Big Flipping Deal Ch. 07


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"Mmmmwah!" she said, breaking the kiss at last to open her eyes and smile at me.

"So it wasn't gross, then?" she asked. Her face shone with hope.

I kissed her again. "It was terrific. Except for the taste at the end. The taste was pretty bad."

Lindsey gave a pout of disappointment.

"But hey," I went on, "I didn't much like the taste of pussy or beer the first time I tried either of those, so you're in good company."

She stuck her tongue out, but the pout disappeared. "Tell me about the terrific part."

"The most terrific part was you enjoying it. But if you want me to describe all the ways it was terrific, we'll be here the whole night."

"Oh!" She jolted upright. "And you still haven't had your turn! I'm sorry!"

Her hand reached for my cock, but I intercepted it and laced my fingers through hers.

"Let's let that wait just a bit."

Puzzlement lowered her eyebrows. "Oh? Why?"

I took a deep breath. My lungs felt swollen with my hunger to say the next words.

"I'm thinking about crossing another line."

For a moment, she just blinked at me.

"You mean ...?"

I leaned down and kissed one of her nipples, then the other. "I mean, I'm really, really enjoying being with you. Everything feels right, Lindsey. Nothing's scaring me, and every new step just makes me feel closer to you."

I kissed her lips again.

"I want to feel as close to you as I can get, Lindsey."

In a small voice, she asked, "But what if you don't like it?"

"You like having it done to you, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I'm -"

"What you are," I said, "is the person I want to wake up next to tomorrow morning. The person I want to see with a smile of complete satisfaction on her face in the sunlight coming through the windows."

She smiled and put a hand to my cheek. "Well, you could get that just by saying what you just said. And you could certainly get it from that fantastic blow-job you just gave me. But if you're serious ..."

"I'm ninety-eight percent serious and two percent 'wouldn't it be hilarious to fool her into ass-fucking me.'"

"Stop that."

"Okay, then I'm a hundred percent serious."

She watched my eyes carefully.

"You really want me to fuck you."

"I'm thinking how far you squirted the other night with me inside you, and I'm betting that must have felt really good."

The grin she gave me came with flaring eyes and a squeeze of her fingers threaded through mine.

"It did."

"So ...?"

"You have lube in here? I can get my purse from the front room if you don't."

"There's a brand-new bottle in my nightstand."

"Pooped recently?"

I blinked. "Uh ... a little after dinner. Maybe -" a glance at the clock "- two hours ago?"


"You didn't make me use one."

"Just checking. I'm going to get up and pee, okay? You pull the sheets back and find that lube." Slipping her hand free of mine, she climbed off the bed, cock dangling but not quite as limp as it had been a minute ago. I watched her ass swing as she made her way into the bathroom, then I crawled over to fetch the lube from its drawer and throw the sheets off like she'd asked.

Lying on my back in the middle of the bed, I had an out-of-body flash - a sense of disembodiment with the noise of Lindsey pissing for its soundtrack.

What are you doing? I asked the figure spread-eagled in my bed.

I'm waiting for my girlfriend to come back and fuck me up the ass.

Girlfriend? Really?

Yeah, I think so. I guess maybe I should ask her, but she said she might be falling in love with me. And have you seen that look in her eyes?

Lindsey opened the bathroom door before the other me could answer.

"Well, somebody's really looking forward to this, I guess," she said.

Propping myself up with both elbows, I found a fully upright erection that explained her meaning from its place between my legs.

"Huh," I said. "Imagine that. So ... what do you want me to do?"

She came over carrying a damp washcloth in hand and crawled into the bed.

"Just move your knees up and open and think relaxing thoughts."

"Like what?"

From between my legs, she raised an eyebrow and dabbed at me with the washcloth, making my asshole shrink and tingle and then warm. "Like, 'Look how pretty my girlfriend is,' as opposed to, 'In a minute something's going to get jammed through my sphincters.'"

A twist of excitement hit me at that word in the middle.

"I was just wondering a second ago if it was okay to think of you as my girlfriend."

"Uh - you'd better. I mean, I hope you wouldn't let just anybody do what I'm about to do to you."

"Definitely not."

"Good. Then hand me that lube."

I did, and she popped the cap and poured herself a handful, her left. Making a little sluice with her fingers, she lowered the hand in under my balls to make contact with my crack, just below the tense knot that needed lubing.

"So. Ever had anything in here?"

