Beneath the Ice Ch. 02


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And Alexei could give it back just as good. He shot Olle a narrow look. "It was a mistake. I'm ten times the man you are."


Charlotte was pretty sure neither of them were ever going to move from their nest on the couch. Zoe was snuggled up to her side, a flannel blanket wrapped around her slender form. Charlotte got up now and again to grab snacks or drinks but other than that or bathroom breaks, they spent the whole of their Monday binge-watching a couple of anime shows on Netflix. Charlotte had decided now was the time for the streaming service's free trial and she was glad she'd done it.

"You want some more crackers, sweetie?" She brushed her palm over Zoe's forehead as she asked, testing the girl's temperature. She wasn't nearly as warm as she'd been the night before and while she remained mainly lethargic, she was a little more animated as well.

Zoe nodded and Charlotte got up to dig around in the pantry for another sleeve of the saltines she always kept on hand. As she did that, and refilled her water glass, there was a knock on the door.

Frowning, Charlotte turned to walk over and look through the peephole. She wasn't expecting anyone and Alexei wasn't back until Friday, or so he'd said.

There was a woman standing there, tall with ash-blond hair up in a messy bun, and blue-framed glasses on her pert nose.

Charlotte unlocked the door and peered out with a neutral smile on her face. "Yes?"

The woman grinned. "Are you Charlotte?"

Blinking, Charlotte opened the door wider. "Um, yeah. Do I know you?"

"I'm Joelle Norberg, Olle's wife."


Joelle tilted her head to the left, her already wide grin growing bigger, her blue eyes dancing. "Ah, haven't got around to talking about anyone else, have you?"

Charlotte was lost. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

Joelle laughed and nodded. "No, I'm sorry, I'm talking in circles. Olle is Alexei's teammate on the Blackhawks, and a good friend of ours."

"Oh." That explained some, but not everything.

"He told me about how you and your little one have been sick for a few days. With them heading out of town, he asked if I could drop by and see if you needed anything."

Warmth swamped Charlotte and her throat closed up with some unnamed emotion. Her eyes watered and she blinked hard a few times, jerking her gaze away from Joelle's friendly and far-too-knowing smile.

"That's so kind of you."

"It was all Alexei's doing." Joelle clasped her hands in front of her. "Now. Are you going to let me in? I totally understand if you'd like me to go, but I really only want to help. I know what it's like to be sick and not have someone helping out."

Cue more waterworks. Charlotte was seconds away from sobbing altogether. She couldn't remember being on the receiving end of so much well-meaning kindness. She swallowed hard a few times, staving off the tears as she backed up a couple steps. "Come in, please."


Closing the door behind Joelle, Charlotte looked over to see Zoe had sacked out on the couch, her eyes closed. Clearly, she wasn't back to her usual self, or she'd have been right up at the door with her.

"Is that Zoe?" Joelle asked in a soft voice after she'd pulled her coat off.

Charlotte didn't know what to think that this friend of Alexei's already knew who she and Zoe were. What else had he told Joelle? How had he explained who they were to him? Charlotte didn't even know what they were.

"Yeah. She's been sleeping a lot and thankfully not throwing up like I did."

Joelle winced, her expression turning sympathetic. "Thank goodness for that."

"Let me put her to bed and I'll make some coffee for us." Charlotte crossed to slide her arms around Zoe. She didn't have all her own energy and strength back but she managed to carry her daughter to bed and closed the door behind her as she rejoined Joelle in the kitchen.

"Oh, I would have done that." Charlotte watched as Joelle poured water into the coffee maker, having already discovered her coffee stash.

"Hey, I said I'm here to help, I'm helping." Joelle threw a wink over her shoulder. "Now, you sit down and wait for this to brew, and I'll attack these dishes." She waved a hand at the full sink.

"No, I can't let you do that." Charlotte tried to move around Joelle to the sink but the other woman wasn't having it.

"Charlotte, Alexei specifically asked me to come help you, not stand by while you clean up around me." Joelle's voice took on a stern edge that almost made Charlotte laugh. If this Joelle wasn't a mother yet, she was already halfway to being one. "So park it on the couch and I will tidy up in here. After coffee, you will go have a shower, and we'll talk laundry. Am I clear?"

Charlotte covered her smile with her fingers and nodded. Joelle winked again and turned back to her task.

