueEyes19699 months ago

So arousing and stimulating! How I wish my first time had been like your narrative portrays. I love the "autopilot" piece that keeps the student submissive and compliant and the skill of the professor!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This happened to me my sophomore year in college. I had heard that my lit prof would give you an A in class if you let him suck your dick! I really needed the grade even though I was apprehensive about doing it. I talked to one of the older frat brothers and he advised me to do it but never tell a sole! Ibttok his advice and asked my prof if there was anything I could do to improve my grade. He got the message and told me to come by his apt next Thursday. I was so nervous, so when he offered me a drink I took it and a couple more. Before long I felt drunk and was less inhibited. He took me to his bed and sucked my dick. I was feeling sleepy from all the booze and rolled on my side in bed and fell asleep. Then I woke up when I felt him putting lube on my ass hole! I said no but he wouldn’t listen! He slid his dick in my ass and began to fuck me! When I got back to the dorm my profs cum was running out of my ass! The next class I was so embarrassed I tried to sit in back to hide. As I was walking out of class. He stopped me and said” I need you to come by my apartment on Thursday. I said I couldn’t to which he said” I thought you wanted to improve your grade”. I said I thought it would only be one time to which he sai “ oh no, that’s not the way it works”. I had a choice, not go and not get the A which would mean I let him suck me and fuck me with no benefit on my grade, or agree to go back. I agreed to go back! My prof fucked my ass every Thursday night the rest of the semester!

Later I found out my older frat brother I asked for advice was in on it! He got an A in class for convincing me and one other younger frat brother to become the prof both boy all semester!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I had a similar experience with a college administrator queer. It was my first time sucking a beautiful big cock and doing 69. Mine was a quick seduction at his apartment but I knew why I was invited there and went willingly. You never forget your first nice suck. I still get hard thinking about it.

Reggie2xxReggie2xx9 months ago

Five stars who’s I was in collage and my professor liked me like that.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very arousing.....brought back fond memories of my first anal experience with a younger, willing participant . My climax was so intense and wonderful as my blood gorged hot penis head continually spurted all my cum up inside him in continuous busts of pleasure. I felt completely drained and satisfied with feelings I will always treasure and remember.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Beautifully written. I had a an experience like this while in boarding school. The teacher was my dorm parent. He taught be the beauty of male sexual experiences. I still remember them to this day. I am married, with children and grandchildren. My wife is good sex partner. However, I am fortunate to live in a university town and have the opportunity to have outstanding sex with young men. I always enjoy the sex with young men, who have so much to offer.

jerseygbjerseygb9 months agoAuthor

Very cool. Tell me more.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very hot! Brought back memories of my HS teacher fucking me,

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Almost makes me want to go back to school!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A classic. Most peoples first same sex events are with older partners

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I met a very intelligent, easy to talk to owner of a coffee shop. He made me feel this way. Desirable. Needy. Delicious.

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer9 months ago

DAYUM!!! The visuals I got while reading this had me hard as a rock.

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