Big Brother's Halloween Bash

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Cali & bff Nat get big brother a "treat" for Halloween.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, or non-consensual sex.


"Dylan gets the house for Halloween every year, it's not fair!" Cali whined to her father.

John, a tall man who was every bit the definition of "silver fox", glared at her.

"You can see your friends in town any time, Cali, Dylan only gets to come home a few times a year. We've been over this." Cali could hear in her dad's tone that she was pushing her luck, but she really wanted to celebrate Halloween her way.

"But, Daddy--" Cali started to plead. Her father tsked and looked back to his newspaper.

"You sound like you're whining, Cali." He said disapprovingly. "It's time to grow up."

Cali knew that was the end of that conversation.

Knowing it was a waste of time but willing to try anyway, Cali went to find her mom.

Her mom was definitely the parent that Cali looked the most alike. While her dad was handsome, sure, her mother was a knockout-- she'd been hearing the term (and much worse) her entire life. Lacy Robinson was tall and slim, muscled but not too toned, thin but not too skinny. She had a solid figure that set her apart from other 40 year olds, looked amazing in anything she wore, had gorgeous honey-golden hair, and was constantly, unabashedly displaying her perky 36DD breasts.

"Haven't started to sag yet!" Lacy would tell Cali with a wink whenever Cali rolled her eyes at whatever outfit she had chosen with plunging cleavage that day.

Cali found her mom in the living, breaking out the Halloween decorations in between cleaning around Cali's brother, Dylan, who was immersed in yet another stupid video game with his friends. With his headphones on Cali hoped he wouldn't be able to hear her plead her case with her mom, who definitely liked Dylan more out of her two children.

"Mom," Cali started in her most pleasant voice. Lacy turned towards Cali, tucking a stray hair back into the pink handkerchief that covered her head. Cali's hair was identical to her mom's: a lovely shade, straight as a pin, always trimmed right below the shoulders.

"Yes, dear?" Lacy asked. Cali could already hear the "no" in her voice; truthfully she had been a little annoying the past few weeks, pestering her parents since before October about the rights to the house for Halloween. They had already shut her down multiple times in favor of their golden child hosting his usual Halloween snooze-fest of video games, sports talk, and questions about class. Dylan and his friends didn't even talk about tits like normal college boys!

"Look, I get that Dylan only gets to come home a few times every year with school, but can't we at least share the house?" Cali pleaded.

"For fuck's sake, Cali, this again?" Lacy asked impatiently. Cali's mom looked like an all-American Barbie wife, but she cursed like a sailor. "I told you no. Dylan wants the house for his party, which means your girlfriends can't be hanging around bothering him and his guys."

"Bothering him, I won't even talk to him! And I was only going to have a few friends over, like Nat and maybe Ashley, we could stay in my room!"

"Not Nasty Natalie!" Dylan suddenly shouted, causing Cali to jump a little. Damn, her brother could hear her over whatever shoot-em-up game he was playing. "Guys, Cootie Cali wants her slutty friend to crash our party!"

Cali rolled her eyes at the age-old nicknames, not missing the little smirk her mother had on her face after he said it. Always taking Dylan's side.

"She's not slutty, you ass!" Cali resisted the urge to smack the headphones off her dumb brother's head.

They never really got along when they were little, always playing too rough and getting too dirty, upsetting their parents and whoever the neighbor was at the time. Being four years apart made it hard to connect, too, especially when Dylan went off to college. He had been the golden boy years before that, though. He grew up tall and strong, athletic to the point of a full scholarship for baseball, smarter than the average jock, and never really into partying. Dylan barely drank, never smoked weed, only ever had a few girlfriends, and even kept good company with none rowdy guy friends.

Cali frankly thought her brother was a big ol' pile of boring, but her opinion didn't matter too much. Her father had always pushed her towards perfection, leading to plenty of fights while Cali was in high school about grades, boys, and weekend parties. Her friends were closely monitored and quickly uninvited if they weren't up to her parents' standards, and her free time had to be dedicated to school.

When Cali announced at 18 that she was taking the gap year to travel with one of her more disliked friends, Nat, she thought her parents were going to shit a brick. From then on, Dylan's spot as golden child of the family was solidified. With Cali's parents thinking she'd never find her way back to school, they hoped she would at least marry well to keep their beautiful bloodline going. Cali had no intentions to settle down-- while traveling with Nat she had gotten a real taste of freedom, and a taste for living a very wild lifestyle.

