Best Friend's Sister Ch. 04


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"Bits and pieces. I'll get them to share the important parts. I could already guess what kind of man your grandfather might be, considering when he grew up."

"I'd love to take John with me for a visit but I figured it would only be for my amusement. It didn't seem very fair to him. Would've probably given my grandfather a heart attack anyway. He's so terrible to the hospital staff. I went out to apologize to someone he'd disrespected but she just waved it off. She said she'd heard far worse. She's gonna get some flowers from me and every other person he offended, the old coot. But if I believe in the innate value of everyone I meet, it's because of what I've learned at this house, from you and your wife, and those two children of yours. So, thank you." With that I shook his hand goodbye. "Have a happy Thanksgiving, okay?"

I said my goodbyes to the room as a whole and headed for the door. So much for getting in and out quickly. John followed me out, with Wanda trickling behind us. "Well, I'm sorry you have to go but I understand. I'd tell you to have a good time but I doubt it's going to be much fun."

"You're right about that. How long will you guys be home?"

"Well, Wanda's heading back Sunday but I'm going back Monday some time. I'm not sure when Laurie will get back. Up to her family."

"And you said I like playing with fire."

"Hey, that's different!"

I had to laugh at that. "Oh, no, it's different alright. Had to go out with the sheriff's daughter? When you open up some gift someday and there's a pointy white robe in there, you'll know you've finally been accepted into the family."

"David, you're terrible." Wanda said behind us.

His mouth popped open. "I'm sorry, John. That did come out kinda of bitchy, didn't it?" I slapped my hand on his chest to show my support and take the sting out of that comment. "Don't worry, John. I believe in true love too. Next time I'm up, we'll go anywhere you want across the bridge and I'll watch your back. That's why I'm here."

I reached up and gave him a hug. "Be careful, old buddy."

"It's fine, David. Got to work with you have."

"It sounds like true love." I said with a smile and a grin appeared on his face. "That's what I thought. I'm happy for you."

Right on time, Mrs. Anderson called out the door. "John, I need your help!"

"Alright, Davie. If you end up heading back any earlier, give us call."

"I will. Say hello to Laurie for me."

"I will. Don't make Wanda angry please, unless you're going to take her with you. Talk to you later. Gotta go."

Wanda had a frown of disapproval on her face and I put my hands on her arms. "Come on, Wanda. I said I was sorry. Please don't look at me like that. It breaks my heart to think I disappointed you."

She put her hand on my chest and nodded, then put a little kiss of forgiveness on my cheek. "Okay. So, what's up with you? You walked in with a frown and now that you're leaving you're in a better mood. My feelings are hurt and I want to know why. Are you glad you're leaving? Got someone waiting?"

"Of course not, Wanda." I tried to put my arms around her but she hadn't melted that much, so I backed off. "Please don't think that. What do think I saw when I walked in? Can you picture it?"

"You came in and stood behind me, then went to see my Father. And you still had that frown on your face."

"So, if I stood behind you, what did I see and who was there?"

"You were behind me thinking dirty thoughts about neck."

I lost it and laughed out loud. "How did you know that?"

"You spent hours on my neck at school. I assumed that's what you were doing."

I smiled at her. "Yeap, you're 100% correct. I was thinking about your neck and spending five hours mapping it out--the spots that tickled, the spots that took your breath away, the ones that took my breath away." I let my hand reach up and caress her face while my eyes just looked. "I'd like to spend an hour on it right now and kiss every inch of it, if there was enough time." I leaned in to give her a kiss but she hadn't thawed out that much.

She crossed her arms, which was usually a good indication to cool my jets. A little amusement showed up. "Okay, okay. I hear you. You'll get your chance someday."

"So I'm there drooling over on your neck, as beautiful as it. Then I looked next to you and there was some handsome devil I didn't know sitting next to you. I thought maybe you'd met someone."

"That's Kenny, he's my 16-year-old . . ."

"I know that. Now. It's one thing to think it might happen someday, like two years, maybe three, but to walk in and see it in in front of me was . ." I had to look down, because it had made such an impact on me when I walked in the door. "It was pretty hard to face. There's no way I could've dredged up smile."

