Bending the Rules Pt. 02: Connection


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"Father, I think I need to level up."

"Ah, my son, such words have been heard so many times in these halls, I cannot begin to count."

"How do the levels work, really? I mean, you get the EXP, right, but then what?"

"Nuru, I'm sure they explained this to you before in school. The library has all the details."

"I mean sure, I've heard the sales pitch. But what does it actually mean?"

"Nuru, life is full of choices. Kill the goblin king and get the EXP, or accept his surrender with a bag of cash instead. There's always another goblin king, they breed like rabbits, you know. Or navigate the ancient tombs, and go as deep as you dare, putting the frightful undead back to their permanent sleep. Become a merchant, and bargain with others, navigating the labyrinth of The Rules to make your money, and earn EXP with every trade. But you've become a bard, you're not likely to ever class back into the... well, the non-adventurers. You have that wandering spirit, I can see."

"So? What about levels?"

"Levels, Nuru, are the gifts that the Gods bestow upon you for the sacrifice of your EXP. You have to choose; receive the blessing of stronger spells through the mage factions, or spend your EXP at the altar here if you have enough and raise yourself to the next level, improving your stats and possibly unlocking additional class skills."

"What kind of EXP do I need? When do I get my next skill?"

"Heavens, Nuru, didn't you pay any attention in your studies? You get two skills as soon as you hit Level Two. I'm shocked you haven't done it already. What's it been, a week? Your friend Rutendo is Level Four already, he's almost ready to choose a Faction."

"Well, yes, he's a fighter. He would do that. But it's one thing to hear something in school, full of all the glorification of this guy and that gal on the leaderboard. I'm not those people, it doesn't tell me how to make these choices myself."

"The point is, Nuru, you have to do something. You have to make a choice and commit to some action. I had hope when you came to challenge that succubus that finally you'd found your calling; Demon Hunter is a very proud tradition."

"Yeah, but those respec potions are so hard to come by. I don't want to make the wrong choice along the way."

"Indecision will cripple you, Nuru, take it from me. I once longed to be a demon hunter, but I dawdled in my studies and now here I am, just another priest like any other, levelled too high to respec and not enough years left in my life to level high even if I did. Don't make my mistake."

"Look, how much EXP do I need for my next level?"

"It exponentiates from 15; Level Two needs 225 EXP. Level Three needs 3,375 and Level Four needs 50,625."

"So if I have..." Nuru looked quickly, "300 EXP, then-"

"Why, then just step up to the altar and claim your prize! Don't forget, you can't carry EXP greater than one and a half times what your next level requires. You won't be able to gather enough for better spells and such if you're too low a level."

"I'm surprised I have that much."

"I'm not, facing a higher level demon will net you some good EXP, even if you don't fight directly. Succubi are not creatures of violence; the traditional fighting skills aren't so helpful with those. You did not know this?"

"I actually did not."

"Good heavens, why on earth did you do it then? Were you truly just filled with holy zeal?"

"Curiosity, more than anything else."

"Ah. Well, perhaps this bard path is more right than I thought for you. Go on ahead, Nuru, try it out. You can hardly choose badly at this level."

He stepped up to the altar, laid his hands on it, and his vision suddenly went white. He felt with a sure knowledge exactly what he could improve, without hearing a sound or seeing a single word on a page. It was awe-inspiring, and grounding in a particularly calming way; this was an absolute law of the universe, immutable and unbendable. The choices were simple. This did not mean they were easy, however.

He of course accepted his level, which he desperately needed. He then gave up his one-time MAG bonus in exchange for a higher-level passive skill: Eidetic Memory. As his vision cleared, he knew with a surety he would never forget anything, ever again.


"Good memory? What a waste. You could have easily gotten a buff spell and been doing good damage even with your ridiculously mediocre STR," Khari said.

"Hey, he's got pretty good DEX. He could rock a nice bow," Onyeka said.

"Yeah, but he doesn't have the INT to feed a self-replenishing quiver fast enough to keep up with any kind of fight. And that ridiculous MAG score..." Dubaku said.

"People, I'm right here," Nuru said. "You wonder why I never sat with you all at lunch? This is the reason."

"Yeah Dubaku, you may be the sharpest tack in the box, but you're never getting married with that level of CHA," Zula said.

"My skills are in high demand. I'll just buy my way into a marriage," he replied.

"Wow. Good luck with that, dude," Zula said.

"Forget this," Nuru said, getting up. "Enjoy your reunion, I'm out."

"Loser, who needs you?" Khari said.

