Blackmail Can Hurt You!


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I met Jason as arranged, he looked sheepish, as well he might for what he was putting me and my husband through. I put my car in the lot, and would pick it up on Sunday afternoon, no one would ever know of this, not if I had my way.

He tried to be chatty on the way, I only answered when I felt it necessary, he is good looking though and I understood how he could conquer a woman, but not this one, ever. I gave up ignoring him and decided I would get through this as best as I could.

By the time we got there it was 5 in the afternoon. It was a magnificent cabin, more of a log mansion I thought. Set high up a hill, or was it a mountain? The inside was stunning, a huge open plan room with a massive fireplace, and ready to be lit. It had fabulous wooden furniture. Two bedrooms you could hold a dance in, and en suite to both. I idly wondered which one was mine, knowing whichever it was, it would also be his.

His caretaker had cleaned, stocked and prepared it, it was ready for visitors.

After unpacking, he made sure my things went into the same closet as his did, giving me a knowing wink. He said we could go for a walk, the early evening was lovely, soft warm sun, the meadows below us wafting in the summer breeze.

He didn't make a play for me, trying to hold back hey? But he kept close, taking my hand if he thought I was a little unsteady, twice an arm went around my waist, but all in all he was quite the gentleman, though I knew what was on the cards for later wasn't anything to do with him being a gentleman.

I have to admit, I loved the walk, it was relaxing and exhilarating, I asked him, what the huge rock/mountain was above us, 'oh that's Garfolds folly, its called that because a man called Garfold jumped off it a 100 years ago, no one knows why, but his name is all that it goes by.' It was very impressive, it seemed to rise at the back, maybe I could climb it, but the craggy sheer front of it looked frightening, it dropped 150ft he told me, straight down. The walk left me feelling fresh and calm when we got back.

He suggested I go and shower, he would light the fire, and get the steaks on, and asked me how I liked mine, I told him medium rare, just like me he said. I didn't know if he meant him or his steak, so I didn't ask.

I had a long leisurely bath, not a shower, and dressed in clean jeans and shirt, also high boots. He was in the kitchen cooking, the fire was roaring, he came out and gave me a glass of wine, and we had a 'toast' to the weekend.

The dinner he made was terrific, including his own home made salad, it was all delicious. He still hadn't made a move on me, I found it a little annoying, just maybe I'm not the sexy beauty he thought I was? How wrong could a girl have been!

After dinner, he asked me onto the veranda that ran 3 ways around the cabin; the views were to die for. The moon was high; a silvery light shone down on us, and the stars, oh those stars. The smells of the pine, meadows, it all filled my nostrils, it was the most exciting view I could ever remember seeing, and also certainly the most romantic.

Then I was aware of him behind me, I tensed now, waiting for his first touch, it came with his hands lightly on my hips, then a slight feeling of his body just against mine. I daren't move, I was waiting for something to happen, what? The what, was a kiss on my neck, I shivered inside, his breath was hot, his lips cool.

I involuntarily turned my head to one side slightly, thus giving him access, why? I don't know. Soon his little kisses became bigger ones, then he moved to the other side, again I turned my head to suit, what the hell was I doing?

He handed me a little elasticised band, and said, 'put your beautiful hair up Erica.' I did, but I didn't know quite why, but it did give him total domain over my heated neck, and when he nipped my skin between his teeth, right on the bit that neck meets shoulder, my legs quivered.

Fucking hell Erica,' I told me, 'you are going to have to resist this more than you are or he is gonna get you completely!

I tensed my senses, to control it, and I was succeeding, until I suddenly found I was staring at the stars, those beautiful glittering dots. The reason I was staring at them was because my head was laid back on his shoulder as he kissed my neck. Then they seemed to darken, I wondered why, then I realised I was closing my eyes, he was winning the battle for my seduction!

In the next several minutes I went through it, his hot nibbling kisses, were beginning capture my senses, then I felt a hard bump on my bottom, his prick! I know I moaned, I just hoped it was inside of me. I knew inside that if he got my nipples without me seeing him do it I was done for, my nipples have been my undoing several times in the past, even to a couple of guys who wouldn't have got a chance normally. My purpose was to keep an eye on his hands which were now right around me.

My thighs somehow, were against the wood railing around the veranda, and his cock was now softly crossing my rump, in any other times I would be tearing his clothes off to get at him, but this wasn't my husband was it?

My head was laid back on his shoulder, his red hot breath washing me, his cool lips paying close attention to my neck, I was loving it, 'Stop lying to your self Erica!' I said to me!

