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Past life comes back to haunt wife.
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Twas a dark and stormy night. A young girl was heard to scream. She said take back your necklace cause my neck is turning green. Sorry that's part of a stupid song I learned when I was a kid. Let's start over.

It was a cold and rainy October night in 2005. My name is Woodrow, "Woodie" J. Grant. I had been honorably discharged from the Marines in August and had returned to my interrupted college education in Madison. I had enlisted in the Corps blowing off my Junior year to kill that mother fucker ben Laden. I found a second home with the Marines and made Sergeant after three years. I must have been good at the various jobs I was assigned during my enlistment because I was deployed to the asshole killing zone three times. Now with the GI Bill and a second shift job, I was finishing my degree. My first two years of college I had been a lackluster to piss poor student. The Marines taught me many things, the most important of which was how to focus my attention on specific goals and diligently work to achieve them. During my second stint in college I did exactly that.

The Marines wanted to keep me and offered some nice incentives to stay. However, I had been wounded three times and had promised my Dad that I would come back and finish college after my enlistment. So now I was a full time student first shift, an hourly lathe operator second and an all night Dinner patron third shift. Coming out of work at 11:00 each week night, I was too keyed up to go right to bed and so I got into the habit of stopping in for my main meal at Ruth's Dinner near my apartment. The food wasn't bad, the prices were OK and the waitresses were mostly nice to look at. The place was never busy after 11 and so they didn't care if I spent an hour or so studying after my meal.

I guess it would have been cheaper to eat in my efficiency apartment but I enjoyed the casual conversation with the other patrons and especially the wait staff. The core of the day shift were the stereotypical overweight middle aged single moms with names like Flo or Alice and they called all the customers "Hon." The second shift staff were mostly girls my age who were working a job to get through school. By the third shift the part timers dominated and one named Jayne I found to be especially compelling. She was a small little thing barely five feet tall but was nicely arranged and had a very pleasant personality. Anyway, I wasn't on the make because I was up to my ass with my job and studying but I was still a guy and she was appealing. She was fun to talk to even though it was usually not more than a couple sentences beyond "what's good tonight" or "I think I'll just have a burger and fries."

So, fast forward to that rainy October night. There were maybe five customers in the place, Jayne was the only waitress and Burt the fry cook. I was sitting in the booth just inside the front door and Jayne was handing Burt an order at the counter when the entry chime sounded. That was followed almost immediately by the sound of a handgun discharging, plaster falling from the ceiling and a high pitched excited voice yelling.


My immediate reaction at the sound of the shot was to identify where the shooter was. That was almost instantaneous because he was just ahead of me and to my right facing the grill. From the sound of the discharge I knew that the firearm he was waving around was a 9mm pistol like I had frequently carried on patrol. It was generally pointed at the ceiling and for some reason his trigger finger was now outside of the trigger guard. Taking advantage of that stupidity, I launched myself at the offending gun hand. My 180 pounds took the stupid fucker down hard with me on top of him. In the process I disarmed him and incidentally broke his wrist and dislocated his shoulder in the fall to the floor. His girlish screams were annoying and so I admonished him to be silent.


That was enough turn his shrieks into moans. I then turned to the waitress and said.

"Jayne, call 911 and tell them what has happened. OK Sweetheart?"

Both she and Burt were in shock and speechless so I had to repeat,

" Jayne Honey, Call 911"

She then snapped alert and pulled her cell out of her uniform pocket and made the call.

The bad guy was still crying and moaning so I gave him a little nudge in the balls with my steel toed workboot.

"Shut the fuck up asshole or break your other wrist and kick your balls up to your tonsils."

That shut him up and now we could hear the sirens as the cops approached.

You know the drill. Everyone gets interviewed. Evidence gets bagged. The bad guy gets carted away. I was told I did a stupidly dangerous thing etc etc etc. I also turned out that a reporter for the Daily Cardinal was in the dinner that night and witnessed the whole thing. Therefore after the cops left I did a short interview for the newspaper.

