Being Taught New Things by Hannah


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"Easy there." Hannah murmured softly. I hesitantly paused.

"Nothing wrong with what you're doing. But you don't have to rush it. You can get a whole more out of it building a bit of anticipation."

I let the nipple plop out from between my lips. Tentatively I let the tip of my tongue brush over it. And again. Hannah's soft movements, arching slightly against me and sighing, encouraged me that I was on the right track.

So I let my tongue slip around it, only brushing the areola without touching the nipple itself. It grew harder against my tongue as I kept playing, until I finally let my lips envelop it and suck on it again.

"Mmmmmhhhhh... That's it. It feels so much better when you let it build a little, instead of just rushing it."

Taking Hannah's advice to heart, I moved on to the other. Kissing it gingerly, without latching on like I had done before. Playfully letting my tongue dart out and give it light little licks. Encircling it. And finally lapping my tongue around it, while sucking it in between my lips.

Sucking gently on her nipple, I let the tip of my tongue flick back and forth over it, in between my lip. Hannah's hand on the back of my neck clutched a little as she moaned happily.

"Good... you're a quick learner aren't you?"

"Mhm!" I let her nipple slip out from in between my lips, and kissed my way in between her breasts, feeling a little more confident about myself. Her skin was amazing to taste and to feel against my lips. I tried to scoot a little lower down in bed, while my mouth kept wandering. Starting to reach her stomach, I could feel her muscles tensing under her skin. She had abs. It might not be a sixpack, but I could still feel the shape of the muscles under her skin, a little rigidity against the softness. And every time my mouth moved a little and found new pieces of skin to kiss, I could feel them move and tense up, as Hannah gave off little moans.

I was hyper-focused on everything in front of me, every line and crease. Ever little dip in the skin, seemed to have some sweet little spot where my lips could land, or which my tongue tip could dart across, to get a little pleasant sound out of Hannah. And as I kissed my way down the side of her navel, for the first time I noticed the smell of her.

I'd heard all the jokes, of smelling like a freshly opened can of tuna and whatnot. My first though was honestly more of oysters. There was a saltiness to it, but there was something musky as well. And something metallic, like... copper?

And over my overthinking and over-analysing of things, my body could report that it quite liked that smell. I felt something inside of me positively stir at the smell. I was on my hands and knees in bed, working my way down Hannah's body with my mouth, and I could feel the first rush of blood reach my cock, which had been dangling limp.

Four hasty kisses later, and my mouth was moving down the slope from the mound of Hannah's stomach, and finding a new and interesting area of skin. I could feel hairs brushing against my chin, while I kept nuzzling and kissing my way down her skin. That neatly trimmed little red bush of hers.

Hannah's hands had not left the back of my head for the entire time I was making my way down her body, but now one of her hands were shifting, to my cheek, and then to my jaw, and my chin, and lifting my face up, so my eyes met hers.

They were... strange to look at. They were a little hazy. And at the same time, they were sparkling.

The aroma from her... since when the fuck did I use to word aroma? Since right this moment. Because that was the word that fit. The aroma from her kept teasing me, I could feel my nostrils flaring.

"You're going to lick me. There. Okay?"

Her voice was a little huskier than usual. And I liked it. Even the sound of it made me feel things. I could feel my cock hardening a little more from it.

Another part of me was paying apt attention. Because there was something she had said. Something about pleasing a girl, and how it would get me somewhere in life. I liked the thought of that. And I somehow felt I was being let in on a secret.

So I did as she said. Without even hesitating or thinking. I was still looking into her eyes, while my head dipped lower, the little bush of hair tickling my lips, before my mouth was in between her legs, and I found... a rather more complicated series of folds of skin than I had honestly ever given thought before.

I had seen all of this before, on the internet, in magazines, but being there in front of me in the flesh, it was something else. And nothing like I had imagined.

I let my tongue slip over it, and was surprised at how warm it was.

There was something halfway between a sigh and a chuckle from Hannah.

"Here..." her hand left the cheek where it had been resting, and two of her fingers parted the folds of skin for me, and then her other hand on the back of my neck pulled me in, and my mouth was brought in to find skin that felt all thin and sensitive. And my tongue, moving on its own, found a tiny little bulb in front of it. And Hannah pulled in a hiss of air between her lips and her head fell back a little.