I felt a coolness in front of me, and I also felt my nipples tighten and grow rapidly, obliquely I managed to look down, and what I saw mesmerised me, my shirt was open halfway down, my bra was pushed up, and he had my traitorous nipples between his fingers. His prick was also now tightly lodged into the crack of my backside.

I was suddenly thrust into a high state of arousal, I think that this was because, not only was he working me up very easily, but also because of the moon, the stars, and certainly a big helping of the blackmail I was subjected to. I felt subservient to him, he had the power over me, I was the typical helpless, defenceless little woman at the hands of a monster, I liked it, it was a great feeling!

'Jason,' I whispered, turning my face to his, I never got another word out, he kissed me fully, completely, and lips were locked, my nipples got further treatment, his cock was pushing me into the railing, and my hands had covered his, not to pull them off, oh no, to keep them on. I was under.

I twisted round to face him, we kissed and fumbled, my shirt flew off me, his followed, my hands were all over him, his belt went, his zip came down and my hand went in looking for him, I found it first attempt, my jeans fell down somehow, my panties got thrown over the veranda. A hand cupped me, and fingers found me all wet and slippy, He was in, job done, and so easily too!

He picked me up where I stood, and kissing all the way to the bedroom, we fought for supremacy, who won? I don't really know, I do know his prick was in me in a heartbeat, I yelped in glee, we began a monumental fuck fest, we fucked at each other manically, he was about the same size as Harry, but I could tell the difference.

An orgasm hit me, I cried out, I am a bit vocal when one gets the better of me, then I had another, this was too much, I wasn't used to hitting the top so soon. Jason still over me was banging away with all he had, I felt for his balls, 'Ooooh big and very full' I thought.

But he didn't cum, I was expecting him to blast me full of it, in fact I was wanting it, he just kept at me, kissing me, biting my neck, bending his head and attacking my nipples, I was going ballistic, I had more orgasms.

'Jason, please baby, cum for me, cum in me honey, please' More battering, 'I'll cum when I'm ready to cum Erica,' he told me forcefully. This sent me over the top again, was I with a man who could actually handle me? I had been with lots of men before Harry, but none since, I had decided that there wasn't a man out there to be found who could fuck me the way I had always wanted to be fucked. Had he found me?

I ended up hanging onto him while he fucked me the way I had wanted to be fucked, to within an inch of my life, and when he came, it almost drilled a hole though my head, it was so hard, so long, so hot, and so so intense, I had my last of how many orgasms? I never knew.

He got off me slowly, looked at me, I felt I was in a stupor of sorts, he kissed me, and said, 'Erica, that was the best fuck I have ever had, it really was,' he told me quietly.

I stupidly, but thought I was being funny said, 'Oh so that's it then, once and your done hey? Typical, just when I'm getting going, you want to sleep?' I was still full of gratuitous arousal and wanted TLC that's all. He took up the unintended challenge. 'I'll show you lady!' he said strongly.

He yanked me over and onto my knees, and banged his prick right back up my pussy, it made me squeal in surprise, I was amazed, he didn't seem to have gone down, he fucked at me hard, beautifully very hard, his hips and thighs driving me up the bed as he went. Climax followed climax, my head was spinning, he reached under me, ravaged my brazenly hot turgid nipples, then my clit got a tugging, he wasn't taking prisoners here, he was teaching me a lesson, and I learned it too.

I had more orgasms, I was under no illusion now, I had finally been mastered, something I had always wanted, needed all my adult life, to be dominated, fucked, taken, used, abused, and made to be sexually subservient to another man. He plunged his prick into me one final time, and I managed to clear my arms and head away from the wall above the bed, where he had pile driven me.

He was on his back now, I twisted myself over and lay on mine too, There were thoughts in my head, 1, he is a fantastic lover, a man's man, he gets what he wants, 2 this won't be the last time he comes for me, he'll want me again, he is going to work this again, I've done it once, I'll be forced to go with it to save us, even if Harry says no. But no matter how good a lover he is, he will never own me, I will always be Harry's. 3 I have to find a way of getting out and away from him when this is over?

I looked at the clock, it was 1:20am, we had got into bed 4 hours ago, he was immense in stamina and staying power, he had more or less been fucking me solidly all this time. He slid his hand to me, and fingered my still burning pussy; rolling to me he took me in his arms.

I knew now, he could defeat my body, but he would never defeat my mind or my heart. That was when I took the decision, that I would give him everything he wanted from me, no matter what, he could have it, and me.

I reached for his cock, it seemed to tingle in my hand, it was wet and sticky from our ejaculations, I bent my head and sucked him into my mouth, I love the taste of my cum and Harry's, he was no different, I gulped him down, licking all of him clean. Then I gave him the best BJ I could manage, I wanted him to cum again, I wanted the single taste of him.

