Blind Girl's Bluff

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College kid tricks a blind coed into having sex with him.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/08/2023
Created 04/07/2022
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-- (Intro) --

I'm a toad.

I've been crushing on my friend's girlfriend for a while now.

I guess I should clarify "friend".

We only met because we're in the same major -- Computer Science. Several of us started getting together to do homework a year or so ago. That turned into us being social together. We're all geeks -- so our social circles are fairly limited otherwise.

Our idea of "being social" is computer games and pizza on Thursday nights. We take turns hosting the group but Cal's apartment is bigger than the rest of ours -- so we've ended up there more often.

That's how I met Sophie.

Cal's girlfriend is super-cute. She's also blind.

Cal's pretty callous anyway -- but I definitely don't think he takes care of her like he should.

I'm sure my view is prejudiced by my lust -- and I'm not saying she's an invalid or anything -- she's one of the most intelligent, independent blind people I've run into -- but -- like.. I don't know.. he doesn't treat her like..

.. You know what? He treats her like he does everybody else -- like they're only useful to him when they're -- well -- useful to him.

Anyway, Sophie's cute -- and smart -- and independent -- and -- like I said, you'd have to be around her for more than a few minutes to even realize she can't see.

Like I said, I've been smitten by her for a while now.

I sneak looks when I think I can get away with it -- or when everybody else watches her cut through the room.

I need to drop it.

I should just stop hanging out with the guys and move on.

-- (The Plan) --

Wednesday, after Database class, Cal mentioned that he's going to be going to the library to do some extra studying Thursday afternoon -- so he won't be able to host our bi-weekly get-together this time.

Friday is the start of spring break -- so we decide to go ahead and cancel until everybody gets back.

I'm heading back to my apartment, thinking over how quickly that fell apart.

Most of us aren't headed anywhere for spring break anyway -- and why is Cal studying before a class that's already cancelled -- in the middle of the term?

The green-eyed monster has my attention but -- even if he's not stepping out on Sophie -- and us -- this might be a chance to get her alone..

Heedless of how self-centered my plan was my mind was racing.

By lunch-time the next day, my jealous, hormone-fevered mind had devised the perfect plan.

Details that I'd been locking away for months started coming together.

Thursdays were short days for most of us.

I finished my classes and grabbed Jimmy John's on the way home.

I stopped by the house, grabbed a fresh shirt and shorts from the laundry basket -- along with a hoodie I never usually wore -- and headed to Cal's.

A few minutes later, I was on a park bench across from his apartment -- hood pulled over my hair and face -- "staring" at my phone.

He came out carrying a duffle bag, looked both ways, got into his car, and headed down the street.

I jogged down the path -- through the trees -- and over towards the street that was home to most of the main campus buildings.

Cal's car was just leaving the stop sign, turning on the main boulevard.

As I watched, he stopped at the crosswalk -- waiting for a few people who were actually heading into the library -- then he continued up over the hill and into town.

"Library, my ass", I thought. ".. and you should have a backpack -- not a duffle bag."

Content that I wasn't breaking any "friend code" -- at least that Cal wasn't already breaking, I headed back to the apartment.

If it's a normal week, Sophie has class for another hour -- well -- slightly less now that I'm done playing Magnum P. I. -- so I need to be moving.

Cal's apartment was on the second floor.

I'm no parkour nut -- but I figured it shouldn't be too hard to get into his balcony.

Sophie likes fresh air -- so the sliding doors were always open to allow the breeze to get in.

Arriving at the back of Cal's building, the industrial-strength downpipe, a foot from the balcony, made it almost too simple to get to the balcony.

At this point, I was breaking and entering -- minor jail-time -- first offense.

"Okay, pretend I'm Cal, get Sophie to fuck me, and get out before he gets back.. Nobody's the wiser."

I stripped down to my underwear on the balcony and headed for the laundry basket in the bathroom.

I'd just gotten Cal's shirt and pants on when I heard Sophie opening the front door.

-- ( The Bluff ) --

"Cal? You home?"

I hurried down the hall, Cal's pants a little loose on my hips.

She was just closing the door, backpack slung over her shoulder.


Her closed eyes "looked" towards the balcony, waiting, as she listened.

When she heard my shuffling gait, she turned.

My eyes focused on her lips -- her lower lip -- the one she was biting.

I cupped her jawlines in my palms and softly pressed my lips to hers.

"I'm fucked" I thought.

Suddenly, my logic-circuits cleared and I realized there was no way I was pulling this off.

Then my ears caught up with the sounds coming from Sophie and my brain stopped working again.

"Mmm. I'm glad you're here. I'm so horny."

Her backpack dropped to the floor and her arms went around me.

She pulled me into herself and my dick started growing and pushing back.

She was kissing me now -- softly -- but rubbing her belly-button around against the head of my dick.