I'd seen the porn, I had read the smut, but nothing of it really managed to convey what this was.

Licking Hannah's pussy was fun! That's what it was. I kept dragging my tongue over her clit, and she kept moaning, while it grew harder and slightly larger against my tongue. I angled a little sideways, hit it from a slightly different angle, and Hannah shifted and squirmed. I shifted again, and hit it a little from the right this time instead of form the left, a little faster, and the moans grew louder.

I let my mouth cover the whole thing up, sucking it softly into my mouth while giving it little flicks with my tongue, and Hannah's fingernails dug into the back of my neck.

The awkwardness was entirely melted out of me.

"Do I learn fast enough for you?" I smirked while taking a little pause.

"Fuck! Don't stop!"

Hannah's hand tried to pull me back towards her clit.

"Now who is the eager one?" I chided.

I gave the inside of her lips a kiss, then another, going lower with each one. The smell of her was in my nose, that salty, warm smell. And I wanted to feel the taste of her as well as smell her. And my mouth and my tongue found the source.

The second my tongue reached her hole, it felt like small dam bursting. A little extra wetness flooding out of her, hitting my tongue. And the taste was exactly what I had been wanting.

And her reaction too. I pressed my lips tightly against her, and lapped the wetness up eagerly, relishing the taste. And relishing the sound of the moans it got out of her too. Especially when the tip of my tongue grazed inside of her.

She was warm. So so warm. That was what took me by surprise the most. How warm she felt against my tongue.

Hannah's grip on my neck grew tighter, and she pulled my mouth upwards again.

"Fuck! When a girl tells you 'Don't stop' then you don't stop!"

My tongue found her clit again, still being wet and all soaked from having been lapping at her hole, it slid so much smoother this time around. Two or three little licks, and her clit was once again hard and swollen as before, but this time I heeded her advice. I didn't stop. Instead I buried my face in her, and licked away to my heart's content.

And something new was happening. With every lick, Hannah's hips rose a little, as if they were trying to follow my tongue. The sighs and the moans turned into frantic breaths, in and out, as I kept licking. Then they grew more and more strained. Her hand at the back of my neck, was having a life of its own. It was clutching at me, but instead of having some clear idea of where it wanted to direct me, it seemed as if it was just... clutching, with no plan of what to do next. At some point, my arms had wrapped themselves around her thighs, trying to keep her still, and still I felt her strain against me. And then, with each lick, her breath seemed to almost catch in her throat a little. I felt tension in her. Instead of moving up and down, following my tongue, all of her was straining, to the point of little jolts and shakes ripping through her. She was holding her breath. My tongue kept moving. For a moment I wondered if this was her orgasming. And then she proved exactly how wrong I was in thinking so.

Because then Hannah orgasmed.

Her entire body jerked, twisted a little sideways. The breath she had been holding, turned into a loud "AaaaaaaaAAAAHHH!". The grip she had on the back of my head, turned into fingernails digging into my scalp. I felt the tremble rip through her, and she squeezed her thighs together, forcing my mouth away from her. And I felt my cock grow achingly hard at all of this, knowing I had just made all of this happen. She cramped and arched against the pillows for what must have been a couple of seconds, before her body let her have any sort of control back.

As soon as she did, she was sitting up, and pulling me up towards her. We were on our knees in the bed, our lips locked together. The little part of my brain that still worked normally, noticed that my mouth, my jaw, was all slick and wet from having been buried in her pussy, her face pressing against mine. Her hand was however in between us, hungrily grabbing my cock, jerking it almost aggressively, and every bit of intelligent thought quickly melted away.

"You're a fast fucking learner indeed! And good and ready!"

Her left hand was grabbing my throat. For half a second, some instinctual panic shot through me. Another part of me sort of kinda liked it. Her other hand was squeezing and jerking my cock. And I was hard. So fucking hard. Felt almost swollen compared to my usual boners.

"Lie back!"

This wasn't a request. The push from her hand on my throat emphasised it. I don't know if I blindly obeyed or fell, but I was on my ass and elbows. I barely had a second to straighten my legs out, before Hannah was sitting on top of me, straddling my thighs, gripping my cock.

