Biggest Cock Tops

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Paul and Aly humiliate guys with smaller cocks until (bi).
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Biggest Cock Tops

I have a very large cock. Statistically speaking it's VERY large. So large the sizable lump in my pants just can't be hidden. Starting in my frat days I learned to love competing with other guys to see who had the bigger cock. I've never lost.

My relatively new girlfriend, Alison, loves my huge cock too. I met her on Tinder as a direct result of my having such a big one. I was the biggest guy she ever dated. She would suck me off often saying, "Paul, I just love the way it gets caught in my throat."

And when I told her about the contests I used to have, she added a new fun wrinkle to the "Biggest Cock Tops" game.

When the opportunity arose, when we heard a rumor about a guy, or when he bragged, we sprung our trap.

After extending a challenge we would wager that if I were bigger, his girl would owe me a blowjob in front of him. If he was unable to convince his girl to do the deed then he would provide the blowjob as a stand in, and have to do it in front of her.

The irresistible bait was that if he were bigger, presumably my enticing girl would blow him. Though we never even had to consider that possibility.

The number of guys with seven or eight inch dicks who thought they would win, and were genuinely surprised when they did not, was shockingly large. I could always predict ahead of time how big they would be based on the lump in their pants.

The thrill was in humiliating them, and we always tried to manipulate the situation so that whichever of the two of them would provide us with the greatest level of humiliation did the cocksucking.

If it looked like the guy was particularly possessive or protective then Allison and I would pressure the couple to have the girl do it.

But if either of them seemed particularly homophobic, then we told the girl that it was his fault and she shouldn't have to pay for his bad wager.

It was a sick thrill to see the guy's heart sink when it was decided that he would be the one kneeling.

Like, fifty percent of the time it was the guy blowing me, and I revelled in my dominance and degradation of them. I called him a cocksucker and other mortifying terms right in front of his girl.

Other times, when the girl would suck my big cock, I talked up how much she obviously loved my bigger cock, and how much of a slut she was. The look on the guys' faces when she smiled at my cock was priceless.

During the blowjob Alison would kneel down next to the victim whispering secret things into his or her ear to really play with their emotions. I was so proud of her ability to mess with their heads. It was my favorite aspect of our game.

Then it changed one day. We were at a party and Alison told me there was this guy who was bragging that his girlfriend loved him because of his big cock.

Alison set the stage by toying with his girl: making sure that she would make claims about his prowess in front of him. After a few minutes his ego would be totally committed to being the Alpha man for his girl.

On this one day Alison secretly told me that this one girl had indicated his size with her fingers and based on her description we knew we had him beat before the contest even started.

For my part, I laid the groundwork that a real man can never back out of a bet.

It couldn't have gone better at first. The couple were even the ones who suggested a penile contest of some sort. Together Alison and I pretended to develop the terms of the competition with them, as if on the fly.

The four of us went into a back bedroom with the girls holding the opposite guy's car keys as collateral.

Steve was understandably nervous to show what he had in front of the little group, so I got the ball rolling by dropping my pants. Often the other guy's girl will gasp when she sees me, but Becky didn't seem awed at all. Then Steve shyly lowered his too.

Alison rubbed both our cocks to get us hard. We'd learned long ago that guys were normally too nervous to get hard on their own, and the other girls were too modest to be so bold.

I got hard first, growing to my full impressiveness. Steve was seconds behind me pointing his cock at Alison's seductive face. With the help of a tape measure from her purse Alison unbelievably announced Steve to be the winner by half an inch.

I couldn't comprehend it! I'd never lost! The lump... Becky's admission... The closest ever had been eight inches and that was far short.

One would think Alison could have cheated just a little... fudged the measurement to help me out. But we'd never considered this possibility.

I fell back into a chair that was located conveniently behind me. I felt defeated and emotionally drained. I wasn't a cocksucker. Never me.

Alison was right there next to his cock. It would be so easy for her. And she's done it before.

I looked her in the eye, pleading. When she didn't say anything Steve's girl, Becky, spoke up loud and clear, "What are you looking at her for? You made the bet." My heart fell in my chest.

