Blame it on the Rain


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"Mum, come on it's getting late, are you ever getting up?" It was Tom, at least he still needed me. I reluctantly climbed out of my lovely warm bed, threw on a robe, and padded downstairs to see him off for his day at school.

Sarah joined me as I made my morning coffee, when our eyes met I saw hers widen slightly, a smile brightening her beautiful young face. "Someone looks like a cat that got the cream!" I saw her looked more closely at me, "you look like you've just been fuc....."

"Sarah! You can't say things like that to your mother." We both burst out laughing as I spluttered, "even if it's true!"

"We girls have needs, we both know that." Sarah was still laughing but tried to look serious.

She saw the shadow of sadness pass across my face, she knew me so well I couldn't hide it. "You have to get it where you can, don't worry your secret is safe with me, I know it can't be easy now with Dad......"

Seeing the silent tears on my cheeks she didn't finish but leapt up to wrap her arms around me, "Sorry Mum, I shouldn't have mentioned it, it's not my place. Please forgive me."

We rocked together clinging to each other for a long moment, it gave me time to get my emotions under control, Sarah seemed to just know, she understood. "I won't tell him, I'll keep your secret, I promise."

I wiped my face on my sleeve, "come on, we had better get a move on, you'll be late." At that we both headed to our rooms ready now to face the routine of our days. I heard the door slam as Sarah left the house, it was just me and Tasha now. The two of us rushing to complete the housework before our midday walk. I worked hard, it kept my mind from dwelling on my dilemma and the more we got done before lunch meant our afternoon would be free to indulge in whatever pleased us, well me anyway!


There she is, right on time, my heart raced with excitement. She would not want a public display of affection, it was dangerous, anyone could see us here on the street. I had to control myself, it would not matter to me who knows but Kate, no, not Kate she would be embarrassed. I needed to keep myself under control.

Greeting her in the normal way, well before what happened yesterday, I fell in beside her. She purposely kept her distance from me, an appropriate distance if we were not lovers, now the space between us was too great, I longed to feel the warmth of her body. Needed to kiss her lips. We can't, not here.

Our conversation was stunted, we prattled on about everyday issues, like we always had done before.

I had to bide my time, it would come, the opportunity when we were out of view, alone in our own world, she would not resist then surely. As we walked doubts crept in, did she want it? Would she welcome my advance? I needed to kiss her, needed her to return it to confirm this love affair was real, not my imagination.

We were here, the narrow path, hidden by shrubs on both sides, no one could see us. It was now or never, time to take a risk, please let me be right. I was so tense I could barely walk, I had to do it. I am a man, it is my job to lead, to take the initiative. I took two quick strides to put me in front of her and turned to face her, my arms already wrapping her in an embrace. My eyes were locked on hers trying to read her reaction as I closed in.


What would I say to him when we met? I needed to think it through because I was sure he would be waiting in his usual place for me. Was he suffering the same doubts and confusion that I was? After sleeping on it did he regret what we did together, was he filled with remorse at taking a married woman in his arms? He was single, I am a woman with responsibilities, I am not free to just do as I please, to give my favours away, to offer my body as I had done.

Would he be aware of my situation, my need for discretion? I would die if he rushed up to me to take me in his arms, I'd like it, the feeling I mean, but not in public, not where anyone could see us. Surely not, he was cleverer than that, he must be. But if he had the same feelings welling up inside him as I had at this moment it would be hard to resist, extremely difficult.

I need not have worried, he greeted me with a smile and a cheery, "Hello." Then as is our routine fell in beside me as the dogs quickly greeted each other. We talked about the news of the day after the usual enquiries, "How are you", "Have you had a good morning", "Did you get much work done today", those sorts of things, nothing too personal.

The Park was busy, we could hear the excited shouts from the young children on the playground as we passed, moving away we noticed the chatter of birds as they went about their business, calling out to their mates or maybe their young. As our walk progressed I was becoming increasingly concerned that yesterday afternoon had ended things with 'us'. There were no flirty comments, no jokes, no laughter, no, well anything really. I was getting an empty feeling, the euphoria from yesterday was slipping away, what had I done?

It was only once we turned onto one of the narrow paths, one with a shrubbery hedge blocking us from view that he stepped in front of me and took me in his arms. His eyes locked on to mine and I saw a question there. He was unsure, hoping his advance would be welcome. But he did it, he took the first step.

