Beyond the Bonfire


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She opened her eyes and leaned over to kiss my lips with a wanton, open mouth. I let her kiss me until she came up for breath.

"Jonesy. You're different now, yeah?" I said. She looked at me like she wasn't sure what I meant. "Your body," I said by means of explanation.

" you mean?" she whispered, knees bending.

"Your body is public now," I said, gently squeezing on a breast. "Your cunt and your breasts, you show them to people."

Jonesy looked back outside. That old guy was leaning in over the fence to get a better look at them. He didn't flinch when she caught his eye, he ogled her unashamedly. She looked back at me, still caught between embarrassment and sexuality.

"There are two types of body in the world," I whispered at her ear. "There are private bodies and there are public bodies. Some women never show their cunt outside. That was you before. Other women show their cunt to anyone. That's who you are now. You agree?"

Jonesy looked up at me and said nothing.

I repeated, "You agree?"

She reluctantly nodded.

"Are you okay with that?" I asked.

Jonesy sucked in deep as Erika's mouth did a sweet job on her clitoris.

"I'm okay," she confirmed.

"Good," I whispered.

"Okay," she said again.

Her legs gave way and she slid down the door frame to the floor, breaking the connection to Erika's face. Erika stayed on her knees with her lips and chin covered in wetness. She crawled over to me and replaced the pussy in her mouth with cock.

"I'm hungry," said Jonesy, laying there in the doorway.

Erika got off her knees and took her naked body out and down the hall. We could hear her talking on the phone in the distance. I sat down in the doorway opposite to Jonesy. Her hair was gorgeously ruffled and her nipples pointed at me from the center of her young and bruised tits, hanging there in the daylight. She crossed her legs, opening her cunt toward me, smiling when she caught me looking at it. It was bright red from usage.

"Been a break-out couple of days for you, huh?"

Jonesy nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm okay," she said genuinely.

"You never thought you'd become a lesbian, yeah?"

She shook her head, smiling. On cue Erika came back into the room, pushing Jonesy forward and sitting in behind her, pulling her body back into hers. One hand held Jonesy's tit, the other cupped her mound. Jonesy lay her head back on Erika's shoulder and closed her eyes. The three of us sat there in silence for some time, listening to the garden and the street.

"We lost our peeping Tom, huh?" I said eventually. The old man had moved on. Erika nodded, then we were quiet again.

By and by the buzz of a scooter became louder and turned down our street, pulling up in a spot across the road from where we sat.

"That will be breakfast," said Erika casually. "Jonesy, you wanna go give the guy a thrill?"

"Stay there," I suggested, "he can come along the veranda."

When the front door knocked I poked my head out the door and yelled, "Oi, over here."

There is a bit of a lattice trestle with a wispy vine to walk around but it's simple to step onto the veranda and come up to my bedroom door. When the lad came around I could tell he was hesitant. All he really noticed at first was me sitting there naked. In these days of anti-homophobia it would have been rude for him to turn back, but he was clearly feeling awkward. That changed when he took a double-take on the double set of legs sitting in the doorway across from me.

"Wow," was all he could say.

"How you doing?" I asked.

"Good," he said nervously, trying to open his carry crate to get our stuff out. He set it down and got on his knees to unzip it. Inside was a weird-looking flask. He pulled out three disposable coffee mugs and put them on the ground near the door. He poured into them, shaking the whole time. I don't drink coffee but it was easier just to let him do it. He put little disposable milks and sugars in a paper basket. He then pulled out a number of bags that from the grease on them looked like they held warm pastries.

"Ah, 22-fifty," he said, trying not to look at the girl-girl clinch right in front of him.

"Jonesy," I said, startling her. "Reckon it's about your turn to pay for something."

"Ah, ah, okay." She looked around the room. "Where's my yellow bag?"

I looked out at the car. "Actually, I reckon it's still in the back of the car isn't it?"

Jonesy nodded. Maybe.

"Keys are on the bench," I told her. She seemed a little awkward about being naked with this guy so close, but picked herself up and walked across the room. That guy's eyes followed her the whole way. He was clearly more attracted to Jonesy that the tattooed, shaven Erika. I thought I glimpsed a slight tinge of envy.

"What do I do?" Jonesy asked when she had the keys.

"Bring them over." Jonesy stood full frontal to us boys as I took the keys and pressed the unlock. "Just push the little button under the lid, it'll open now."