The next thing I knew all three of them were demanding that I get off the chair and kneel down at my rightful place at his feet. Three against one was so unfair.

With no one on my side I felt lost - and betrayed.

It was bewildering to see Alison calling attention to his giant cock, waving it at my mouth. "It's not hard, honey. Anyone can do it."

I was going to ask her outright to do it, a simple request. But just then Becky limited my options, "A real man pays his own way." I felt trapped by events. I certainly couldn't let the couple know I wanted to welch.

I gestured for Alison to come close to me then secretly asked,"What about stand by's?"

Whispering back her answer was, "The stand by has always been on the other team. We never talked about what we would do if you lost." She was right on all counts. She continued cheerfully, "I could do it," then she stopped short, "but, nah, I'm not in the mood." Why wouldn't she help me?

I stared at it with a feeling of dread. My fate was sealed.

It looked too big to go in a person's mouth. Certainly not down a throat. And by now Steve was saying, "Hear that Becky? I can finally stop begging you to deep throat me 'cause Pauly here's gonna do it."

Alison had one tiny hand on his dark cock and the other gently cradling my neck. She cooed soothingly, "Just close your eyes and open up. It isn't anywhere near your mouth right now."

I could do that much. I closed my eyes and when nothing happened I opened my mouth. Still nothing.

A short minute later I recoiled when something touched my lips. Alison and Becky laughed. Alison was still talking in calming tones, "It was just my hand, honey."

She put her hand back on my mouth, rubbing it around, stroking my face tenderly, "It's no big deal to have my hand touch you, honey. Even if it is the hand that just jerked this beautiful cock to life. But still, it isn't actually his cock."

She kept talking so sweetly but all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole, "How does it smell, Paul? Does my hand smell like dick?"

I had been unwittingly smelling her dick infused hand the whole time. And it did smell like dick! It wasn't a strong smell, but that's what it was. She took her hand away, but in a minute it was back. "Here ya go. I refreshed it. I rubbed his balls too. Balls smell different from penis. Don't they?"

I scrunched up my face, "Um, I don't know. They kind of smell the same to me." But in addition to the odor being stronger her hand felt a little clammy this time - ball sweat.

"Here." She said in her saccharine tone, "Come down off that chair. You're already at the same height. Just get on your knees. You won't be sucking it. But you can smell his balls and cock better up close."

I didn't want to smell anything up close but it wasn't sucking and it would buy me time to think.

With her assurance that it wasn't sucking, I crept anxiously down to the floor. Smelling it was a minor delay, but it was still a delay. My eyes were still closed so I didn't know how close I was, but now I clearly smelled the musky aroma of a cock that's been cramped in the confines of too tight underwear for too long. The hazards of being big.

I sensed her shuffling around a little, maneuvering Steve's position. "Here's his balls, honey. Smell those and tell me what you think."

I didn't want to, so I just shook my head. Steve said, "You've got to. You lost the bet."

Alison shrugged. But Becky started off by saying, "Go ahead. Smell those balls." Then She turned it into a chant with a shit eating grin, "Go a-head, smell those balls. Go a-head, smell those balls." Soon the others joined in and they were all getting louder. There was a house full of people at the party just on the other side of the door. I had to shut them up.

The next thing I knew I was intentionally inhaling the air near his balls. The distinction was subtle. "Yes," I confessed, "I can tell the difference." Then his balls accidentally brushed against my lips and nose.

Becky hooted, "Did you see that? He leaned in."

"No I didn't! Steve moved. Or it was an accident." I couldn't stand not seeing the danger I was in anymore so I opened my eyes. From this spot, with his balls a half inch from my lips, his supersized cock reached far out into the distance. Never before had a cock looked so big to me.

Steve complained, "I'm starting to lose my hard on girls."

In response, Alison pressed on my neck to guarantee a real good contact between his furry nutsack and my face.

Then together she and Steve moved his hips so my lips would slide from his gross balls to the base of his beast. They kept sliding my lips along its length and away from his balls. The result was that it brought the tip closer and closer.

Eventually I watched the purple crown approach. It was a mere inch away when Becky said, "Go the other way. Guys like it when you go up and down a few times before sucking."

