Betrayal Ch. 04


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As he sat and signed, he noticed his security had again disappeared, returning after only a few minutes; was that a restroom break, or something more sinister? Tim wasn't sure, but he asked to stay and use the phone when the doctor left. He immediately called the Texas Ranger assigned to his case, and quietly disclosed his concern with his back to the door.

Ranger Boyd listened, and then said, "Well, that would explain a lot, wouldn't it? Seems like they've stayed one jump ahead of us throughout the chase, and we were wondering if we had a mole. Let me look into it, and I'll get back to you. Do you think you can talk on the phone in your room?"

Tim replied that concerned him, but to call, let it ring twice, then hang up. He would leave the room and return the call from the conference room.

Just as they were saying their goodbyes, Ranger Boyd excitedly said to stay on the line; something had come up and he needed to check it out, and then talk to Tim! His heart was racing while he waited, but it went into overdrive when he was told an attempt had been made to force the deputy guarding his family off the road, but he had out maneuvered them and gotten away safely. Police from around the area were searching for the car used by the assailants, which had stolen license tags.

"Tim, I think this validates our concern. Stick tight -- I'm ten minutes away!" the Ranger commanded.

Fury blurred Tim's vision, and then heightened all his senses. He took a breath, and then called the deputy posted outside into the conference room. "I have some good news for you, Deputy Jackson", Tim said using his happy voice and holding the door open with his bad arm. "I'm sure your family will be excited to know you won't have to keep guarding me!"

When the deputy brushed past him, Tim released the door and used his good hand to take the pistol from the holster on the deputy's hip. "But the next few minutes will determine whether you ever see them again!" Tim warned, with steely anger in his voice.

Tim cocked the.38 caliber S&W police special revolver and pointed it at the neck of the deputy, who had taken a step away and turned. He stood still, with alarm in his eyes and both hands raised. "We're going to play 20 questions while we wait for Ranger Boyd, who is on his way. When he gets here either he will find you sitting at that desk preparing to tell him, in detail, exactly what has been going on, or...he will find you in a pool of blood on the floor after you tried to kill me and I, somehow, got your pistol away and killed you with it.

So, Deputy Jackson, are you prepared to answer my twenty questions honestly, completely, and exactly, or did your family tell you goodbye for the last time when you left home this morning?"

Jackson looked sick and confused; he was terrified by the words he had just heard, but he was still wondering if he could somehow grab the gun and regain control of the situation. "No, you can't", Tim stated evenly. Seeing the confusion in Jackson's eyes Tim explained, "You can't grab the gun before I shoot you, so don't keep asking yourself if you can. You can probably tell that I've already taken up all the slack on the trigger, so even a flinch from you results in your death."

Jackson's shoulders slumped as he accepted his situation; Tim responded, "Take a seat, and keep your hands on the desk, palms down, and let's get started." Jackson complied, and Tim said "Answer honestly, completely, and exactly, or else! Now, who are you reporting everything to?"

"The Sheriff" Jackson answered in a monotone.

"What were his orders?" Tim asked.

"To keep an eye on you and your visitors, overhear what I can, and change out the tapes in your room before I leave. I took the tapes to him each night."

Tim was only mildly surprised that he was being recorded. He wondered where the bugs were, and if the phone was bugged too. Returning his attention to Jackson, he coldly asked, "How did the assholes know when my wife and kids were leaving, and the route they would take home today?"

"I was told to call him if they came in, find out whatever I could about their plans, and call him. I chatted with the other deputy about watching your family, how he was going to keep them safe while they travelled home. He talked about the route he chose, keeping them off the main highway until they were past Manor. I called the Sheriff and told him what I had learned."

"Did you know an attempt would be made on their lives once you shared the information?" Tim asked coldly.

"NO! The Sheriff said he needed to know so he could provide additional resources. He called me back a few minutes before you called me in here; he told me someone had tried to run the LEO off the road, and fired shots at them, but the deputy and your family had escaped and everyone was safe.

He acted as if I had done something wonderful by telling him so he could save them, but watching you with your sweet family and knowing they were attacked right after I gave him their route... well, that made me question his whole story about you.

He told me he heard you were going to be released today, so I should escort you into the next county, where the other Sheriff would take over.

Honest to God, Coach -- I had no idea what was happening! He told me YOU were the bad guy, that the other cops had it all wrong. He said that you had beaten your wife and threatened a couple of his acquaintances when they tried to intervene, and they shot you in self-defense. Knowing what I know now about you, your family, and your friends, that doesn't seem plausible!

I know you won't believe me now, but I was going to talk to the task force leader from Cedar Park tonight, get his story, and then tell him I've been spying on you for the sheriff!"

