All Comments on 'Between Two Lovers Ch. 01'

by nici

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Having read all of your story on ASSTR I still

feel you have painted a profile of a very one sided selfish seft gratifying woman. One who has willingly over time given what she should have given to her husband to man who is not her mate. The emotional ties, the feelings involved, the intimacies, the devotion belong to her husband to whom she willing gave her marital vows. She has stolen those things from her mate and finally given over from an intimate relationship to an adulterous relationship. She chose to cheat on her husband not just with the sex act but with her entire person, what should have been her husbands, her complete persona she gave to another. Not only that she inflicts without need or cause mental anguish and hate upon her husband. This woman needs help, not from a lawyer but from doctors, her mental state is one of complete lose of perspective and feelings. Had she been a woman of morals and ethics should could have befriended this other man and involved her husband. But by sneaking, lying, deceiving, and disrespecting her husband she already was preparing to be a slut before she crossed the line and gave not only her mind and heart to this interloper but also gave finally her body and soul. Only at this point did she tell her husband. And at that point she out of complete rational thought lectures her husband that if he followed his marriage vows he would get over it and accept her infidelity and adultry and allow her to continue. She destroys her husband and family, makes him a cuckold, and then tells him he has no choice but to accept it. Then he finds out the male adulterer, even tho he is not married, has been squiring her around as his date and as a single woman at business events and social functions. It was indicated that a woman can love more than one man and give each equal in the relationship. Equal what? Time? Feelings? Emotions? Respect? Fidelity? Chasity?

Equal for whom? Her married mate? Her children? Her clandestine lover? The only thing she might give both me is sexual release, other wise where is this basket of limitless time, energy, emotion, involvement? No a woman can no more give totally to two with no loss to either than can a man, it just can't be done. Get over rationalizations when you are with one you cant be with the other. When you are in one place doing something you cant be at the other. Anyone with children can tell you once the children come into the picture (unless you have a nannie that cares for the children 24/7) a husband and wifes time and involvement with each other is decreased by time that should and must be given to the children. It is a simple mental jump to realize if the wife is out at a social function or just in bed with her lover, she cant be with her children nor with her legal spouse. Let the lady grow up. If you want to play, be up front tell the spouse, accept responsiblity, get and divorce then go play. Hubby should record all conversations get facts and give them to all interested parties including her parents. The fact that a spouse can be as cruel and vindictive as this is a good indicator that no fault divorces (no matter how quick they are) that automatically let cheating spouses have equal access and in this case custody of the children are a major indicator of a less civilized society not a more civilized one. My goodness would it would be such a shame for such a nice man, whose wife died in an accident to also die in an accident maybe with his "single" escort with him. Last I knew paralegals required about a year or two of college I think, and a lawyer requires five to seven years depending on if they get the real legal doctors degree and then board certificztion after testing, my goodness he went a long way in this year of adultry, but then maybe he already had the degree and hadden bothered taking the exams. This story isnt written from the woman's point of view nor from a strong woman's point of view. It is written from the point of view of a cruel vicious possibly mentally off woman. Most women would see this as just pure trash with a piece of trash carrying on with another piece of trash and leaving a good man and his children in the dirt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A Loser & More Male Humiliation

A shameful waste of talent by a woman writer into pushing male helpless humiliation. Sadly sick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
yea...I read the whole thing too!!!

Her request for a divorce from Jon in the next chapter is a direct result of her not being able to cope with Jon finally living for himself and his children. Something this selfish woman was also doing but did not consider when she gave herself to another for herself. Duh...what did she miss in this equation...this...the fact that two lovers only gives you half a man. That's why this other guy dumped her. Not because it caused him concern that he fucked her and also fucked up her marriage, but because she kept nagging at her lover how her hubby is mistreating her and it was becoming irritating to he left. She ended up having two half men...Plus, her request for a divorce was only a formality because the day hubby was his heart and mind he had already informally divorced her...she just didn't realize it. You probably based this story on that 60's song "torn between two lovers". Remenber the second line "feeling like a fool"...well that's her ....the biggest fool who thought she was

Irish_DomIrish_Domover 17 years ago

Absolutly unbelievable. You still can't write from a males perspective. Only what you feel or think is a males perspective. So stop trying.

You did get a little better near the end, but thats it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You have not rescued this story even 1%. I have not read the story on ASTR. I think you are sick and the female character is sick. You are talented with words but have sick plots and characters. You project a sick personality.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
you as a writer don't know real men

you act like you are writing to children and not adults.that crap at the lawyer office is bullshit.what the law say and what advice she gave is two different things.your onesided writing is sad, but that the way you know nothing of a real man sound like you been around trash all your life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Still winding people up I see

Still don't think much of the story but you are certainly inflaming the passions of the masses

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
isn't that what's called

between a rock and a hard place? loverboy's not a lawyer after all, so it tells you how smart the woman is,,,, she's truly just come soap-watching idiotic little bored and boring wife, ain't she?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Well written just the content is really really bad.

hansbwlhansbwlover 17 years ago

You really need an editor. Your basic idea is very interesting, but you throw it away with messy/untidy writing.

cageyteecageyteeover 17 years ago
I'd like to see where you're going with this!

I hope you have realized by now that all too many of the anonymouses (anonymousi) are more concerned with how the male character fares in the story. For many of them, you could be the best storyteller and mystery weaver ever but if the male character is hurt by the female you're a lousy writer!

I don't like what has happened to Jonathon Freemont and I certainly don't understand where the wife is coming from but I'm going to read the rest of your work to find out what I can.

Don't let the bastards grind you down. Write it the way you want.

Thanks for all the time and effort you put into writing stories for us to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Truly bad

There are two POV's in this story. The narcissistic immoral heroine and the hero who must be gay because his POV is feminine. Now most authors can swing a female and male POV, but this author can't. That's the first problem. As to the legal aspects of the story, there's so much bullshit I don't know where to start. Researching the law, doesn't mean that you can interpret the letter of the law, apart that there are several venues that our hero could take...

So I had to score a 0 for author skills (which also need editing badly) and for a poor plot. I must say that if the first part of the story was sickening, this second part was nauseating for BS. I suggest you first need to understand the human condition.

LazylonerLazylonerover 17 years ago
too bad to be believed

I tried to get through this, but couldn't really do more than scan it.

The husband is too retiring to be believed. Why did he even bother seeing a lawyer, he doesn't seem to care about anything. And the reaction from the lawyer was completely false. They only refuse a client if its a "conflict of interest" meaning financial interest. His wife wasn't a client and the lover was a "former" paralegal for the firm. Neither relationship is enough to get a lawyer to refuse to take that case.

Nici, your writing is poorly plotted, lacks any character depth or development and completely inadequate.

sorry, but you could do a lot better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great story

I look forward to the next chapter. Don't pay no mind to the critics. What have they wrote lately?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
not to worry about the critics

Hope you finish this and as you can see most don't get it.

dave_magicdave_magicover 17 years ago
Just let the story be told!

