Bike Week

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Husband gives wife a hall pass.
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Mary was breathing hard. Her breasts were heaving. A smooth sheen of sweat coated her silky skin as she worked her arm faster. "Ahh, that's good, almost there. Yes, yes, yes, I'm almost there. I'm done." Mary put the toilet brush away. She did the weekly cleaning every Monday. Mary has been a housewife for 20 years but 5 years ago she got a job to help put our kids through college.

Laconia bike week is an annual event in New Hampshire similar to Daytona or Sturbridge. About a hundred thousand bikers descend on the lakes region of New Hampshire to ride, hang out at the lake, go to events and swamp all the local businesses. They call it bike week but the real action happens on Father's Day weekend when most people actually get here. This coincides with the bike races at New Hampshire International Speedway just a few miles away.

Mary works at Walgreens just a few miles from our home. It's not in Laconia but is at the exit where nearly all the traffic to the lakes gets off the highway. All summer long is very busy, with weekends being super busy. The holiday weekends and bike week are the busiest of all. But nothing else is as entertaining as bike week.

Every year Mary comes home from work telling me stories about all the crazy things she saw that day. I work in the opposite direction and don't own a bike so I miss everything. I also avoid that exit in the summertime. The stories she has come home with never fail to entertain me. Women often ride through town topless and people get arrested, that sort of stuff.

One thing I have been thinking about a lot this year as bike week approaches is that Mary gets asked out regularly by bikers. She says some are fat, dirty, old guys but some are very nice looking men. I have started fantasizing about her going out with one of these strangers. Every time it pops into my head I get a full on erection. Our sex life is what I would call normal but could use some spice.

Several weeks out from bike week I started planting the seed in Mary's head. "Are you thinking of picking up one of those bikers this year? Cause I think you should." I said it with a chuckle just feeling her out for now.

Rose said, "Why? Are you becoming one of those pervs that wants to see his wife with another man?"

Wow, I couldn't believe how quickly she caught on to my plan. Now what, I'll try honesty I guess. "Actually, that would be very hot." Mary is 41 years old but she is still hot. She has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her body is lean and tight with long sleak legs and pert c-cup breasts. "Are you up for doing that?" I said with a huge smile.

"No, I'm not going to cheat on you, you fucking idiot! What would the boys think anyway?" We have two fantastic grown boys who live nearby. Mary did all the work and I am proud of her for how they turned out.

I had to convince her this was a good idea or my dream would fizzle out. "Honey, this would be a hall pass. You wouldn't be cheating. You deserve a chance to have a little fun fling after everything you've done for me and the boys. Besides, it IS a fantasy of mine. You'd be doing it for me as much as you. Consider it my Father's Day gift."

"That would be convenient since I have no idea what to get you," she smirked. "I can't believe this is what you want. I'm sorry honey but I don't think I could ever do that."

It was slipping away. "Will you at least think about it for a while?"

Mary looked in my eyes and saw my need. "Ok, I will ponder it, but don't get your hopes up, it probably won't happen."

Thank God, I can still work on her for a couple weeks. The days ticked by quickly like they always do when you work. Every once in a while she would catch me daydreaming while I was looking at her. She knew exactly what I was thinking about and she would give me a dirty look. I would smile back at her like a dork.

The day before bike week started was a Sunday. I had to nail her down on an answer soon. "Soooo, have you given my proposal any more thought?" I waited with bated breath.

"You're thinking I might become your slutty wife still? I don't know, I mean some of those guys are just smelly, dirty, tubby old men. There's one I remember that was actually very attractive though." She gazed into nothingness obviously recalling something.

" What? Who is it? Did he hit on you and now you remember how hot he was?" I must have looked pretty desparate cause I felt the last straw of hope within my grasp.

"Yes, actually he is hot and very nice. He's come in the last few years on Friday, and he talks to me for a bit then always asks me out. I always feel bad turning him down since he's such a nice guy."

I knew it, fucking nailed it. This was my chance!! "That's it honey, let him take you out, pleeeaassee!!!"

"That would be the guy IF I agreed to do anything but I'm still pretty sure I won't be doing it. First of all, don't you think it's dangerous?" It almost seemed like she was testing some of the roadblocks trying to make it ok.

