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Of circumstances.
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It all started five years ago. By accident, I had started the village we called "Circumstances" unincorporated. It now had a population of three hundred and forty-nine.

I had lucked out. I had just dumped another trailer load in Texas of brand name bandages that had to be sterilized before being shipped out for sale on the retail market. I had called to say I was clear.

Dispatch gave me a pickup order that would bring me back home two days earlier. Since I carried my dangerous good license, I was one of the few that could do the job. The pickup spot was only a half an hour away. So off I went. Refilling the tanks as I went. As soon as it was loaded, I headed out. The drop-off spot was just an hour from home.

I was on the road when I confirmed the full load was on. This load paid me two times more than the going rate. Instead of following the pre-set route sent to me I cut across the country not only cutting miles but saving time. I was now only less than two hours from home. As a result, I was running five to six hours ahead.

I was coming to a stop at an intersection of two country roads when I saw the handwritten sign that read; for sale before the county takes it. It had an arrow that pointed to the right, so I followed it. The two signs on the way directed me into a farmer's yard.

They were an older couple who because of age had retired. I figured they were in their early seventies. Their land was leased to farmers in the area but with rising prices, they had gotten behind on the taxes. They loved the farm and were not ready to sell it and move to town. So, they had to sell some land.

I called my dad who took over. Using the family trust, we purchased the farm at fair market value and allowed them to rent the house on a long term lease with a low rent lease. They were thrilled about it and said if I ever need a favor to give them a call.

I had my dad cut out and separate ten acres at the intersection off the original two hundred acre farm. It was the perfect spot to build a convenience store and a gas shop as the nearest major town was about an hour's drive away.

As soon as I had left, I suggest to my dad that he come down and look at it and try to buy the adjoining land around the intersection as cheap as he could. He did and somehow, we had gotten ten acres on each corner of the intersection.

In looking for water my father discovered the farm had an underground river running through it that would gladly support the water needed for fifty thousand people. He decided to tap into it to supply our new commercial operation. Just as I pulled in to do the drop dispatch had another rush which I gladly took. It ended up I got home at my normal time.

Six Months Later

I had dropped the load at five in the morning on that Wednesday 12 hours ahead of time and had parked the truck and trailer in the company yard picking up the keys to my newly painted old ford truck from the dispatch office. With the knowledge that I would be raked over for breaking state and federal laws about hours driving in the near future.

Because of a breakdown, I had been on the road for sixteen days. That's why I had pushed it to get home. That meant the person who replaced me had an extra two days off. The cab would be in the shop for an inspection and then ready to be used in a couple of hours. They wanted to make sure it had been repaired properly.

The other diver would be informed to come in. He would be on the road by nine o'clock. I had told my wife I would be home in time for supper tonight. Marcy had claimed the children and she was looking forward to seeing me.

A while back I had pulled the engine out of the old ford truck because it was dead, did the restorative work on the frame and body in my spare time as the interior was still in good condition.

Before I had left on my last two weeks run, I had prepaid a local paint shop to repaint every piece of metal exterior and interior. When they were done putting the interior back together, they were to call Jameson's auto to come and pick it up.

After dropping in the new engine and checking everything out Jameson had left the truck keys with the dispatcher knowing I would settle up when I got home. The paint job made the old truck look brand new. The old red truck was now completely a midnight black. Even the bumpers had new chrome. The word ford was painted white on the tailgate just like it was when it was original. It now could get collector plates for it if I wanted.

I was arriving home ten hours early and I thought it would be a nice surprise for the wife. She didn't start work until nine. So, I started up the truck and headed for home. I was looking forward to seeing the wife and our two daughters' after being on the road for sixteen days.

It was now just about eight am when I drove down our street towards our home only to discover a vehicle in our driveway that shouldn't be there. I knew right away whose vehicle it was. It was the owner of our transportation company's youngest son's pride and joy.

When I was on the road, he was off as we both shared the same company cab. We were in a lot of ways complete opposites. He had the reputation of being the family's black sheep. He was known by most truckers as an unbelievable blowhard with a big mouth.

I pulled off on the side of the road and just watched. I wanted to know just why he was at our house and where was my wife's car.

My heart was ripped apart as I saw my wife Marcy and Jack Redding come out of the house with our two children ahead of them. In his right hand was a rig bag that us drivers always carried. It contained the basics we would need while on the road.

Somehow the girls had missed the bus to school, so they were heading out to drop them off. I made a video of them all using my cell phone. I caught Marcy and Jack stopping in a loving embrace behind the kids before loading the two children into the car. It made it clear that whatever was going on had been going on for quite a while.

Marcy and Jack did not seem worried about being caught in public. They looked as if they were just another happy family. They drove right by me completely oblivious to who I was. As I figured my wife no longer recognized my restored truck and since I was not due home was not looking for me.

I watched them in my review mirror as they turned the corner. I pulled into our three-bedroom house and prepared to see what else I could find.

I found that our two children's bedrooms were like they always were. So was our master bedroom. My wife's clothing was where it should be so was mine. Even our bed was made which was a bit unusual because of the kids missing the bus. So far nothing seemed out of place.