As a Divorced Father of many years(remarried) I find this story to be told as a story of fiction and entertaining. IT stirs the emotion and looking back over my divorce and losing my daughter(through legal manuplation,)I find that Jonathon is trying to find himself after years of devoting himself to supporting his family. The wife told him the way the legal system work (fathers have not rights) and he has to deal with that and go on. What these comments (bout this story)suggest is that the author has no idea what the author is talking about. Really how would then know, have they walked in a father's shoes, have they experence the emotion of a break-up, I would think not.

You tell a good story and as for as the narrative, I believe it is fine. Finish your story and give it some thought on how someone moves on with their life and maintains the most important thing that matters to him and that would be his children, who she(wife) has already stated he would never have and would be living out of his NEW Truck!

The hurt this man must feel is indescribable!! Help him heal that.

MybadlandsMybadlandsover 17 years ago
Good Effort

I will read your next installment because you managed to peak my interest at the end of this story.

Alberta  AlAlberta Alover 17 years ago

Less verbose than the first story/episode. This is how he should react to her selfishness. Normally someone who has given up control of his life to his wife does not have the strength/selfishness to recover this quickly.

This story has improved significantly. I will be watching for the next one.

BazzzBazzzover 17 years ago
Still keeping it real

Well you have stuck to what might happen in the real world so I admire that. I will be interested to see what happens to this couple.

I see that the seekers of revenge, otherwise known as the He-man Woman Haters Club, are chomping at the bit to get the man on top in this one. The most amusing combination was the one commentator giving you a 0 becasue he didn't like what you wrote although you wrote it well. Meanwhile the one right on top of it demanded that you get better at writing although he thought your idea was interesting. Consistency at its best.

bruce22bruce22over 17 years ago
Well Developed

The 50% rating is on the liking of the story! I hated the story, but could not stop reading it. It will haunt me and invade my privacy when I least want it to. Sure I can say

that I am better educated and more successful than the husband but that does not prove to me that I am invulnerable especially after traipsing around as long as I have. Extremely well done on the emotional side. As a story I gave it five... but some times I wish that it had never been written....

Old Geezer

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Still a sorry Bitch

I know you are writing from a womans point of view,but the wife is one of the most selfish,delusional people I have read about.Her total lack of true love and understanding of the pain she has inflicted on her whole family,her boyfriends utter lack of morals,and the fact she still thinks it ok to continue make this a hard story to read.The writing is good but husband should confront the two of them about what they have done.The kids should be told mom has a new boyfriend also.Bring everything out into the light of day.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 17 years ago
Again I have read the whole thing

As some one writting myself and trying to return to it recomend you for sticking with it to the end. I mydelf have unfinished stories I am trying to get back to. Again given the way she told Jon and the words she used. I think he was is such a shock that he could not think clearly. It appears that the jest of this story is something bad happened and you don't (or the people in the story don't thinks its there fault. Susan thing she had a good reason to cheat. Hed didn't ask why so sh e cheated she didn't love him, he didn't ask why so he didn't love her. We all have choices and she made one to first break her vows. She hurt Jon, in a very bad way. She may not admit it but she has toknow she is at fault her and what happened to her family was on her head. I have been through divorce, I know it take 2 people to make a marriage and to people to end one. But when it involves cheating the one that cheats make the choice to hurt the other spouse

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Just as bad as the original, you can't help trying to save your selfish, bitch whore wife character, but she still remains a selfish bitch and a whore. Jack the ripper was right, cut 'em and let 'em bleed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
sad story

I'll wait to see where it goes before making full judgement. I think you do a ok job on showing the man's side/feelings. You might be a bit off on the lawyer conflict issue per se, it would be rather unwise for him to hire them considering that they all cared for his wife's "lover" personally/professionally. I'd be worried about their "enthusiasm" for his case and hell, given her statements he'd likely be calling the firm in for questioning. That meeting is manna from heaven in many ways. The legal analysis is fairly accurate though when it comes to divorce/child issues though. He is smart to stay for the time being.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 17 years ago
Slightly, only slightly, more believable than ch 1

This sequel contained more grammatical errors than the first story; I would recommend a good editor, or one who takes more time with proof-reading, as the errors detract somewhat from otherwise very good writing with excellent imagery. The story is slightly more believable as the husband takes at least some action, but I must say that a diesel mechanic is unlikely to know/use a word like "ersatz" which is pretty esoteric for a high-school education. Clearly at least some of your readers are lawyers -- see the critique regarding conflicts of interest, also the one about time-line problems; she says in the first story that the relationship with her lover has gone on for about a year, and he is a divorce lawyer! Yet in the sequel, she has known the man when he needed to go back to college to advance from being a paralegal; law school takes three years after that, then most do a year or two of clerkship, so we have 5-7 years to reconcile with her allegedly (I like that legalese) one year relationship with the lover. Maybe the "system" in Europe is better; many older married individuals have affairs as a matter of course, but they are discreet, they don't hurt the other partner or rub his/her nose in it if they wish to stay married. When I was younger, during the "free love" era of the 1960's and 1970's, I naively thought it was possible to love two people romantically and intimately, at the same time. I now believe that doing so means diminishing one's love for one or both partners. I think the fantasy is just that; the reality means jealousy and hurt. Hubbie should take a lover to show her how it feels. I think he is correct to move into the basement (cheaper than another apartment). BTW, where did she get all that time to spend with lover boy without her spouse getting suspicious? Maybe something to be said for both partners having jobs; this accounts for more time (less free time to get into trouble). Although that does not stop affairs, it makes it more difficult as people at work will usually suspect, there is the sexual harassment thing if both are in the same work environment, etc. Finally, what makes this woman think she is qualified as a "therapist?" She is acting as if the lover's suicide attempts would justify her relationship with him and she has the key to prevent him from being depressed? He obviously needs psychiatric help for depression, from a professional; he also needs counseling for his knowingly-destructive behavior, having a love affair with a married woman and possibly destroying that family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well I for one hope she gets everything she should

I hope he drops her ass off and tells the kids mommy has a new husband. Tells them she broke his heart and tells them that they will now have to be sared becasue mommey is s cheating whore. Maybe not in so many words but she should not be left off the hook at all. They should get devoriced and she should be punished by the judge giving custody of he kids to the husband. Limit her time seing them and never with her lover. Make her have to come to them alone. Sell the house and make her be the one to pay for support. She should be left alone w/o any one to love or anyone who would respect her. Make it public and show her for the whore bitch she is. I hope the husband meets a beautiful loving faithful woman and she is younger and pretier and built better and is better in bed. And the wife sees her and it breaks her heart just like she did to her husband! Make the wife's life a living hell!

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Fodder for thought

Enjoying the tale and I look forward to future chapters.


One thought regarding Susan's recounting her affair: she professes to be confused about her feelings about her sexual relationships with both men. Here's what not confusing: sex with her lover is the lesser of the problems she's created. Giving her lover her intimacy and affection that is rightly her husband's is far, far worse. In my mind, that betrayal cannot be forgiven. "Just sex" is a pretty tame betrayal compared to the emotional sharing Susan has with her lover. I'll be interested to see how you handle this issue.