She looked at me, thought over my answer, then nodded. She put a finger under my chin and lifted my face back up. "Okay, I can see that. I'm sorry I jumped on you. I probably would've thought the same thing and been even less diplomatic." I smiled at her. She was such a dream. "Were those tears for me?" I nodded but there's no way I could've replied. "Oh, baby."

She moved closer and put her hands on my chest. "So, you missed me?" "Yeah, maybe a little." "A little?" She pulled me close and plastered a kiss on me that took my breath away. Then she let go and looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "Well?" My turn? Then I pulled her into my arms and ravished her lips.

Ravish is the only word to describe it. Just can't overuse that word. I tasted her lips like a man rescued from the desert getting his first drink of water. "Yes, I'll admit, I did miss you." I said, panting a little.

"More than a little?"

"I doubt there's a word for how much." I pushed her back against the wall of the house and kissed her again and again. Her hands clenched my shirt and with a total lack of control my hands went down to grasp her butt and I lifted her up until she wrapped her legs around me. "God, you have the cutest butt I've ever seen."

I was ravishing her neck. "I know, I know. You told me. Does it feel okay?"

"It won't feel okay until I see it with my own eyes and can put kisses all over it, along with the rest of you." Then I went back to consuming her lips and grinding her against the wall. Consuming, another great word.

Unfortunately, her mother stuck her head out the door. "David! Phone call." Fortunately, she couldn't see us between the bushes, smack up against the wall, shaking the house.

I let Wanda slip back down to her feet, both of us out of breath. She put a hand in between us and rubbed along my length, which drew a groan out of me. "I have no idea how you're going inside with that. And your breathing sounds terrible."

I sucked in a huge breath, not like that was going to improve anything. "Can you go see who called and then I'll be right behind you." She let out a groan and touched me again. "Stop that."

"I love the sound of that, you behind me."

"Wow. Self-control. Self-control. Go on, please? I'm putting this food in my car. Not like that'll be enough time to get rid of this problem I have." With that, Wanda went in the door.

Her Mother asked her where I was. "He was just putting the food in his car. He'll be right in. He asked me to see who it was."

"It's his mother. She says his grandfather's taken a turn for the worst."

"Oh no." Wanda picked up the phone. "Hello, Mrs. Simpson. This is Wanda, John's sister. How are you? I understand. He's was taking a plate of food out to the car but he's coming in." I walked in right at that moment, right as she blushed to her roots. "Thank you, that's nice to hear, especially from you. I appreciate your confidence in me. I will, I promise. Oh, here he is. We'll be praying for you guys. You're welcome. Call us if there's anything we can do to help. Here's David."

"Thank you, Wanda. You're a peach. Listen can I take this on another phone? You're all still eating dinner. Bedroom? Thank you." Wanda led the way and we headed back to the master bedroom. I guess there wasn't any reason she couldn't go with me, as far as I could tell. I picked up the phone.

"Hey, Mom. What's going on? Resuscitate him? I thought he was getting better. I hope he had enough energy for that. I know how weak he was and lord knows his lungs are compromised. Yeah, I know. Is anyone at the house or at the hospital? Mmm mm. Yeah, I figured Dad and Pat would be given priority. It's . . about six o'clock now. Do you think they'll kick everyone out when visiting hours are over? . . . You think it's that close? Damn. I'm sorry. I thought we had more time. The last thing I knew we were talking about getting him a room in Corsica Hills."

"I know how long it will take. It doesn't mean I won't be on the road in five minutes, no matter what you tell me. . . Yes, I know! You all gave me your two cents worth when I told you I was coming down here. Not like I wanted to stay at the house while the cousins were putting their names on everything. I guarantee you I felt more welcome here than I felt up there."

Wanda put her hand on my arm, which helped me refocus and get back on track. "Listen. I'm not totally selfish, you know that. Tell me what I can do and you know I'll get it done. . . Uh huh. Anything else? Do you need anything from the house? . . Right. Maybe I should stop by, to make sure the dogs are being taken care of. . . Supposedly. Well, take a vote and come to a consensus. Unless I have any stops to make, I'm walking in the hospital in about 90 minutes, even if the odds are against me getting in to see him. . . You can tell them I'll see them when I get back. I wasn't up there to play cards and reminisce, I'll see them when I see them. . . You can put it any way you want. . . . Alright. I'll be here ten more minutes if you come up with anything else then I'll hit the road. Make sure to ask John, too."