If they had spent the night together where were the remnants that would provide me the documented proof that I now believed I needed. If they were not involved, then there was no reason for him to be here.

I had gone through everything twice, but my gut still was telling me to keep looking. From the basement up nothing stuck out. The dishwasher was full of dirty dishes and needed to be run. That was when I notice a bit of light shining beneath the door to the unfinished third floor.

It struck me funny because that shouldn't be. We had put up old curtains and kept them closed. It had become a type of attic in which we stuck things we no longer used. I hadn't been up there in years. My first thought was that Marcy had been up there for some reason and forgot to turn off the light.

Curiosity got me, I had to find out why there was light coming through beneath the door. I climbed the stairs and opened the door to discover the whole floor was now completely finished. I was shocked. The morning light was caused because someone had left a curtain opened. When I was home they were always closed.

The problem was it was not even supposed to have been started because my loving wife Marcy and I could not come to an agreement on what to do with it. I now knew why. Why was this room finished and who was using came into my mind?

It had its own master bedroom larger than my wife and mine downstairs, huge walk-in closets on both sides of the master bathroom and a separate sitting area with its own tv and DVD player.

Sitting on a little table was some adult erotic movies that my wife would never watch or allow me to watch. Yet when I turned the TV on and hit play on the DVD remote an adult video started playing. It was clear that someone had been watching it. I was stunned to learn that it was a homemade video of my wife masterfully giving someone a blowjob.

It saddens me because it was something, she would never do for me. It really surprised me to see how much my naked wife seemed to be enjoying it. When I had suggested trying that she said it was disgusting.

Across the room sitting on a coffee table was a handmade card that said "We love you Uncle Jake" it was signed by my two kids. I felt like I was going to throw up.

My fear was now a reality. Not only was he my wife's lover but it appeared that they were trying to take the kids from me.

The king-size bed had been slept in and was not made up. A new set of baby dolls which I had never seen before were lying on the floor which meant that this morning, she'd been into much of a rush. The bedroom reeked of stale sex.

In checking out the walk-in closets I found one side held clothing I assumed must be his because they were definitely too big for me. The other one held more female clothing which I recognized as being some of hers. She had some very sensual evening wear hanging there that she had never worn for me. I no longer had any doubt. Marcy and Jack were lovers.

I was beginning to see that there was another side to her personality that she had not allowed me to see. That made it clear that in her eyes I had always been her second choice. What did my children know about all of this?

Using my cellphone, I captured a video of everything I had discovered. I took great pains to hold a shirt of his and getting a shot of me with it in the mirror to prove it that it was just too big for me. What got my attention was a framed picture of him with his mother and father. I recorded everything about the room in detail. Then I stopped and saved the recording.

Seeing the Television again I rewound the disk and I recorded the image on the TV which showed a man holding Marcy's head as he repeatedly drove his manhood into her mouth. Marcy seemed to be enjoying being owned like the slut the video proved she was. His thrusts had her big breasts bouncing reinforcing in my mind the force he was taking her with.

I captured it as the recorder of the video moved the lens up the man's body to show the pleasure in his eyes. It was Jack Redding my boss's son. This was the second clip I saved. I figured I now had all the evidence I needed.

Going down to the basement I grabbed our three-piece luggage set and proceeded to pack all my clothes. As an afterthought, I went back to the third floor to remove the disk that had their crudely shot sex video record on it. I packed it into one of the suitcases. When I was done set them by the front door. I would be back for them later. I had a few more important things to do.

I called my father and asked him how soon we could get the new store up. He said he was already building it with a second story for a three-bedroom apartment. I am looking at a regional manager to take supervise the overall running it he said. The chain I work with has granted us a franchise which will really help us quite a bit.

It will take another month and a half for to be completed and a month after that to get it all set up. Why?

I'll be running it dad and living in the apartment. Find me a good civil attorney and one for divorce. I said I would talk to him in a bit later on to give him the details about what was going on.

I called the farmer who we had bought the farm from and asked him If I could rent a room from him until the construction was done.

I got the room, but he said but your money isn't good enough.

No matter how I tried he refused to accept any money because he thought he and his wife owed my family big time. I said I would arrive sometime the next day.

At ten am I was in the transportation center sitting in the boss's office informing I was quitting without the usual notice. He just had to ask me why and I really didn't enjoy having to tell him.

`I showed him the video of the room in general and then the pictures I had taken afterward. The last one was of the framed photo of his wife and him together with their son.

"Heath where did you get that?" Jace asked.

I explained that this was the third floor of my house and it was not supposed to be finished.

His face was as white as fresh-fallen snow.

Then I showed him the clip of what his son Jack fucking the woman in the mouth as if he owned her.

Jace a Christian man viewed it and said: "my god that's sickening."

I said that "the woman that is being taken in the mouth by your son is named Marcy. That is why I am leaving Marcy is my wife. That clip was created in a separate room on the third floor with a third person's help."

