Blood Moon: Lucian's Story Ch. 04

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Betryal, pain and discovery.
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Lucian stared at Kiryn a moment longer before he pulled away from her and straightened first her clothing then his own. He could tell by the look on her face that she was shocked by her newly accorded fangs, but to him they stated that she had been lying to him all this time. He knew that she hadn't shared enough blood with anyone to undergo the Change, and to be honest he felt as if he was in a plot thicker then the best novel he had ever read. To him it simply meant that she had been part of the plot to take down the castle. There was no way someone suddenly sprouted fangs; in his mind this woman had betrayed him and his family. Everything had been nothing but an act and he had fallen for it, but now he planned to do the right thing. Turning from her he looked out over the dance floor and waved at Malachi who quickly hurried over.

"What is it Lucian?" he asked

Lucian didn't speak but simply pointed over to Kiryn who was holding a hand over her mouth as if she had uttered a foul word. Malachi stepped closer to her but Lucian quickly blocked him off.

"What is wrong with you Lucian? I doubt that she is going to attack me." Malachi said as he stared at his brother in confusion

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I was you Malachi. This woman is nothing but a liar and a betrayer to her kind." Lucian said his face like a statue

Malachi had never seen Lucian look so cold and distant before in all his life and it worried him in a way that he had not felt in centuries. He noticed that Kiryn shook her head violently but had yet to move her hand away from her mouth, a wild look in her eyes that had not been there when Lucian and her had departed a few moments ago. Lucian walked over to Kiryn and grabbed her hand jerking it away from her mouth showing Malachi what he had been talking about.

Kiryn simply stood there when her hand was pulled away her thoughts in turmoil. She was shocked and scared that she suddenly had fangs that she had never seen before, and more than terrified by the look on Lucian and now Malachi's face.

"You were part of the plot against us weren't you?" Malachi asked his voice cold

"No..I...I have no clue what is happening." Kiryn answered quickly

"I do not believe you. You didn't have fangs before and now you do, these things don't happen out of nowhere."

Kiryn stared at Lucian as he spoke and felt as if she was tumbling into a large hole. Why was he looking at her as if she were nothing but dirt?

Malachi looked over at Lucian his rage almost tangible.

"Take her to a single cell and leave her there. We can deal with her after this week's festivities are over. Until then she can decide wither she wants to tell us the truth or not."

Malachi turned and walked away leaving Kiryn alone with Lucian. She turned to him and tried t place her hand on his arm but he jerked away. Instead he grabbed her and pulled her through a paneled door and led her down the hallway her heels the only noise.

"Lucian...I swear to you I know nothing about any plots. I don't know why I have fangs; please don't do this to me." Kiryn said tears scolding her eyes.

She received no answer as they went further and further into the lower part of the castle. Lucian couldn't believe that he was such a fool to fall for such a trick, but he planned to pay her back for it tenfold. Once they reached the dungeon block he drug her to the furthest room in the small hallway and open the door shoving her inside. Closing the door behind her he turned to the guards who were looking at him waiting for orders.

"Do what you wish to her, she is to be given no quarter."

Lucian started to leave the dungeon even as he heard the cell door open and Kiryn call out for him. He ignored her screams for help and the laughs of the guards, the last thing he heard as he let the steel door slam shut behind him was Kiryn's cry of anguish.

Kiryn struggled against her attackers screaming for Lucian to come back, to help her, but deep inside she knew that he would not. He felt that she had betrayed him, and honestly she was no longer sure she hadn't. She didn't remember ever having fangs or that she ever knew anything about some sort of plot, yet now she seemed to be caught in the middle of something she didn't understand. She lashed out with her foot at the guards circling around her only to have it caught in the meaty grasp of the large one.

"The Prince said we could do whatever we wanted with you, you must have done something very bad to have all your rights taken away at one shot." The skinny one said as he leered at her, undoing his pants buttons.

Kiryn began screaming again as she fought harder but ended up pinned on her stomach on the vomit smelling stone floor. She felt her dress being pulled away from her body and drew in a breath to scream again for Lucian which ended in a cry of pain as the guard shoved himself into her. The last thing she remembered before blackness washed over her was two more guards entering the room loosening their clothing.

Lucian entered the ballroom trying to keep his black mood from being felt by everyone he walked by. Moving along the edges of the room he seated himself next to his brother at the large table.

"It is done, she is in her cell." Lucian stated

Malachi nodded his head as he searched his brother's face. There was something just below the surface that bothered him, but now was not the time to ask about such things. Dominic and Syra were approaching the table and Syra was already looking at Lucian puzzle covering her features.

"Where is Kiryn?" she asked as soon as she was seated

"Do not mention that betrayer's name in front of me again!" Lucian growled before standing quickly and heading for the exit.

Malachi, Dominic and Syra watched him until he was out of the room before turning back to Malachi, the look on her face one that made him want to squirm in his seat.