"Ok, so you take a picture of his driver's license and one of him. Get an address where he's staying. Send it all to me, it's no more dangerous than a date that any woman goes on. I can even track your phone so I know where you are."

Mary was thinking. I hoped she was thinking about how sweet his ass looked.

"Your Father's Day present is that I will wait to see if my 'boyfriend' shows up. IF he shows AND he asks me out, I promise to think about POSSIBLY going to dinner with him. That's all. Deal?"

"Babe, it's a start. I will take it. Thank you for the present. At least I will have five days to fantasize about it." That night Mary and I had some crazy sex. I goaded her on with a role play about her and the biker, she ate it up. I was liking my chances this weekend.

Friday morning finally came. I had subtly stayed away from sex with Mary for the rest of the week hoping to get her horny. This morning was my last chance to try to get her primed. I gave her a big hug and ground my hard cock into her. She smiled wryly. I tweaked her nipples before she got dressed. "What the fuck are you doing? I can't go to work horny. Oh wait, I get it now. You are one smooth shithead."

"I think you should bring a change of clothes to wear to dinner, just in case," I said. She smiled at me. I'm pretty sure she pitied me by now. She agreed to bring a change of clothes but it seemed like she was just doing it to tease me some more. I kissed her goodbye and told her that I had called out of work today. I wouldn't have been able to get anything done anyway.

I made myself a nice breakfast and relaxed around the house with my friend Woody. A couple hours later I went down to Mary's work with flowers. The card on the flowers said, "I hope you have a wonderful night." Her coworkers were jealous but also giddy for her. When I gave her a kiss goodbye I slipped a condum in her hand with a smile. She feigned anger but thought it was funny and gave me a swat on the ass. "Make sure you let me know when he stops in, and keep me up to date, OK?"

Mary blushed and gave me a peck on the cheek. "I will Babe. You REALLY want this to happen, don't you. I'm getting so nervous now cause I really want to give you a nice present but I just can't do it."

"I'm sorry honey. I know I'm putting a lot of pressure on you. I was wrong to do that. It's alright if you don't want to do it. I was being a selfish jerk. Just get me a new chainsaw for Father's Day, the one I showed you." I felt bad because I couldn't help looking disappointed.

Mary had to get back to work. She gave me a kiss and as she walked away she said, "We'll see, I love you."

I went home to stew. I tried working around the house but couldn't keep my mind off of Mary. I nearly cut my finger off with a circular saw so I decided to watch TV. By 3 o'clock I was getting very fidgety so I decided to text her. I know she isn't allowed to carry her phone so an answer wouldn't come until she had a break.

Me: Has your boyfriend been in yet?

I knew I'd have to wait but an hour later she still hadn't responded. Then finally a ding.

Mary: Sorry babe I was too busy for a break. I'm texting now to let you know he just showed up.

Me: And?

Mary: and he asked me out, per usual

Me: and your answer was?

Mary: I was off at 4 so we talked a little and I told him I was married. He said he understood but would like company for dinner and liked talking to me. So I told him I would ask you if I could go over to Applebees for dinner. He's waiting outside for my answer

Me: You aleady know my answer. It seems pretty innocent. Don't forget the pictures. Do you want me to come sit in the parking lot?

Mary: Ok, I guess I'll go. I know it's not much of a present but I'll still get you the chainsaw. You don't have to come down. I feel pretty safe around him.

Me: Ok babe, have fun and send me a picture of you as well.

I was disappointed that she fessed up that she was married and that it looked like dinner was going to be all. My phone dinged with her text and three attachments. I opened the first photo. It was his Mass driver's license, Robert Hatcher. Good looking guy. I opened the second photo. It was him outside of Walgreens. My jaw dropped, he really is sexy and that's coming from a heterosexual male. He must be 6' 2" or so and built. He looks to be about 35. He is well groomed with a trimmed beard, brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Fuck, I think I'd do him. He was standing next to a Harley wearing a white t-shirt under a leather Harley jacket. Being the heterosexual that I am, the last thing I noticed was the long thick banana in the pocket of his jeans. I forgot what the third photo was supposed to be. When I opened it I almost choked. The outfit that Mary changed into was not what I expected. In her defense she would fit right in with the biker crowd and make any man standing next to her very proud. She wore a stretchy tight cotton button down shirt and anyone could tell no bra. Her nipples were outlined even without being erect. She had two buttons undone to show some cleavage. Black boots with 2 inch heels and tight jeans with designer rips on each thigh. What drew my eye was the several inches of bare tummy between the shirt and pants. Mmm, Mmm.