I was all around him in every position I could get myself in, his prick had hardened again, so I knew I was doing ok.

'I love watching you blow me Erica; just wish H could see you bringing me off like this?' This galvanised my efforts, the thought of Harry seeing this nearly made me sick!! Soon he was spouting his thick load down my waiting throat, It was as good as Harry, I was now seeing this as purely sexual, no love, no feeling, just animal primal fucking and rutting.

There was no way I could prevent myself from responding to him, he had me, I was his, he owned me, he knew how to turn me on, willingly or not, my body was his, and he was using me to his great advantage, but I was growing to hate him now too.

He kept at me until dawn broke, there was no way I couldn't help but marvel at him, he really was the most consummate, and sexual predator I had even known or met. He just kept going and going, his prick was in and out of me like an embroiderers needle, using it, in and out, back and forth, stitching me up good style.

As the sun broke over the horizon, we fell asleep, I was totally exhausted, this would stay with me for as long as I lived, but also securely locked away, no one would ever know of it, not even my Harry.

I woke up to the smell of fresh bread, bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, and other deliciously smelling products. I managed to get my head from under the covers to he him, totally naked with a tray in his hands. It was 2 in the afternoon.

'Come on sleepy head,' he laughed, your breakfast awaits you.

I couldn't help but look at his cock swaying between his legs as he stood at the side of my bed. I then did the most ridiculous thing I have ever done, or even thought of. I dove for his prick, I got hold of it, and it was in my mouth before he could draw breath!

He stood there, silently, I could see the tray above my head, then I went to work, God knows why I did what I was doing, but I just wanted him, before we ate, so I ate him, 10 minutes he stood there, then he twitched his hips, and he was unloading, I held his balls in one hand and his prick into the other, I got what I wanted, swallowed all his mornings load, licked my lips, pulled off, and said, 'come on then Jason, I'm famished.'

He took my actions as finally giving into him I thought, he would be thinking to himself that I was his woman now, maybe even thinking he would take me from Harry. There would never be a cat in hells chance that would ever happen, Harry was my guy, and I was his gal, end of!

I was also formulating a plan in my head that could possibly solve our problems, but I knew if it went wrong, our lives would be over.

We ate breakfast, I emptied my plate, and then he was at me again, my body yelled 'Ooooh yes!' my mind told me different, I understood now that for all my bravado, it was getting more difficult to accept this. But my desires for another monumental from Jason got me going thankfully.

He really was insatiable; he had me all over the bed, all over the house, on the veranda, on the grass outside, the swing seat, everywhere. I left my cum all over the place, and he did too. 'I'll have to clean all this up!' I told myself. I made mental note of where I had been, and where to clean.

Four hours later, after I had had a nap, I asked him if we could walk up the mountain to take in the views.

'Definitely,' he chortled, 'making love, and fucking you up there is gonna be the ultimate fuck Erica,' he told me.

He had a shoulder bag, in it he put a torch for when it got dark, and a thick blanket, and obviously I knew what that would be used for. It took us an hour to get up, it was a relatively easy safe climb, but I was shattered by it.

When we arrived I was completely over whelmed by the views, they took my breath away, I almost cried, it was just too beautiful, I thought if I could, this is where I want to spend my life, standing just here. It overwhelmed me, so when Jason reached for me I was easy prey, I gave myself totally, he fucked me with an abandon that even surprised him.

'Erica, I could very very easily fall in love with you, you are the most exciting woman, and the most beautiful woman I have ever met, I mean it Erica, you are.'

I smiled in gratitude and kissed him, I had him on his back, he liked that.

'Get on Erica, ride me, fuck me baby, give me all of it, and you.'

I did, I fucked him like a mad woman, I fucked him harder than I have ever fucked Harry. I drove myself further and further, I never orgasmed, I had no desire to I wanted him to be free with me. He roared out that he was cumming, he almost threw me of, when his hips smashed up at me, and his balls emptied for the umpteenth time.

An hour later he fucked my arse, I had hoped he wouldn't want to, but he insisted, I gave him it, I do like it when Harry fucks it, and he got me going as usual by my nipples and clit, my cum flooded down onto the blanket.

We rested, and played, then I told him I wanted a photo to remember it all by. He said, 'I don't have a camera baby?'

'I have my camera phone,' I took a few snaps, then told him I wanted to take ours, 'no one will ever see them but me and you Jason?'