"What does he mean by betrayer? Really, Dom and I leave you all alone for ten minutes to find out what she is and suddenly she has betrayed him."Syra shook her head as she looked over the dance floor

"She has betrayed us Syra. She was part of the plot the whole time, though she was found out by accident. Please do not speak of this anymore until the week is out, I promise you she is safe until then."

Syra felt an odd feeling stirring in her gut but the tone of Malachi's voice made what he said a command, and even as his sister-in-law she could not go against an order. Still, something did not sit right in her mind.

Lucian leaned against the marble column outside the ballroom and clenched his teeth together. In all his life he had never made a mistake anywhere close to how bad this one could have been. He had endangered his whole family because he had been drawn in by a pretty face and some bruises. He moved slowly making his way to his room when Lita appeared from around the corner. When she saw he was alone she sauntered over to him and ran her hand up his chest.

"You look like you could use some stress release. You know you can use me."

Lucian didn't think twice about Lita's offer, pulling her into the closest room, willing to do anything to stop the emotions running through him.


Kiryn lay in the far corner of the room, her body curled into itself. She wasn't sure how long she had been in this cell, though she guessed for two days or more. He body hurt so much she didn't dare move. Since the first night she had arrived here Lucian had not come for her. Instead she dealt with the guards, sometimes the same ones sometimes different ones all together. She had lost count how many times they had violated her, how many times they had beat her, and she couldn't remember the last time she ate. At some point her hair had been sawed off with a dull blade and freezing water had been dumped over her. They hadn't given her any clothing, so she lay naked with nothing, not even her hair to cover herself. She knew she had lost a large amount of blood if the stains on the floor were any indication and she barely had the energy to keep her eyes open. The fangs which had gotten her into this mess were also damaged, part of one chipped from the fist that had landed in her face. At first she prayed Lucian or someone would come for her, now she only prayed for death. The sound of the door opening made her begin her prayers immediately.

Malachi stared at his brothers around the circle table in the meeting room, Lucian holding his attention more than any other. Despite the fact that he looked a bit pale, Lita was clinging to him as she had since the night Kiryn had been sent to the dungeons. He thought that Lucian would have shoed her away by now but instead, his playboy brother let it continue. Every night Lucian was with Lita, and several other women to be honest, no matter the time or occasion. It almost felt like it had before Kiryn had ever showed up, Malachi had even put this off from two extra weeks, but now it was timeto deal with it.

"Everyone here knows what this meeting is about, so we might as well start it. Does anyone have any idea what we should do?" Malachi asked

"Why do you think she has betrayed you? What did she do to give you that idea?" Syra asked quickly

Lucian shot her a glared that most men would have backed away from, but Syra was not one to back down so easily.

"It is obvious that she was involved with the plot to over throw us. That is all you need to know." Lucian said

"What proof do you have to support that?" Syra asked her body starting to tremble with outrage

"Well having fangs when she isn't supposed to prove that she lied about who she was. Plus she..."

"Of course she would have fangs! She is a Valtrysen; they do not grow their fags until they are one hundred and seventy-five years old." Syra said throwing up her hands

"How can you be sure she is a Valtrysen? Did she tell you that?" Malachi asked suddenly feeling as if a block of ice had landed in his stomach.

"No I found out on my own with Dominic's help. Her ability to tell age, race and even memories from blood is one of the abilities common to the Valtrysen. Coupled with the fact that most of the remaining members of that race live far from her after they almost went extinct that would explain why she doesn't know who she is. There is also a book with her name in it in the library. She is the only child of Roan and Marcel Salvent and also the last child to be born a pure Valtrysen before they left this area."

Syra stared into Lucian and Malachi's eyes as realization dawned on them. Malachi looked shock by the news, but the look on Lucian's face was more disturbing. He looked as if he had just found out that he had executed an innocent person, the look was not lost on Malachi.

"Guard bring Kiryn to us so that we may speak to her."Malachi said watching as the guard's face drained of blood quickly

"I...I don't think that is possible Your Highness."

"Why would that be?" Malachi asked

"She...she...there is a good possibility that she might be dead." The guard finally said

Malachi's head whipped to Lucian who was already out of his chair and heading towards the door. Syra was following him as was Dominic, Malachi at their heels. Lucian's head was spinning as he hurried to the dungeon. If what Syra had said was true, then that meant that Kiryn had done nothing wrong. And that Lucian had given an innocent woman over to the most brutal form of justice known among throughout the kingdom. In a way he hoped Syra was wrong, but deep inside him Lucian knew she wasn't. He just hoped Kiryn was still alive when they reached the cell.

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darkphoenixrisingdarkphoenixrisingover 13 years ago

This is the only part of the story that I have any problems with. Why is it that in fiction people undergo horrendous abuse and one the people the put them into that situation realise it was a mistake they are almost back to normal as quickly as it takes for the physical wounds to be healed? What happened to PTSD, Flash backs, instant phobias, and all the other mental damage that happens to people that go through this sort of thing? Even if you include a mystical link between mated couples, it's the damage is still there.