Tim heard Ranger Boyd asking the nurses where he was; he quickly handed the revolver back to Officer Jackson, told him to holster it, and took a seat. Jackson looked surprised until Tim greeted the ranger with "Jim, Officer Jackson has somethings he'd like to tell you. He's already told me, and they validate our suspicions."

Tim listened while the LEOs talked about Sheriff Collins's instructions, disclosed where the recording devices were located, how Collins explained the need to tape Tim, and about the deputy who had the night shift. Boyd asked Jackson why he was assigned to this duty.

Jackson said he didn't know, but it was the best assignment he'd gotten since he joined over a year ago; he had been assigned night patrol in the eastern part of the county for the past nine months, even though he lived west of Cedar Park near Jonestown.

Boyd asked if Jackson had ever had suspicions about the sheriff; he snorted, shook his head, and said, "Yeah, he just seems slimy. My dad and grandfather both served as Sheriffs in west Texas, so I grew up around law enforcement. My dad warned me about his reputation when I applied for this job, but my wife was raised on Lake Travis and all her family is around Jonestown, so I took the job. Two months later at the department Christmas party, the pot-bellied old fart started hitting on Jennifer, right in front of his wife and everyone else. When January arrived, my new duty was assigned and I found myself with the night shift around Taylor.

My wife was pissed at me being gone four nights a week, but I told her it would only be for six months while I got established. She has continued acting as if she is always mad at me, and our marriage is hanging by a thread. I blame it on that asshole, and now that I know he's crooked, I'll do anything I can to help bring his sorry ass down! I'm convinced he used the information I provided to stage the attack on Coach Kelly's family!"

Tim was listening carefully, but part of his mind was on one of the films he had in his possession but had not watched; it was titled Jennifer J. When the ranger turned back to him and started to speak, Tim interjected, "Officer Jackson, do you know any of the men who tried to kill me?" and named all of them.

He said no to each, until he got to Barry Benton; his face reddened and he exclaimed, "Yes, I know that slimeball! He's one of the sheriff's buddies, and he hits on my wife right in front of me too! Yes, my wife is pretty -- well, I think beautiful - but his wife is gorgeous! Why would he be chasing my Jennifer?"

Tim and the ranger exchanged looks, and Tim raised his eyebrows in question. "It's not something I want to do, but..." Boyd nodded, and they turned back to Jackson. "There is a chance we may be able to answer your questions, but it will require you to accompany me to another location when I'm released. I have something I want you to watch, and then we will talk some more."

Boyd told Tim he needed to call his wife or her family now that they were home.

Karen answered; "Are you guys all right?" Tim asked.

Karen immediately began crying and replied, "NO, no were not all right! None of us are hurt, but we're terrified again! Tim, the driver was JW and the guy who shot at us was that son of a bitch Larry! You need to come here and stay with us and protect us!"

"Maybe I will, Karen, but right now I have an important question for you. We have a lead, and we may be able to end this quickly if it pans out. What you tell us is vital, so think before you answer. Did the Williamson County sheriff ever join in your little parties at the lake?"

Karen remained quiet for a few seconds, and then relied, "I hate to answer, because it opens another window into my mistakes, but, yes, he did. Twice, and he brought a young girl with him. Her name was Jennifer Johnson or something like that. She was even more reluctant than I was, but she told me that her husband was a deputy, this was his boss, and that he told her that if she didn't do what he said her husband and her family would be in danger.

I refused to do what they wanted me to do with her, hoping it would get both of us out of the mess we were in, but the sheriff told me my kids and husband might disappear too, if we didn't! She told me we should just do it, because the sheriff was a powerful and dangerous man."

"So what was it they wanted you to do, and did you do it?" Tim queried.

Karen was quiet for a few seconds, before answering, "There was a girl-on-girl scene, and then a side-by-side scene with her riding the sheriff and me riding Benton. They filmed both, and then the sheriff forced the girl to fuck JW and suck Steve. After that he took her away, and JW and Steve took me home."

Tim covered the speaker with his hand and told Ranger Boyd, "So that is likely the tape entitled JJ + KK" Then, with a sigh, he asked, "Are there others? You've got to start telling us the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, Karen! Your life, my life, and the lives of our sons and your parents may depend on it, so stop feeding us information one spoonful at a time! I'm putting Ranger Boyd on the line so you won't have to tell me, but dammit, tell him every-fucking-thing!"

Tim handed the phone to Boyd and moved his chair so he was on the other side of the desk near the deputy, and asked, "What's your first name? I don't think anyone introduced us, or at least not while I wasn't drugged up."

The deputy stuck out his hand, and as they shook he answered "Randy. Randy Jackson. So, my wife Jennifer is the Jennifer you were talking about with your wife? She's caught up in this mess too?"

"I'm not 100% certain, but I can show you the beginning of a video and we can find out. Are you up for that?" Tim asked. Randy shook his head, closed his eyes, and quietly answered, "Not really, but I need to. Will it end my marriage?"