Me: Wow, you look fucking hot

Mary: TY I'm leaving now. I'll text you after dinner to let you know I'll be home soon.

Two hours later I was getting concerned.

Me: How's it going?

Mary: Fuck! I'm sorry. I didn't realize the time. We talked a lot. Then the bar was getting rowdy so we decided to have another drink in there.

I decided to call her direct. When she answered it was too loud to hear so she went outside. She told me that Bob was an ex-marine and served in Afghanistan. He has trouble with relationships due to his PTSD. I immediately became nervous, "I think you should come home then, this guy scares me."

Mary got a little defensive, "Wayne Aaron Foles! I am not turning my back on a person that fought for our country and is paying a heavy price. He asked me if I would come to the camp he's renting to meet his friends. He said they're really nice and I would like them. He said I remind him of his wife."

"What the fuck, he's married?" I said. Now I KNOW she needed to come home.

"Babe, she died 5 years ago. He said he always felt better with her around but since she died he has contemplated suicide often. He said I have the same effect on him. I want to go to the camp, pleeeaaase!"

"If you feel comfortable enough with him I will trust your judgment but I need an address, ok? And I want updates frequently." I had severe mixed emotions about this.

"Ok, I'll text you the address, I love you."

She hung up and a couple minutes later I received the text with a VRBO link for the cabin. It was on Lake Winnisquam about 15 minutes from our house.

10 minutes later I got a text with an attachment.

Mary: I made it here, btw I forgot to tell you. Bob and I talked about your little kink. He REALLY likes the idea too. But I told him I had already nixed the idea.

I opened the attachment which was a photo taken by someone else. It was Bob with his arm around Mary's waist. They each had a beer in their hand and were smiling widely. They made a very attractive couple. In fact my cock got instantly hard thinking about them naked in each others arms.

Me: TY, have fun, be careful, and text me often.

Mary: I will honey, I love you

Me: I love you too

I settled down to watch some TV. I don't know why my cock was still fucking hard. I cooked a frozen pizza since Mary hates them anyway. I thought I was hungry but I didn't eat much. More than an hour later I decided to check up on Mary.

Me: How's it going?

Mary: Great, sorry I lost track of time. We're sitting around the fire drinking and talking. I don't know why we call them Massholes, they seem really nice.

Me: It's fine, I'm just getting antsy. They're mostly Massholes when they're driving, lol.

Mary: Honey, I have to tell you about your Father's Day present. Bob kissed me a few minutes ago and I didn't stop him. Does that cover my obligation?

I surprised myself by getting jealous for a minute but I guess it took me by surprise.

Me: Yes, thank you so much, I love you

I tried not to sound disappointed but I was. My phone dinged again.

Mary: There's a little more. When I leaned into his kiss I accidentally put my hand on his penis. It goes way down his leg, I'm not knocking yours but his must be huge.

It was a bit of a gut shot but also fact. It didn't bother me since I knew she wasn't trying to put me down. I imagined her having a moist pussy, maybe. I felt the need to tease her a little.

Me: Did you enjoy the kiss?

Mary: Honestly, yes, it was pretty nice. God, I'm sorry honey

Me: Stop being fucking sorry. I'm glad you liked it. How did you feel after touching his cock?

Mary: I don't like these questions. I was embarrassed and a little turned on after that. I'm starting to get a little tipsy so you may have to pick me up. Everyone here is drunk.

Me: I'm sorry about the questions. Text me when you want me to pick you up

Mary: Thank you honey, I'll text you soon either way.

I settled back in my seat. I missed Mary. Alone time is nice but tonight I couldn't keep my mind off her. It was getting late and I must have fallen asleep. The ding of my phone woke me up.

Mary: Babe you better come get me. I've been sitting on Bob's lap and I can feel his erection. He keeps kissing me and the other couples are starting to go to bed.

Me: Ok, if you're not having fun anymore I'll come get you

Mary: I'm still having fun, I just don't trust myself. Bob said I could stay the night if I want to and go home in the morning but that's crazy

Another photo was attached. A selfie of her laying back on his lap. I immediately noticed the third button on her shirt was open. I could only wonder if it succumbed to the pressure or did one of them undo it.