One truism about the human psychi is that it takes moments to destroy, and year to patch it up again, and patching it is all that can be done.

I'm sorry I'm saying this about your story, as apart from this it is a really good story and I look forward to reading the rest of it.

ushergalushergalover 13 years ago
I am so disapointed

I am so disapointed with Lucian and with all that just went on that just for the hell of it I almost gave you a just one star I belive she should make him grovel for two to five hundred years for the first week alone

spearman1spearman1about 14 years ago

Damn you Lucian!!!! She aught to bite the shit out of him first chance she gets!!!!

canndcanndabout 14 years ago
I am sick inside

Wow, you sure made it vivd what he did to her. Lucian is an insect to me now...after I thought he was so good. I know he felt betrayed since he had feelings for her starting when he punished her. Didn't he say that what the humans did was something that he couldn't understand them doing to "so lovely a creature." Can't he read thoughts...why didn't he read her thoughts that she didn't have a clue why she had fangs. Why do that to a woman no matter the reason? Disgusting. I can't know how she will not be broken after what she went through. I just am appalled. If she gets through this...

But I also blame Malachai and Syra. If Syra found out what she was in the moments after she'd been put in the dungeon but could do nothing b/c of Malachai's order to leave it be for the week, why would she not go to see her at least. Even if she couldn't approach the King to fight it, she could go see her or have her mate tell his BROTHER that the girl was not guilty. Why let a second week go by then without fighting for the girl. She at least could have gone to see her and found her being violated and abused.

Oh, Lucian. How could you do that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I love this story! Please don't delay with the next chapter, I am dying to know what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I love this story!

it's one of the best I've read on this site :) I can't wait to read the next chapter! please give me my Blood Moon fix soon ;)

I can't belive Lucian did that to her, I really hope he sufferers from his horrible action. I can't imagine how she can forgive him for this but at the same time they are just meant to be :)

great work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
love it

excellent chapters. please write the next ones asap. I can't wait another minute to find out what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Oh Man!

I have been waiting for Chapter 3 and 4 for awhile. I'm glad you continued with the story. Wonderful job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I'm extremely glad I found this jewel of a story while I searched the word 'betrayed' in the search box. I hope you update soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

whn r u gonna write d nxt chaptr............n dnt re-write ds chap........plz write fst m waitn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Don't re-write

Life is like a roller coaster.i don't like rape,but it happens.i survived and came good at the end.if i made it.then the story care full how you write the next the rest say,don't make her forgive him easy.they are soulmates.all i ask is do your best.x

Zodia195Zodia195about 14 years ago
Whoa I didn't see that coming

Dang, that's just harsh! Personally I do hope Lucian is forgiven. I will admit, I would forgive a man for that kind of mistake, but would I completely trust him again? Doubtful. So we'll just see.

Wolf_girl13Wolf_girl13about 14 years ago
ignore the nay-sayers!

ignore the people who tell you to rewrite. (unless YOU want to rewite of course) Not every story can have a perfectly happy ending, and not every part of the story can be sunshine and happiness. I really enjoyed this story, and yes, the rape/abuse part shocked me. BUT I don't think it ruined the story. In his mind, Kiryn betrayed him...yes, he over-reacted. Do I think that she should forgive him easily? NO!! I also don't think that he meant she could be used sexually when he told the guards she was to be given no quarter. He will be regretting this for the rest of his life. I don't know where you plan on taking this story, but rest assured, I will be looking for the next chapter(s).

As a writer, I understand the choice to put something like this in a story. It hurts, and it sucks, and people may say nasty things or stop reading, but you have to put it there to tell every aspect of the story. And if someone doesn't like what you write, then they don't have to read's as simple as that.

willieonewillieoneabout 14 years ago

Ahh yes poor Lucian he felt so bad when he gave permission for her to be abused that he screwed every woman he could get his hand on, I feel so sorry for him NOT!!!

The crush Kiryn had on him should surely be dead now and I am hoping that they will be replace by deeper feelings for Malachi. I know a few coments have blamed him aswell but I can't see it myself he told Lucian to put her in a cell for a while, not to have her abused, he just wanted to get to the truth. It was Lucian and he alone who decided to do more than he was ordered! I would like to know the punishment that he should get since he disobeyed the king who had a soft spot for her himself and was only taking Lucian's word that she had betrayed them, yet he didn't order her to be hurt in fact he told Syra that she would be safe where she was. So I can only imagine how enraged he will be when he sees her!----willieone

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Unless you want a female lead that has no backbone... no sense of self worth whatsoever, there is no way that they could ever be together. As a female, I would NEVER forgive a man that left me in a situation to be gang raped repeatedly, not only left me there but told the men to do with me as they wished. There is nothing he could do EVER that would make that up. Nothing. As suggested by others, please rewrite this chapter, please.

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