"Yes, Mom, that as Wanda." My new found favorite topic. Now I blushed red to my roots. I tuned to look at Wanda. "Yeap, she's a slice of heaven. Sorry, that came out a bit mushy, didn't it?" Now she blushed. "Yes, I have to admit I do. It was a long time coming. . . So glad you approve. I don't think I ever heard you say that about any girl I liked. . . Wow, that's harsh. So, she meets with your approval? . . I'd appreciate if you could keep it to yourself. I have no intention of sitting there and listening to them trying to be subtle and insulting at the same time, especially Dad. Thanks. Okay. Love you, Mom."

Wanda sat down on the bed beside me on the bed. She put her arm around me and put her head on my shoulder. I looked at her. "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?"

"I hope everything works out. I guess the only thing worse would be going to a funeral."

"I don't doubt that. Could you close the door?"

She got up and closed the door, then came back to stand in front of me. "So what was all that you said about me?"

"I told her you were perfect and that yes, I loved you and while it might've happened a long time ago, it was probably better that it was happening now and then she disrespected every girl I ever went out with and gave you her stamp of approval." And I took in a deep breath after all that.

"Well. So much for keeping it a secret."

"Did you want me to keep it hidden away? If you tell me you want me to, I will. If there was a reason to, I didn't realize it. If you want me to try to do damage control, I can call her back."

"No, you're fine. Sounds like you've gotten over any qualms about letting something happen."

"Maybe. I think you're kinda cute, for a little sister."

"A little sister, huh? How many of your sisters do you ravish on a daily basis?"

I held up my hand and counted my fingers. One, two, six, seven. . . "Nope, just you. I doubt I could handle any more than that." I reached up and put my hands on her waist and pulled her to me. My face ended up on her stomach and she ran her hands through my hair. "Mmm. It feels so nice when you do that." I sat there as her fingers made all the stress go away. A sigh left me but I knew it was time to get moving. I stood up and pulled her into my arms. Then I backed her up until she bumped into the wall and leaned in and consumed her lips again. My hands ran around and grabbed her butt again and ground her into me. A moan escaped my mouth and then one escaped hers, while she was trying to push me away. "Still a little worked up, are we?"

"I cannot believe you. Let me go."

I gave her one more loving kiss and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Can you hear me?" She nodded with some exasperation. "Not gonna happen. You're my bread and butter."

She tried to be serious but that slipped past her defenses. She let out a laugh. "Out of all the guys. . ."


"Not a thing. Gotta to work with what you have at hand, I guess. If you have any bad habits, I'll just have fix them. But I think you'd better not sit next to me in Church."

"I like that. Fix all my flaws, can you? And maybe we can put your parents between us on Sundays."

"You might need to sit in the balcony."

"I don't know. That's where John and I sat and we still got in trouble. Come on, let's go."

She gave me one last kiss and put some effort into it. If that was her kiss goodbye, it was a damn good one. "There. Will that hold you over?"

"It'll have to be good enough but I know it'll only last for a about ten miles."

"My god. Will you ever let me get any sleep?"

"Stop. Don't give me so much to hope for."

"Come on, we'll find the time. You'll be okay. We'll be okay. You just need to get through this. Remember I'll be thinking about you."

"Thank you. I'll be doing the same. Hey, what was my mother saying to you? You said you appreciated her confidence in you."

"She said when you talk about me, it's the first time she's seen you smile like that. She said I must be good for you and to come visit as soon as possible."

"Isn't that sweet. If you're not going to tear up, I think I will. And I think my blood's finally stopped boiling. Come on, let's go tell them what's up."

I'm sure the door closed look suspicious. We made it out into the living room and into the kitchen. Mrs. Anderson lifted her eyebrows at us. Damn my light skin. I flushed red down to my toes. "David. Do you feel okay? You look like you have a fever." Now I know where Wanda got her wickedness from. Wanda pushed by me and found her seat. I grabbed a short step stool and sat down between her parents. Mrs. Anderson put the back of her hand against my forehead, like every mother does to their child. "A little hot. I'll check again in a little while."


She looked down at me in amusement. "My baby." Boy, that made me blush down to my toes.

"Marlene, leave the boy alone." Mr. Anderson wanted an update. "So, how's your grandfather doing? I thought you'd be on the road by now."