Our lips pressed together in a kiss so passionate that it took my breath away. I felt my body surrender into his embrace as my mind exploded with lustful desire. I wanted to shout "YES, HE WANTS ME, HE STILL WANTS ME!" I didn't shout of course, my lips and tongue were too busy for one thing, but I wanted too, I really did.

We stood in each other's arms for many minutes, long open-mouthed kisses were interspersed with gentle pecks as our bodies moulded together. I was instantly aroused, my body immediately switched to receptive mode, my erogenous zones were screaming at me for satisfaction, if he had pulled my clothes aside to enter me at that moment I would have allowed it such was my desire for him.

It soon became apparent that I was not the only one, his unmistakable sign took a few seconds to respond but I soon felt the hardness pressed into the softness of my abdomen as I tried to fuse our bodies together. We were lost in our passion and were jolted out of it by the sound of footsteps approaching our hidden position. I stepped back from him, straightened my dress in one practised movement and stepped to his side taking his hand in mine as I did so.

Once we caught up with the dogs we wordlessly decided to forgo our usual outdoor picnic even though the weather was perfect for it. We only had one thing on our minds and a long walk with our dogs in public was not it.


As soon as I felt her small soft hand in mine I knew, no words were necessary after that kiss, I could feel the urgency in her, she wanted us to be somewhere private, and soon. We walked the shortest route back to my place and as soon as we closed the door behind us we were immediately shedding our clothes and on the way to my bed. There were no preliminaries, no stroking, minimal touching or kissing until I had buried my throbbing cock into her soft and welcoming vagina. There was an urgency that had been missing the previous day, a confirmation of intent, of need.

She went wild with passion, I could feel her fingernails raking my back as she clung onto me, my hips thrusting into her as she bucked and matched my tempo. I didn't last long, it was inevitable, the lead up to the act too erotic, too desperate, we both needed it quick and hard. There was little warning as I erupted inside her.

As I felt my second pulse of semen eject she clamped her pelvic muscles hard, she was climaxing, a muffled cry escaped her lips as they pressed to my neck just below my ear. My body was wracked with pleasure, I shook with emotion as I emptied myself into her. I felt her kisses on my neck and jaw as I fought for breath. Her arms and legs held me tight, my full weight crushing her against the mattress.

We lay there for a long moment before she would release me, she smiled as I rolled off to her side, then a touch breathlessly said, "My goodness, I needed that, thank you."

"I aim to please," I kissed her nipple, "you are so sexy, you know that right?"

She rolled me onto my back and kissed me as she lay on top of me. I felt her press her sex against my leg as our kiss soon became hot and heavy. It wasn't long before she felt my cock begin to stir, she lifted her upper body to look me in the face, there was a wicked smile on her lips and a brightness in her eyes. I felt her reach between us to position my now rigid member then the warmth of her as she slid down onto me.

Her expression changed to one of contentment as she consumed me, her eyes had a far away look as she began to rhythmically move her hips. Her breasts were swaying in front of my face, tantalisingly close, too close, she had my arms pinned by my side so I couldn't reach out for them. From the look in her eyes, she knew what this was doing to me.

When at last she released my hands I reached for her breasts, took a nipple between the fingers of both hands and as I did so her tempo increased as she made love to me, there was an urgency about it now as I played with her bouncing breasts.

As I looked at her face her eyes were closed, she was moving trance-like towards a crescendo, a climax that I could see developing, her skin had a glow about it, she was biting her lip until it hit her. She fell forward on to me and forced her tongue past my lips as she writhed above me, her hips pulling back almost freeing my still erect cock, then twisting back until I was fully embedded. Still her tongue probed my mouth as her hands now gripped my head in a vice like grip.

It was too much, she was making love to my whole body, hers quivering and convulsing as she approached a second orgasm. I felt my own building until I could resist no longer, she'd raised her hips away from me as I felt the irresistible urger to bury myself deep. Thrusting my hips up off the bed I succeeded in spearing her deeply as the first throb of climax hit me, her hips forced mine back down as she put all her weight behind her own need for me to finish inside her.