I shook my head.

"Really? You've never even had a girl finger you while you were doing her?"

"A couple felt around down there, but I always put the brakes on."

"So sad! Let's show you what you were missing."

She tipped her hand so that the slippery fluid in her palm ran along the valley of her fingers and surged up against my anus, which had tightened at her finger's nearness, and now clenched again at the wet, cool contact of the lube. Before any could spill around her fingers, Lindsey swiped her hand upward, carrying lubricant across my asshole and rubbing it into the whole area, all the way to the base of my scrotum. Circling strokes of her fingertip tickled and wetted and soothed the wary, tight-squeezed opening her hand focused on, while her eyes stayed on mine.

"It doesn't have to hurt at all, if you're relaxed enough," she said, turning her hand to massage more lube from her palm against my perineum and then slowly grind the heel of her thumb into my anus, now practically spasming between the tension of instinct and a slackness of anticipation. "But just for fair warning, it's really hard to stay relaxed enough the first time. So we just have to be slow and patient, all right?"

"All right," I said. "That actually feels really good, what you're doing right there."

Her smile felt just as good as the movement of her hand against my twitching, stimulated anal flesh.

"It gets even better," she promised. Moving her palm upward again to slickly brush my balls, she made a circling spiral around my asshole with her middle fingertip. Around. Around. Closer.

Contact. The sphincter pulled tight and then released.


I swallowed as my butt instinctively opposed Lindsey's steady, gentle push.

Relax, I told myself. Just go with it. Float.

She went back to circling the puckered knot - but in smaller orbits this time, never quite leaving contact with the rim.


"Ah ..."

The way she smiled at my sound - and went right back to circling my asshole - drowned me in arousal. My cock stiffened into immobile verticality.



"Oh god," I said at the entry of her fingertip. My sphincter clenched and unclenched around it.

"How's that?"

"Very strange."

"Strange bad?"

"No," I said, getting used to the sensation of her finger resting one knuckle deep inside me. "Just strange to be on this end of the finger. It's ... not as big a deal as I thought."

"No, you've had bigger stuff pass through here almost every day of your life. But it'll be a bigger deal here in a minute."

She slid another knuckle in, then back out.

"That actually feels pretty good."


Slowly, Lindsey fucked the first two segments of that finger in and out of me. The fire in her eyes distracted me from the oddity of the sensation, until the gentle, rhythmic motion felt natural and pleasant.

Then the bulb of that second knuckle popped all the way through, and her fingertip slid deeper, and deeper, and curved and pressed against the wall of my rectum as if reaching for my cock from inside. My inner muscles instinctively tried to expel her, tightening uncomfortably but not painfully ...

And then an enormous pressure inside my ass flowed directly up into my cock, which lurched and straightened and leaked more precum than I'd ever seen at once.

"Holy shit!"

Lindsey grinned. "That's your prostate."

"Fucking hell, it's incredible!"

She pushed again and got the same response from my dick, which had drooped while I was relaxing down there, but now returned to firm attention. Clear fluid ran freely down its dorsal surface, and before I knew what was happening, Lindsey bent, took me fully inside her mouth, and swiped back off, cleaning the precum away. With her finger now gliding freely in and out, she came forward to give me a savory, sticky kiss that tasted and felt of the liquid she'd just sucked off my rod.

"Fuck, Linds ... ohh ..."

Kissing from my mouth down my throat, down my sternum, down my belly, she swallowed my cock to the root again, then proceeded to give me a seesawing blow-job/finger-fuck: mouth up, finger in, mouth down, finger out.

"If you keep that up, I'm totally going to blow ..."

She smacked her lips free of me and looked up, hand still.

"Do you want to?"

"Ngnnh ... that's such a trick question ..."

Her finger went out and in once, inquiringly.


"I'm tempted ... but I think let's stick to the original plan."

"Sure," she said, pulling her finger almost all the way out - and then joining it with a second one on the way in.

I groaned. For a second, I stayed relaxed enough to accept both fingers and have my mind blown by the fatness of them stretching me open. But some unbidden reflex kicked in and clamped down hard on her fingers and spiraled up from fullness to discomfort to pain.

"Guh ..." I fought against the urge to squirm away, and then the pain receded as Lindsey pulled her fingers back. "Hoo ... uh ..."

"You okay?" Concern and reassurance blended on her face and in her voice, a perfect pairing that said she was a little worried but that I shouldn't be.