I wasn't trying to monopolize the conversation over Thanksgiving supper, so I tried to keep it on the downlow. "He had a relapse and his lungs are struggling. I don't how they can heal the damage caused by a lifetime of smoking. I guess my judgment was wrong after all when I decided to come down here. Bad enough they're going to give me grief for it, on top of blaming myself."

"You made the best decision you could, given the circumstances. Knowing you the way I do, I bet every time you left your grandfather, you said your goodbyes."

"How did you know that?"

"It's what I know you would do."

I looked down in thought but I couldn't figure it out. "Well, my mother called me to keep me up to date and give me a tongue lashing. I told them I'd be here for ten minutes and if I didn't hear from them, I'd get going. If that's okay?"

"Of course it is. That's fine. How about you find a seat and we'll fix you something quick to eat. Looks like John and Kenny are busy talking, so why don't you take that seat next to Wanda?"

"That would awesome, thank you."

"Try to stay out of trouble, can you. David?" Mrs. Anderson chimed in. I looked in her eyes and shook my head. I had to smile. Obviously, I'd missed a lot over the years if I didn't realize she wasn't above stirring the pot.

"I will. I promise." With that I got up and went to sit down next to Wanda. "What's up, sweet thing?"

"I don't know, what's up with you? Find new girlfriend yet?" She was trying to be humorous but when it arrived I found it a little bitter to my taste.

"No, I did not. I finally realized my school isn't co-ed. I don't remember ever seeing a single girl there. I'll have to check when I go back but I swear I haven't noticed a single one."

She slapped my arm lightly but I thought it was a good answer. "Good answer, wasn't it? Come on. It was, wasn't it?" She just shook her head. "Did you? Find some young stud at school?" It was a simple enough question but I still had a bit of fear in me.

"No, of course not." She said with a touch of exasperation. "I'm not easy like you are."

"Excuse me!?" Every head turned to look at me. I know I was too damn loud. Whatever I was, it wasn't easy. I could be obnoxious, irritating, a button pusher, thoughtless, tactless, and a host of other things, but easy? Nope. I felt insulted. I slid my chair back an inch but she stuck her foot behind a leg and stopped me from moving.

Her eyes were filled with amusement. "Mmmm?" She put her hand on my arm to calm me down. "Why do you think you can constantly pull our legs and we can't do it to you?"

My mouth popped open but I had nothing. John heard just enough to get his curiosity going. "New girlfriend? What happened to your old girlfriend?"

"Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag, Wanda. She called me about a month ago on a Sunday night. She said her ex-boyfriend had come to visit. Who comes down on a Sunday to visit? I knew what she wasn't saying. I know he showed up on Friday and once he went home, she finally worked up the nerve to call. Yeah, she finally admitted it. Then I said some extremely rude things I can't repeat here and hung up on her. So, after two years it's all said and done, end of story."

"New girlfriend? No, I don't think so. Doesn't make me want to try again anytime soon. I think maybe you guys need to find someone for me, since obviously my judgment is way off. Everything else I do just fine. Women, I must not have a clue. So where did you meet Laurie?"

"We met in a dance class I took as an elective."

"Did you? Tell me, did you take the dance class because you wanted to give it a try or because you saw her in there?"

"Well, they asked me to handle the music for one of their recitals and that's when I met her. Then they invited me join in a few times to see if I liked it. A month later we were dating and the next semester I added it to my schedule."

"Isn't that interesting. I bet that's a story to tell. Not necessarily over Thanksgiving dinner, with Wanda's innocent ears listening. We'll save that story for some other occasion. I don't want to be blamed for putting ideas in your sister's head."

"OW! Really? How about every time you pinch me, I pinch you back? What, are we back in seventh grade? Man! You know when you do that, it leaves a bruise?" I turned back to John but kept one eye on Wanda and used one hand to keep her hand trapped against the table. All the while her leg was rubbing up against mine. What a devil. "What I've been told," casting a stink eye at Wanda, who laughed, "Is that we shouldn't have been dating in the first place and that I wasted two years of my life on that girl. What did you call her? Cruella?"

I turned my stink eye on John. "So, John. Do you want to confirm or deny that uh conclusion? Did everyone think it was doomed from the start and they were just waiting for it implode? I don't remember you telling me that, John, did you? I hope you would've said something before I put that ring on her hand. Is that how it was the whole time, buddy, old pal?"