Best Friends Ch. 02


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I waved her inside. "Jason I am begging you please put away your anger. Chris needs you he is broken he hasn't been to work, he sits at home all day. I am begging you I will do anything to make things right, but please talk to him."

"I am sorry Marie but he ruined my life and maybe that's the penance he has to pay, he will get over it."

"I cannot believe it, Chris talks about this wonderful friend he had and all I see is a cruel mean malicious prick, you are a nasty piece of work Jason you really are."

When I didn't respond she snarled. "He did the wrong thing but hasn't he paid his dues, he is suffering."

She jumped back in her car and sped off. Me I spent the rest of the week thinking. I had nothing else to do, Cass wasn't talking to me and the house was cold.... Icy cold.

Seeing Chris that way had affected me, it hurt more than I cared to admit, I hated him and yet we were brothers, we nearly drowned in an upturned dingy at the river mouth hanging on for hours before we were rescued. Yes we shared a lot, but I wasn't sure I could get past it.

Over the years I read plenty about being the bigger man and forgiveness, fuck I had forgiven Cassie and now things were OK between us..... That night when I got home I told Cass. "Invite Marie and dickhead over for lunch Saturday."

The look on her face changed from the icy cold stare to a warm loving smile and that night in bed she repaid me passionately... Several times in fact.

Saturday rolled around quickly Chris and Marie strolled in with their arms full of bags and parcels, gifts for the kids and bags of food. Chris and I stood staring each other down like gunfighters until he opened his arms and sucked me in to an all-encompassing bear hug.

"Jay I love you man, you are my brother whether you like it or not and I am sorry." He gripped me even tighter. "Mate, I fucked up and I know it but I will do anything to fix this, brother you name it and I will do it. I need you both back in my life."

I wanted to hit him, smash him to the ground, but all I could do was stand there as he held me in that fucking bear hug. He burst into tears again his wet cheeks resting on my shoulder. I felt my shoulder getting wet where he was crying and that just got mine going. We stood there arms wrapped around each other bawling our eyes out.

Cassie jumped up and kissed me. "Jay, take Chris and go and sit outside I will bring a drink out."

We sat in the sun and quietly drank our beer, surrounded by a deep eerie silence. Mum brought the kids home and Jaycee came running out and climbed onto my lap. She wanted to play with her new dolls and kept annoying me until I gave in and played with her.

Chris laughed. "Bro, she has you wrapped around her little finger." It sort of broke the ice a little and Jaycee asked him if he wanted to play dolls to?

So there we were two grown men drinking beer and playing dolls with Jaycee. Cass brought James out and put him down beside us and all four of us played and wrestled. Cass sneakily kept the beers flowing until lunchtime.

Marie and Cass brought out a big lunch and we all sat around eating and drinking. It was still tense, I could see Marie wanted to talk to me but I had been keeping her at arm's length, Cassie noticing Marie's uncertainty, chatted and gossiped with her as only women can. Chris and I slowly started to grow more comfortable giving each other shit like old times.

As the day progressed Cassie called out. "Jay, Marie and I are going to the supermarket to get stuff for a barbeque."


"Because I said so." She snapped and disappeared.

Chris helped me drag the cover off the barbeque and give it a clean, as we worked, we talked and all the emotion, and animosity, seemed to dissipate. Jaycee ran around like a mad thing, climbing all over me until I lifted her onto my shoulders making me carry her around like a queen. James cried until Chris picked him up and gave him a ride as well. As he held him I could see his eyes tearing up. "Jay, you are a lucky bastard. This is exactly what I want for Marie and me. I want a family so bad."

The food was great and it turned into a pleasant day. Cassie seemed happy and after the kids went to bed Cass put on some music and we sat out under the stars drinking.

Chris grabbed me and hugged me. "Jay I'm so sorry mate I deserved it all, I don't know what I was thinking. It wasn't your fault it was mine I am sorry man." Tears rolled down his cheeks and he held me tight. "I have missed you Jay, my life has been so empty without you guys. It was like a huge hole swallowed me. I love you both so much."

Cassie came over and slipped her arms around me, and we shared a little kiss, her eyes sparkled as she held me. I sensed that she wanted to hug Chris as well, but she seemed a little nervous. I reached out and pulled Chris into our hug, which turned into Cassie and Chris hugging. Marie who looked more anxious than anyone stood staring uncertain and nervous until I opened my arm and invited her in for a hug, it was a huge moment for us. It was the closest we had ever got and the smile on her face expressed joy at being included.

When we all sat down Marie sat beside me pushing our new found intimacy and testing my boundaries.