She said this as her right hand reached down and palmed my throbbing manhood, as her left continued to pull me into her.

She released me, pulled my hands from her face, kept a hold on my right one, led me down the hall, past the bathroom I'd just raided, and into their bedroom.

She stopped at the foot of the bed and started undressing.

I watched my first, in-person strip-tease..

"I don't hear clothes hitting the floor -- do you want fucked or not?" she asked.

I kept my eyes on her hot, little body and stripped as fast as I could.

The next thing I knew, she had thrown back the covers, lay down on her side on the left half, and was patting the empty space in front of her.

As soon as I lay down, she pulled the covers over us and snuggled up to me.

I threw my left arm over her and pulled her close.

Her scent filled my nose and.. "Shit!"

"Light... bulb..!"

I froze.

"There's no way.."

I unfroze at her instructions.

"I'm going to throw back these blankets, roll onto my back, and pull my heels up to my ears. I want you to stuff my pussy with that cock of yours and fuck me hard & fast. I will cum at least once while you're pounding into me and again when you cum inside me. I want you to kiss me as you fill my cunt with your hot cum and then I want you to hold me and give me sweet kisses like you did when you met me at the door."

Without saying a word, I followed every, single one of her instructions "to the T".

As I nibbled, softly, at her lower lip, and gave her another little peck, she smiled.

-- ( Sight for the Blind ) --

"So, Geoffrey, when are you going to tell Cal that you fucked his girlfriend?" she asked.

"What?!" I stammered.

"It's not like he can say much. He's been sleeping with -- or at least getting oral sex from -- the blonde from your Architecture class for at least a week now."


"You guys must really think us girls are stupid. First off, we talk. Second, we listen. And third, at least for me, I know what each of you smells like. Stealing Cal's clothes doesn't mask your personal flavor, Doofus. Besides, you left the screen door open when you came in."


"So, was this a one-time thing -- to see what it was like to fuck the blind chick -- or do you really like me?"

"I.. uh.. I'm so sorry!"

"One time, then. Whatever. Let me know if you want to fuck again -- you were pretty good."



"Would you seriously go out with me?"

"Go out with you? We just fucked, Egghead. I'm pretty sure we can get dinner whenever you want."

"You don't hate me?"

"Like I said, Cal's fucking Veronica. Obviously, I'm available."


"Right here, Doofus. YOUR eyes work, I think."

"I would never cheat on you."

"You didn't have a problem with trying to get ME to cheat though, huh?"

"I, uh,.. You know what, that's fair. You're right."

"Listen. You know.. Just call me.."

"Shut up, will you?"


"If you cheat on me, I'll know."

"I would never.."

"Fine. We're dating. Let's shower and you can take me to dinner. Then you can help me pack my shit."

"Pack your..?"

"How'd you know Cal wouldn't catch you here?"

"He said he was going to the library to study -- and we don't have class again until after break."

"So you listen too.."

"I guess -- but I also watched him drive past the library into town."

"Trust but verify.."


"How long have you been planning this?"

"'Plan' would be a serious over-exaggeration of my lust-inspired attempt to pretend to be your boyfriend to get you to have sex with me.."

"How long?"

"Probably since the first time I saw you.."

"A year?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So, you just curious about fucking a blind girl.. or what?"

"You don't act blind. Honestly, I don't know how I thought I was fooling you with this wild-ass scheme.."

"Damn straight. So, Cal's out for the evening?"


"And it's like 3 o'clock?"

"Something like that."

"Good. Shower. Drive-thru dinner. U-Haul for boxes. Pack, load, move. I'll be gone before he gets back from fucking Veronica."


"You have room for me?"

"I will make room."

"Good. There's a minor vacancy between my legs right now. You think you could help me with that while we're showering?"


"Good. I'll get the shower started. You throw Cal's dirty clothes in the bottom of the closet and then get in there, pick me up, skewer me with that cock of yours, and see if you can jack-hammer me through the shower wall."

"Yes, ma'am."

I nearly beat her to the shower. I really don't know where I threw Cal's clothes.

I didn't do very much jack-hammering -- but I did manage to hold her up against the wall long enough for both of us to cum again.

I toweled us off.

She dried us with the hair dryer.

I'm pretty sure that first blast in my face was intentional -- not because she couldn't see what she was doing -- but because she was laughing before I even started to yell at her.

"We'll hit Taco Bell on the way to U-Haul. Once I'm moved in, you can help me find the lettuce that always falls out of my damned wrapper into my bra when I eat tacos in the car. You do have a car, right?"

"Ford Ranger."

"Even better! We'll be done in one trip."

She held my hand as we walked from Cal's place to mine. I called out the intersections -- or crossings -- as we came to each. By the time we got to my place, she knew where she was.

"We're at the front of your building now, right?"