"I don't know if you're just a naturally gifted pussy-licker, or a liar. But fuck, I need you inside of me now!

Her hand held my cock in a tight grip, stroking it hard. The blood squeezed to the head of it made it almost on the verge of painful, but not quite.

She leaned over to the nightstand, and her hand disappeared into the top drawer. It came out seconds later, holding a little rectangular foil package.

"Now don't you fucking even try to object, or this ends right now!"

I didn't even know what I was agreeing or objecting to, until Hannah tore the foil with her teeth, and I realized it was a condom. I didn't even know agreeing or disagreeing was even a choice. It was.. how safe sex was supposed to happen, yeah?

It took three of our hands to get it all sorted. She held it down over the head of my cock, while I had to join in and wrap my hand around the base of my cock while she rolled it down.

I'm seven inches. Maybe towards seven and a half? Are you supposed to press the ruler into your skin, or just hold it up against the side of your cock anyway? And are you supposed to follow the slight curve, or measure in a straight line?

As my brain digressed again, the condom was unrolled down my cock, and the rubber-band like bit at the bottom of it bit a little tightly into the shaft of my cock.

And then Hannah grabbed my cock, and straddled me. And she lifted herself a little sideways.

First try, my cock just slid messily over the wetness in between her legs, forwards somewhere between her lips. Hannah gave a frustrated little grunt.

Second try, she got it right.

Holy fucking shit, it was happening.

Holy fucking shit, it was nothing like I had thought it would be.

I was inside of her. And she slid herself down on me. And once again, the most surprising thing about it was how warm it was. So so warm.

My eyes were wide open, my jaw was hanging open. Hannah kept sliding down on me for what felt for a real long time. And then rose up, and slid even further down. And I felt a loud surprised grunt-like moan come out of me, and still it was another third time she lifted herself up, and slid down on me, before her hips were tight against mine.

"Mmm... Fuck!" She started half bouncing, half grinding on top of me. Her hand was once again holding the side of my head, and she was looking into my eyes. "No. You're not a liar. This is your first isn't it?"

Her eyes were sparkling, shining.

"Well, let me tell you, you have quite a spectacular cock!"

I could feel a burning blush in my cheeks. But at the same time a swelling pride. I had a spectacular cock?

My hips were starting to move a little, all on their own accord. Pressing my ass down into the mattress when Hannah lifted herself, thrusting up into her when she came down on me. It took a false start or three, before we found a rhythm. But once we did, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Churning and grinding we fucked one another. At some point, I don't know if it was by my own volition or by hers, I laid back down flat. Hannah's body towering over me. She grabbed my wrists, brought my hands up to her breasts. I squeezed them in my hands, kneaded them, while Hannah threw her head back and moaned. Arching on top of me, her hands left my wrists. I followed it, as it ran down her body, and found its way in between her legs. Her fingers starting to rub over herself, playing with her clit, sometimes grazing me, and grazing the shaft of my cock.

Fuck it was hot to see it! As well as the little glances I got of my cock, glistening wet in between her legs, her pussy lips gripping it tight, before she came crashing back down on me, and I felt my cock buried deep in her. I could feel something no smut I had read ever described, a build-up of Hannah's wetness around the root of my cock, a little droplet of it slooowly running down my balls. My ever over-analytical brain picking onto that particular fact for some reason.

Something in the sides of my lower back was starting to burn a little. Muscles I wasn't used to using like this at all. I shifted a little, trying to take the strain off, brought my knees up a little so I could maybe somehow use them more for leverage. Hannah saw this as an invitation to lean back even more, placing her hands on my knees. Twisting a little on top of me. And then there was a new sensation at the tip of my cock. It brushed against something. Nudged something soft. The deep happy moan from Hannah seemed to tell me it was a good thing, so I kept trying to find juuust the way to thrust to make it happen.

"Fuuuuck!" she moaned. First word she had uttered in a while. "FUCK!"