"I guess you will need to weigh her actions against her motivation. Karen says the sheriff threatened to 'disappear' you and your daughter if she didn't do as instructed. Since he's your boss, perhaps she believed he could and would.

What they were doing was making porn movies. No, let me revise that: they were seducing, blackmailing, and/or forcing women to fuck them in front of cameras! Yes, the dumb, misshapen, little-dicked bastards thought they were porn stars! That includes the sheriff, who fucked both my wife, Karen, and someone named Jennifer, as well as his asshole buddy Barry Benton.

I got ahold of the films from a source I won't divulge, and have them under my control. If you want, I can show you a tape with Jennifer J written on the cover, and another with JJ + KK on the cover. We'll hope neither includes your wife."

Boyd had ended his call with Karen and was listening to the last part. "Deputy, the Jennifer in the films is described as a slender 5'9" brunette with long hair, an olive complexion, but sky blue eyes..." He paused when he saw grief flood Jackson's face, and exclaimed, "Well, Damn!"

"Randy, we need a plan to bring your asshole sheriff down and put him in prison with Bubba and his cop-hating friends, and we need to bring the four would-be assassins to justice. Any thoughts on how we can accomplish those things?" Tim asked.

The sorrow on Jackson's face transformed into anger, or hate, or angry hate. He looked at Boyd and Kelly and replied, "I may have, but it requires you and I to take a chance on getting killed, and it relies on Ranger Boyd and whomever he can trust. This plan is based on his orders to me: take Coach home in my Ford, or if he is going into Travis County, have their deputy meet me there. I'm supposed to inform him a couple of hours before we leave, 'so he can make sure we make it safely', and then follow the route he has already given me. It's backroads, and I'm all but certain something will happen along that route that will result in both of us being killed, but I don't know how.

If we do as instructed, Ranger Boyd, what can we do to make sure we don't get killed?"

Boyd instructed Jackson and Kelly to decide on the weapons they would need while he made call to his Captain. After about ten minutes, he asked what they would need; he told the captain, and then told them the armaments would arrive within an hour.

Tim leaned forward in his chair, fixed his gaze on Randy, and said, "Are you sure you want to do this? They want me, not you. I can drive myself home, and you, the rangers, and whoever else can provide support; you don't need to take me."

"Coach, I have a feeling the Sheriff wants BOTH OF US out of the way, and, regardless, I'm going to do my duty and get you home safely. If we're together we have a better chance; two sets of eyes, two sets of guns. Assuming you can hold a gun and fire it. Can you?" Tim smirked, cocked his eyebrow, and nodded in the affirmative.

Ranger Boyd agreed, and they set about setting their trap. The wiretap on the sheriff's phone was approved and implemented, after which Deputy Jackson baited the trap with a phone call to the sheriff.

Per the Rangers' instructions, they would start for Tim's home at five pm, which gave the Rangers time to prepare a helicopter and get in position. It also provided time for the sheriff to plan the ambush with his several accomplishes, but that was part of the plan.

Permission for the wiretap required a little arm twisting, given that it was on the phone of an elected law enforcement officer, but it proved invaluable. Randy was right: the sheriff wanted him and Tim dead, because they intended to use both Jennifer and Karen to service more elected officials and make more porn films before they were sold to the highest bidder.

The Rangers leadership in Austin argued about whether they already had enough to convict and should not subject Tim and Randy to the danger, or whether it was necessary to actually entrap the other outlaws in the act of attempted murder.

Tim feared that the assholes still on the loose -- Robertson, Sauer, Benton, Barnes, and Hughes -- would never be caught if they simply arrested the sheriff, and insisted they carry out the plan. His viewpoint carried the day, and they left the parking lot, well-armed and vigilant, at exactly four pm. Before they left, the Ranger, for the purpose of self-protection on this trip, deputized him.

They expected the ambush along the winding and sparsely settled portion of the backroad they took, but they were nearly to Cedar Park when the helicopter informed them that a large pickup on a side road had started moving when their car came in sight, and was now well situated behind brush near the highway. They could either fire from their hiding place, or try to T-bone the deputy's car at the intersection.

The truck was on their right; Tim adjusted himself sideways on the seat so he could fire the semi-automatic rifle out the passenger window. He kept the rifle inside the car, but with the barrel ready to be thrust through the open window and quickly fired. His position was not favored by his injured left arm, but he ignored the pain and focused on responding to the danger

Their attack was combined: they sped out of hiding in a 4x4-crew cab truck with a huge pipe bumper and grill guard, and the backseat passenger opened fire on Tim and Randy as soon as they broke from behind the brush. Randy braked hard and steered left to give Tim the best shot. He sprayed the truck, aiming to hit the driver, and the truck veered to the right, passing right in front of them and into the bar ditch across the road. The driver kept sufficient control to make a left turn and proceed down the ditch away from them.