In closing, I'm always amused by those who pronounce judgment of a story based on one chapter. Talk about rush to judgment; that's not a rush, it's stampede. Ignore those people and write on.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
Queers cant write about straight men

this miserable patheic story is Proof that Gay people simply cannot write about Straight men. From angiquesophie DELCIATE BALANCE to this joke of a story... the straight men come aross as a bad episode of Will and Grace

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Please continue

Very well written. It will be interesting to see where this story goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Now you are getting to it.


This is coming along nicely. You have a good pace to the story and the details of their inner struggles are clearly exposed but not overdrawn.

allforallallforallover 17 years ago
another needy woman story

You have described her as a person who is still rather one demensionable. She seems to have very high maintenance requirements, but has no real empathy for her husband. Possibly given the description thus far, she has no real caring for her lover either. If as you have said,that this is a marriage communication problem, she is shouting louder rather than thinking about what she is saying when she talked to her husband.

I think you may have painted youor story into a corner and denied this family a chance to stay together and maintain this plot line, but I more than willing to be proved wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Please continue

You've written a very interesting story. I am very interested in where your talking the character development and how it all turns out in the end. Good Job, please continue!

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
You know Nici, your an enigma to me...............

<p>On one hand you start to write the story and you mention you want a <I><B>strong</B></I> female and not any of the brain dead ones from stories you've read before, but you don't orginally create this woman as a strong character. You create her as the everything ever male has called every woman with negative characteristics they could not stand. Basiclly in the first story you created her as the male equivalent of every egotistical male who felt they had a valid reason for cheating their wives. If you think about it the reasons range from, she doesn't love me, she doesn't understand me, she let herself go, she doesn't act the way she used too, etc. You used almost all of those in the original story for the wife to justify her actions</P>

<p>Then you start this story</p>

<p>I honestly believe you might think your still carrying on a strong female lead that has justifiable reason for cheating. Or at least a new twist on why her reasons might be an exception to the rule. That she's doing it for what she feels is for a just cause. I don't see that. I still see a selfish woman, but who now has the elisted aid of other people to try and rally to her cause.</p>

<p>Now for example the husband is starting to believe, and think, that he had a hand in the damage to the marriage. That now he's starting to relect and feel that his expectation of faithfullness of the wife was in part his fault for being too demanding of her and not alowing her to experience life without him:</p>

<p><i>"...That I can't." With that thought, the pain gnawed again at his innards. She had a life away from him, foreign to him. A life he was not allowed a part of, a life he could not provide. After the pain and fear came hate and anger, followed by self-doubt. "Why, how had I failed her? What have I become that changed us?"</i></p>

<p>I guess I'm at a loss for why the male lead of the story is starting to feel part of the probelm is her having a life that he can't be part of as the problem. To me marriage is a protection. It protects you from being alone. It protects you from disease (if you are only sleeping with your mate). And if you are doing the right thing, it protects you from worrying if someone is intrested in you and cares how you feel. This wife does none of these things. If the did, the time for talking with her husband about how to help this man would have been <b>before</b> she slept with him for a year, not after she's created a whole knew life around her lover as his supportive girlfriend to all his friends and family. That speaks of supreme selfishness. That you don't have to worry or think about anyone else. That what you choose to do and act is the right thing to do, and after you do it no one, including your mate, has the right to judge you for your actions.</p>

<p>Remember my comment about what men say when they cheat?</p>

<p><i>He remembered her words, telling him how he had changed. He didn't feel himself changed, but then he did. Walking into the bedroom to stare at him self in the full-length mirror he wondered, "When had all these changes happen? Why hadn't I noticed them?" His thoughts darkening, "I have changed and I'm not who I was. I'm not the man she married. We've been living off of memories for how long? I wasn't there. I wasn't there for her, with her, sharing. I first left her, before she left me. Does she love him because he is the man I had been? She is loving him only as an ersatz? Is that it? Do I only need to win her back from him? Is this what it's all about?"</i></p>

<p>Notice how in the story you started to have him thinking "Well maybe part of why she's cheating <i>is</i> my fault because I let myself go and I need to start doing something to make myself more attractive to her so she's stop cheating on me?" Can you honestly tell me that you believe that women who are cheated on, and that when men tell them that it's because they've gained weight or become unattractive, that you side with the men and think "Hey maybe he's right and it is your fault because you let yourself go since your wedding day?". Some how I honestly doubt that. So why is it that seems ok that the male lead thinks this has a valid basis? I know you may have meant for it to look like the confused thought process, but it seems to be showing up a lot for it to be a confused thought to me</p>

<p>The second half of the story is basicly justification for the wife's actions, where she entered it knowing it was wrong, but spends half of the story trying to convince herself (along with the Readers) that it was the right thing to do regardless of the outcome. </p>

<p><i>Everything that mattered to him was that she has sex with some other man. She had done the dirty. She had been nasty and slutty. Why couldn't he understand that it wasn't about sex? Sex was just an expression of emotion, an understanding of intimacy. Everything that happened in their lovemaking happened because of the emotions and desires they had for each other.</i></p>

<p><i>Of course she was different with Rich than with him. Their emotions towards each other were different than those between him and her. She couldn't do and act the same with her husband, simply because of the fact that with each of them she was on a different level of intimacy, communication and understanding in their relationships! Each was a different non-comparable dimension and entity. Comparing physical acts of love and expression was insulting and demeaning to everyone involved. </i></p>

<p><i>Everything had gone wrong with their talk. He had only reacted angrily, and demanding. </i></p>

<p>And how is there some <i>noble</i> action that she is performing by helping this man rebuild his life at the expense of her family, all while ignoring the facts that her actions, whether her husband knew about them or not, would tear him down. Specially when/if someone he knows told him about her getting around town with another man being his live in girlfriend. I didn't miss the fact of her talking about how, after the suicide attempts she felt she was the only one able to stablize her lovers life. But what I found weird was so was reflecting and justifing her actions on this <i>while</i> driving her kids to their aunt and uncle's house the day after telling her husband she was sleeping with another man and had no intentions to stop. It was like the kids, and by proxy her husband, never entered the picture as one of the reasons why this might be wrong. And she really didn't care long as her husband accepted her actions. Some how noblity to me doesn't see right of your stepping over the bodies of your family, who you are responsible for causing to be hurt in the fallout of your actions, to help save that attractive person in the corner that looks like they need your help. I guess I fail to see how that can be seen as romantic and not as it really is, selfishness.</p>

<p>then I had a problem where you started seeking to justify her actions by using other people to assist in making it look like there was justifiable reason for her actions:</P>

<p><i>She shook her head, "This isn't right. I know him well. He's not the type to be chasing after married women. I also consider myself to be a good judge of people. <b>Susan is not the type of women who could take any relationship lightly. There's more to this than you and I know."</b></i></p>

<p><i>Standing up she walked over to him touching him on the shoulder, "I know this is all new to you and you hurt, but please consider all of your options, ask questions and find out facts before acting. Think about the consequences not only for yourself and for your wife, but also think about your children." </i></p>