"Yeah, that part was great until I flinched."

Her one fingertip rotated just inside the ring of my ass. "Let me know when you're ready to try again."

I took a few breaths, then nodded. "Go ahead."

She stroked the one finger in and out. In. Out. Then I felt the second fingertip make a slow entrance alongside it. I let my head tilt back, trying to breathe evenly as her two digits crept inside together.

"Nnnnn ..."

She filled me as full as she could go, withdrew, repeated.

"Nick," she whispered. I tipped my head down to meet her eyes. "If this is working okay, then you're almost ready."

I shivered as her fingers continued to pump in and out of my ass.

"Fuck, Lindsey ..."

A wicked smile glowed in her eyes and on her lips. "Is that a request?"


I couldn't stop trembling as her fingers repeated and repeated their pattern and her other hand reached for the lube bottle.

The cap clicked open. She turned the bottle up over my cock and let out a silky drizzle, streaking me with slippery runnels - more than I expected or thought necessary. But then she recapped the container and gripped me, milked me, coated me, coated her hand in the process, and finally reached between her legs to wet her own erection from base to crown, polishing the knob briefly and scooting forward on her knees.

The anticipation and happiness on her face, the fullness of her breasts, the red of her lips - and yes, the stiff pole of her hard-on - all combined into a vision I could only call angelic.

"Good god, you're beautiful, Lindsey."

She laughed and got herself in position, her legs wide, thighs up under mine. Her fingers kept working, working, working.

"I'm about to switch over here," she said.

I nodded.

As her one hand pulled away and its fingers slipped out of me, her other held and maneuvered her dick, mostly out of my sight, but quickly engaging another of my senses. A warm, soft tumescence touched down where I still gaped a little from her departing fingers. I bit my lip as it pressed inward with a twist of her hips.

Stay relaxed, stay relaxed, stay relaxed. Christ almighty, she's about to fuck me ...

The head popped in with surprisingly little difficulty, and even though the girth wasn't that far off from her fingers, the difference stunned me. Smooth and even and regular, her shaft might as well have been made for my ass.


"Mmm, Nick, that feels really good. Does it feel good to you?"

"Yes." The word came almost straight out of my throat. "Go further ..."

She grinned and eased her hips forward, inflating me with her slick, symmetrical, cylindrical flesh.

"Uhhh ..."

"Uh-huh ... ah, Nick, baby ..." Her eyelids fluttered involuntarily. She leaned forward and down to kiss me.

"It feels so fucking big," I gasped. "How much is in?"

With more kisses, she said, "About half."

"Oh god."

Then her lubed-up hand reached between us and gripped my dick.

"Oh god!"

She slid what felt like another foot of cock into me, gliding in against what I now knew was my prostate as her hand began to stroke my erection sweetly and steadily.

"Fuck, Lindsey, I'm going to come so fast ..."

"Mmm-hmm," she said. A leisurely withdrawal preceded another gentle thrust of her cock, this time penetrating even deeper. Her pubic arch landed against my perineum and left again, her long lovely shaft flowing through my opening like an Olympic diver hitting water. Rhythmically, insistently, her hand swept up and down my hard-on, its pace unchanging as her hips gradually worked up speed.

Each push of her cockhead against my prostate goaded it toward viscous explosion, a steady series of coital compressions through the wall of my rectum that drove me up to the precipice of orgasm while her hand tugged me in the same direction from outside. As her lips kissed and hips pumped and hands pumped and breasts swayed against my chest, a sense of total, dreamy merging swelled within me. I felt permeated by her vitality.

"Uh, Nick, yeahhh ... uh - ah - nnh ..."

"Lindsey, I'm so close - oh my god, fuck me - fuck me hard -"

"Ah!" she gasped, panting as she did what I asked, working her hips like mad to hump into me with all her power and speed. "Uhn, nh - Nick - nf, huhh, ah -"

In about a half-dozen strokes of being totally plowed, I reached my limit and burst.

"Uhhhfuuck -"

A hydraulic ram went off inside my gonads, a constricting, squeezing blast beyond any sexual peak I'd ever known. My head went back on my neck. With every seismic contraction, I had a vague awareness of wet heat splashing out of Lindsey's grasp and up across my chest, but it didn't even occur to me to look.

"Nnghhuhh -"

Seemingly inside my gouting, spouting tremors, Lindsey's penis thrust its way toward her own climax.