"Remember this moment at the next reunion, if there is one. Every time you come back, there's gonna be fewer of you alive, every single time. What's even the point of coming, if you don't appreciate the people around you? So long."

Zula got up and followed him.

"Hey! Wait up a sec."

"Hey, Zula. Don't bother trying to talk me into coming back. It's not happening."

"No, I don't blame you. Nuru, I just wanted to say, I've always liked you. I'm going to miss you, even if those idiots don't. I was hoping you'd notice me, but I guess I was never good at getting my message through. The words always seem to get in the way."

"Aw, Zula you're sweet. I did notice you, in fact, but I'm not good enough for your family, all those DLC heirlooms."

"Fuck all the bling. I want to be a healer, Nuru, not some battle goddess. You at least seem less of the type to make more work for me."

"I'm glad you feel that way, but it's a big world, and we're too young to settle down. Look me up in a dozen levels if you're still interested. We'll see if we can really meet each others' expectations."

"Alright... I'll do that. Take care of yourself, huh? Git good."

"Hah. You too."

As for someone who wasn't too young, though...


"Hi Mesi!"

"Well, hello yourself, Nuru! Here for some refreshment?"

"Yeah, and I've got a few hours to kill. What time do you go on break?"

"Hmm... I'd like you to meet someone. Have an egg soup and meet me outside in half an hour, eh?"

"Sure! Here you go," he said, giving her the exact change.

"You catch on quick. What I'd do to have more customers like you."

"What are you doing in this dump, Mesi? You could be working somewhere making actual tips."

"Tips are a scam. They're a way for proprietors to screw their workers out of hard-earned cash. Baako knows, even if he's not the most kind-hearted man to work for; if he made his wait staff work for tips he'd be on his own in a heartbeat. Nobody here has money to spare for luxuries like customer service. I make money on commission."

"Huh. I never knew that. Well, see you in a bit."


"So, Level Two! How exciting!"

"Yeah, I suppose. Doesn't really feel too different."

"Anxious to get through that gate are ya?"

"Something like that."

"Don't push too hard. You'll bite off a bigger foe than you can chew."

"Where are we going?"

"My little shack over here by the forest gate."

"Is it noisy at night?"

"Not for the reason you'd think."

Nuru raised his eyebrows, but Mesi just shook her head.

"Dayo! I've brought someone!"

They went inside. There was another person sitting at the table, with a fairly androgynous haircut and large silvery witch-style hat, and loose-fitting but expensive-looking robes.

/She's one of us./

Nuru looked over his shoulder a quick moment.

"You must be Nuru," she said, bringing his attention back.

"That's right. Dayo is it?" Nuru said.


"I was telling, uh, them about you."

"Them? Them who?"

"Me," Dayo said.

"She - that is, they - don't like being called 'she.' They prefer to be called 'they' or 'them.' "

"It's a recent change. I'm still not used to it," Dayo said. "But being called 'she' just feels so restrictive. Everyone expects you to act a certain way, dress a certain way. I just want to be me."

"But don't worry, I'm perfectly fine with being 'she'," Mesi said, smiling.

"So you gals- er, people- how do you... know each other?"

"We're partners," Mesi said.

"In the, uh, romantic sense," Dayo said.

"And the domestic sense," Mesi corrected.

"Yeah, that too."

"Oh! That explains a few things," Nuru said.

"I thought you should know before we got too far in," Mesi explained. "You're a nice guy and all. I don't want to give you the wrong impression."

"Hey, no, that's cool. No problem. I mean, I like you, but I really just need an ear to the ground to keep up with what's happening around here. Running around looking for people with Quest Markers sounds like a huge waste of my time."

"Gods below, you were literally going to pay her to talk?" Dayo said.

"She seemed happy enough to do it."

"No, I know, it's just normally people offer her money to shut up."

"Oh stop," Mesi said, giggling.

"I offer you something else to do with your mouth instead, but..."

"Dayo! You're so bad!"

"You wanted to set his expectations, I'm contributing. You're lucky I'm talking at all."

"They're a bit shy," Mesi said. "Dayo, that is. See how confusing that is to keep track of?"

"Fine, I get your point," Dayo said, scowling.

"Don't be mad. I'm giving you honest feedback."

"I appreciate it, babe. So what are you up to these days, Nuru?"

"Level Two," Nuru said.

Mesi laughed. "Yeah, we covered that, I thought."

"Oh, you mean specifically? Well... hang on a second. What do you mean one of us?" Nuru said, turning head head to the side, yanking at Adana.

/Her Faction. I can sense it./

"Who are you talking to?" Mesi said, frowning.