"Don't call your brother an ass, Cali." Lacy warned. Cali rolled her eyes again and stalked to her bedroom, where she laid on her bed and shot a quick text to Nat, letting her know there definitely wasn't going to be a party for Halloween.

"It's not like he'll even do anything fun. They'll buy like one 24 pack for the group of them to share, play video games and talk about algebra or whatever, and be asleep by midnight!!!" Cali texted.

Nat replied with a sad face.

"I could come over anyway?" she asked.

Cali thought about it and decided, fuck Dylan and her parents, she wasn't going to be alone on Halloween.

"Let's do it, bring the vodka ;)" Cali texted back.


Nat snuck into Cali's window to avoid the Ring doorbell. She had a huge bottle of tequila in her bag and a wild smile on her face.

"What the hell is that?" Cali asked, pointing to the tequila.

"It's Halloween Cali, we're going to get dressed up and we need more than a little vodka to get the vibe right!" Nat explained. Cali was excited to see what Nat had in store.

Her best friend was full of energy all the time. In high school she was rumoured to have slept with the entire football team and she reveled in the falsehood, using it to boost her once-quiet self into horny stardom. Nat was a brunette bombshell with big brown eyes, much bigger tits, and the type of ass that Cali was always jealous of. When Nat rocketed out of her shell, she took Cali with her, and Cali had been tagging along on as many of Nat's adventures as her strict parents would allow. Their time while traveling was spent drinking, trying multiple types of drugs, crashing on an impressive number of gorgeous mens couches across the county. Nat seemed to know everybody, and if she didn't know you she'd get to know you quick. She had an infectious laugh and a wicked smile that always seemed to say, "I'm up to something".

Nat was naughty, Nat was brave, Nat was gorgeous. Cali would be lying if she said she didn't have a little crush on her best friend: the frequent wet dreams and time spent staring at Nat's ass would give her away. Nat didn't mind: everyone had a crush on her.

"My parents already left, and Dylan's friends piled into the man cave about two hours ago. They definitely don't have any tequila." Cali laughed. The girls poured out two shots and threw them back quickly, Cali's eyes watering at the strong taste.

"What are they doing first, jerking each other off or discussing different chess moves?" Nat joked. Nat hadn't actually fucked the entire football team, but she had fucked Dylan. Cali knew Nat was actually the one who took Dylan's virginity, though he always pretended to hate her around their parents. Not so golden boy, after all.

"Probably jerking each other off, start the evening off right." Cali joked back. Both girls paused for a moment, picturing a group of fit college boys jerking each other.

"Hot." Nat said, pouring two more shots. Cali nodded, agreeing.

While Nat joked that Dylan was a massive nerd and they hadn't kept in touch after fucking, it was hard to deny that Dylan was actually incredibly attractive. Even Cali would agree that her brother was good looking, it seemed to run in their family.

Tall, tan, fit. A dazzling smile like their dad, head full of hair, and according to Nat, a massive cock.

"I so cannot believe you described my own brother's dick to me." Cali complained while Nat pulled costumes out of her bag.

"If all of their dicks are like your brother's, there is a literal paradise just two stories below us." Nat said with a naughty wiggle of her eyebrows. Cali laughed and took her costume from Nat. It looked like it was barely any material at all, and were those supposed to be booty shorts or panties??

"What is all this?" Cali asked as she stripped. Nat jumped out of her clothes, too, both girls slim and curvy in all the right places. Cali snuck a peek at Nat's ass when she bent over to pull on the shorts/panties.

"I thought we'd give the nerds downstairs a little show." Nat said.

"You're not even supposed to be here, and I was told not to bother them!" Cali whispered, shocked by the idea of wearing whatever Nat had brought over in front of a bunch of boys she had practically grown up with, let alone her own brother.

"Come on, Cali, it'll be fun!" Nat said. "I bet at least three of them haven't seen tits before."

"I don't know, Nat..." Cali hesitated. Nat pulled the last piece of her costume on and Cali finally put together what it was: a very tiny school-girl uniform. The tight white shirt only covered half of Nat's dark nipples, the little checkered skirt hung snug on her wide hips but definitely didn't cover the red underwear swallowed by Nat's ass.