"Yes - Nick - oh fuck - uh ... uh ... NGH -!"

For an instant, I thought I was having a second orgasm as a beautiful, rhythmic throbbing filled my pelvic depths. Then I realized it was her, going off inside me in time with her gasps.

"ooh, ooh, hnnh, oooh ..."

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her throat as she strained above me and finished unloading.

When she relaxed into my arms and found my mouth to kiss me back, I thought, out of nowhere, Wow. My ass is full of semen right now.

It made me giggle, which for some reason made her giggle too.

"What are we laughing at?" she asked, nose-to-nose with me.

"I'm laughing at ever being worried over letting you fuck me. Holy crap, that was fantastic."

"Good," she said, kissing me. "I thought so too."

We kissed some more, and after a bit she shifted and her softening cock slipped out of me. It left behind a familiar urgency.

"Uh ... I kind of feel like I need to go in the bathroom and, uh ..."

She patted my cheek and rolled off me. "Go on. Tell me when you're done and I'll come in and wash up with you."


In the can, I dumped a mixture of lube and semen and poo that should have been a real romance-killer but wasn't. My whole lower body had a sense of clean, purified emptiness. Even my asshole somehow told me it was sleepy and content - purged of weight.

I wiped and flushed, poked my head out the door. "All done. We going to shower?"

"Yes!" Lindsey bounced off the bed and hurried to join me.

Under the showerhead, as we soaped each other up and enjoyed our wet, slippery sleekness, I asked if her if she could stay over.

"Sure. I can give you a ride to work, even, so you don't have to take the bus."

"Actually, I was thinking about calling in to take a personal day ... if you don't have any client appointments you need to go to."

"Mm," she said, pulling close and rubbing her body against mine. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well," I said, "we didn't get anything done on the house at all today. So I thought we might, you know, take care of that bathroom stuff that needs doing."

She grinned. "You mean the caulking? I can definitely stay over if it means I get to see you work your magic with that caulk."

For emphasis, she ground her crotch against mine, long enough that I felt both our dangling cock fatten. I kissed her, then shifted some of her damp hair back from her face.

Watching her blue eyes more seriously, I asked, "So are you still terrified you might be falling in love with me?"

She shook her head. "No. Not terrified."

"Great," I said. "Because I'm not terrified of falling in love with you either."

We kissed again, and stayed in the shower a long time.

* * *

When we woke up the next morning, Mister Whiskerdoodle had cozied himself into the narrow gap between us and gargled in complaint when we made him move. The sun had already risen, and we lazed in bed a little, not messing around or anything, just holding each other. Then I made omelets. They weren't all that good, but Lindsey complimented me on my cooking anyway and then added, "But I'll agree that you're not as good with eggs as you are with caulk."

"Ha, ha. How long do you figure it's going to take for that joke to get old?"

With a knowing shake of her head, she said, "You're still new to this, obviously. Trust me, caulk never gets old."

We cleaned up breakfast, got dressed, and walked over to Mrs. P's under a pretty Sunday-morning sky. As we passed the rollaway in the drive, Lindsey ran her hand along it.

"It's going to be weird in a month when we're done with this place."

"Yeah ... but a month's a long time," I said, stopping because she'd stopped, facing the house in thought. "Who knows what might happen. We might run into a hiccup that takes longer, or ..."

"Or what?"

"Or things might go even better than we expect. With us. You know, nothing in the will said we have to sell the place when we're done."

She looked at me a moment, there in the shade of the big sycamore tree. Then she slipped her arm around my waist and tugged me toward the house.

"Come on. We've got a lot of work to do."

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ToniM1234ToniM1234about 1 month ago

Loved it. All of it. Funny and romantic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This is the story to which I return from time to time and read again and again with the same pleasure. The characters and their development are captivating. Sometimes I read it without the descriptions of the sex acts and fantasies, because even without them it is very enjoyable and equally brings fulfillment because it is so well-written. It really is an outstanding story in every aspect.

19Seeker6219Seeker622 months ago

Really enjoyed this story, front to back. Good build up of characters and relationship. Is there more to come?

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcomb5 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous ("This was ...")

Thanks for letting me know you liked it!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This was a well written, and fun love story for the ages!! I really loved it a lot!! Chock full with everything you want to read in a story back ground and even though it is a long story which makes you think it would be a drag to read. It so wasn't it read like a short story. I found myself emerced in it and loved the characters 😍

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