Nuru held up a finger.

"Should I tell them?"

/I think it's safe. They're not that into you, though. I mean, maybe a little bit but not.../

"What do you mean, a little bit?"

/Fine. Tell them. You'll see./

"Sorry, that must have been confusing. I was just talking to my shoulder demon."

"Oh, how cute! What does your shoulder angel have to say?" Mesi said brightly.

Dayo just stared at him, brows creased.

"I, uh, don't have one of those. I mean that kind of literally. I have a demon. A pact, actually."

Dayo's mouth dropped open.

"Wait... what?" Mesi said. "Are you collecting souls to torment? I want no part of that!"

"No, no! Nothing like that. We just have a power-sharing arrangement."

/A very one-sided arrangement, I must remind you!/

Dayo relaxed, but Mesi looked like she'd swallowed a bug.

"Dayo, what does that mean?" Mesi said. "Is he safe?"

"It means he's on our side, love."

"Dayo, you know I'm not political. Explain to me how he's on our side."

/This'll be interesting/

Dayo took a deep breath.

"Mesi, you know I do things that aren't... strictly legal here."

"But you don't do them here."

"No, I don't. But the High Factions don't recognize jurisdiction for some things."

"Wait. 'High Factions'?" Nuru said.

He felt like Adana was watching him for some reason, chewing some small crunchy treat.

"So... you would know them as just Factions, I suppose. Your main gateway out of town goes right by the whole carnival."

"Carnival. Hm, funny way of putting it, but yeah, I think I get what you're saying. But there are others?"

"Indeed. I belong to a... well I won't mention the name just now, but yes. We're an offshoot of one of the mage factions that no longer exists. We dabble in certain dark arts."

"That's odd. You don't look anything like a life-insurance salesperson," Nuru said.

Dayo snorted, struggling to maintain a straight face, and failed.

"You see! This is what I was telling you about," Mesi said, cracking up immediately.

"You do have a rather disarming personality, Nuru," Dayo said.

"Pleased to meet ya!" Nuru said. "Now, in all seriousness, I have a concern. Can we address the 800 pound giraffosaurus in the room?"

Dayo took a drink from her cup.

"OK," Mesi said, looking at him pensively.

"You..." he said, pointing to Dayo, then sweeping his finger to include Mesi, "...are lesbians."

Dayo sprayed the water across the table, getting Mesi and Nuru both, and almost falling out of her chair.

"Or something adjacent to that, right!?" Nuru said, grinning as they all stood up to brush themselves off.

"Oh, gods above and below! Yes, you could say that we are I suppose," Mesi said, crying with laughter. "He got you good!"

"Yes... yes we are," Dayo said, clearing their throat. "What of it?"

"Well, begging your pardon at my ignorance - how does that work? I mean, you care for each other sure, but... you know. In the middle of those lonely nights you reach for each other and... what do you do? I mean, you don't have the parts, physically, to do what a common couple does."

Dayo held a finger up to make a pronouncement, and then stopped with their mouth hanging open. Mesi leaned across the table and a fairly short whispered conversation occurred behind the hands they held by their faces to block the view, of which Nuru could only make out snippets.

" you know what he's..."

"...yes but how..."

"...I know you do, but..."

"...should we...?"

"...talked about this..."

" that time..."

"...if you want to."

Mesi cleared her throat. "Nuru, we've decided it might be best to show you rather than try to explain it."

/Oh my. This is going better than I expected. Don't fuck this up and we'll be even/

"I promise to pay very close attention," he offered.

Dayo covered their face with their hands, but Mesi charged on.

"Do you promise not to try to jump in uninvited? To be clear, you're not going to be invited."

"You're Level Two, Nuru, I'll totally kick your ass. And then turn you into a meat puppet," Dayo said, standing up, prompting the other two to rise.

"Uh, no, that's fine, I'll be good," Nuru said.

"Meat puppet out of a live person? Kinky," Mesi said. "We've never done that before."

"Down girl. Don't give him ideas," Dayo said.

"You started this," Mesi said.

"And I'll finish it," Dayo growled at Mesi.

"You don't mind if I um, do my own thing with myself do you?" Nuru said, as he watched Mesi get swatted on the ass.

"No, I hope you do," Mesi said to him, winking. "Just don't get bossy, and don't interrupt and you'll be fine. Right babe?"

"Right. No touching, and no bossing. And no commentary."

"You do your thing, and I'll do my thing. Got it," Nuru said.

"Look at you using your words!" Mesi said.

"Shut up," Dayo said.