<p>So the wife has been <i>Publicly</i> seen with this man, everyone knows it, in the beginning of the story you said that the wife wanted to tell him before other people told him what she was doing, and then this lawyer tells her that her sleeping with this man <i>"may have more to it than he knows?"</i> Now the story has introduced a <i>second</i> character advocating the wife's actions of cheating on her husband as having some form of <b>noble</b> quality to it. Please tell me you don't honestly believe that when a woman cheats, that when done for the right reasons, it's justifiable and the husband should just accept this and go on like nothing happened after it's all said and done?</p>

<p>I know you don't want to show a weak willed woman, but to be honest you've not created a likeable character to me in the slightest. I mean lets say this was your brother and his wife did this too him. Could you honestly say you would sit down and try to get him to see her point and allow her to continue seeing this man? Or you would try to justify her actions of having a continued affair as some noble venture to save this man's life? Anyone that could answer yes to either of this questiosn I would have to say I'm glad I'm both not married nor have them in my life.</p>

<p>But let me venture a prediction. I see by the end of the story, with some tearful changes and the husband getting back into shape to make himself more attractive, that they fix the marriage and all live happy ever after. That the husband shares the blame for the marriage problems and they manage to get past this with a marriage that is now <b>Stronger than ever</b> because of her cheating. I hope I'm wrong, but it has that flair. But I just wonder how many husbands feel that cheating on their wives strengthens their marriage?</p>


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

is a hard one to call.Who will the leg spreading slut finish up with?Her hard working husband or the guy who had received a multi million dollar settlement.

NucleusNucleusover 17 years ago
So much people comment

Not much for me to add. But from writers view, you changed the telling-perspective. That's not good style.

Nevertheless, I enjoy the plot


KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
An Incredible demonstration of “self debasing”

I apologize for the tremendous amount of virtual ink and space my posting takes. It just grew and grew with each example. I’ll try to behave in the future.*****

Had I felt that the pictures you portrayed of two people engaging in as you succinctly described “self debasement” was intended as part of the theme(s) of the story to convey some broad message, I would have said that you did a great job. Somehow it does not strike me that way. Starting from the title (it does not come across as a post modern irony). The expressions of self loathing and self doubt (mostly by the husband) are off and misguided but not consistently or as a serious satire. *****

What happens throughout the story though, is that ever so often one of the spouses would say something that would make my jaw drop. Almost every time I arrived at a new internal monologue I would debate which of the following hit me the strongest this time: was it more funny, more shocking or more incredible/absurd to portray a character of this kind talking this way? *****

Yes, like some other readers, I had some real difficulties in figuring the main two characters, simply because they were so off character... I could not buy a woman thinking and talking like this woman, and I certainly could never buy a man thinking and talking like this man. Please, do not confuse this comment with the common error of critiquing a story for presenting an unlikable character. I am talking about lack of internal consistency; and lack of credibility) which means that I could not imagine meeting someone in my lifetime who COULD behave and talk like this man or this woman. *****

For the purpose of Illustration here I will give just few examples. *****

The husband accounting his responsibility for the situation: “Realizing his greatest fault in this affair was that he had lost control. No not lost control, he had freely given up control over his life to others… He had passively allowed and waited for Susan to provide him with a meaning to life…”.

This piece of self debasing, falls under the category of what I like to call: “The THROWING A ROCK FOR NOT SAYING HELLO SENSIBILITY”. Consider the following quick vignette. One day a man was walking by his home when his usually friendly neighbor suddenly threw and hit him with a piece of rock. Astonished the man asked him: “what the hell did you do that for?” to which the unapologetic neighbor answered: “You should have the nerves to ask, can you remember when the last time you greeted me, your friendly neighbor, with Hello?” I could see how the overly lax husband, like the somewhat too self absorbed neighbor, deserved a wake up call, but A ROCK FOR NOT SAYING HELLO?; CHEATING for a year, getting all kinds of mental abuse for being too passive? Does this woman have ANYTHING in her arsenal other than nuclear weapons? *****

The wife recounts the confrontation: “She had wanted so badly to explain to Jonathan her thoughts and feelings. She needed her strong, stable, solid husband's help. She felt trap by her own doings and did not know any way out. She had hoped that as a husband and wife they would have been able to talk and somehow out of those talks find solutions. She had been willing to answer any questions he had about her reasoning, her feelings, but he had not. He had only thought about the results. Nothing else mattered to him”

And that’s as far as this woman goes when she is in a contrite and reflective mode? Shock and awe from the gall of this woman (AKA as Chutzpah). Someone is standing 250 pound on your toes, and would not move. When you insist on FIRST RESULTS! Like removing your 250 pounds from my toes and only then I would listen to your emotions and reasons for doing that, you get all sulky and disappointed for my narrow mindedness, and not being there for you, strong and supportive when YOU need ME. Does one of us need to get ASAP into rehab, but somehow I don’t think it’s me?! She fails to see his POV (being a severe case of a narcissist it’s hardly a surprise). She complains about her husband not catering to HER emotional needs, even as she hurts him. As they used to say in the Hey days of big radio: “This lady is a peace of work” *****

In her dissociative mind, she turns her double life and the betrayal of trust and love into a combination of limited physical acts on one hand (as far as sex goes) and on the other hand a testimony to her honorable respectful approach to men, contradictions and inconsistencies notwithstanding.

It was not about the sex she would say, again and again but the sex was very good as it was “just an expression of emotion, an understanding of intimacy”

Would she go with an alternative like sending each other poetry as an expression of emotion almost an exercise in learning about the meaning of intimacy? How wonderful to intellectualize and not even know it and it sound so noble so much loftier than the dirty sleazy sex which her acts where not about, even though she kept doing them… Ahhhm… yes… I think. *****

And finally look at this respect and honor she grants each of her man and her husband just could not see it! “Of course she was different with Rich than with him. Their emotions towards each other were different than those between him and her. She couldn't do and act the same with her husband, simply because of the fact that with each of them she was on a different level of intimacy, communication and understanding in their relationships! Each was a different non-comparable dimension and entity. Comparing physical acts of love and expression was insulting and demeaning to everyone involved” What an amazing lesson in lopsided Hegelian logic. Now all that is left is to turn her concoction of half truths; self serving arguments and rationalizations on their heads, and maybe we have a chance to make some sense of them. She describes a pseudo split personality experience with men because her main strategy in life is to compartmentalize her experience of “SELF”, thus creating many an internal ‘mythical’ (yet comforting to live with) versions of many “Mary’s”, all so different from each other. *****

Had she been more integrated, or at the least working towards integrating her “SELF” together with her husband, not away from him, including her different needs and many behaviors, she probably wouldn’t have ended with love interest #2 (for now) minus (probably) husband #1, and in (for sure) a limbo for the foreseeable future. At some point the lesson would sink: “You can’t run away from yourself” and “you bring yourself with you to wherever you go”. The big question at the moment (I would have loved to find out, had I had a chance “to see her”) is, how much of a cohesive ‘self’ does she have at this time? *****

When Mary describes her cheating as something that happened between her and her husband not as an intra psychic process (and complains that he fails to see it that way) she shows how far she is from the normal two thirds of a normal population in a normal bell curve she really is. It’s ok to describe eccentric mentally ill or unstable. You study them. Many times you find a lot about the normal sides of the people who are mentally dysfunctional.