"There's one step in front of us. I'm on the ground floor. Second door on the left. There's an open stairwell a couple steps inside this door that goes to the four apartments on the second floor. Coin laundry in the basement."

"Walk me to your door so I can count steps. I'll need my cane the first few times. This will actually be a little closer to my classes so that's a plus."

I got her to my door and put her hand on the knob.

"I'll either have to ask the super for another key or run to Walmart.."

"That can wait, I'm pretty good with a hairpin."

"Mmm. Sexy, smart, and sneaky -- I may be in over my head."

"Damn straight. Don't fuck this up. Actually, you can fuck.."

"Just an FYI, all the apartments hear everything that's even whispered out here."

"Noted. Let's head to the truck."

The parking lot for my building is not close. Sophie gave up on the idea of memorizing the route as soon as I started describing the location.

I also realized the path is not up to ADA standards before we were even halfway there. I offered her a piggy-back ride and she accepted.

"Could you go a little faster, my clit's rubbing against your back and I'm soooo close."

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"Nah -- but did you get a stiffy?"

"Well, obviously.."

"Good. Is your truck a stick-shift? Maybe I can get a little DP action before we head to Taco Bell.."

"Holy shit, woman!"

"I'm just shittin' ya, I don't do it in the pooper -- not yet anyway."

I finally got her to the truck without cumming in my pants -- but it was close.

Between her sexy taunts and the friction from my hard-on pressing against my fly with each step, my testes were back to being ready for release again.

We climbed in the truck and my poor balls were turning blue.

"I know I'm being a nasty bitch -- and I can already smell your pre-cum -- but can we hold off on the truck fuck until we get my shit moved out of Cal's place?"

I almost groaned, "Yes."

"I promise I'll make it up to you later."

"It's okay, I've already cum more times today than I have in the last week."

"Poor baby, should I stop with all the nasty-girl stuff?"

"No fucking way! I just may have to start taking vitamins or something."

"Good -- cuz you make this so much fun."

She looked at me and nibbled her lower lip.

"Fuck, girl! You've gotta stop that or I'm gonna fucking drag you to the back, throw you on the tailgate, and fuck the shit out of you."

"Aw, you say that like it's a bad thing.."


Blind or not, her hand quickly found my groin and rubbed all over me.

"Come on, Cowboy. We'll saddle up as soon as we can. Let's get this show on the road."

"Fuck me! I'll never go to class again. I'm gonna flunk out of college and end up homeless."

"Okay. I'll behave. Let's go."

I got the truck started and we headed out.

-- ( New Roommate ) --

I've helped a few people move over the years.

No matter how organized they are, it always comes down to throwing shit into boxes as fast as you can.

Honestly, Sophie's move was one of the easiest I've ever helped with.

We opted for ten small boxes at U-Haul. Each one is about a cubic foot and a half. Sophie estimated that she had twelve cubic feet of stuff to move.

She said she'd used the medium sized ones the last time and they got a little heavy.

We grabbed some packing tape and the boxes and were back at Cal's place by 5 o'clock.

In the front room, I folded the boxes and held them while Sophie taped the bottoms.

The bathroom fit in one box -- well the dirty clothes took a second one -- so two total.

She produced a Sharpie from somewhere and it got labeled and put in the bed of the Ranger -- which was parked out front.

The bedroom closet took four boxes. The only thing she had in there was clothes and "Bob" -- the battery-operated boyfriend. We also took every condom in the house -- even though -- at least so far -- Sophie and I hadn't used any.

In the kitchen, one box held pots, pans, and utensils. One box held a toaster oven and a few food items. Another held the hot air fryer and some oven-mitts & Ziploc baggies.

The last box ended up with a few DVDs & Blu-Rays and a few audio books -- all that was hers from the front room.

We were in the truck and pulling away by 6 o'clock.

Sophie left her key on the kitchen counter.

Cal was no genius but he'd figure it out. Hell, we were probably making it easier on him.

At my place, Sophie just had me stack the boxes to the side in the front room and then we headed out to move the truck back to its spot.

As I started the truck, she said, "You got a blanket in here?"

"Behind the seat. Why?"

"How's about you find a deserted country road and give me that tail-gate fucking you promised? I'm horny as fuck but this cab is too small to screw around in."

"As good as that sounds, I'm a little tired -- and I'd prefer to spend the night holding you -- rather than fucking and then driving home. Can we just park the truck and stay in for the night?"

"You had me with 'spend the night holding you'.."

"Aw, shucks, Darlin'.."

"I want a piggy-back ride to the apartment -- only I'm riding on the front this time."

I nearly wrecked the truck -- with that picture in my mind -- trying to get parked.

It didn't turn out quite as kinky as I'd imagined -- and I was short on breath when we arrived -- but my dick was definitely rock hard by the time we got back into the apartment.