I didn't know what to think so I said "I'm sorry, you see because of your sons and my wife's conduct I've been given no choice. I have to quit driving to have a chance of getting custody of my two daughters in the divorce."

He called the accountant to make out my final cheque and to add a bonus of ten grand because of what my son has done. Tell no one and get to my office as soon as possible.

"Are the children his or yours?" Jace Redding asked seriously.

"They both look like Marcy. I believe they are as I don't think the affair has been going on for a long time." I replied.

"We have been hearing things for a long time, Heath." Jace Redding said. "The only way to tell is to have DNA done,"

"I suggest you get your son Jack to request it," I said with sadness. "Please don't say anything to anybody. I want Marcy to find out by herself tonight that I know whats going on."

"Just so you know Heath Cummings I don't approve of what my son has done. When he comes back in two weeks he's gone. We have heard rumors for years that he was involved with a married woman who he was doing regularly behind her husband's back, but we had never had any proof. We just thought he was shooting his mouth to other drivers." Jace solemnly said.

"Now I am so sorry that he did it to a good man like you. I never knew he had moved into your house." He continued. "But both your jobs made it easy to see how it could go on for so long without anyone knowing."

I would learn much later that Jace kept his word. Not only did he fire him, but he cut him out of his will because he had brought shame upon the family name by destroying another man's marriage.

The thing Jace could not get over it was to one of his own long term trusted employees. To him, it showed that his own son didn't give a shit about anything or anybody.

After cashing the cheque, cleaning out all of our joint accounts and paying my bill at Jameson's auto I went to my children's elementary school.

After talking to the guidance counselor for quite a while the children were called out of class to talk to me.

She started to leave, to give us privacy.

I said "it might be best if you stay. I don't want to be in a position where I can be accused of trying to manipulate our children."

She asked if I was that sure.

I said, "in this case, yes because my wife Marcy is a social worker for the state. Ms. Connor's eyes displayed her shock."

I learned that their new Uncle Jake had been renting the upstairs for three years. He had originally kept his distance but over time he seemed to become part of the family.

Marcy had introduced him as a distant cousin who had just returned to the area. Although they had never caught them together, they had seen mother coming downstairs in the morning so much that they assumed they were sleeping together.

"Mom ended up demanding that we start calling him an Uncle," Linda said.

I told them straight forward that he was no relation to either one of us.

My daughters' faces showed their shock.

I explained that Jack was apparently their mother's long term lover. As a result, we would be getting a divorce. Since I was a trucker, I explained that there was no way I could ever get primary custody which meant they would have to stay with their mother until I found a new job. Then I would go to court to try to get sole custody of them.

The school counselor said that what I had explained was true. I kissed my daughter's goodbye and watched them return to their grade six class.

The school counselor gave me her name and phone number. "Have you lawyer contact me so I can give a statement as to what I bore witness to." She said. "I've seen too many married men get screwed over in their divorce."

I hit a flower shop and asked for a bouquet of the deadest flowers they had. I wanted it packaged and boxed. I had to explain to them that it was a gag gift before they would do it. One of the staff went out to the garbage and brought some back. Will these do she asked? I said their perfect. She boxed them up for me.

Talking them back to our home I laid it on our master bed, along with the card my daughters had signed for Uncle Jake and her baby doll that I had cut up with her sewing scissors.

I loaded up the tools I wanted to keep into the bed of my truck. After I loaded the suitcases, I threw on a tarp to cover what I was carrying and was tying it down tightly. The tools themselves were worth a lot of money.

The neighbor, a real friend named John Sexsmith walked over and said, "I guess you didn't know about Marcy's second husband as we were all led to believe."

"Second husband?" I question.

"in a common-law way," John said.

"No, I just found out about him today. It's been going on for at least three years. We used to work for the same company. I quit today because I want sole custody of my daughters because I'll need to be able to prove to the court that I will be there for them every day." I said before I continued.

"When I was driving, he was not there, so there was no way of me knowing unless we were home at the same time," I explained. "He's the boss's youngest son. His father found out today the hard way what was going on when I walked in and quit on him without notice."

We talked a bit more and he suggested I pull my truck from the driveway and park it in his garage. He thought that by my observing her tonight it might give me a glimpse of how I should plan for what would happen later. You can get up before daylight and head out in the darkness before dawn.

I thought about it for a few minutes before I accepted it. I'm glad I did.

I watched as my wife of thirteen years pulled into the driveway. I guess the car had been in the shop getting serviced. She went into the bedroom as soon as she got in to get out of the dress clothes that she wore to work.

It stopped her when she saw what was sitting on our bed. She was smiling because she thought it was a surprise gift from Jack.

Looking through the binoculars I got a close up of the smile of joy appearing of her face. She took the kid's card to their uncle Jake and set aside. She reached for the baby doll and picked it up to find it was in pieces. It was a favorite of hers since she had bought it for Jack, she only wore it when she wanted him taking her tush. Why would he do that?

Now her face was showing some concern. Why would Jack put in Heath's bedroom? I could see doubt coming across her face.

Brushing off the remaining pieces of the flower box she opened it up. She was caught by the smell of two dozen rotten red roses.