But what happened here is that in close reading in greater detail I found that the text, aside from intentions or declarations external to the text, does not suggest normal interaction between a couple or a normal thought process in Mary’s character. As far as the husband I just could not find him as credible for the type of character you set him up to be. My recommendation with regard to the Abnormality of Mary. I found nothing wrong with that of course –had you not (innocently, I am sure) set up the expectations and provided the wrong “que”s (IMO) for reading your own story. In the future, how about leaving out the manifesto and let the story do it for you? *****

I’ll watch for the next installment. I know that it’s already been submitted, so no hard feelings on my part if suggestions seem to be ignored… *****

It was fun going over and investigating the story. Even if I had to disagree or to critic much of what you did it does take tremendous amount of courage to delve into what you delved into, and if anything, getting this record number of feedback with such poor sex (just kidding) is remarkable. *****

What’s next? A new version of “Lady Chatterley” perhaps?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
This hits close to home for me

I read your first story and cried like a little girl (I'm a 49 year old man) and your 2nd installment has had the same effect. I have been in the wife's shoes for so many years loving another woman but have never told my wife. I have agonized over this and wondered about the possible outcome, it's not about the money. Telling my wife would destroy her world and hurt her deeply which I just can't do. Even though there is another, I will always love my wife as she is and hopefully will always be my best friend in life. It's so easy to condem others for their shortcommings and label them as a "slut" or a "cheating bastard" but don't do this until you walk a mile in my that person's shoes. NEVER say that you would never do anything like this because it CAN happen to you. I've found out that "never" is one Hell of a long time. Your story is well written and no matter where it goes from here, I'll keep reading and learning volumes about myself and life. Thanks

niciniciover 17 years agoAuthor
Dear Risq

I will answer your last question first. Do you seriously think that two people, whose assessments of this situation differ so greatly, could ever “get back together again”, and have “the happy life”? </p>

<p>I may be foolish in many aspects, but one thing I do know. Life never happens the way we plan it, or even how we think, fear or hope it could happen. Real life is always the medium, the between our hopes and our fears. </p>

<p>Those events that you quoted were Jonathan’s doubts and fears playing upon him, and Susan’s justifications. </p>

<p>We all have doubts and fears. Yet, just because we have them, does not mean that we always fall prey to them. We do, even if only subjectively, have free will. </p>

<p>Almost anyone, who has done wrong, justifies doing so. That is how our minds work. Ask any criminologist. Of course, she is justifying her wrongdoings! How could she ever get herself into such a position, without first justifying her actions to herself? </p>

<p>Even though I do now acknowledge that I did paint the Susan character too dark for the average male mind to accept as anything but an evil person, and not a good person doing evil, I still do feel that both characters are equal in strengths. Neither the male nor the female is just going to lie down and die because the other wants them to. </p>

<p>Naturally, they are both, through the events, polarized into opposites and combative positions! That is a major part of the reasoning behind my story! </p>

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
This story doesn't get better.

I've read the entire piece at SOL, and while Nici does add some balance of his thoughts, the wife still is an inane piece of work who still didn't understand why he was so hurt and angry.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Jesus, why did I think of Mary?

When obviously Susan is the one who let him down…

Sorry about that!

Wet_WorksWet_Worksover 17 years ago
ok so I have to say this is an improvement

over the first story, or at least the wifes reactions are an improvement. She is still a cheater and I personally feel that sex an emotion are tied together unlike the author seems to feel. The fact that this guy was sad and tried to kill himself is not her concern, her family is her concern. If she had problems with her husband she needed to talk to him about them not seek solace in another man's arms. She might have tried to find a female companion for the other guy rather than offering up herself and destroying her mariage and family.

niciniciover 17 years agoAuthor
Atten: Kolkore

Kolkore, </p>

<p>I am on my third read, but I still fail to see the logic of your modus tolens evaluation in reference to Hegelian logic. How can the justifying and/or reactionary mind be an absolute or a normality? The whole storyline (in reference to cheating) deals with the abnormalities of the mind (Susan), and coping (Jonathan). </p>

<p>I’m not disagreeing with your evaluation of the situation. My intentions were never to portray a logical formulation “pro-cheating”. My intentions were to create a plausible situation of events, “so as” to show, two persons of differing genders, but equally strong characters… nothing more, nothing less. </p>

<p>Btw, who is Mary? Was your (Freudian) slip showing? </p>

shangoshangoover 17 years ago

You're wasting your time. This Author hates men (or doesn't respect them), so none of your observations will sink in. Well-written garbage, though. Kinda like LeCarre.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
Story of true lack of self-esteem and poor advice

Not a real life story of help to all involved, as it is a view of one person who can not see the reality of emotions and real solutions of both parties with professional help. This is a diatribe of lost souls and foolish friends and so called professionals. Sad conclusions at best so far.

Nice job of writing


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
The lawyer's concern regarding conflict of

interest was a smoke screen. If her law firm required all employees to sign a morals clause prohibitting any action that might be deemed unethical, illegal, or immoral then she may fear legal liabilities arising from allowing the affair between his wife and their employee to continue. Her lawyer/lover seems to be a very slimy and manipulative person to leverage his past angst for the purpose of initiating and maintaining an affair with a woman he knows is married!

I believe some of these readers are just plain brain-damaged in how they are assessing the husband. Think of all of the emotional turmoil that you went through in your younger years when being rejected by a pretty girl you really wanted to date. Multiply your angst 10-fold upon finding out your WIFE of umpteen years is sleeping with another man with no intention of stopping. Not only that, but her opinion of you is so low she can only describe you in such disparaging terms that you cannot believe any assertion she makes regarding love for you in any way shape or form.

In one day the husband takes in all he's learned and sought the legal advice he needed to begin planning this new chapter in his life and no-one seems to understand his rationnel. He is married with young kids to a woman who doesn't work outside the home. In most cases, he is financially trapped into supporting her, the home, the kids, and maintain health insurance for everyone in the event he files for divorce. His financial devestation is bound to consume his life and make him a slave to the divorce action for many years to come. Cutting down on his work hours, setting tighter controls on the finances, providing himself with a separate living arrangement within the home, and expending more time on his children and self-improvement gives him better control of how the future outcome of a possible divorce affects his mental, emotional, and financial state. She may still prematurely play the divorce card by borrowing money from her lawyer/lover to initiate a divorce so he better play his cards carefully.