Once again, like before, her breath was growing raspy. Frantic. This time I knew a little more of what to expect. And I also remembered what she'd said, that if she told me to not stop, I should not stop. So I tried my absolute best to follow her, to keep hitting that same angle, as she started to squirm and twist sideways on top of me. Her fingernails were digging into the insides of my knees, rather sharp and painfully. Her hips were bucking with little or no control. Her breath was catching in her throat. My hands had at some point moved themselves, and were at her hips, and I did my absolute best to try to hold her still, while I kept trying to thrust up into her in the exact same way, over and over.

And then Hannah orgasmed, again. And nothing could have prepared me for how it would feel, when her insides suddenly seemed to clutch around my cock, shaking and quivering. Her body almost violently recoiled, and she threw herself forward, her arms flailing before her hands hit my chest, her fingernails digging into me. She was arching on top of me, her back shot out, her head hanging. And my hands stayed on her hip, and my cock stayed inside of her, and I kept on thrusting away up into her, while she shook, trembled, and the sound she had made earlier was nothing compared to the rhythmic wail she made as I kept fucking her straight through her orgasm.

She collapsed on top of me, and I still kept thrusting away. It took her a good couple of seconds, before she came to her senses.

I could literally feel the life come back into her. A little shakily she her hands pressed into my chest. Then she sat herself more up on top of me. Not one fucking thing I'd seen on the internet or read, had prepared me for this. It felt like she was steaming. Her cheeks were flushed. But there was something in her eyes, some sort of shine to her half hazy, and half sparkling and shining, and it was dead sexy.. Little strands of hair was sticking to the sweat pearling on her forehead, and it was dead sexy. Her face split into a grin, and it was dead sexy. In between us, and all over me, I felt I was wet and messy from the juices of her, and it was dead sexy.

She seemed almost hungry in the way she looked at me.

She sprung up. And that was another thing my brain caught onto as odd, whenever she orgasmed, she seemed almost fucking energetic immediately afterwards. This was not something I recognized from none of the research material I'd eagerly investigated beforehand. But then again, there were quite a few other things it had left out, so what the fuck did I even believe in any longer?

But Hannah turned around, and shot her ass back against me. And she looked back at me over her shoulder, and did a little motion with her head, while telling me "Come on. Fuck me from behind, will you?"

I was not hard to ask. She had jumped off my cock in the middle of things. And I wanted nothing more than to be back inside of her. It took me a moment to figure out how though. My knees needed to be on the outside of her ankles. I tried to grab my cock to get it back inside of her, but I needed to lower myself down a little. As I tried my best to figure out the logistics, one of Hannah's hands shot out between her legs, and her fingers wrapped themselves around my cock, and pulled me towards her. And I did some sort of awkward knee-tip shuffle, and she moved in some sort of way, and then the head of my cock was right where it needed to be, and my sheer instinct my hands were suddenly grabbing at her hips, and pulling Hannah back onto me, while I thrust my hips forward, and fuuuck! I was back inside of her. And her fingers had not really left me, and instead her fingertips were on my balls, and pulling me as deep into her as I could possibly get, and fuuuuuuuuuck it was good!

I really didn't need any encouragement. My hands were holding tightly onto her hips, as I dug my cock into her as deep as it would go. Didn't mean that I didn't enjoy having my balls played with though, quite to opposite. Another thing I noticed, was that this position let me pull back, and then drive myself into Hannah's pussy. And fuck did it feel good to do so! A pullout, and then a quick, hard thrust to launch myself into her. A slapping sound as the front of my thighs crashed into the back of hers. Fuck. Fuck. This was something. This. Ugh. It felt so fucking right.

It apparently felt right to Hannah too.

She had been standing on hands and knees, but her arms gave out under her. Her head was flat against the mattress of the bed, and with every thrust, there was a little "Ungh!" sound out of her.

The hand that had been playing with my balls, had grown slower, and then fallen away.

I made the mistake of looking down. At least I thought it might have been a mistake. I saw my cock, glistening wet, being pulled back, until just the head of it remained inside the lips that seemed to cling to it, a little pale looking from the condom stretched taut around it. And then I drove my hips forward hard, until every last bit of me disappeared, and Hannah's body jolted forward a little with the impact of me driving myself into her. And fuck it felt good. And fuck, I could see her round ass right down there. And I could see the little asterisk-shaped form of her butthole, practically winking up at me, a little darker coloured than the skin surrounding it.