Blips on My Life’s Sexual Radar Ch. 04

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The fourth blip - Tracie.
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Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 11/18/2023
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Blips on My Life's Sexual Radar - Ch. 4

The fourth blip - Tracie

A/N - Thank you for joining me on this journey of love, lust, romance, and hopefully amazing sex. This series is about Sapphic love. There are no men involved in this chapter. There will be some light BDSM. I hope you enjoy this jaunt.


We kissed again basking in the enjoyment of each other's body, mind and soul. I am going to miss her when she leaves me in a few weeks but for now, this little slut is still mine until the Army got their newest medical student at the military medical school in Bethesda, Maryland.

I didn't look forward to moving back home with my mom and dad.


Yes, the perfect kiss from the right lover is good for the soul but can also break your heart. Right now, mine felt shattered.

****End of Chapter 3****


Finishing my first year of medical school was a feat in and of itself. I spent three or four hours in the library for each hour in class, I was studying my ass off as Ann mandated and supported. I will never forget Dr. Aaron's first lecture, "The first year of medical school is like drinking from a fire hose." She was correct. She also stressed balance and self-care; Ann was my self-care.

I kissed her once more and hugged her tight as she then climbed in her car driving from Waltham to Bethesda, starting her summer and her career as an Army Officer at USUHS.

Thank god I had listened to my peer group leader and like my peer first year students, I made an application to open 'shadow opportunities' and lowly positions at Mass General. It would make the summer go faster but in reality the hands on, well it wasn't hands on it was more, "eyes open; ears open", another Dr. Aarons quote, I would keep information learned fresh in my mind. The Anatomy & Physiology and Patient Interviewing and Assessment skills learned in our first year are a foundation every physician uses throughout their career.

I loved the Emergency Room, this was my gig and that is where I met Tracie Dunn. She is a hard ass of a Nurse Manager but a woman I knew I could learn from. She was vertically challenged, I wouldn't say she had a Neapolitan complex but we were warned not to fuck with her about her height. She was a firecracker with a sharp tongue, a quick wit and a very sexy pixie cut.

Fuck, she was a cutie with a rock solid body!

She was cute; she was on the thin side, not skinny but toned. She was that hot. I swear with her breath she could light a fire. She caught me a time or two looking at her. The first time, I blushed and turned, reminding myself I was there to learn and I needed to get my head out of my ass and do my job. The second time she caught me, well, I dug myself into a deep fucking hole and it took all the personal strength I had to work myself out of it.

Ann and I stayed in touch but as the July 4th holiday passed, she was getting serious in her Army training and preparing for her first year of medical school. Our messages got fewer and farther in between. My heart still longed for her but my sexual desire was ... well that was going down a different path.

That path had Tracie in the middle of it and this is where I got my ass into trouble.

The second time I got caught looking at Tracie, and when I say looking, I mean I was "undressing her with my eyes" kind of looking. Her ass, as cute as it is, got me into hot water.

It was a sweltering mid-July day in Boston. The heat index was oh my god hot. I was doing the least amount of work I could do and stay cool at the same time.

Yes, I was dead wrong but I was standing over by the nurse's station when I saw her with another nurse in a conversation. Tracie looked so delicious in her scrubs. They fit her hips and ass perfectly without being snug and out of dress code. I was staring, lewdly and yes, daydreaming when the next thing I knew she turned and looked at me.

A snarl drew across her face. Oh fuck!

She walked straight over to me and told me to move my 'lazy self' to her office immediately. I thought I was fucking toast. I swear the look she gave was one of I would be fired.

I followed her to her office where she very ceremoniously slammed the door behind me. She walked around her desk and took a seat and started with the tongue lashing, which I deserved. I stood there listening to her until it was almost too much.

She was relentless in her tone. At one point she paused and took a breath. Let me tell you her scrub top stretched across her bra encased breasts. Oh! My pussy quivered. This is the point I knew I was in trouble because I smiled. I felt my tongue lick my lower lip.

Suddenly she stopped talking and stood.

"I should fire you for sexually harassing me in this manner. I should ruin your career as a medical student for the stunt you just pulled." She seethed at me between her closed teeth.

