Being Jim Ch. 01: Snowbound


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With Anne's hand on my cock stroking it back to life I reach over and pull her head back up to mine and find her lips with my own, and go fishing for that wicked devilish tongue of hers with my own. Hungry for more. Parting for a breath I ask her,

"How would you like it gorgeous?" She giggles and releases my cock and gets up on all fours and says.

"Mount me baby, I'm feeling slutty."

Who am I to argue with a horny woman who just blew my mind and my cock? I drag my ass up off the bed and wiggle my way around behind that hot sweet pear shaped ass. I run my hands all over her from between her shoulder blades down along her sides to her hips, sweeping my hands and fanning my fingers and palms flat across her ass cheeks gripping and kneading them to the cleft of her ass I turn my hands so that the thumbs are pointing down and my fingers meet in the crack of her ass gripping those soft tender orbs of flesh where her legs meet her ass. I squeeze gently at first but with unrelenting and increasing force. I feel the ring fingers of both hands slip into the folds of her pussy lips and into her hot wet treasure. Again I hear that low drawn out moan as Anne presses backwards with her hips and ass to meet those intruders. I let up on my grip and move one hand to her hip and one down to grasp my flagging cock. Still not regained its rock hard rigidity from earlier but still hard enough to move forward. I tease the head of my cock up and down the dripping outer lips of her pussy, gently whacking the head against her swollen clit, back up and tapping it against her sweet puckered little pink rose bud of her ass. Again she wiggles as if impatiently reminding me to get a move on. I grin and say.

"You want this little thing?"

"Uh... yeah... please." Anne says slightly piqued.

"Okay, just checking." I quip.

I push my happy mushroom into the opening of her rabbit hole. I hear her let out a little happy gasp. I slowly push it in a little further and stop. Then a little further still, and stop again. The third time I stopped I heard Anne mutter.

"Fuck!" and she slammed her ass back into me taking all of my cock in as deep as I can go. Our pubic hair meshing and our skin tingling with each other's sweat. My balls did a little slap swinging up and smacking Anne's clit like a punching bag. Now with both hands on her hips I begin to grind in and out changing it up every other stroke by pushing to one side or another or going high or low, screwing my cock around and in and out. Anne moaned and buried her face in my pillow and gripped the sheets and mattress, or at least I imagined that anyway, I still couldn't see in the dark. I did hear more moaning but it was muffled. In and out, up and down, side to side and around and around, faster and faster and faster. I was panting again and I could feel my own legs quivering but not from a building orgasm but rather from fatigue. FUCK I was tired! Just when I was about to beg for forgiveness and call it quits I felt Anne hit the wall and break right on through. Her feet were beating the mattress on either side of my legs like drum sticks on a snare drum. Her back was undulating up and down, her ass cheeks were clenching and unclenching in no particular rhythm On a whim I reached up with one hand and grabbed a handful of her silky brown hair and pulled her head back forcefully, that was the last straw. Anne let loose with a long shrieking howl that actually scared me. I thought I had hurt her. When I let go of her hair she stayed like that for a moment before losing all control of her body and she collapsed onto her stomach. Her ass still sticking up in the air, her feet still twitching. I could feel the inner walls of her pussy spasming and twitching gripping and releasing my cock.

My poor cock... either the wild orgasm of Anne's or just simply being physically exhausted or some combination of the two, it was deflating. My cock slipped out of Anne's steaming hot twitching pussy with a wet plop as is slapped against my balls. Feeling light headed I crawled over next to Anne and crashed onto my own pillow and watched her, or rather felt her as she recovered. After a little more shuddering and twitching Anne eventually stretched out and laid back down with a flop.

"Did you..." She started to ask but didn't have the breath yet to finish.

"No... I couldn't, I was just too tired I think." I murmured in her direction, my head sunk into my pillow. My left hand lying across her sweat dampened back. I could feel the body heat radiating off of her skin. Anne raised her right hand and ran it up my left thigh to my hip and just stopped.

"I'll make it up to you sometime." She whispered dreamily as she and I both drifted off to sleep finally.

I awoke later with my bladder screaming at me to either get up and go to the bathroom or get ready to change the sheets. UGH... sat up and rolled my feet over the edge of the bed and rubbed my eyes disoriented. Then the memory of Anne being here came back in a Technicolor flash and I reached out behind me and felt her soft warm NAKED ass. I swear to god my cock twitched like it was just given an electric shock. My face hurt from the grin that grew out of nothing there in the dark. Taking a deep breath I stood up and blindly made my way to the blackout curtain and then through and to the right into the bathroom. Lifting the lid and seat I cut loose and emptied my still screaming bladder. As my mind replayed the events of the long night and morning leading up to this afternoon.

After shaking the last drops out I washed my hands and then turned the bathroom light on to find a wash cloth to wash my face off. I could still smell traces of Anne's juices on my face and hands. I glanced at my watch and nearly panicked! FUCK! It's five thirty already! If I'm going to take Anne back to the restaurant before I go to work I need to get a freakin' move on and NOW. SHIT SHIT SHIT! I reached over and opened the shower doors and turned the hot water on to get it moving and ready for a shower. Then I went and woke Anne up.