Sophie was still clinging to me once I was in and the door was closed. So I emptied my pockets into the basket, hung the keys on the peg, and carried her down the hall.

Our shoes were somewhere between the door and the bedroom.

I sat as far back on the foot of the bed as I could and then just collapsed backwards -- missing the pillows by a mile -- but not really caring.

Tender lips were covering mine in a non-stop love-making session -- like a soft, Midwest rain that lasts all day in spring-time.

I was pretty sure that sore spot on my neck was a hickey that would be there for weeks. She had latched on as we left the parking lot and didn't stop until I got to the front step.

The kisses stopped and I looked at her.

Her eyes were open.

I had never seen her eyes.

"What do my eyes look like?" she asked.

"They're a smoky grey -- almost a hard-steel -- but cautious and sneaky -- like you."

"Am I actually looking at you -- or is one pointed off to the fish tank and one looking at the pillows?"

"You are looking straight into my eyes, devil woman."

"Good. Geoffrey?"


"Can you quit your little gang of thieves?"


"Good. I don't want Cal to have a reason to come here. That's over and I won't bring him up again. I would prefer that you didn't either."

"No problem there."

"Are my eyes still right?"

"Yes, my love."

"You fucker."


"I don't know what possessed you to do what you did today -- and I don't care -- and I can't believe it's only been like five hours since you took my face in your hands and made me forget about what's-his-name.. but.. I'm a little enamored with you right now."


"I don't want to worship you."

".. and I would never want that -- although the hickey will be nice -- once it stops throbbing."

"Sorry. See! Fuck you. You're doing it again."

"What? I'm sorry!"

"Oh shut up. I'm falling so fucking hard for you that it's scaring me. You see my eyes?"


"Only my mother and father have ever seen them."

A lump lodged in my throat and I just threw my arms around her.

"I will do my best. Whatever you need -- whatever you want."

"Is your dick still hard?"

"Not as much as it was.."

"Can you just keep holding me like this until I wake up?"


Her ankles -- that had still been locked behind me -- unlocked and lay on either side of my legs. My semi-flaccid dick ended up nestled against her wonderful gap. Her hands went to my sides and her head lay on my chest, facing my right nipple.

She snuggled a little but was snoring in a few minutes. It was a low, soft rumble like a puppy makes.

I moved her hair out of her eyes -- now closed -- kissed her forehead, and fell asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The "girl's bf is a dick" setup will never appeal to me, I think.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc8 months ago

Catching up with the series - good stuff so far. 4.6*

gunmakergunmaker9 months ago

When I started reading this story I had serious reservations. I figured you were a soulless pervert. However I went down the path willingly and you wove a compelling, humorous, and maybe even interesting story. Impressive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

"She likes fresh air" ...because some people like pollution. xD Sorry couldn't resist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

5 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It’s more than a little condescending that he thought it was ok to try and trick her but by artistic license it turned out really well and romantic too. Loved this chapter.


Tess (uk)

youngbrainoldbodyyoungbrainoldbodyabout 2 years ago

I really liked it. See comments after Part 2. Outstanding!

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

Definitely romance, though more than a little underhanded to start, but she put the stop to that quickly.

TrampsAnThievesTrampsAnThievesabout 2 years agoAuthor

I admit that I am new -- and still figuring things out -- but based on the description for the category (Romance - Drama, love, risk, and happily-ever-afters.) -- I'm not convinced I picked the wrong one. Thanks for reading and I will endeavor to do better.

PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 2 years ago

As a storyline I’m with LordAuch, it’s completely flawed and he is without any moral compass for trying it, regardless of how it turned out. The end does not and never will justify the method.

That aside, it’s fair writing, but the characters are very two dimensional and the narrative doesn’t build anything to speak of, not really sure this is a romance tbh. 4 stars.

LordAuchLordAuchabout 2 years ago

"Cal is not treating her well so let me rape her to make it right." Sorry but if this is your idea of romance -fantasy or not- you will be disappointed in life.

clearcreekclearcreekabout 2 years ago

Very fun! I hope to read more about them soon.

StrappySandalsStrappySandalsabout 2 years ago

Nice!!!! A little bit of a dick-move to start the relationship, but a happy ending for the Super fun and hot blind girl!!! She was a nice character!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Geoffrey is my new hero... and I can have dreams of Sophie's beauty...I hope you continue because you sure have talent and this story needs several more chapters. Great work I will be looking for the next chapter.

TanemundTanemundabout 2 years ago

There was a "cuteness" about this I really enjoyed. Great dialogue and good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I'd like more of this couple - they seem like long-termers, who would be interesting to follow.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireabout 2 years ago

Well written despite the fact that Geoffrey was a conniving jerk but I liked the joke ended up being on him (and figured that it would be). Good banter and it was nice to see them taking the chance for more at the end. Very nice job.

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