He gave his wife the luxury of being a stay at home housewife, full access to the household funds, and the complete faith a trusting spouse invests in one another. That gave her the freedom to carry on an affair under his nose for an entire year. His evaluation of himself, his situation, and the direction he needs to take under the circumstances are well thought out but he can still get stung!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Differnt than the formula, with real characters

I went back and read both parts. Interesting. To those who say it's bullshit, not so. I knew a guy that had two families. He stayed with his wife during the week, and spent the weekends with a woman who lived about 40 miles away. His wife knew he had a mistress he cared for, and while she didn't like it, put up with it, because it was better than nothing. I can really imagine that sex with a lover is a lot different than sex with the spouse. has to be, otherwise, why complicate one's life? Here the roles are reversed, the wife has a 'mister-st,'and I am interested to hear how it works out. These are complex characters who make mistakes,they are not stick figures. I think, reading the other comments, you are writing for an audience well above the usual Literotica reader. Don't be discouraged, keep writing.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIover 17 years ago
The story shows, more than any thing else,

the lack of fortitude, sound thinking, respect for self and respect for family and children.

it is about impulsivity, selfishness, stupidity, greed, and yearning for "a green pasture" that's mostly in the head, as she will learn, in the upcoming chapter, that the guy's not a lawyer but a para-legal helper at the law office; SHE said he said for her to come back and tell her husband he (the boyfriend) and her are breaking up, because he (boyfriend) did not want to ruin HER MARRIAGE!

<<< hehehe, that's a big laugh!>>> the dumb idiot sassied home and said exactly that, of course, "Johny lover said he didn't want to break up our marriage, dear beloved husband, so I am back to you full time, okay? Is that okay? Are you happy now? Or am I too late?" ---- some woman, like this astronaughty woman who drove 900 miles non-stop, with diaper, to try to bully and, if necessary kill, another woman because she thought that other woman was going after her intended-boyfriend!, and this is a person we citizens sent to SPACE to work on America's national security issues!

contrary to what the author said at the opening, it is NOT about an intelligent or "strong" woman. NOW, if she had come straight to the husband and said, "You know, I THINK I am falling in love with someone, whom I was just trying to COMFORT after his wife died... He works in a law office and I've been seeing him.... I think, honey, you should know, that I will ask for a former separation and then a divorce. I know you love our kids; I love our kids. In some weird way, I love you just as much now as when we first married; but I don't know whta's happening to me,,, because, WITHOUT INTENDING TO, I find myself falling in love with this other man, with whom I've NOT had sex with but... I think it is only fair that you know... that I am beginning to have strong feelings for him....I'm very torn and I know it will hurt you, me, and the kids a lot,,, but I think if I had to choose, even right now, I will choose to go with him...", blah, blah, blah...... NOW THAT WOULD INDICATE this is a feeling, THINKING, torn woman....

But when she, AFTER HAVING FUCKED THE PARA-LEGAL, whom she believed to be a BIG SHOT LAWYER WHO KNOWS DIVORCE LAWS, simply came to the husband and said,

"I love you to death, but Johny Lover and I have been fucking and he brings me multi-orgasms and I love him. If you DO AS I SAY and NOT say any thing about it, then you and I can continue on like this. I will continue to LOVE YOU and willing also love and fuck him... BUT if you try to go for a divorce, you must know that Johny Lover and I have ALREADY looked into all the possible out-comes... and this beinga no-fault state, you WILL LOSE BIG TIME: the house, paying alimony to me and child-support to the kids, with only limited visitation rights..."

..... I mean, THAT, dear author ---- is THAT the "thinking", the actions, of a STRONG or intelligent character? I don't think so. That's a cold-blooded little blood-sucking flea.

It has NOTHING to do with being "torn" between two "lovers." It is about STABBING someone who has loved her and has devoted many years, working over-time, to buy her a beautiful home, to invest away for their children.

The third and last installment is even more revealing of the AUTHOR'S INABILITY to truly portray MEN characters: she portrayed the man/husband as the QUIET, contemplative time, whose FEW WORDS, after deliberate thoughts, carried tons of meanings and weight... She, the author, wrote that even though the husband KICKED the idiotic woman out and outrightly divorced her, that they got back on and off, on and off, for countless time, not remembering, THE AUTHOR penned, what the ORIGINAL problem was,,,, and it's only after two of the kids have died, with the oldest daughter married, having children of her own,,, that the cheating "strong" wife FINALLY married another man,,, To me, that says the author is still figuring out about these things and doeesn't know much about "strong", resolute, contemplative, SILENT-TYPE men!

Celtic_SeekerCeltic_Seekerover 17 years ago
Way to go Nici

I could debate your characters with you like others have. I could talk forever on whether she betrayed him by having sex with another man, or something much deeper is going on.

But none of that is the point. I have read many book where I did not like the characters nor agree with their actions nor agree with their morality, etc. So what. You have written a story that has, to judge from the comments, engaged many people. I my mind that is success!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
law firm is screwed

Out of the frying pan into the fire. Your attorney failed to do a conflict check before speaking with a potential client. She obtained all the particulars of the problem and even gave our desperate husband advice and her card to call. I could get this man enough to retire on in the suite against the law firm, and obtain the name of the lover since there is no privilege protecting ex employees.

You also made the husband even more desperate. He is a powder keg ready to blow.

Just as an aside the lover can be suspended from the practice of law on grounds of moral turpitude.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
OOPS; Hegel; Clarifications on Susan and John

Please never read anything I write three times. If it’s not clear after the first read let me know and I will correct what is probably a messy spot in my comments. *****

1. I never meant to get into any logical formula with Hegel or anywhere in my comment! (I’ll get back to it) *****

2. To the most part I had problems with the credibility of the characters which I tried to demonstrate in as simple language and detailed way I could. If anything I was leaning on psychology, either the theory or personal experience. *****

3. I was challenging your declaration of intention (which I wish you have not done) to portray normal and relatively equal in their strength, because I found that the text so far especially chapter two, did not show to the most part this qualities in John and Susan's chracters. *****

Read more on Hegel and 'up side down' if you are up to it in this coming paragraph.*** I only mentioned turning Hegel up side down for a limited purpose: I wanted to illustrate a similar ‘maneuver’ in which one’s world view is critiqued; viewed as erroneous; and corrected by turning the existing way of thinking radically ‘up side down’. In the context of Hegel (the details are not important to this story) It was Karl Marx (through Feuerbach) who claimed that Hegel was wrong in stating that the thought is the subject and the existence is the predicate. Marx claimed that that the opposite is true. The subject is the existence (the world and the humans) and the thought is the predicate. The use of terms could be confusing because they used those terms in a technical sense which is not the way we use today. Again I did not mean to get into the details of neither Hegel, nor Marx. In my philosophy studies it was sort of a common place point of reference to allude to the maneuver of turning Hegel’s terminology (of subject and predicate) up side down by Karl Marx. That’s all. I learned my lesson as far as explaining the exact context I am alluding to! Sorry about that.***** End of Hegel *****

More on Susan: I wanted to illustrate the fact hat Susan lives in a very un-real world and that her explanation to her behavior with her lover and husband is very shaky. Rather than starting with the reality of her own life, with the sense of herself as the agent of her actions; with a sense of “self” she throws her behavior on the men. she claims that her behavior is so different because the men are so different. *****

But Susan is in fact splitting her self in order to settle internal emotional conflicts first. She compartmentalizes and she disassociates and she rationalizes which are all defenses which help her deal (ineffectively) with her internal conflicts and help her defuse or minimize her real problems from her awareness. These are all strategies which are indicative of a person with weak ego strength. Rather than working on integrating her ”self” she acts out her pseudo different ‘Susans’, then pointing out to the men as the source of the great variability of her behavior. Now she can claim that It is not her who has to sort herself out, but others who are responsible to her behaviors. *****

The reason I mentioned “normal” and “strength” is because you emphasized your intentions to portray this kind of characters, and I responded in saying that at least Susan is far from being normal or strong. She is also far from being more or less equal to her husband according to the second chapter. It seems that as far as ego strength goes the husband is much stronger than Susan (we already see the beginning of the curve of their level of functioning turning to opposite directions).*****

I hope I clarified myself somewhat.