He took one of me with the fields and mountains as a backdrop, I held the phone and took one of us arm in arm, then I told him I wanted one of him with the backdrop.

'No Jason, not there, there.' I pointed.

'Okay,' and he moved.

'Nope, not quite right,' I said, and went to position him, when I reached him, said, 'come this way, turn slightly.' He did, I took the photo. We checked the phone, they were perfect.

'Just for me and you Jason, they'll be our secret reminder of this weekend won't it?'

'Oh Erica, I am just going to have to see you again after we get back, I don't think I could do without you now?'

'We'll see Jason, this has happened because you have blackmailed me and Harry, could I ever trust you?'

'Yes yes yes Erica, I swear.'

'Okay, you said no one knew of us being here, was that the truth, don't lie to me Jason, not now?'

'Yes Erica, not a soul knows about us, me being here, and certainly not you, believe me.'

'I do,' I told him.

'Harry, I spoke into my phone, 'come and pick me up right now, don't ask, don't argue and do not tell anyone you are doing it, and do it all right now!'

'Erica, oh Erica, I'm on my way darling, I love you my sweet wife.'

'I love you too Harry, now hurry.' I closed the phone, I had a lot to do.

Harry got there about 4 hours later, it was 2 in the morning, I got in with my things.

'Where is that bastard?' he asked.

'Just get me home Harry,' I told him and fell asleep, I never woke until he shook my shoulder.

In the house I told him, and we agreed, that we had decided not to go away, we had spent the weekend at home.

It was 2 weeks later that the missing Jason's body was found at the foot of the cliffs, no one knew he had even been there.

It was investigated by the police, who said he must have decided to have a quiet weekend on his own, walked up the mountain, and tragically fallen, or slipped over and died from his wounds.

I had got the revenge and retribution my husband and family had deserved from that rotten awful bastard. Harry got his promotion, and told that in 3 years or so, he would probably make the board.

We now live a very happy and fulfilling life, and the photos? They, nor the phone saw the light of day again.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It's so obvious what the author intends here and what he is examining.

It's entirely unsurprising the idiot crew thinks this is about the wife. It's not. It's about the author wanting to examine his kink without coming across like he feels. I won't spell that out because I don't want to be cruel.

Seriously? You don't have to feel this way and often it's far more in your head than in reality.

Sandra818Sandra818about 6 years ago
Very good story with a surprise ending.

One helpful comment though is that you should learn the difference between blackmail and extortion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Weak characters make a weak story. I gave it a rating of "2".

The two main characters were weak, he wanted a promotion so bad that he was willing to prostitute his wife for it. According to my wife who also read this, the wife was on the verge of cheating if she was not already. No wife is going to sell herself for a promotion unless she already planned to cheat. It was obvious with how easy it was for Jason to seduce her that she wanted this encounter. She also loved every minute of her time with Jason so how could she pretend to love her husband. They were two weak and fucked up characters not happy with what they had. Two weak characters and one scumbag do not a good story make. Remember he was not losing the good job he had, this was a promotion he wanted. No job is worth selling your spouse and your soul.


Harsh61Harsh61almost 11 years ago
Sweet Revenge

The storyline as well the narration of the story is gripping and sensuous. The wife has taken an unexpected revenge.....thou going through expected H to loose Her.

qualitywheatqualitywheatalmost 12 years agoAuthor
H H Morant

In the story I made a definite statement that she had a lot to do, ie clean up, and no where in the story do the police have a role, it was decided that it was suicide. The lady has a super high sex drive, but she loves her husband totally. Nothing was allowed to get in the way of that. She did what she had to do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Loved it. Different.

Your detractors got it wrong...while her sex drive was amazing, her love for her husband ( and subsequent promotion) held the hand she wanted.

Thanks Don

H.H.MorantH.H.Morantalmost 12 years ago
Unusual story

For once the blackmailer gets his just desserts - but otherwise the story has some real weak parts

She's being raped, in a legal sense - her consent is not freely given - and she is truly multi-orgasmic Part of the fantasy that soft porn so often is

She's spent a night and a day in the guy's house, and fucking him right, left and sideways - and the police didn't notice that two people had spent the night and day - stains on sheets, trash garbage -

Had it been bad sex and a murder which she could explain away - a boating accident - the rating would have been a couple of stars (maybe even three) higher

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
she killed him after great sex???

this was a strange story.. she seemed to love the sex yet she killed him .. ????


netviper21netviper21almost 12 years ago

About time another story about a wife being faithful! Sure being blackmail and all that, but great none the less and happy not to of read another of those burn the bitch series...

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago

PUSSY TO DIE FOR. tk u mlj lv nv

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