Jonesy looked at me and I knew the question she wanted to ask. And she knew my answer. She took a deep breath and walked out the front door, along the veranda, around onto the short path then tiptoed her way along the pebbled footpath. Our delivery boy didn't take his eyes from her, but then I mostly didn't either. As I'm sure I've said already, her nude body was so fresh, she was such a rookie at all of this that it was impossible not to be enchanted by her nakedness. When she brought the bag back she squatted on the veranda to open it.



"It's gone." Jonesy had the dirtiest of looks on her face.

I took the bag from her and looked inside. I didn't know what was meant to be in there, but nothing looked like a purse or wallet. I guess we should have checked that earlier, but she was in such a rush to get away from the guys in the shack. In hindsight it was a bit silly to think you could leave a bag out on a beach overnight and no one would rifle through it.

"Mate, what's your name?" I asked our young friend.

"Ah, Michael, Mike," he stammered.

"How old are you Mike?"

"Old enough!" he said defensively, not knowing if I was insulting him or not.

"Old enough for what? Old enough to buy cigarettes?"

"Yeah, but I don't smoke, I don't have any to give you..." he replied, a little confused.

"Ok, you're old enough then to understand the concept of barter."

"What?" the lad said.

"Barter," I repeated. "Do you know what barter is?"

He looked at me and then at Jonesy as if the dots were connecting. "I know barter."

"Okay. Good. Now, since we don't have 22-fifty in cash, do you see anything that you would like in it's place?"

Mike just gulped, too scared to answer. Jonesy was looking dejected, she knew where I was going with this.

"22-fifty. What do you reckon you can get for that, huh?"

Neither that guy nor Jonesy responded.

"Erika, in your capacity as woman of the world, what do you think would be a fair exchange for 22-fifty?"

"Well," she started, "ordinarily I'd say a quick hand-job, but given the inexperience of the service provider, assuming you're talking about her not me, then maybe 15 minutes of full service."

That guy was squatting from leg to leg now, clearly stressed, clearly excited.

"Mike!" I brought his attention to me. "Your choice. I can go and get my own money and pay you 22-fifty cash then I will have 15 minutes of amateurish sex with this young woman and you can be on your way with your money as planned - or - you can forgo your money, get back to your job 15 minutes late and dip your cock into that naked woman right there. What do you want to do?"

Mike, he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. He hesitated. Just as I thought he was about to reach out and take Jonesy by the hand, instead he picked up his bag, his helmet and ran out of the front garden. He tore off down the street.

"Jesus. What the fuck's he doing?"

I ran through the garden to the piping fence. I yelled down the street as he sprinted with his bag toward the corner.

"Mike! Mike! Your money! Your bike! What about your bloody bike??!!"

He didn't drop a beat as he disappeared around the corner, never to be seen again. I ran back underneath the veranda before the neighbors got upset with me being out there naked.

"Did you fucking-well see that?" I stood and said to the others. I think we all wanted to laugh, but weren't quite sure if we were going to be in trouble or not. Mike's bike sat there across the road. "What did he take the fucking bag for and leave the fucking bike?"

Erika, started to chuckle. Jonesy didn't know what to think, she was still shaken by his reaction to the offer of sex with her.

"Christ," said Erika, "what a fucking loser!"

I was thinking about what to do.

"Perhaps you better ring the cafe, tell them their driver ran off without the money or his bike," I couldn't help but start laughing. What a ridiculous story to tell them. "Better tell them we were teasing him a bit. But tell them we fully intended to pay and the bike is out here on the road. Finding the keys may be a problem, though... Fucking hell. I didn't expect that."

All three of us burst out laughing. It took some time for us to be able to talk without giggling. Erika and I both teased Jonesy about how terrible the thought of fucking her seems to be. Jonesy took it well, but wasn't able to come back with any witty replies, she stayed silent.

Erika pulled one of the floor rugs over to the door and set out the food like a picnic.



"You gonna call the cafe?" I asked her again.

"Fuck them. They've got more explaining to do than we do. What kind of nut-cases they hire over there, shit-scared of a naked woman."

There was no telling her different so we sat and ate. We all three had a shower after, something that would have been much sexier if the shower was a tad bigger than it was. Two people was about its limit, with three in there cold wall tiles on your ass and back isn't good. We dried each other rather than ourselves and went back to my room for a final session before I had to leave. I stopped in to see both boys fast asleep and snoring, there was no worrying about them for some time yet.