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
Thank-You Nici

Thank-You Nici for letting Jonathon start to grow some balls! Women (and women authors)always seem to think; "It's not about the sex." Lemme just explain one thing to you, "It's ALL about sex!" No man gives a shit how decent or pathetic his wifes boy friend/lover is, She's still a cheating HO!

Wet_WorksWet_Worksover 17 years ago
Heres the thing I never understand about cheaters

they never seem to look at the situation and think of how they would feel if it was their spouse doing the things that they are doing. If Susan had ever imagined Jon doing the things she was doing even before her relastionship with the other man became sexual she would have seen how wrong it was to share herself emotionally with him instead of Jon.

SteinermanSteinermanover 17 years ago
Hopefully, she'll get hers

After reading this, I again have hope that she will eventually get what she deserves. On another subject, I apparently overlooked the alternate ending that was mentioned below. Can someone tell me the title of it?

torchthebitchtorchthebitchover 17 years ago

OK. There are a lot of people out there who don't get the idea that a story is only a story. Susan starts to appear a little more human in that she realises she mishandled the initial disclosure. However, she remains completely insensitive to Jonathan. When he reacts angrily to her disclosures she, too, reacts in anger. Then she implies that he had no right to react in that way. Her assertion that the comparison of physical acts is demeaning and insulting also reflects her lack of empathy, especially since she admits to giving more to her lover than her husband. She also appears naive in her reaction to her lover's attempted suicide. In short, I feel you still haven't, yet, achived your aim in creating a fully rounded female character. Your male character is developing. His initial reaction is plausible and the development in this chapter suggests a strength that is essential to avoid the bloodbath that I fear would be the outcome in real life. I agree with those who recommend the use of an editor. Finally, I feel you have paid too much attention to nit-picking and carping criticisms. The scene in the lawyers office smacks too much of reaction to commentators rather than a progression. Again I think an editor could have helped to finesse this for you. React to critique not criticism, Write your stories, not someone elses. I look forward to the next installment

Personally, I'd still torch the bitch

bornagainbornagainabout 17 years ago
Stick it to her

I hope Jonathan sticks it to her where the sun dont shine she is a conniving bitch.



This is some more of the same crap!

bornagainbornagainalmost 17 years ago
A Big Mistake

His biggest mistake was going to a woman lawyer she will stick up for Susan when a man Lawyer would be better to look after Jonathons point of view if he had used his head and sat down with Susan and taped her confession of her cheating boyfriend he could take that to the American Bar Assn. and had him disbarred from ever practicing law there or any where again

DSLAYERDSLAYERover 15 years ago
More dribble!!!!!

You need a dose of reality!!!!! No MAN would build a room in his own house to live in!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Still not much but a narcissistic bitch, how can she not see that if she did love her husband that she would not have lashed out at him as she had. She never had a chance of remaining calm during her humiliation and destruction of her husband. And how does she not see the HUGE betrayal that is her affair and the fact that she does all these different sex acts with the womanizing bastard that she will not and does not do for her husband. If he is such a loving, considerate man then why is he destroying someone else's marriage having an affair with a married woman? The only reason I gave this a 25, not a 0, is because the husband is finally growing a pair and taking charge of something. I will read the last chapter because I am curious, but I have doubts that the ending will even be decent.

KlausTheMausKlausTheMausabout 15 years ago
Well, zed0,

you're totally wrong. And the best thing is: You know it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
This story totally sucks!

Which birth defective excuse will this author use to justify this dog shit story? Mmmm, and they say incest rarely produces inferior genes and side affects - well this author apparent is one of those side affects.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
he can do somenting

He now has the means to identify Rich and sue him for alienation, nothwithstanding any other decisions. Being for himself and the children is his new direction? Sue the lawfirm, difficult, but they would have valuable information!

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
Now you know why people disapear all the time.

If my wife came at me the way Susan did Johnathan and tried to explain an affair away similarily, I don't think she would like my reaction. First, I just don't get her claims of love for both and an unwillingness to give either up. Marriage to one man takes her off the available list to other, RE: Forsaking all others etc. To use a husband's love of his children to threaten and imtimidate would enrage any normal man to the point of potential violence. Many men might get violent, many men would quietly back their bags and leave, but most would get smart and just give their wife a stare and say nothing. Silence is the one thing women just can't stand and they would get flustered and leave. Now a thinking man would find a way to identify her lover and make plans for his and posibily her exit from this world. Do know that over 30,000 adults disapear every year without a trace.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Regardless of how feminazi Nici slants it:

she believes any cheating by a woman is justified. She has such a narcissistic view of life.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago

He is a typical husband; that is, he is a fool. Transferring money to his own account will not prevent her from getting her half since there is a money trail.

Working less will not reduce child support and alimony because he has already established that he can earn more. It wouldn't matter if he quit working because the courts would base alimony and child support on imputed income; that is, the highest income he earned.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
How Good Are You?

Get to she going to be history? Is the lawyer fucktoy going to be history? Is he a wimp/wuss taking her back?

You insult us with overly wordy explanations...get to it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
DWMoron, you are the fool

You are the reason why every so often, some guy dresses in a santa suit and visits the ex's family on Christmas day with a sawn-off.

It's sad, but when you back someone into a corner till they can't move, some people just snap, then everybody gets hurt.

That's the reality. You can postulate all you like.

Even if someone would suffer your disrespect enough to be in a relationship with you, either they like wearing a dog collar and drinking from the toilet, or they are saving for a santa suit.

Of course you gave this 5 stars. I would have bet my life on it.


count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
I can only repeat myself here:

Susan is psychotic, she completely destroys her husband, then humiliates him and on top of that takes away every possible escape route he might have. And then all she thinks about is how insensitive he is to not care about here feelings and how she loves the other guy and how fairy-tale pure the new found love is. PSYCHOTIC!

Sorry Niki but if you think that is reasonable behaviour I hope you only meet Men in your life who are not prone to violence or you will end in a statistic.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago
Still a slut

Susan is a slut. Her co-workers thought she was single She hid her life and now her husband knows about it. Let's see how Jonathan makes out in the final chapter..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Still a traitor

a cornhole buggered, a meaty cock smoked, betrayed!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Sorry but confidentiality only exists between lawyers & clients or doctors & patients. Not people inside a company (para legals). Should be able to get a court order for his name and drag their company's name through the mud in the court of public opinion.