True to her word, the other woman made quick work of the dishes and kitchen counters while the coffee brewed. Then she did join Charlotte on the couch with two mugs of coffee, after asking if Charlotte took cream and sugar.

"I'm not sure how I'll ever let you go after today."

Joelle grinned and saluted her with her own mug before taking a sip. She lounged back on the couch cushions and eyed Charlotte, her expression becoming more pointed.

"So, let's talk, shall we?"

Charlotte didn't know why, but she turned nervous in an instant at Joelle's words. "Okay."

"How did you and Alexei meet?"

"Oh, well, that's not very interesting. He lives downstairs, in the apartment below us and came to complain when Zoe got really loud one day."

"And the rest is history?"

Charlotte smiled and shrugged. "I suppose. We had a few more encounters, and he happened to be here when I got really sick the other day."

"He told me that Zoe stomped around until he showed up at the door."

"Was that it?" Charlotte sighed. "All this time, I haven't been sure on that. He said Zoe called him but I was throwing up too much to look into it any further."

Joelle nodded. "Understandable. You couldn't have found a better babysitter. Alexei would never say it himself, because he thinks he's anti-social, sweet man."

"I could kind of see that." Charlotte sipped her coffee as she considered. "He never smiles. Well, almost never."

"You've seen him smile? What a treat. What's it like? I've known him three years and I don't think I've ever seen it."

"Really? He smiles at Zoe all the time."

Joelle clutched a hand to her chest. "Of course he does. Big ol' softie."

Charlotte giggled. "Maybe he is, under all the bluster."

"Oh, of course he is." Joelle nodded, adamant. "Would a real jerk have spent all that time taking care of you guys?"

"No." Charlotte could barely wrap her head around the fact that Alexei had done anything at all for them, never mind the length of time he cared for her and Zoe. "He's really bonded with Zoe, I think."

Joelle's smile softened. "That's so sweet."

"It really is." Charlotte could admit that. "It's been just me and Zoe since she was born. Since before that, really."


"Well, I got pregnant when I was nineteen. My parents didn't like it." Charlotte looked down into her coffee, swirling it around a bit. "They said since I got myself into the mess, I could get myself out of it."

"Wow. I'm sorry you had no support from them. Not even now?"

"I call them at Christmas every year, but they don't seem to have any interest in me, or in getting to know Zoe."

Joelle frowned and leaned over to squeeze her hand. "That's shitty."

Charlotte agreed but she shrugged. "They're pretty old-fashioned and all, so I get it, but I have Zoe, and she's family enough for me. We make it work."

The other woman got a funny look on her face, as if she wanted to say something. She gave her head a shake and pushed her glasses up her nose. "So, Alexei and Zoe are friends now?"

"Yes, so it would seem."

"Because he had an awful lot to say about you as well."

Charlotte squirmed on the couch and looked away, her cheeks burning. "I bet he did. Did the words he use rhyme with itchy witch? But with Bs?"

Joelle snickered and shook her head. "Not at all. He was very concerned about leaving you on your own but he couldn't get out of the road trip."

"Of course not. I don't imagine they could just not show up for games." Charlotte took another long sip of her coffee then paused when she saw Joelle's expression. "What is it?"

"You don't know? He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

Joelle looked away and bit her lip. "Oh, um, well, he did miss a game. Saturday night."

Saturday night. When Charlotte had been so out of it, she hadn't realized it was Saturday. When Alexei had watched Zoe all day and night, taking her grocery shopping and letting her carry eggs.

Swallowing with some difficulty, Charlotte stared at Joelle. "He didn't play in a game?"

"Yeah. It was all anyone talked about during the commentary. They were speculating that he'd been injured somehow." Joelle let out a light laugh. "But that's only because Alexei is one of the league's iron men."

"Iron men?"

"Yeah. Iron man is what they call the guy who play the most consecutive games in a row, no injuries, illness, or whatever. Alexei was one of the top five, with five hundred-something games. I can't remember exactly."

"And he missed a game." Charlotte's hands started to shake and she leaned forward to set her mug down on the table. "Oh my God, he must hate me."

"Of course he doesn't." Joelle touched her arm, her blond brows pulling together. "I'm sure he doesn't regret it at all."

"Why would he risk that for us?"

"Risk what? Oh, sweetie, his career is in no danger for missing one game. They're allowed sick days, like anyone else. Alexei just happens to be someone who's never had to use one. Or at least, not for some time."