I truly had no idea what she meant, all I did was stand there stoic. There was silence, so I filled it.

"Tracie, listen I am sorry I mean no offense to you or anyone else. I am not aware that I did anything wrong. I am not here to harass you or anyone. I just want to observe, learn and grow. I will do what I need for you to understand that."

Maybe I laid it on a bit too thick. She walked to me and yes I stand several inches taller than her, but she looked at me and told me to watch my behavior as I was "on notice". She even used air quotes.

What the fuck did that mean? She dismissed me from her office and sent me back to work. I stayed as far away from her as I could.

Maybe she wasn't meant to be in the middle of my path.

That night when I got home I was in a shit mood. I was upset at myself, I was lonely and well yes, and I was fucking horny. I curled up in bed with a book and decided to sleep it off.

Three days later, I was working in the Emergency Room. We were extremely busy for the early morning shift. I heard one of the nurse's comments that Tracie was in one of her moods and we should all steer clear of her. I did everything I could for the next four hours to steer clear of Tracie.

That all changed when I went into the employee break room to get a cup of coffee for me and one of our nurses. As I was walking out of the break room Tracie walked in. I was slightly startled, but I smiled politely, stepped aside, and started to walk back towards the nurse's station. Tracie turned as I was walking out the door and told me to come see her in her office after I was done.

Damn! What did I do now?

I popped over to the nurse's station, set the coffee's down and shared the bad news and headed toward her office. I knocked on her door and she waved me in.

"Close the door Elizabeth."

This wasn't good, the door was closed and she was sitting behind her desk. She sat there and looked at me. Then started the barrage of questions.

"How long have I lived in Massachusetts?" Then, "How long did I plan to stay?" I shook my head, I wasn't able to answer her as the questions kept coming.

"What did I do during the summer of my undergrad and first year of medical school?" Then another, "How many scholarships did I get?"

Tracie then crossed the line but I stayed calm when she asked, "Did daddy get you into medical school? Certainly he helped your privileged ass."

Wait ... What the fuck did she just ask me? Privileged? Is she for real?

I lost my mind. I was about to tear into her when I thought for a moment, this bitch is baiting me. That is what this is. This bitch wants me to lose my mind. She wants me to go off on her. She is trying to gain the upper hand and this over me.

Well this cooler head would prevail!

"Tracie, thank you for wanting to know about my background, I will simply disregard these questions. I will finish my shift and tonight I will contemplate walking to the HR office tomorrow before my shift and formally lodge a complaint against you regarding this conversation. When I finish at HR, I will not come to work, I will in fact, make my way back to the School of Medicine and share our chat with the Dean of Student Affairs."

I paused and reached for the doorknob then said. "If I decide to do this, I will be damn sure that not one more medical student from the program will ever come here to shadow under your management!"

I turned the doorknob to open the door. "No! Wait!" She screamed, almost begging.

I closed the door and turned to look at her. "Please wait." I heard her say with a vast amount of contrition.

I looked at her knowing I was wrong, to a point. Yes I was undressing her cute body with my eyes but I wouldn't admit that to her or anyone. I had a feeling I had the upper hand here.

"What?" I asked with a bit of heated sarcasm and a vile tone. "You best have something extremely impressive to say."

I was still fuming inside but needed to remain very calm. I wondered what was going on in her mind. She said nothing; Tracie just sat in her chair.

I turned the doorknob and said. "Cooler heads must and will prevail. I will make a decision if I am going to HR and the school to report this tomorrow morning. Good day, I am clocking out."

I walked out the door, went to the nurse's station and wished them all a nice afternoon, I clocked out and made my way home to decide what I wanted to do.


I got home, showered and changed into a chemise. My mind was a mess. I curled up on my bed reading Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. I knew this would be a challenge starting in a few weeks as I entered my second year and wanted to get a basic grasp.

As much as I tried, my mind was truly a wreck. My imagination was running crazy. I closed my book, adjusted my ceiling fan and closed my eyes trying to sleep. I tossed and turned all night long.

I woke up in the morning only to find a pillow between my legs. Worse yet, the pillow case was soaked and I was still sex starved and wickedly horny. This bitch was controlling me and I didn't like it one little bit. That needed to change, immediately.