"She's usually shy, like I said. I think she likes you," Mesi said back towards Nuru.

"Dammit, I said shut up. You're embarassing me," Dayo said.

"I'm showing off your personal growth!" Mesi said.

"I'll give you some personal growth. It'll be very SWELL," Dayo said through gritted teeth, grabbing Mesi by the hair.

"Unff. OK, I be good now," Mesi said, relaxing into it.

Dayo dropped the hand from Mesi's head to her hand, and held it as they walked. Mesi unconsciously looked up at her partner, her face radiating with love. Nuru's chest melted in sympathy with the purity of emotion on display. The three walked out into the woods a short distance and Dayo spread her cloak like a blanket on the ground. Then they both stepped onto it in a firm embrace.

Mesi peppered Dayo with kisses up and down her body as her robes fell. Her untanned skin flushed with the attention, bringing her areolas to tight firmness atop her breasts, but nowhere near matching Mesi's tan. Very few words were spoken, but the smallest sighs and catches of breath told the story as first Dayo then Mesi grew heated and they lay down, interlocking their legs together and rubbing at the pelvis, reaching out to run fingernails and fingertips all over; pinching and squeezing; sucking each others' fingers and ankles and toes. Mesi leaned back as a particularly strong orgasm washed over her, leaning back directly towards Nuru with her eyes closed in ecstasy. As the wave of pleasure receded, she opened her eyes, and her curly sun-bleached hair bounced as she giggled quietly, seeing Nuru stroking his own cock and trying not to cum too soon at the sight in front of him.

"Seems we look pretty hot together," Mesi murmered.

"Couldn't do it without you babe," Dayo replied.

Nuru's own experience, and the scant few times he had heard anyone else in the throes of passion (at the inn, sneaking around at night with his friends), had given him a sense of sexuality being like a fireworks show: a few fun sparkles, growing excitement, and then the grand finale, and a bit of a mess to clean up afterwards. But Mesi and Dayo were completely different; the image he got was of a tide rolling in at the seashore, starting slow with kisses and gentle touching, gradually growing and shedding the clothing between them, with waves of sensual joy cresting higher and higher until finally the energy ebbed and calm gradually crept in once more. And very little mess to speak of.

"Wow," Nuru said, as the sounds of the forest came back.

"What do you think?" Mesi said. "Did you come?"

"Twice," Nuru said. "And I think... you have got something really special. I mean, how many women feel attraction to other women the way you do? It's got to be ten times harder for you, searching for the person you want to be with. But you've got every couple I've ever met beat for chemistry. I'm happy for you. More than a little jealous, maybe."

Mesi and Dayo laughed, kissed a bit more, and then got dressed again.

"Nuru, I have to say, this has been kind of a fantasy of mine for awhile," Mesi said. "Being watched, I mean. It doesn't bother me that you're a man watching - I thought it might. But you're respectful and encouraging, and I felt safe even though I've only just met you yesterday."

"I thought it made it easier, actually," Dayo said. "You're not one of the people I'd generally have sex with anyway, so if I flubbed it I wouldn't feel like I'd blown an opportunity for later."

"Well, only if he..." Mesi said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively at Dayo.

"Psht! Not a word about that."

"Oh come on, you know his brain is going a mile a minute wondering what we're talking about now after that meat puppet talk. He's probably got something ten times worse in mind already."

Dayo sighed. "OK, fine. I'm kind of a... necromancer, right?"

"Oh, I wasn't quite sure which dark arts you were talking about. I mean you didn't have the clipboard full of marketing literature or anything."

Dayo smirked. "So yeah, I see a lot of dead bodies. Some of them were pretty cute, when they were alive. Seems a shame to let them just die and turn to worm and ghoul food. So I do Spirit Touch and talk to them. You'd be surprised how many women have attraction to other women, but don't feel like they can express it while they're alive. If they're not into it, I drain their spirit and send the soul on to the next life as The Rules dictate, but if they are..."

"What does this have to do with having sex with me?" Nuru asked.

"If you were dead!" Mesi burst out.

"Oh, gods below, Mesi," Dayo said. "You make it sound so dirty. I'm not a necrophile."

"But you still-" Mesi interjected.

"Shush. Yeah, sometimes I want something more than what a woman can give me. Or she's pretty banged up and I can't work with whatever she's got left below the waist. So I take whatever I've got on hand... and sometimes it's a man. Just the bottom half, that's all I use. I line it up with the woman's top half and reanimate her with both parts joined. There's just nothing like having a woman with her dick inside me. No offense, Mesi."