Charlotte shook her head. "I don't know why he'd do that."

"Don't you?" Joelle grinned and gave her shoulder a last squeeze before sitting back. "Now, let's change the subject so you don't keep swimming in your misplaced guilt. Where's your washing machine? And dirty laundry? Give me all of it and I'll take care of that while you shower."

"You really don't need to do that. I can manage."

"The thing is, Charlotte, you don't have to. I'm volunteering and I'm not going anywhere." Joelle stood up. "So you can tell me where everything is, or I can find it myself. It's up to you."

Seeing that Joelle was serious, and with tears clogging her throat again, Charlotte stood and gave the woman a quick tour. Leaving Joelle sorting Zoe's many shirts and leggings, Charlotte did go have a shower.

The whole time, she thought about what Joelle had told her.

Alexei missing a game. Choosing to miss it, for her and Zoe. Who does that? They were nothing to him except a source of annoyance. Still, she recalled the way he'd been so sweet and gentle with Zoe, and how he'd tucked Charlotte into bed. With him.

No. Don't get carried away. Last time she'd had her head spun by a man, she'd ended up pregnant and on her own in the city.

Somehow though, she couldn't see Alexei being able to walk away from her like Zoe's absent biological father.


It took her a couple days, but Charlotte eventually texted Alexei at the number he'd left for her. She wasn't sure if he was a texter, but she had to thank him for sending Joelle to her place and didn't want to wait until he was home. Lucky for her, he didn't leave her hanging.

Charlotte: Alexei?

Alexei: Yes. This is Alexei. Is this Charlotte?

Charlotte: Yes.

Alexei: Is everything all right?

Charlotte: Yes. Thank you for sending Joelle over. She's the best.

Alexei: She really is. I'm glad you didn't turn her away.

Charlotte: Couldn't if I'd wanted to. She's got more energy than Zoe.

Alexei: Not sure I believe that.

Charlotte: It's a close call, I'll leave it at that.

Alexei: How are you feeling? Both of you?

Charlotte: Much better. I went back to work on Tuesday and Joelle volunteered to watch Zoe for an extra day before I sent her back to daycare on Wednesday.

Alexei: Zoe was still sick then?

Charlotte: She was mostly better but I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. And Joelle offered, so I figured why not.

Alexei: I'm glad someone was there to help while I'm gone.

Charlotte: It was very thoughtful of you to ask Joelle.

Alexei: I was worried about leaving you.


Charlotte: Why?

Alexei: ...

Alexei: We'll talk when I get home.

Charlotte: Talk about what?

Alexei: Many things. Go to bed, Charlotte. It's late.

Charlotte: I'm fine for a little while.

Alexei: Bed. Now.

Charlotte: ...

Charlotte: Good night, Alexei.

Alexei: Good night, krasotka.

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striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Wow, what a difference from the first chapter. This is a lot more interesting and engaging and less awkward. It is like night and day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Alexei is the best, sweet and bossy, just the way I like em :D I'm enjoying your stories so much!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I haven’t read a Harlequin romance novel in over 30 years. This is what I would imagine a good modern day Harlequin romance to be. So good!

phoenixeyephoenixeyealmost 3 years ago

So well written! I love everything about this storyline. It's so sweet and hopefully we will not wait long for a third chapter... I didn't sleep all night and now I have to go to work... 😳😴

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good to see you back. It's been a while on lit but you've not lost your touch, love it xx Sol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I can't wait for the next chapter. It is so good to see you back writing. Your stories are so well written. Please keep them coming!

kdlucaskdlucasalmost 3 years ago

I love your stories. Thank you for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story! So glad you’re back!

LwcbyLwcbyalmost 3 years ago

Thank you so much!

shopratshopratalmost 3 years ago

You've got some serious talent. Making me swallow this sappy Hallmark stuff and eagerly wait for more :-) Great story so far.

PhotoMeisterPhotoMeisteralmost 3 years ago

To: johntcooksey

How did you find her books on Amazon?


mcollectmcollectalmost 3 years ago

I have read all your works on this site and this is the best! Where else do you publish?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love all your stories, you fit this category so well. Thank you for writing and please never ever stop writing. I am thoroughly enjoying this story, cannot wait for the next part.

hornier_bastardhornier_bastardalmost 3 years ago

another great chapter... I think I'm hooked!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Hopefully there will be another chapter. I need to learn what “krasotka” means

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