"She's right." Alison agreed. "And you should kiss the sides too." How could she be so on board with this?

It was a relief for his cockhead to be sliding away from my lips. I told myself that with it getting farther away it would be no big deal to kiss the side. It was already touching me anyway.

When I gave it that first kiss Becky told me I did a good job, and Alison stroked my neck lovingly. After that it was easy to rain kisses all up and down the side of his cock as it slid back and forth several times. Steve even sorta complimented me when my wet tongue ventured out to make first contact, saying I was a great sissy.

Steve's hand brushed my hair and came to rest on the back of my head, "Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job and your lips are real soft."

That's the kind of compliment I would give to a girl - telling her that her lips were soft. He was fucking treating me like a girl!

Alison moved over so her pink glossy lips were touching my ear and she whispered, "You look hot with your mouth on a cock. You're making me wet." I always love making her wet and knowing that made it just a little easier.

Then she upped the ante. It was gliding along my lips for maybe the fifth time and Alison said, "I'm sure the kissing is nice and all, but don't you think a beautiful cock like his deserves to be licked before it's sucked?"

Steve kept sliding but I decided licking the side was way better than sucking the end. And she did say "before it was sucked" meaning if I were licking it I wouldn't be sucking it. I would take any opportunity to put that off. Best of all he might even cum that way and shoot his load on the floor.

He slid it on my tongue a few times from root to the end of the shaft, but then one fateful time the pointed end approached me and he kept pulling back, the next thing I knew I was kissing the side of his taut crown. The texture changed from silky to rubbery. It was amazingly big, like the size of a small clementine. It hadn't looked that big when I was standing.

Steve instructed me to kiss all around the flared mushroom. I needed to move from the side to the front to accomplish this task. But as long as I wasn't on the slit I felt alright. It wasn't sucking unless the end actually went inside.

Alison brought her hand back to my face. She was still whispering in my ear, "I've had my hand in my pants, honey. I just couldn't help myself - I needed to touch myself seeing you like this." Sure enough, her fingers exuded the essence of pussy and it turned me on to no end.

Steve placed his other hand on my head then roughly shoved the leaky tip of his dick between my lips. I held my teeth clenched shut so it didn't go in far at all. I made a new rule for myself too - if the head didn't actually go past your teeth it wasn't sucking.

He growled in a deep low voice, "That's right you dirty cocksucker, this is the official beginning." Apparently he didn't agree with my definition.

Becky hopped and clapped, "Oh, it's official!"

Alison whispered more encouragements, "You did it, Baby!" Then with her one smelly hand she tugged on my chin gently, and with her other, she stroked my cock which was just reawakening due to the fragrance of pussy, and now grew fully hard again.

I was resigned, "Well, since I've already done it..." I responded by letting her pry my jaw open just a little.

Steve quickly saw his opportunity and jammed the whole head in there. It really filled me up - and it was just the head!

I had a realization just then. Having a cock in your mouth was one thing. But they call it sucking for a reason - and if you're not actually sucking...

Not seeing it my way and Parroting Steve, Alison said, "Yea you're a filthy cocksucker now." Only a second before she'd been so supportive and understanding. Now her tone changed and she was being insulting like Steve. I was glad she was whispering so no one else could hear her condescension.

Above me Becky had her fine body pressed against Steve's. They were having a conversation about blowjobs, "Do you really mean it? If he takes you all the way you'll stop bugging me?" I didn't like the sound of that. To turn a phrase, Becky was obviously too motivated for my own good. There was an aire of impending doom in the atmosphere.

They started kissing and when little Becky's hip touched my face I enjoyed her warmth, and wished it were her doing me instead. She was a pretty, though ditzy, girl and I would've taken it easy on her. I hoped their kissing would speed this along.

Alison was pulling harder on my neck now but talking at a normal volume so the couple could easily hear, "Let's get this blowjob going, dicklicker! You can do more than just the head. I take more than that much all the time."

I felt slightly competitive for a second. But then again, Alison had years of experience. No one could expect me to do as much since I'd never done it before.