"Anne? Baby... You gotta wake up." I said as I gently shook her shoulder.

"Mmmphhumpble umplesleep" She mumbled into her pillow. Again I shook her shoulder and said.

"Anne... it's getting late, time to go serve the coffee and pie to all the assholes." Grinning at the use of her secret name for some of the restaurants patrons.

"Mfck smasshls..." she mumbled. Then with a wicked grin I leaned over and started in the small of her back and traced my tongue down her spine slowly to the crack of her ass, sliding down between those gorgeous orbs and tickling her little pink rose bud briefly before lapping at that sensitive little patch of skin between her asshole and her rabbit hole then blowing hot air across her pussy.

"HOLY FUCK!" Anne barked as she rolled over and sat bolt upright and shivered a wild expression on her face in the dim light of the bedside lamp. "That's NOT Fair!" she continued sheepishly then smiled like the devil himself.

"Don't ever start something like that when you don't have time to finish it!" She practically growled as she ran her hands over her face and back through her hair. Her breasts rising up with her arms and poking straight out, her nipples hardening. I smiled and took her hand and said her shower awaits... and help her stand up out of the bed. Her legs just a little wobbly.

"How many of you were there last night anyway?" she asked as I lead her through the blackout curtain and into the bathroom now steaming up from the running water.

"Just little ol' me." I said as I leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek and motioned for her to get in and take a shower. As she stepped in she looked back at me and asked.

"How am I supposed to wash my back?" smiling coyly. "Besides, you're wasting water if you take a separate shower."

Not being able to argue with that reasoning I stepped into that cauldron, I mean shower as well. Why is it that women like the water hot enough to cook a lobster when they bathe or shower? Anne said she didn't need to shampoo her hair today but would I please wash her back. Gladly I took the wash cloth and soaped it up and began washing her from her neck down to her gorgeous ass. Oh it was such a nice sight to see. Perhaps I lingered too long or got carried away in any event Anne reached back and took the wash cloth from me and turned around facing me and told me to turn around so that she could and did wash my back from my head to my ass and beyond. Turning me around to face her she ran the soapy wash cloth over my chest and abdomen and paid special attention to my cock and balls handing me the wash cloth with one hand and keeping her other hand on my cock stroking it gently with soapy fingers. I washed her neck and her chest, making sure to get all over and under her breasts. Cleaned her tummy and moved on to her pubic hair speed bump. Cupping the cloth in my hand I covered her pussy and gently squeezed and rubbed it about until I accidentally dropped the cloth... it just slipped through my fingers with a wet plop on the tub floor. My hand was still cupped over her mostly smooth puss, as I rubbed gently over the beginnings of razor stubble. My long middle finger slipped inside the rabbit hole and probed cautiously. Anne tilted her head back and a little to one side closing her eyes for a soft gentle kiss. Lips to lips tongues just barely, timidly probing one another's lips. Anne shuddered slightly then opened her eyes and reached over and smacked my hand.

"What did I tell you about starting something and not being able to finish it?" I just chuckled and turned her around to rinse off the soap from her front. And mine. We got out of the shower and suddenly we realized again that we were pressed for time. I got out my blow dryer for her to dry her hair with and I went to get dressed. Looking again at the time I realized I was going to be late. I called in to work to tell my supervisor that I was running behind due to the snow and would it be okay if I didn't make it on time. That's when I found out that the plant manager had actually decided to call off night shift rather than have employees risk injury or worse by trying to drive in to work. We have a lot of people working at the plant that drive from surrounding counties.

"Cool! I'm off tonight!" I thought. As I was hanging up the phone Anne came in wearing a towel wrapped around her and brushing out her blow dried hair. I told her about the plant being closed so I wasn't going to be late for work.

"Too bad I can't stay home too, maybe we could "finish" what we started." She said with a low wattage smile. I collected her shoes from the top of the furnace register in the living room, now dry and handed them to her to put on her tiny little feet.

"Girl, you need some winter shoes or boots." I said as she slipped her feet in to the low cut flats. "Or at least something like what Nurses wear with some cushions in them." Then inspiration hit me like a slap in the face. "Hold on." And I went to the bedroom to my closet and dug down in back and found what I was looking for, an older pair of winter boots. Fleece lined water resistant and shin high. "I know my feet are bigger than yours but with your shoes on your feet will probably still be swimming in these. Slip them on over your shoes."

She looked at me kind of funny then lifted one foot shoe and all and slipped it into the boot. Then the other followed into the other boot. I bent down and tucked her slacks into the tops of the boots and said.

"Now... you can walk to and from the car without getting your feet wet and frozen. When you get to work just slip them off till you're ready to go home." She gave me that funny look again, like she wasn't certain if I was pulling her leg or making a joke at her expense or was serious. Then she leaned in and kissed my cheek and smiled. "Ready?" I asked? Anne looked at me as she slipped her coat on and said.