A long moment later she rolled off me, completely spent, we said nothing this time. No words would come as we lay together, basking in the afterglow of for me was the bast sex I had ever experienced. If I wasn't already that act alone confirmed that I wanted this woman, I needed her, and at that moment I promised myself I would have her for my own.

I had no concern for her husband or her family, I wanted her and would do everything I could to make her mine.


As we rushed to his house there was only one thing on my mind, I wanted Jake. The feeling of need was so strong that I had no other thought but to get to his house and get naked. I used to feel this way early in my marriage, I'd often be home first and just lie in wait until my husband walked in the door. He'd know, as soon as he saw me he'd know what I wanted and in those early days he would not disappoint, our clothes would be carelessly strewn from the door to our bed.

We would not leave the bedroom until my desires were fully satisfied; I think his were too? That was then though, now it was Jake's turn to take care of me and, like my husband all those years ago, he didn't let me down. I was ready for him, I needed him to fill me, the anticipation and pure animal lust meant that although it was rushed it was still extremely enjoyable and we both climaxed.

As I lay getting my breath I continued to remember those early days of my marriage, of the satisfaction my husband would give me as we tried out various positions, experimented with each other, played with one another, teased and tormented. Those days were magical, but no more? It was so unfair on me, I still needed it.

Looking back, I remembered that one of my favourite positions was me on top, I could control the pace, how deep he went, everything. I'd hold his arms by his side to prevent him from touching me until I was ready. I'd take him deep, grind my clitoris on him, slowly rotating my hips to extend the sensation. I took pleasure in seeing my husband's eyes flick between my eyes and my breasts, the look of lust on his face as I deprived him of the ability to touch me drove me crazy with desire. When I was ready, and only then, I'd let loose his hands, he'd immediately grab my breasts, tweak, or twist my nipples and I'd explode inside. My mind would be a whirl of pleasure as my body involuntarily twitched and twisted as the earth-shattering orgasm overtook me.

As I forced myself back to the present I realised it was not my husband's naked body I was pressed up against. It was Jake, and his manhood was stirring once again, I smiled at the thought that his recovery rate was better than my husband's ever was. With him time would not be an issue, we'd lay together, talking about our future, plans for children, for our lives together. I knew I could not afford the same sort of time with Jake, I had to get home, this was forbidden love, a furtive affair.

I had to snap out of it, push my memories aside and concentrate on the here and now, it was only fair to Jake. Then a wicked thought took shape, my memories causing me to act automatically as I found myself atop of my lover, feeding his newly erect cock into me as I lowered myself onto him. I did it as I remembered, his arms trapped, me dictating everything. My stomach fluttered with the excitement I knew was yet to come.

Once the time was right I released his hands, trusting him to react as I wanted and he didn't disappoint, he immediately moved them to my breasts, fondled them, then teased my painfully erect nipples. The exquisite feeling spurred me on, I was lost in a frenzy of lust as I rolled my hips. I could feel his hardness filling me as I moved it inside me, rhythmically grinding my clit against his pelvic bone with increasing urgency until finally my climax crashed over me.

It was fantastic, I lost control of my body as it shook and I writhed, it was almost too much pleasure. Reluctantly I began to lift off him to reduce the pressure, to savour the moment and regain some control. At that moment he decided to thrust his hips off the bed and bury himself deep. I felt the first throb of climax hit deep inside me and I dropped back onto him as a second wave of orgasm coincided with his.

I was exhausted, my body and mind awash with the thrill and excitement of what I had just experienced, I rested on top of Jake until my overloaded senses began to return to me. I eventually rolled off him, as I did so my mind returned to the last time I'd felt like this, a time when I would use my husband's body to achieve this wonderful feeling. Now I had used someone new, there were slight differences of course, but that fuck was for me, for my pleasure and Jake had not disappointed me.

He did all the right things, I was getting deeper into my relationship with him and surprisingly I felt no guilt, none at all. In fact, to my relief, it was obvious to me that I wanted more.

We took a break to eat a leisurely lunch before returning to his bed ending the afternoon with another glorious session of more gentle love making where I tried to return the favour to him, make it about his needs and pleasure, I think I succeeded. It certainly left me well and truly satisfied. Once again I felt no guilt, more than that, I felt happy, liberated, alive.

As I walked home my mind replayed our many conversations, the way he looks at me, the sparkle in his eye when we laugh together. I wondered why it had taken me so long to take Jake as a lover.