SirDuctionSirDuctionover 11 years ago

Well, well, well. All these people who attack your story have actually taken the trouble to read both chapters so far and will read the third. They are captivated by this story just as I have been. They seek to deny reality. Nici is the author and is not any of the characters - get it you morons she is only the author. She examines the feelings of both of the main characters from their different perspectives. Nici makes no judgments in doing so she leaves that to the reader.

Of course there is hurt for Jonathan and Susan knows she has hurt him deeply and the author brings out all the emotions surrounding that. Nici includes the children at the end of this chapter bringing into sharp focus the other consequences of Susan's affair. She introduces the question of whether it is possible to love two people at the same time. The lunatics below who attack this story are the usual bunch of unintelligent trolls. They fail to realise that the author has not taken sides but is examining all the strains, the stresses and mental and physical aspects and anguish of something that happens out there in the big wide-world every day of the week.

These pathetically, intellectually challenged morons will score you down out of some misplaced loyalty to marital sanctity while at the same time visiting this site behind the backs of their wives - and their children - to read the stories here. They are a complete bunch of cyber cheating bastards and hypercritical male-sluts with no real sense of the morals they preach to everyone else.

Nici, you are a wonderful writer, a phenomenal plot creator and tension builder, in other words all the elements required for a great author.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Still a TURD!!!

Again I am so glad this misandrist has quit posting her bullshit.

IslandBornIslandBornover 11 years ago

Dude get real, some people just hate what people write. Like me, I just read the start and commented because this plain old sucks and only cucks like crap like this. Never met and won't ever understand any man who likes stuff like this.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago
Nici & IndianSubMale

This series is an EXCELLENT thought-provoker. Some knee-jerk (on both sides) and some very analytical! A goodly number of detail hints, such as where 'privilege' stops. All in all, it relentlessly pushes and pulls on emotions. Superb, despite a number of areas needing attention, also drawing comment.

The intensity of the reactions are similar to those for ISM's 'the unwelcome houseguest'

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

Much better and truer to real life. I am glad you changed you mind and decided to continue the tale.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 11 years ago
No it is not more real -

It is like many another story line - he is screwed so he will make the best of it and saty apart from his former loyal wife and remain engaged for the sake of the children and nothing more -

He is beaten by a system that has no time to look beyond the surface and make him pay the maximal price while gets what she wants - she will have access to her lovers nearly unlimited resources and he gets nothing. It would be the sane for a woman in his place so it not a sex related imbalance. It is a systemic overflow problem.

His choice is not ego - he now knows he can not trust her - without trust love is not enough to make a relationship last it will deteriorate and die so change it. Trust means you know the other person will neither hurt nor betray you without reason - REAL reason not horny feelings or a need to live out fantasy you are embarrassed to share an other primarily selfish, self serving reason - trust means the other person will make a sacrifice for you BEFORE they betray you - she showed she is not trustworthy her act ended the agreement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not getting better

Obviously written from a female point of view, with very little understanding of how a man that loves his wife and children would feel in these circumstances.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago
Worse Than A Whore

She is a cheating skank slut betraying lying deceiving cunt. She made people believe she wasn't married and now is sad that her husband is trying to regain his balls. Fucking cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Hardly an Unbiased View

Your bias (empathy as a dyke) for the skank shows. Get a reality check what's this shit you wrote " Yes, he had worked hard, but always towards goals others had set for him. He never set his own goals, for himself, and in doing so he had slackened and in some aspects become lazy. LAZY you dumb twit the man has been workiong overtime to pay for the whore's home

Get your head out of your arse, then maybe this crap story would not have been written

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Here's an unbiased view

The determining factor in whether or not a cuck is in the closet (like betrayed) or out is one thing: does he conflate fiction with reality. If yes, closet-cuckold; if no, just regular.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Just another Cunt wife

The only good thing about this is that the Cunt Writer is gone and hopefully dead.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
this is just sinking lower and lower

into an abyss of hatred and betrayal.

No one knew she was married? She did. Rich did.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 10 years ago
Bravo ...

To hubby for taking steps to get his life back.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
No one at his old firm knew Susan was married

She believed it herself.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago
Sue The Law Firm!

They know who he is and what he's doing and are shielding him!

And why should he have to maintain two households? He has his, and she can stay with her lover!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“contemplating how someone could profess to love two people at the same time.” – The problem isn’t with loving two people at the same time, it’s what she chose to do about it. Assuming it was her lover who seduced her, she SHOULD have told him that while she loved him and had sympathy for his situation, she loved her husband also, and couldn’t/wouldn’t cheat on him. If somehow it was HER idea, she should have said that to herself!

If her lovemaking with Rich is freer and wilder than with her husband, why is that? Has her husband ever tried some of those things only to be denied by her? She says it’s not about sex, that it was just an expression of intimacy; if that’s true, then why does the sex have to be wilder than with her husband?

PeteCedarPeteCedarover 8 years ago

And unreal. Nobody could be as uncaring as she is. Terrible story. I thought it might get betted, but I was wrong. This flew off a cliff in the first chapter and is on its way to an ugly end. 1* only because 0 was not an option.

christmas_apechristmas_apeover 8 years ago
this made me feel bad.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
If Susan Can Love Another Man, Jonathan Can Love Another Woman

Jonathan should tell Susan how much Susan had opened his eyes to the fact that it was, indeed, possible to love two women, just as she had proven she had been able to love two men for over a year. Find a lady, possibly with children of her own, whose husband had either died or had left her for another woman. Jonathan would then become to the other woman what he had once been to Susan. When his youngest child started college, divorce Susan and marry the other woman. Susan deserves no better fate.

VapspegeoVapspegeoalmost 8 years ago
Your Kidding

I could not believe anyone could or would write a character so void of any type of knowledge. I find it hard to believe A person could be so dumb (the wife) And hadn't had a life threatening accident with a can opener. (Darwin Award winner but she had kids) this left a bad taste with me. Even other story tellers tried to salvage this storyline but, unfortunately tried to follow the original writers lead and could not save the story (I read them all). I feel like Someone played a poor joke on me or, maybe that's the point!😡

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago
Minor Point

When looking at his earnings I HAVE to assume that the court would realize that his recent earnings have been inflated by the overtime, and would either use his base salary, or at least the 5 year average of his overtime.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

murdur......or if she is sorry then she and sew her cheating cunt lips together and cut her boytoys dick off... also u tell the family and paper internet her work everyone this is the stupidest shit story i have read here

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Another illiterate WHORE posting cuck shit.

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamoreover 7 years ago
"Loving" two people is a lie.

An excuse for loving yourself more than anyone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Idiotic cuckold/wimp crap!!!

" He had not cared enough about their relationship" ha ha ha!! She cheated and betrayed without a possibility to speak but he cared not enough??!! Are you insane?? Your protagonist is a cheap slut nothing more!!! And your opinion is idiotic!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Idiotic bullshit!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Thats a sequel for idiots!!

That author shits on the readers!!

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