I pulled myself out of bed; I took my shower and dressed for work. I got my breakfast and made my way out the door with a stack of mental notes piling up in my brain.

It was just after 7:00 when Tracie walked through the ER doors that I made up my mind and decided on my plan of action. For this to work I needed this to be as discreet as possible. If not, I knew she wouldn't go for it.

Tracie saw I was there but stayed clear of me and frankly I stayed clear of her. We didn't even acknowledge each other. I just looked past her.

A few hours into my shift there was a lull. I whispered to the one nurse that I was going to grab a coffee break. I made my way to the break room with a notepad and pen. I got my coffee and sat writing out a note to Tracie. I read my note and decided I was satisfied. Then I made a duplicate copy for myself.

I took the last sip of my coffee, folded the one note in half and walked to Tracie's office. When I approached, I saw the door was open and she was at her desk. I knocked and stood there waiting for her to invite me in.

She looked up at me. I could see, or at least I read strain in her facial expression. "Yes Elizabeth?" She spoke.

"May I come in and close the door?"

Before she could answer I was already across the threshold and was pulling it closed.

As the door clicked closed, I stepped in front of her desk. Her eyes followed me the entire way. My eyes didn't leave hers. I could see her breathing change and her eyes open as wide as possible.

You see, in human facial expressions, fear and surprise can easily be confused. It is typical for someone who is in a fearful situation to have an increase in their breaths per minute, their eyes widened and most tremble or show nervousness about them. The distinct difference, in surprise the mouth is usually open, hers was closed tight. Tracie was showing the signs of fear.

"You have two options as far as I am concerned." I spoke firmly and without hesitation. Tracie was stoic and didn't move a muscle. Her eyes never left mine and her hands were trembling ever so slightly.

"Agree right now to the items on the note which I will have you read in a moment. If you hesitate at all, even one little bit, I turn and walk to HR after which I go to the school and report you to the Dean."

I paused for effect. "And so you are aware I am not joking, I have a scheduled appointment with the Dean at 1:15, which I can cancel if needed."

I stepped forward and handed the note to Tracie then stepped back watching her read each of the seven bullet points I wrote out.

I watched her eyes move from side to side. I watched the movement in her lips as she read; I watched her brow furrow slightly as the perspiration that appeared at her hairline. I watched as she swallowed hard then looked up at me.

"And you will not go to HR and you will cancel the appointment at the Dean's office?" She asked with a bit of uneasiness.

"You agree right now, and ask no more questions, then yes. But you falter one tiny bit, you fuck with me in the least little bit, and I walk. Do you agree?"

"Y ... yes ..." She whispered.

"No bitch! Say it again!" I was firm

"Yes Elizabeth." She lowered her head.

"That is Miss Elizabeth when we are alone or behind closed doors." I firmly said to her.

She stammered. "Mi ... Mis ... Miss Elizabeth."

I leaned forward and took a pen from her desk and handed it to her. "Sign the bottom of the note in agreement."

Her eyes opened wider, if that was even possible. "Do it now Tracie."

I watched as she scribbled on the note. I stepped forward while reaching into my back pocket retrieving the other copy. I took the signed one from her hand. "I will let you have this other copy for a reference; I will keep this one for now."

I turned and walked from her office back to the ER.


Saturday, three days later

About thirty-five miles to the north of my parents' home lies the city of Nashua, NH. There are tons of things I love about Nashua including the small hometown feel, the local eateries and the shopping. Oh goodness the shopping. Well this afternoon and evening wouldn't be about the shopping.

It was just after 4:30 on Saturday when I pulled into the parking lot of Penuche's Ale House. I flipped down the sun visor and looked in the mirror.

"Meh" I thought to myself, "Not bad after a thirty minute drive in 90 degree heat."

I got out of the car and walked inside to the Hostess stand. When I was greeted, I shared that I was waiting for a friend, another woman.

She smiled "Are you Elizabeth?" I nodded and she continued. "Tracie described you and said you would be arriving around now. She asked that I look for you and walk you to her table." I smiled and followed Tracie to a table in the back area, just as my note had suggested.