Sarah knew of course, as soon as she saw me, this time we were alone in the house and she just came right out with it, "You've done it, it's that man I met walking the dog isn't it? You've taken him as a lover. I can see it, I knew it! I didn't say anything before, but you need to be careful, it's obvious to me, the way you now look, walk, everything."

"Yes, it's Jake. Please keep it to yourself, you must, I beg you."

"I'm sorry Mum, I can't, this needs to be out in the open, I'm not comfortable with keeping it a secret, it's just not right, you hiding this, it's too big a risk, you know he'll be hurt, you must be honest with him. I'll help you; we'll do it tonight when we sit down for dinner."

Before I could argue she turned away and went to her room giving me no chance to argue. Once we sat down together later Sarah cleared her throat, "Well Mum, I think you have something to say to us?"

My heart raced as I looked around the table, "Yes, you're right, I do need to come clean."

I took a deep breath, "There's a man I have become friendly with, very friendly indeed, in fact we are now lovers."

As I expected Tom gasped and his face immediately reddened, "WHAT!" he immediately exploded, shouting at me. "What about Dad, how can you betray him like that, what will the rest of the family think?"

"You know how I feel about your Dad, I've loved him since I was eighteen years old, no one can replace him, and I have a special place in my heart for him, this will not deminish my love for him." My mouth was dry, I'd expected this, why then was it so hard? Tom was just like his Father, both saw the world in black and white, right or wrong, no middle ground. I could see it in his eyes, the hurt, he thought of it only as the ultimate disloyalty. Not for a moment did he think of what this all means to me. I had to try to get through to him.

"You and Sarah will soon be leaving home, making your own way, have a family of your own, then you won't need me. You're old enough to understand now that I have my own needs, I'm relatively young, please give me this chance."

I saw a tear trickle down my son's cheek as I held his unwaveringly angry gaze. "When you get older you will understand that I really miss the companionship that only a man can give a woman, it feels right, something I've not felt in a long time, and anyway, it's time I moved on, it's three long years since your Dad died."

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WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 2 years ago

Good story, but very, very slow. It’s curious that she pretended to be married that whole time. Once she was sure, the day of the storm, Kate could have told Jake that she was a widow - trying not to upset her son.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hard to keep track of the charatures. But a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I loved it!! Especially the “Alfred Hitchcock” ending!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Here, I thought that all hell would surely explode all over us, the last sentence was uttered. Then we fin that God was in his Heaven, and all was right with their world. Wonderful tale. LP

Frank66Frank66about 2 years ago

Sorry, it was well written, but you make Jake turn into a sorry excuse for a man. He thought she was married, with kids, and it didn't slow him down. That's pure selfishness, thinking only of what HE wanted and felt he needed. No possibility of a long term relationship here.

Nasty56Nasty56about 2 years ago

Wow, would love the story to continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice story. I had wondered whether her husband was dead, but on p3 she is reminded of her wedding vows, these would not apply if the husband was dead, On p4. Sarah tells Kate that she will not tell him, right after a mention of Dad, Thus the him is Dad, not Tom. These errors spoil an otherwise clever story, I did like the way Kate dealt with her feelings about having sex, rather than being a betrayal of her dead husband, it reminded her of how wonderfull he had been,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Lovely, very enjoyable story. The hint was there for the ending well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Is that all you've got? Silly, and juvenile. But thanks for the effort.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitabout 2 years ago

Yes, I did enjoy this, well done, and overall rather well written. Congratulations on a difficult job pretty well done in suppressing most of the buried pointers to the twist in the tale!

I did think that was quite a clever plot mechanism that you incorporated with fond erotic memories of some fairly well detailed aspects of climatic analysis, to throw us off the track! As a decoy device it generally worked well, and I did think that you worked hard to carefully steer it (& us) carefully through the rapids of doubt and the shallows of disbelief, so well done!

By around the half-way mark I was beginning to wonder if did get a little shudder of fear that we might be met with the horrific shadow of Altzheimer's or Paralysis or whatever, but was relieved that it was just unspecified widowhood which was, in My Humble Opinion, exactly the RIGHT way to go, as like me, it is here so many of us end up!

So, well done, full marks - 5/5, - nice story, no nasties, well done!

Thank You!

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