"We'll put our hair up in ponytails, really drive 'em crazy, like the porns." Nat said. Cali was starting to warm up to the idea of ruining Dylan's party-- could they really focus on a football game with the two of them walking around practically naked??

"Fuck it, he can't have everything, this will be something he definitely can't have." Cali laughed, her eyes sparkling. She quickly pulled on the same outfit as Nat, noting with some pride that the little shirt revealed even more of her slightly-bigger chest, her hard pale nipples were clearly visible right at the top of the material.

Nat tugged her hair up into little pigtails and tossed Cali a set of hair ties to do the same. After a few more shots of tequila, a quick application of red lipstick, and a lot of deliberation on what pair of Cali's heels they'd each wear, the girls were ready to crash Dylan's Halloween get together.

Nat wiggled her fingers at Cali.

"We'll put a spell on them." She sang. Cali grabbed up the tequila bottle.

"For my courage, and maybe to get one of my brother's hot fucking friends drunk enough to climb out of their prude shell and into these panties!" Cali winked, and Nat cracked up.

"Let's do it!"

The girls teetered down the stairs in their high heels. Cali felt her nipples get impossibly harder at the idea of being so exposed in front of a group of people she knew. It strangely didn't feel like one of those standing-in-your-underwear nightmares, more of an erotic adventure that she was definitely going to masturbate to later.

After peering over the bannister and verifying that the 'rents were indeed gone for their own Halloween shenanigans, Cali ushered Nat along and the two reached the top of the basement steps. They could hear the cheers of whatever sports teams' fans were on the TV, and hear the low rumble of multiple male voices. Cali felt a flutter in her stomach and a very familiar heat in between her legs-- was she actually horny for the idea of standing in front of everyone like this??

Cali pushed Nat in front of her a little, one finger pointing down the stairs and another over her lips. Nat handed back the tequila bottle and bowed, agreeing to go first. Nat was always the brave one between the two of them.

Cali thought about backing out when Nat was about halfway down the stairs, but she knew Nat would never forgive her if she chickened out now. With a deep breath she followed her best friend down to the man cave.

The finished basement was dark, the majority of one wall taken up by a massive screen which was indeed showing a football game. Massive plush black couches took up the space of the room, a long and low coffee table was overcrowded with cans of Miller Lite and bag after bag of snack food. Damn, the boys could eat!

Cali heard their reaction to Nat walking into the light of the TV just as her heels hit the last step.

"What in the fuck, Natalie?" Dylan said. One of the other guys, who sounded like Mike, told Nat to move out of the way. The rest of the group booed or whistled.

"Well, well, well." Nat said. "Cali and I placed a bet on whether you started the night jerking each other off or playing chess, I guess we both lost. Come on in, fellow loser!" Nat called out to Cali. She stepped away from the stairs and into the light with Nat.

There were five guys sprawled out on the couches. Cali recognized four of them, but couldn't place who the boy the furthest away from her was. Dylan and Mike were closest to the stairs, then there was Tommy, Christian, and the stranger.

"Cali, what in the fuck??" Dylan sounded distressed, but he was actively trying not to look at either Nat or Cali. Cali thought she saw him blush. She pushed away the urge to cover her chest and boldly held out the tequila with a little hop, nearly jiggling her tits fully from her shirt.

"We lost the bet, but we brought booze to share."

"We have beer, Cali, you know it's my night in the man cave, you're not supposed to be down here!"

"Sounds an awful lot like you're whining, Dylan," Nat teased, walking a little closer to him. "I heard you brought back my old nickname, you owe me a shot, at least." She said quietely. Dylan looked up, guilt flashing over his face before he shot a glare behind Nat to Cali. Cali had told Nat Dylan had brought up the dumb nicknames he had when they first became friends: Cootie Cali and Nasty Nat, to display his usual disdain for his sister and hide his feelings for Natalie in front of their perfect parents.

"Fine, one shot, then y'all leave." Dylan grumbled.

"Yay!" Nat clapped and jumped up and down before plopping herself between Dylan and Mike, her long legs stretched in front of her, pale skin illuminated by the glow of the TV. "Bring on the tequila!" Nat waved Cali closer and grabbed them both a beer. Cali briefly thought about where to sit, and decided a little further away from her brother while half-naked was probably best. She swapped the tequila bottle for a beer of her own and cracked it open as she crossed the room to sit between Christian and the stranger.