An hour or more passed and Burt made me a new burger and fries on the house and Jayne sat with me as I ate it saying over and over how grateful she was that I had saved her life.

"I was saving all our lives Sweetheart. That guy was so spacey he could have killed us all."

"But you saved mine and you called me Sweetheart. You instinctively used a term of endearment for me and I don't even know your name."

We exchanged pertinent data and made a date for my only off night, Saturday. That was how I met my the woman who later became my wife. After the attempted robbery the owner came in the next night I was at the dinner and tried to give me a cash reward. I turned it down because as I told him, all I was doing was the right thing and it had gotten me a date with the beautiful Jayne. He then insisted on a months free meals and that I did accept.

The local campus paper made a big deal about the foiled robbery and that got me a civic award and a cash reward of $5,000 which was a big help with college expenses. With my picture in the paper I got a lot of local recognition. Most of it was good but there were the usual UW liberal wackos who told me how terrible I was for injuring that poor challenged soul.

Life went on and Jayne got over the blatant hero worship but she never did get over the gratitude she felt for what she perceived as the saving of her life. That probably moved our relationship along faster than it might of without that traumatic night. I certainly didn't fight it because my dating life was a disaster. Three deployments, a full time job and a 20 credit class load doesn't leave a lot of time for dating. Jayne had similar problems because she was also funding most of her own education. Therefore, she was taking as many shifts as she could and still sleep, study and go to class.

Nevertheless we did manage to coordinate our schedules so that we could have at least one traditional date night a week. We also got a lot of mileage out of little short one hour long liaisons in which two industrious, healthy, young adults could and did get to know each other very very well. Within two months we were sharing my efficiency apartment and by Spring were talking eventual marriage and kids. To say we were completely taken with each other and madly in love would be an understatement. Marriage would wait until after graduation but sex certainly couldn't. We didn't immediately jump into bed but it wasn't more than a few weeks and we were making love. At first she was a little shy and modest with me but when she understood from my words and actions that I found her naked charms incredibly sexy and beautiful, she relaxed and was able more and more to proudly show off her body.

Frequently she would comb out her long auburn hair giving me a show in front of our full length mirror. She loved to do it naked and the motions moved her firm little B cups in mesmerizing patterns. Her small dark brown nipples stood out 3/4 of an inch and today I tried my best to catch them as I came up from behind her. She moved her hair slightly to the side so I could nuzzle her neck while I captured her nipples in my hands. Our eyes met in the mirror and I knew she could feel my cock getting firm between the perfect half moons of her callipygian butt. I had learned that term on a short liberty in Greece. Several buddies and myself had toured a museum in which statues of Aphrodite looking back over her shoulder at her naked butt were proudly featured. In my minds eye Jayne's butt was even better than the Greek ideal and it was mine. However, it turned out that it wasn't going to be right now as she squirmed out of my grasp saying.

"Oh no mister. I have classes in 30 minutes so you will have to hold that thought until later. However, if you can skip lunch I can meet you back here at 12:10 for 45 minutes of afternoon delight."

While she was giving me the news she was pulling on her jeans and a T shirt. She gave me a cute little smile when I noted that she had forgotten her panties and bra. As she was putting on her shoes I saw that her nipples were clearly visible through the thin T. She just coyly stuck her tongue out and grabbing her book bag, ran out the door. As I wistfully watched her hurry down the street to the campus, my hard on slowly relaxed and I pulled on some clothes and walked over to the desk I had made out of a door and milk crates. This was my once a week morning off to study before a 1:00 to 2:30 class and then my job.