"Hey! The bike's gone," Jonesy yelled down the hall. I went up to check it out. Sure enough it wasn't there.

"Hmph. Our boy Mike must have snuck back when we were in the shower." I had a quick worried glance around the room. Given he would be going back to the cafe without the cash for the breakfast, had he ducked in to collect any goods to take with him? Nothing seemed to be gone, and he didn't look the type to have the guts to sneak in and steal something anyway.

"Will be interesting to see how he explains not having the 22-fifty."

Erika and Jonesy had lost interest in Mike. Jonesy had been thrown back onto the bed and Erika had her face buried between her thighs. This time I stepped up from behind and dropped my load in Erika's cunt for a change. Jonesy was nice enough to suck the cunt juice and semen off me after.

"Good job," said Erika, getting a small smile from Jonesy. "If you're going to do this properly you need to love the taste of sex, all of the flavors, girls and boys, other people's and your own."

Jonesy nodded acceptance.

Looking down at young Jonesy holding my balls with a smile on her face I had to remember that she thought of Erika as just a normal woman, a new older friend giving advice on how normal woman really act when they are grown up. Hopefully by the time she found out she was getting advice from one of the wildest prostitutes in town that most of the behaviors would have become a habit anyway.

"Ok, girls, I'm going to leave you to it," I said after I was done and dressed. Erika was fingering Jonesy, who had her head back groaning.

"Go. Don't need you," said Erika without looking at me. She was watching the reaction of her new plaything as an extra finger went in. Erika was gelling up her own arm so it was time for me to go. I didn't want to be around if Erika broke her, or got her arm stuck up there. Let Erika explain to the ambulance guys herself.

"I'll call you when I know what time I'm going to be done. Jonesy?"

She looked and nodded at me, with a smile. Erika would be there.

I left them. I'd had enough for a while anyway. It was nice to be walking out into the sun with clothes on, alone, car keys in hand. I had the windows down and sunroof open and took the long way to the liquor store to get some warm breeze through me. I liked the world on days like this. I liked the thought of two gorgeous chics back home in my bed having sex with each other. If only one of them wasn't my flatmates girlfriend...and a prostitute. Erika was costing me a lot of money lately.

The guys at work were surprisingly non-interested in finding out more about Jonesy given they had seen her naked the day before. Perhaps they didn't want to show envy, perhaps they'd genuinely lost interest, either way I didn't bring it up either and the day ended up relatively normal. The only oddness I felt all day was thinking how weird it was that all the young women that drove in were wearing clothes. Surely they would be more comfortable living their life with their pants off, like my two women at home. Around 4 I called Erika to check out what they were up to, no answer. Same at 6. When I was the first one off early at 8:30, still no answer.

What had they been up to all day that Erika wanted to ignore me?

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
CressiCressi6 months ago

Wish there were more parts to this!! Great story, fits the genre it's categorised in wonderfully!

Spaceghost33Spaceghost33about 1 year ago

I echo the calls for another chapter. Thanks.

OoshnaflootOoshnaflootover 2 years agoAuthor

I leave NonSequitour’s comment there as an example of the irony I sometimes find in the feedback on Literotica, NonSequitour pleads for characters with redeeming qualities, whilst swearing bitterly and advocating death to those characters they disapprove of.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 2 years ago

That's it? No ending at all? How about one paragraph where this TFA/Total Fucking Asshole walks across the street and gets run over by a bus. I'll give a 5 for that and I'll bet it gets a few cheers from the peanut gallery.

Has this author ever read characters that have nonzero redeeming qualities?

strafe1701strafe1701almost 4 years ago

Any plans to continue this amazing series?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Breaking her down like a pimp... I believe pimping should be a capital crime.. this one included.


ReefkeeperReefkeeperalmost 11 years ago
Kept my attention!

Different but very hot! 5stars

doorknob22doorknob22over 11 years ago
One of the best stories I ahev ever read.

Great stuff! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I hope both of those women cut and ran from that loser. He's not sexually liberating anyone with his constant humiliation of women. He has a deep rooted hatred of women and eventually he'll become an abuser of them as well. Nothing erotic about that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

These stories are awesome.

Please write a sequel =D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Terrific read, was hooked from the beginning to the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
OH wow

Your writing has me transfixed. First time I've ever posted a comment here.

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