As he sighted the rifle on the truck, Tim saw that JW was driving and Sauer was in the passenger seat; the gunman pulled his AR inside and ducked when bullets hit the truck, but not before Tim and Randy saw it was Barnes. The truck sped away and turned to the right a quarter mile down the road. Randy backed up to the intersection and made a 'cop turn', and then accelerated after the would-be assassins.

The helicopter warned that backup was 5 minutes out, and told them not to engage until it arrived. Within a minute, however, the copter reported that that truck was being parked at a retail center near Highway 620, and then they heard "Oh, shit! They have ARs and are shooting at us! Breaking off, breaking off!"

Randy sped to the back of the retail center; they got out, each carrying a shotgun and a semi-automatic rifle, and made their way around the side. They spotted the truck in the middle of the lot, but no one was in sight. A car with two state troopers entered the lot from the other side, blocked the exit, and the troopers took position behind their cruiser.

Another Ranger, followed quickly by a cruiser with two Cedar Park police officers, pulled in behind the retail center and joined Randy and Tim. Warning them to stay put, the Ranger and two LEOs worked their way through the parking lot to the truck, verified it was empty, and began a careful search of the thirty or so other vehicles on the lot.

Randy went into the nearest store and asked if anyone saw the occupants of the truck shooting at the helicopter, and learned that all six people in the store were witnesses. They excitedly told him that the five men divided up, with two jumping into a black pickup and the other three into a dark Mercedes Benz.

Randy ran to his cruiser and radioed that information in, requesting an APB on the vehicles and warning they should be considered armed and dangerous. Tim stood outside shaking with rage: the SOBs had escaped again!

The Haussmann's home is attacked in Chapter 5, and the decision is made to move the battleground to Tim's home county in south Texas. It will be submitted as soon as Chapter 4 is published.

I guess that is either a teaser or a warning, depending on how you feel about this story.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 month ago

Crazy people. Nurse Sharon scene was totally unneeded.

Madeira1076Madeira10765 months ago

It's just a flesh wound...

Texican1830Texican183010 months agoAuthor

Se acepten que es una fantasia y rianse un poco….

mariverzmariverz10 months ago

acepten que es una comedia y rianse un poco, para que tan serios!

relájense un poco y disfruten el viaje ... ríanse, no sean amargados

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This story starts to drone on and on, not to mention there are loose ends that have been hanging out there longer than they probably should (Sharon). We also see the names of characters mysteriously change here and there' The last one is something an editor should be able to catch.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Don't care about fidelity only sex.

Is anyone in Texas not sex driven And has morals

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is everyone in this story a freaking ass, or just the ones you give dialog? Seriously, I wouldn't trust any of these dicks aside from the kids. Everyone ready to cheat of soliciting someone else to do so at the drop of a hat. There's no sympathy for any one of them, not even the M.C. after the first half of the first chapter...

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 1 year ago

To all the Anonies dissing how this is being played out.

Get over yourselves.

This is a fun story, IT IS fiction y'all.

I bet y'all are just bummers to be near while watching a shoot'em up or super hero movie.

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

The legal/law enforcement apathy in this story is hilarious. The using multiple people as bait is pretty much illegal let alone immoral. The were 5 mins away was like WTF but hey that's Texas for you and BBQ comes first.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why wait for the bad guys to fire a single shot. Just arrest them...they're not looking for more evidence. Also, how can these guys avoid arrest when they don't seem to be hiding. Are the cops that dumb?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The last few paragraphs were a letdown to a great story. It's sooooo hard to believe that with the information law enforcement had prior to the attack, they would be "5 minutes out" when the shit hit the fan. I know it's a story, but come on....

OvercriticalOvercriticalalmost 2 years ago

At first I was intrigued, but with this "chapter" I started skimming. I have concluded that the author of this thing is about 12 years old, or at least has the maturity of such an age. He has allowed his juvenile imagination grab ahold of him and just keeps on writing. Well, I'm not going to keep on reading. I'm done! 2*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You need to review how to write in past tense. The following just doesn’t make sense:

“Tim replied that all three are healing well, and his physical therapy is going so well he expects to be released today or tomorrow.”

Try this: “Tim replied that all three were healing well and his physical therapy was going so well he expected to be released that day or the next.”

See? Everything in past tense and consistently so.

dgfergiedgfergieover 2 years ago

Hey, your no in a committed relation ship and neither are the woman, go for it. The bad guys are not very smart either. Funny thing is we hav had stuff like this happening in real life the past few years. Good writing an d lots of action!

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 2 years ago

Hi is right that he’s a man whore but even with that, it’s fun

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