I started working through some problems for a calc class but my mind kept going back to Jayne. I loved the crap out of her and found her to be the most desirable woman I had ever known. I knew little about her past except for the few facts she had shared in late night conversations. She was from the Minneapolis area and her parents had separated as she was heading off to school. I was later to find out that her father had given her sister and her each ten thousand in cash with the admonition not to tell her "whore" mother. He had kissed them goodby and disappeared from their lives forever. The sister had left town for parts unknown and Jayne took off for UW in Madison and took advantage of the state reciprocity agreement. When the 10k ran out she became self supporting. Hence her employment as a waitress at the dinner.

She was four years younger than me but because of my military service, we had accumulated roughly the same number of credit hours.

I know you're dying to know but my family situation wasn't a whole lot better. My parents divorced when I was a teenager after years of acrimonious fighting. Mom was cheating and she married her lover. My sister who was 14 at the time went to live with them, was abused by the new husband and ran away. She has never been located. I went to live with my Dad and with all his traveling, pretty much raised myself. He had girl friends but never remarried. Both parents send me a card at Christmas and my birthday. Dad and I touch base occasionally to compare notes on finances and generally inquire about each other's health but that's about it.

You get the picture. Neither of us has a decent family support system and are in essence out on our own. Something was driving both of us to make something of ourselves and I think that was a great deal of the reason we were so drawn to each other. The fact that we found each other to be the sexiest person we had ever encountered was the bonus.

I finally finished my calc assignments and read over the course materials for Systems Engineering. I then worked on the code for a program I was writing to make the Receiving system at my job function more efficiently. At 12:05 I got a text to be ready for action in five minutes. I got up, had a quick wiz and was ready for Jayne when the door flew open at 12:09. She did the five second strip and by 12:10 I was buried up to my balls in the most delectable pussy on the planet. Our first orgasms were seven minutes later followed by this conversation.

"Hello beautiful."

"Hello handsome. Come here often?"

"I cum here as often as I can. I try to to make it at least once a day but sometimes my mistress makes me cum someplace else."

"You poor boy. Where else does she make you cum?"

"Well it's really quite dreadful. Sometimes she wants it in her mouth and sometimes it's somewhere else on her body. Then she rubs it all over her breasts and says its good for her skin."

"Say what's poking my leg?"

"I think that's known as an erection. The male penis gets stiff as it's engorged with blood and I'm told it's frequently inserted into the woman's vagina."

"Why in the world would they do that."

"I think it's something to do with making a baby."

"That sounds silly."

"Do you have a vagina?"

"I don't know, why don't you poke around and see."

Sure enough she had one and my tongue, fingers and dick made excellent use of it. At 12:45 she slapped me on the butt and said.

"Cum now fella. We have to walk out of here to make class in ten minutes and I've got a bit of clean up to do."

Somehow we made it out the door on time and snacked on pop tarts for our lunch as we hurried back to campus. Such was our college life, hectic, sexy and wonderful.

The following June we walked across the stage together and accepted our degrees. Mine was in the computer sciences and Jayne's in Financial Planning. We both had great jobs lined up starting immediately. Mine was in the EDP department of the company at which I was now operating a lathe. I had met some of the first shift computer guys who saw me studying in the lunch room one night. They introduced me to their boss who just happened to need a computer guy with a practical understanding of the companies machine tools. It seems they were on the cusp of entering several new areas which all involved integration of production with computer technology. After looking at some of my school projects he arranged for me to transfer off the lathe I was working on and to get an orientation into as many other pieces of equipment as I could absorb. It seems I had an aptitude for picking up machine operation because at the end of six months I knew all the machines at Apollo and had a permanent job offer that was very attractive.

Jayne was going to work as an entry level associate for one of the local branches of a national brokerage house. She would be assigned to one of the senior advisors after a rotation through a number of different departments.

But first we got married. Since neither of us had any meaningful family around or was religiously oriented we decided to just do a simple courthouse wedding and put our limited savings into a decent apartment midway between our jobs. We also managed to squeeze in a five day honeymoon at a nice resort with comfortable rooms, multiple pools, several restaurants, golf, tennis etc. We used the room a lot, the pools to cool off from the bedroom exercise and the restaurants to recharge the batteries before heading back to the room to repeat the cycle.