Me: I'm not going to push you anymore but if you want to stay, I want you to.

Mary: God, he's just so hot and my pussy is getting wet. If I stay I might do something bad

Me: You still have my hall pass if you want to use it. I think he's pretty hot myself

Mary: He's reading all my messages now. Everyone else is in bed now. He has his hands on my tits, tweaking my nipples. What am I doing? God I'm so horny!

Me: I don't know what to say. It's your night

Mary sent a photo by itself. It showed them in the same position as before with Mary on his lap. This time the arm of the person taking the photo was tattooed. Bob took this picture and probably sent it himself as well. The only change in the photo from last time was Bob's hand down the front of Mary's unbuttoned pants.

My cock was throbbing with excitement, and I was now shaking. Mary called direct and I answered. "What's up babe?" I croaked.

"It's hot, we're walking down to the lake for a swim," she said then silence.

"You don't have a suit so I'll assume you're skinny dipping?" My fucking heart was pounding.

"Yes babe, is that alright?" I heard her sigh deeply, a sign of her arousal.

"I haven't stopped you yet, what makes you think I will now? Have fun." She giggled, but I didn't know why. I heard a clank. It sounded like she put the phone down on the dock.

I heard some splashes. Then a man's voice said, "God it's beautiful out here tonight. And you're beautiful too." I heard the faint smack of a kiss and the couple moaning on each other's mouths.

Then I heard my wife's voice, "Oh my God. It's even bigger."

"Go ahead, touch it, I know you want to," Bob's voice said in a hushed tone. I was listening intently with my phone mashed into my ear. I took out my cock, now thoroughly aroused and hard as a brick.

"But my husband," was all Mary said.

"Yes, your husband wants this, I want this, and you want it too," he replied. And another smooching noise. My heart jumped and my blood pressure skyrocketed when I heard him say, "That's it, just like that, MMM that feels nice."

"I can't believe I'm doing this. God, it's so big," she replied.

"Put your mouth on it," Bob growled. "Oh fuck that's nice." I could hear sucking and slurping noises as I shot my load onto my now naked chest and stomach. I will never forget this moment. The sucking went on for a couple minutes. Bob finally announced, "I'm gunna cum soon."

Mary replied out of breath, "That's it baby, cum for me! MMM."

I could hear Bob let out a low grunt. I assumed he came in her mouth. Mary is not averse to swallowing. My mind was racing imagining a stranger's cum sliding down Mary's throat. It was quiet for a minute then I heard Mary say "No, I can't do that. I have to call my husband."

Bob responded, "I was wondering if you did it on purpose but now I know it was an accident. I don't think you need to call your husband."

"What do you mean? Why not? I need to talk to him, tell him what I did." I could here the sound of sobbing behind cupped hands.

Bob said, "You haven't done anything wrong. Unless you were lying about that hall pass. Let's put your phone on speaker."

One of them handled her phone, then Bob asked, "Wayne, you're still on here aren't you?" I heard Mary gasp.

"Yes Bob, I'm here," I responded with a jolt of adrenaline.

"Wayne, I have some questions for you. First, are you mad at Mary for what she just did, or would you say you liked it?"

"Bob, I was trying not to push her into something she didn't want to do but I have to admit I really liked what she did. It just worries me that Mary is so upset about it."

"Wayne, if Mary goes further than she has already, will you be mad or totally turned on?"

"Turned on Bob"

"Last question Wayne, when this is over will you still love this beautiful, sexy, wonderful woman, or would you prefer I take her home with me?"

"Bob, my wife has been the most important person in my life. She's beautiful, sexy, smart, and devoted. She gave me two great kids and worked hard keeping up with the house. I can't lose her, I will always love her. I just wish she would accept my present of a hall pass at face value. I wouldn't have given it to her if I didn't want her to use it."

A crying Mary chimed in, "I love you too babe. I guess I just can't let go that easily. Bob is a sweet, sexy man and I can't seem to keep my hands off him but all I can think about is hurting you." She chuckled lightly.

I made myself clear, "Mary, I have told you I want you to do this. Now I'm going to be clear. Don't come home tonight. Stay the night. Have fun and do what you want. Call me if you need me."