That Saturday grew into what would become a fairly regular weekend thing. That is if Chris could drag himself away from his golfing buddies at the country club, he was still drinking way too much. It became apparent as time drifted by that they were stressed, one day, Cassie and Marie were buried in a deep whispered conversation.

I looked at Chris and he shook his head. "Don't ask mate, I don't want to talk about it."

Cass and I tried to mediate and get them talking but the rift seemed to be too wide.

After they left Cass explained they were arguing because Marie wants to try IVF but Chris doesn't want some stranger's kid.

The following Saturday turned out to be a very strange day. Chris and Marie turned up and thankfully things seemed to be more relaxed between them. It was after the kids went to bed and we had been sitting around having a few beers they sprang it on us.

Marie spoke, speaking to both Cassie and I.

"Guys you know that Chris and I have been arguing a lot lately and I know it's no secret why, Jason I want children. We love coming around and being part of your family but we want our own. We have decided to try In Vitro Fertilisation." Cass and I nodded in silent agreement.

Marie sucked in a deep breath. "What you guys don't know is what's behind the reason for our recent arguments. Chris is adamant that he doesn't want to use an unknown sperm donor."

She reached out and picked up Cassie's hand and then reached over for mine. She looked nervously at both Cassie and I. "Jason we want you to be the donor."

Cassie laughed, and they hugged. "Of course darling, oh my god that will be awesome." I watched as they hugged and giggled, that is until they both looked at me.

I was shocked, I couldn't speak, and my tongue was numb and seemed to be huge in my mouth. I shook my head. "Um.... I don't know that's such a good idea"

Cassie jumped on me before I could continue. "Jason! Don't be an arse. They need our help so suck it up buttercup."

She left no room for argument as far as she was concerned it was a done deal.

Despite my misgivings a week later after blood tests I went down and donated my sperm.

This was the early days for invitro and failures were common, this was no different. In the end they tried twice but each time failed.

Marie was beside herself with sadness. She spent days crying on Cassie's shoulder.

Cassie tried to lighten the mood, "I guess you will just have to keep trying. Don't worry about Jay, beating off is his favourite pastime."

Marie got a bit sad. She shook her head. "No Cassie it's not that simple, it's the cost." She moaned, we have already spent $30,000 trying. We had to take money we were going to use for the house."

"House?" Cassie squealed with a big grin on her face.

Marie cried. "Yes we found a house we like."

"Oh my god that's awesome." It turns out the house is just around the corner from ours, we were going to be neighbours.

Marie sighed. "Yes but we have been dipping into our savings for the IVF. We can't afford to have another failure. We don't know what to do."

So although we did get together occasionally, after that things were tense between Chris and Marie. They were obviously feeling the pinch and slowly the visits dwindled down.

It was funny, Chris was so adamant he needed us back in his life but he started going back to his buddies golfing and drinking. Marie again started spending more time at our place and she really doted on our children. Her desire to be a mother and the hope that IVF had brought fuelled her need.

I overheard enough conversations to know that Marie had been on at Chris to adopt but he refused he was adamant he wanted his own family.

Weeks later Chris and Marie turned up on Saturday for a barbeque and drinks. The moment they turned up Chris asked if I would go for a walk with him.

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Cassie is such a bitch. She forces her husband to raise another man's child and cops an attitude. Bitches at him, And the MC takes this? Why? Where is his self-respect?

JaySkiZeroJaySkiZero4 months ago

idk what anon was yapping about down there. Cheating slut is what she is lmfao, no matter if you drunk or not if you fuck thats sumn sober you wanted just never acted upon. I've never cheated while drunk, my girl hasn't either, and even when i was under the impression she would allow me a hallpass i never took it while under the influence.

Though ig not a full on slut if she stopped after they made up. Even by my definition she is; if a mf forgives her who am i to really talk shit. well if he were real ofc

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Help your buddy out, put love pee in his woman's hole! Give her twins!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

कितनी वाहियात स्टोरी है!

क्रिस एक ही रात मे चोद चोद कर कैसी को प्रिग्नेंट कर देता है पर जब मैरी को प्रिगनेंट करना होता है तो उसके पास स्पर्म काउन्ट नहीं होता !

उपर से क्रिस का देखभाल करने के लिए कैसी दिन रात एक कर देती है और उसको अपने पति के लिए टाइम नहीं होता !

अस्पताल से छूटने के बाद भी क्रिस कैसी से मिलने उसके घर गाहे बगाहे जाता रहता है और कैसी को बुरा भी नहीं लगता ! क्या पता दोनो चुदाई भी करते होंगे !

हमे लगता है कि क्रैसी अपने पति को ककोल्ड बनाना चाहती हो क्योंकि क्रिस का लण्ड उसे बहुत ही पसंद अा गया था !

और क्रैसी तो बात बात पर क्रिस को हग करती थी !