Life was great. We were as happy together as two people could possibly be and more in love that any couple in the whole history of heterosexual marriage. Premarital sex with Jayne had been great fun and was the best so far in my short life. Our honeymoon sex was everything its predecessor had been with a multiplier. Every act now was also grounded in the lifetime commitment we had made to one another only days before. So now when we kissed or pleasured one another in any way it was a reaffirmation of our lifelong commitment. We reaffirmed so many times that after five days our reaffirming equipment had to be temporarily taken out of service.

On our honeymoon we had large blocks of time to just study one another physically and to talk about the role of sex in our lives before and after marriage. Strangely enough we had never discussed our sexual history before we met. In a way we treated it as all of that was in the past and no longer relevant. I'm sure we were both curious about partners, loss of virginity and related matters but then we would have the thought, if I ask that than he or she will ask me the same. Do I want to answer that? If not, don't ask in the first place. Well, all that changed one afternoon while we were just lazing around naked in bed after a vigorous round of lovemaking. She was toying with a patch of hair on my chest and lightly running her nails over my pecs when she said.

"Honey, you never did this with anyone else did you?"

"Well I'll answer that by saying. Yes I had sex before I met you. No I never had this kind of intimacy, love and affection with another person."

That must have been a good answer because she gave me a kiss that came close to starting up the action again.

When she was silent for a while I added.

"Remember that I spent most of my teen years living with my single Dad. Then I partied at UW for two years before a four year stint in the Marines. There are tons of women that frequent Marine bars and I'll admit every now and then I 'dated' one of them. There was however one special lady that taught me what women were all about."

"Tell me, I'd like to know about her."

Wondering if I had opened Pandora's Box I paused and said.

"It was at the end of the third year of my enlistment and I was at Lejuene waiting for a reassignment. The first night I went in a bar and was ordering a beer when I noticed a nice looking older 30ish woman dabbing at tears with a kleenex. Incongruously she was dressed to attract men in short shorts and an obviously braless crop top. I was going to ignore her for one of the younger and not crying chicks when she, sobbed and I instinctively said."

"So Lady, can I help?"

"To make a really long story a little shorter, we ended up back at her house. She had been out on the town, in her words, looking to get laid to celebrate the finality of her divorce from a cheating bastard husband. Much much later that night after she had sobered up and dried her tears she thanked me profusely for not taking advantage of her and getting her home safely. I took that as a clue to leave but she called me back and had completely stripped. She was 32 and very nicely built, I was 20 and horny as a goat. She held out her arms and we embraced. Next thing I know we were in her bed and I was banging away. When I finished she lay there without saying anything and then said."

"Woodie. I don't want to offend you but would you like a little constructive criticism?"

"I must have said sure because for the next two days I got a masters class in how to make love and take care of a woman. I tried to get with her again but when I returned from my pass I got orders to immediately join another unit and two days later we were deployed back to the Sand Box. Ten months later I was back at Lejeune before I mustered out. I went to her house and someone else was living there and they knew nothing about my mystery lover. I tried and tried to find her but without luck. I owned her so much and I wanted to say thank you."

"Thanks for telling me that Sweetheart. If she is why you have such a soft gentle touch when we make love, I would like to meet her and give her a big hug."

After a pause she continued.

"Now to be fair I suppose I should tell you about my past."

"If you're not comfortable doing that you don't have too. You weren't a virgin when we made love the first time so obviously you had some kind of sex before we did it. I don't have to know anything or you can tell me your whole sexual history. It's up to you babe."

She was silent for a bit with just a soft moan here and there as I toyed with her nipples.

"OK, for what it's worth, here goes. My sex life before you pretty much a big zero. In High School I worked part time and didn't really date. Just some group stuff. I was really not interested in guys because my role models were my Dad and my Mom's loser boyfriends."