As we approached the table, I saw Tracie stand. She was dressed in very comfortable jeans, very nice sandals. Her toenails were painted a bright red. She was wearing a nice white blouse with the top two buttons open. It was untucked at the waist. Her nails were painted the matching red as her toes. Her hair was just as I loved seeing it, a perfect pixie there was just a bit of length on the top.

She was looking wickedly sexy.

She smiled and watched me look her up and down. The hostess stepped aside and made her way back to her station. I closed the gap between Tracie and myself. I smiled and offered my cheek.

She stood up on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. "All as you directed Miss."

I stepped back from Tracie. "So far." I snipped back at her.

I took my seat and saw a glass of white wine and a glass of water at my place. I noticed a lighter color beer and a glass of water at her place setting.

"I see you followed my directions so far. Have you packed your overnight bag as the note said?"

Tracie nodded; I smiled and lifted my glass. "A toast then, to at least one night of me having my way with you. Eliminating the bullshit you tried to pull."

I took a sip and watched her facial expressions. She took a small sip of her beer, rather ladylike which truly impressed me.

"Now Tracie, tell me how long you have had bisexual tendencies." I took a sip of wine. "Which I am fine with."

I sat and listened as Tracie walked me through her past love life starting when she was in nursing school. She didn't give many details but she emphasized she never mixed work with pleasure and that is why she initially got pissy with me. Then she continued how the truest love of her life was living in Dallas, TX working for the cancer hospital there. A 'calling' that pulled her away from Boston.

"There are premier cancer centers in Boston. I call bullshit on her moving for a job Tracie."

I could see she was flustered. I listened intently and as the waitress approached for our dinner order, I pulled the trick Ann pulled on me. I slipped my foot to the back of her ankle, my toes just barely teasing the skin exposed from her jeans.

"I am not in the mood of anything heavy. My dear isn't either. We will have your Strawberry Walnut salad, light vinaigrette for me." I looked at Tracie, she just nodded. "The same for her, no bread. Instead of a white wine, please bring me an Espresso Martini."

I looked at Tracie, she spoke. "May I have a margarita on the rocks please?" We turned over our menus and went back to chatting.

I told her about my undergrad, grad school, and my real journey into medical school. I explained I was focused on becoming an ER physician. I laid it on a bit thick when I told her she almost crushed my dreams because of how she treated me.

"But that has all changed now, hasn't it Tracie?" I smiled at her as our fresh drinks arrived.

She spoke at a very low, almost a tone of uncertainty. "May I ask why you did this? Why are you doing this?"

"You threatened me and my career. You were wrong; this is how I control the situation. This is how I control you." I paused while finishing my wine.

"I find you very sexy. I find you attractive. Unobtainable, some might say." I took a sip of water and smiled at her.

I looked straight at her. "You used your position as my supervisor, the Nurse Manager, to attempt to enrage me to a point where you could fire me, ruin me, ruin my career. We can end this weekend now if you wish. Do that and you know what will happen Monday?"

She lifted her head, her eyes went wide. She shook her head indicating she didn't want that to happen.

She shook her head no.

"Fifteen." She looked at me with a curious look in her eyes. "For asking me again even after you were given a chance and for questioning the situation. You know full well why I am doing this. For that your punishment is fifteen swats, spanking on your bare ass." I stopped as I saw our salads coming.

As our food was served, I thanked the waitress and asked for a bit of privacy as we were in a very personal discussion.

When the server departed I continued. "Be happy it is only fifteen. The first time I spanked Ann she received fifteen swats. She got those for asking about a kiss. She didn't even question me as you just did."

I smiled and started my salad. We chatted a bit more about her career goals and if she would ever consider marriage. I smiled inside when she immediately waved off the marriage card; she was too set in her ways to change.

"Tracie, I disagree. You have already changed for me, haven't you?"

It seemed that she was going to offer a reason but she stopped herself. This was the point where I slid my foot around her ankle again and simply asked what it would take to break the protective shell that was surrounding her. The shell she was allowing to protect her.

That hit home as I watched her head drop. I felt bad for her, I truly did. Her heart must have been broken pretty badly by this woman in Dallas. There was something there or was the move to Dallas to break it off. I set my fork down and moved both hands across the table resting them on top of hers.