"Yea," Steve added, "You can take more. Even Becky goes half way." I thought about Alison holding her fingers apart to show me what Becky had shown her. His cock was clearly bigger than Becky had indicated. I supposed I might be able to do better than the tiny Becky.

Now Becky was talking to Alison, "Do you think he can do it Aly? I really WANT him to take it all. Why don't you help him?"

I pictured Alison helping me out. Together we would lick his giant cock, then gradually she would do more and more of the sucking and I would do less and less. She had BJ lips. It was what snared most guys. And it would be hot to see her lips on another guy's rod for a change.

Alison looked up to Becky from her place on the floor with me, "Great idea Beck. I'll give him a hand."

But instead of helping me to blow this gargantuan cock she stood up, moving behind me. She placed both her hands on my head, so now I was being held firmly by four hands. This was the opposite of the kind of help I wanted. I had needed her help earlier to get out of this too, and neither time had she helped.

I felt so weak and alone now that I was the only one kneeling. Alison addressed Steve, "Bear, I bet if we work together we can get it all the way down in fifteen or twenty tries."

He tightened his grip and adjusted his knees, "Sure, it's a plan."

I had been the one to tighten my hands so many times before - it drained all hope from me. And how could they conspire against me like that? To work together?

Fifteen or twenty tries sounded like an eternity. When inexperienced girls tried to deep throat me I never tried that many times. Would no one have pity on me?

Of course, when their pathetic boyfriends tried I just pushed. Still, few could do it all and I usually settled for just getting the head past the opening to a guy's throat. Being vomited on is never fun.

Becky started a countdown, "One, two..."

On three Steve braced himself and Alison pushed. She's not a strong girl but it didn't take much. His cock rammed forward bluntly hitting the back of my throat.

I wanted so badly to get out of this but could think of nothing. Coughing and holding my throat I gathered my strength and they all had the united sense to allow me time.

Meanwhile, Steve cockslapped me until I stopped coughing.

When Becky started counting again I begged silently, hoping she would relent. But she had too much to gain.

On three, Alison pushed again. The massive cockhead tried to go down but my throat wouldn't let it. Alison bent low again so only I could hear, "You're a real trooper. You'll get it yet." Then standing up her alter ego announced for the benefit of the couple, "He's a natural cocksucker. He's knelt for smaller ones lots. Give it some time and we'll be fucking him deep before you know it."

Why was my girlfriend telling these strangers that I'd sucked cock lots of times? What if they believed it? And why wouldn't they?

The next time Alison pushed, Steve pulled, and the spear went right past my gullet. The only thing that stopped it was my teeth catching on the widening base.

Steve complained. Becky sympatised with him. No one cared about my spluttering. But Alison berated me, "Come on cumslut. Everyone knows you gotta watch your teeth. You do better next time or I'm gonna kick your nuts." What was she doing? She wouldn't really hurt me, would she?

Then I caught on. She was talking the same way we did when we made fun of others. I never expected her to turn on me like this, even if it was our standard practice. I also never expected her to do more than throw insults. The threats and deception were new twists.

Then she spun an even wilder tale, "Open wide and watch the teeth. We all know you want to go the distance. It'll be the first time you've sucked one bigger than six inches. Now's your chance to fulfill your dream, cumbucket."

I needed to tell them that it wasn't true, but she pushed, and he pulled, and Becky just hugged Steve close. It went all the way down just like she said it would.

Alison cheered me on as if this was for me, "Oh honey you did it! Is it as good as you hoped for? If Steve's willing we can start getting you his big cock every night now instead of the other feeders."

Steve was pulling my head hard against his stomach, really grinding, but he still responded, "Not every night. Just when Becky's on the rag. She's my girl you know. But this will free her from blowjobs. Win-win."

Oddly, Becky agreed. It made no sense that a girl would agree for her boyfriend to go take it on the side so regularly. My question was answered when Allison asked her, and she said, "It's not cheating to use a fag."

Meanwhile, notwithstanding their casual conversation, it had been all the way down my throat for a long time now and I was starting to have trouble - you know, not breathing and all.

Steve asked Alison, "Does he like to be face fucked?"

She lied, "He loves it. But take it easy, he's never had a big one before."