Christian was one of Dylan's closest friends and Cali had seem him in various stages of undress. He was a muscled blonde god and Cali frequently wondered if, with all that working out, Christian had the stamina to hold her up against a wall and fuck her into next week. The stranger was good looking too-- the tall, dark and handsome type, his black hair framed an angular face, brilliant blue eyes looking her up and down, long fingers and long legs.

Cali felt herself put a little sway into her walk before she sat down, feeling multiple sets of eyes on her felt empowering, electric.

"Not a single one of you is dressed up, you all take a shot for being so lame!" Nat crowed, taking a long chug from her beer, and passing the bottle to Dylan first.

"Where are the shotglasses?" Dylan asked.

"You'll just have to be a big boy and take it straight from the bottle." Nat teased. Dylan rolled his eyes and tipped the bottle up. Nat leaned over, her nipples jutting through the thin white material of her shirt even more outlined by the TV glow, and pushed the bottle up a little higher, tipping more tequila into Dylan's mouth.

He quickly swallowed and coughed, glaring at Nat and passing the bottle past her to Mike. Nat didn't even blink at being skipped, in fact she looked strangely gleeful. Cali sent her a questioning look but Nat only winked, that devilish smile playing on her lips again.

Mike took a swig of tequila and complained about the taste, but dutifully passed on the bottle. Cali could tell Mike was trying his best to look only at the game, but was highly distracted by Nat's heat so close to him. Nat hadn't fucked any of Dylan's friends, but she talked often about how much she wanted to.

Tommy and Christian took their shots of tequila without complaint, everyone's eyes glued to the game. As Cali reached for the bottle herself, Nat spoke up.

"We've had enough, let's leave the rest for the boys!" Nat said. Cali didn't think she was nearly buzzed enough, but she followed Nat's lead and instead of taking a shot, passed the bottle on. His long fingers brushed against hers as he took the bottle, looking into her eyes in such an intense way she couldn't help but to blush.

"And what's your name?" Cali felt a wave of bravery as she whispered her question to the stranger staring at her.

"Don't even think about it, Lars." Dylan said with a hint of warning from across the room. "None of you get any ideas, take your shot, and then the girls will go."

Lars tipped the tequila bottle up, taking quiet the chug, still looking at Cali over the bottle. The heat between her legs responded to the glint in his eyes.

"We'll leave the bottle with you, then." Nat said, standing. She sashayed to the stairs and curled her fingers at Cali.

Cali was disappointed-- had Nat's plan really been to come down for one shot, steal a few beers, and leave? What about crashing their little party? What about everyone's big dicks?

Cali flushed, suddenly feeling a little tipsier than she had a few seconds ago. Glad to leave the tequila behind she stood to follow Nat, very aware of how closely Lars and Christian watched her go. Dylan looked away, a little disgust on his face. Cali rolled her eyes at her older brother-- what a prude.

"Nat, what are we doing?" Cali whispered as they walked up the stairs, jumping when the group erupted into cheers and laughter behind them. She could hear Dylan groan and yell "shut up!" over the clammer.

"We'll be back, Cali, don't you worry." Nat walked into the dark kitchen instead of going upstairs to Cali's room. She opened the fridge and bent over, rustling around before pulling out two more beers. Cali appreciatively took in Nat's form, highlighted in the dark by the bright light of the fridge.

"They're not going to let us back down, the game wasn't even half done and plus Dylan is seriously PISSED." Cali laughed.

"Oh, I think they'll be very interested in our return." Nat said with a wink.

"Okay, what have you done?" Cali asked. Nat walked over and handed her a beer and they drank them down in the dark. Nat was quiet for a few minutes.

"Don't be mad but..." Nat started. Cali's eyes widened-- what had her wild friend done now? "I kind of dosed your brother and all his friends."

Cali almost spit out a mouthful of beer.

"You what??"

"A little molly in the tequila, they're going to be rolling any minute. Then we can wade into a sea of cock." Nat said dreamily. Cali was beyond shocked, and a little horrified.

"Isn't that a little...rapey?" Cali asked. Nat shrugged, her perky tits jiggling slightly with every movement.

"We're not going to force them, Cali, trust me. They're going to give into their most basic instinct to fuck. And fuck, and fuck, and fuck." Nat laughed. Cali couldn't help but to crack a smile too, thinking of the blue-eyed new guy that had stared so intensely at her. Cali shivered slightly, excited.