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Ok what the heck. How is Cassie a slut? Please. Do you even know what that erm means. Yes she let her fantasy get away from her one time and all three were drunk and they had a threesome, and yes she knew Chris was f$cking her from behind after spooning her, while she jacked her husband but she wasn't all there in order to debate consent and didn't know that her hsuabnd was unaware. The second time in the middle night after MC got up to take a piss, then they went at it again. Still drunk, but now she assumed implied consent. Was bs, but it was a mistake, not a betrayal. Grow up. Chris being the sperm donor of Jaycce is what heightened the tension. Sure Jason had all the right in the world to be hurt and angry, especially with Chris who took an opportunity and wrnt for it because he loved and lusted after Cassie. Cassie in no freaking way returned any love for Chris. She only loved Jason, Chris was a good friend and Chris also bring drunk but with his unrequited lo e and lust took the opportunity and hubby was in fact clueless until after waking up and visiting the bathroom. Chris betrayed Jason and to a lesser extent Cassie. Yeah I did not appreciate Cassie's comment seconfihg Marie talking about how much Chris ejaculates. She was drunk with lowered inhibitions and impaired judgment, not comatose. But that was freaking girl talk. It was not malicious. Now it is understandable why Jason lost it beat the unholy crap out of Chris and exiled him. He was also wounded by his previous inability to make Cassie moan like Chris did. But marriages aren't about orgasms and guess what? He stepped up in the bedroom and became a much better lover. Many readers cannot accept what happened with the DNA test. And rhat makes sense, but Jason is not a wimp for finally going back to his family over an extended period of separation and then helping Cassie out. He was the bigger man. Now some of the later stuff with Chris and Marie and all the manipulation, that starts to get over the top. And as a result the story quality begins to degrade. The constant pressure on him to forgive and be best man at the wedding and now sperm donor. Please. That is vexing. But tossing out all happiness because all three got drunk and into a weird threesome without consent but misinterpreted as implied consent is a real gray area and not worth the pain and suffering on both Cassie and Jason. The kid is a different matter. Many coukd nit get past it. He did. It was nit a typical cuckold situation. Not by a longshot. Of course she should have been on protection but they were trying for a kid and all got drunk. Mistake, not a treachery and Cassie is not a slut. Chris thoughbis an asshole. And it gets worse in Chapter 3, where the MChas to save Chris from losing Marie and self destruction. This story woukdnhave been much cleaner to end with Chris leaving town and with Cassie and Jason when they had there second child before all the Marie manipulation started.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

One always has to suspend reality when trying to reconcile a Cagivagurl story. This story wouldn’t get off the ground if Jay would just let everyone in his life know the truth of the matter.

“My wife is a round heeled slut that gave birth to my best mates child….the end”

mariverzmariverz6 months ago

luego el protagonista hizo gargaras con el semen del amigo.

es eso a lo que quiere llegar el (la) autor (autora)?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Bwaaaahaaahaaa! Raising that asshole's kid? Taking his slut wife back? Being friends with baby daddy? Typical Cagivagurl bullshit.

B3ndoverB3ndover7 months ago

I don’t like where this is going

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Your writing and editing is understandable and criminally underrated. But again I must say you only know how to write weak men. I was overly harsh in a critique I made on one of your other stories and I apologize for that but objectively This isn’t a heartbreaking tale of a wife or husband who has done wrong.. cheated and had to work for reconciliation. Your first chapter was great, the best friend is lucky he wasn’t shot, while the Mc does act as a surrogate and write the wrong later. I do like how Chris will have to live the rest of his life thinking he was sterile but the whole stealing thing is just crap , he’s the he who did the stealing. Again the women in the story try to force the mc to mend the fence with the guy who betrayed him. It just is impossible, down the road yeah I can see two old men burring the hatchet.but you write an entitled wife instead of a wife greatful her husband still loves her. As flawed as ten long years is you demonstrated you can write a repentant and dedicated wife in skye . You take the only down side of 10 long years the delusional family and have that here as well. I would advise a pt 2 and 3 rewrite where the wife comes to her senses and creates distance between her and the affair partner. After marriage counseling the husband bites the bullet and becomes family with the child still not remarrying though . I’m not saying the wife lock herself in the house and don’t have friends or worship the very ground her husband walks on but what I am saying is she need to show a level of human respect and accountability. Chris comes back 10 years later and laments and begs for his best friends forgiveness. From here the little girl grows up secretly knowing the main character is not her father but because of the sacrifices he makes she grows to like him and vow to fix the mistake her mother made by being the dedicated wife he deserves

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

But you have to understand that the story is meant for an audience of the seriously mentally ill, so of course it makes no sense to you.

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