The drive from my apartment to the Danny's restaurant was tedious but uneventful I guess the majority of folks were heeding the warnings for people to stay off the roads. There were more cars in the ditches and off the road than there were in the morning but there was less traffic now if that could even be compared. Most vehicles moving about were utility trucks and road department or police and fire department cars and trucks, mostly trucks. The snow had stopped falling by now but we would later find out that we had over seventeen inches of snow fall in just about thirty hours time. While that might not sound like much to some people but for this part of the country it was paralyzing. I went in to sit with Anne a while since I didn't have to be anywhere anytime soon. Her boss found out that I brought her to work and he was so happy he offered me a meal on the house and all the coffee I could drink. He was just happy to be going home. The same tow truck that dropped him off that morning was back to pick him up, turns out it was his next door neighbor. Anne called Todd after we go to work, she handed the phone to me and he wanted to thank me for taking care of his baby and looking out for her. Despite knowing better and all I still felt a twinge of guilt talking to him and he thanking me, but I let it go, thinking . "Who am I to judge?"

Anne took the phone back and went around the corner into the manager's office to quietly speak with Todd a bit longer. I suspect she was giving him the highlights of our playtime that afternoon and telling him about my gift of the boots.

I ordered the fried chicken plate for dinner and ate at the counter where I could talk with Anne, between her trips around the dining room and counter refilling coffees and taking orders or delivering checks. Seems that all the people stranded by or hunkered down to avoid the mess caused by the snow and were staying at the hotel across the street had been making their way over to Danny's for a hot meal. It may not have been as busy as a regular Friday night but being short handed kept everyone hopping. After hanging out for a few hours I told Anne I was going to go on back home. I added that she should call me to come get her when her shift was over if anyone came in to relieve her that is, and I would come get her. She agreed and kissed me on the cheek again and said.

"Thanks Jim."

I really don't remember the drive home, I do remember closing my door at my apartment and kicking my shoes off before going to my bedroom and collapsing on my bed still fully clothed. I drifted off to sleep almost instantly with the faint smell of flowers and baby powder on my pillow and a tangy slightly musky scent from my sheets. I remember thinking "I'll have to change those out tomorrow" I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing in the kitchen. I stumbled out and answered it. It was Todd telling me I didn't have to go back and pick up Anne. The roads were passable now and she was going to try to drive home herself. Apparently the road crews had been hard at work all night and the plows and salt trucks had cleared up most of the main roads.

"Okay man." I said. "Give me a call back when she gets home so I'll know she made it okay." I added.

"I will," He said. "And Jim, really, thank you for yesterday, and man, those boots... you hit a nerve my friend. You'll have to work really hard to piss Anne off enough to let you go as a friend now. Well... that and the way you treated her while playing. She's declared you a keeper for life." He laughed and said he'd call when she got home.

I hung up the phone and smiled, thinking I really need to work on getting some time set aside for more playtime. Even if it was to join the both of them as they've repeatedly invited me to at their house sometime. I don't know, that's still a bit of a stretch for me. This Boy Scout is open minded but acting on it is still kind of weird. I yawned and stretched and looked at the clock, Nine o'clock... morning or night? I peeked around the corner to look out my balcony door. Yeah, sunshine, it's daytime. I should be sleeping, so I stumbled back to bed and smiled as I took in those sweet and musky scents again and closed my eyes to dream and remember playtime with Anne.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This is a tough one. Fun story, terrible writing.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, incorrect words, etc. An editor is greatly needed.

I did not rate your story. I give it an incomplete.

I sincerely hope that you get some editing help. Your stories have promise.

LiviaSandersLiviaSandersover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed reading your story. The character buildup was believable and adorable. The sex was well-written and hot.

RRC2RRC2almost 2 years ago

I really liked Jim. You did an excellent job with him. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Huge walls of text.

It's hard to read anything when the text just goes on and on without any white space in between. Put your sentences into proper paragraphs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I remember that storm

Maybe it wasn’t the same storm, but I was living in Lexington In the late ‘90s and they said it was the most snow in recorded history. Snow was falling so fast that when I went to clear off my truck that morning, by the time I got back around, there was already a half inch on where I had started.

I75 was shut down as the county and state couldn’t agree who was responsible for clearing it so neither one did, and people were stuck out there overnight. I64 was a mess, as they decided to just keep one lane clear, so they had to shut down traffic to try to pull tractor trailers out of snowdrifts that were blocking the lane

But I was never in the BBS scene out there. I had been before I moved to Kentucky, but it was that whole transition period to ISPs and such

ttom76ttom76about 4 years ago
Gave up on it

Your paragraphs run on and on. Just one example:

You start with: "The drive from my apartment to the Danny's restaurant was tedious but uneventful" ( I think you forgot a period)

It end with: "Despite knowing better and all I still felt a twinge of guilt talking to him and he thanking me, but I let it go, thinking . "Who am I to judge?""

The general rule for paragraphs: One thought per paragraph. A simple progression of a few short sentences is fine.

With print this is bad. On a computer screen, it's mind numbing.

I didn't rate this as I didn't finish.

Good luck

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