Blow Your Mind Pt. 14

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Brandi and Kory attempt to fix their problem.
12.4k words

Part 14 of the 18 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 03/14/2021
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Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay, but I had to put some thought into this one. I had the ending in my head, but was having a real issue getting there. I was finally able to work through the writer's block on it, and here is the next part. I hope you enjoy it, and as always be polite when providing feedback. There will be at least 3 more of these to get to the ending, maybe more. Sorry it took so long.


Brandi finished sweeping the lab for bugs and then double checked the door lock. She nodded and then pulled out the bag of cocaine.

"Well, time to get to it." Brandi said with a bit of excitement.

"Yeah. I am really looking forward to this. Don't know why, but I'm excited." Kory replied.

"I can tell, you are just as excited as me. Time to do some chemical analysis!"

"Yeah! Cripes, I can't believe I just said that." Kory said and they both laughed.

Brandi got to work and soon had the synthetic coke broken down into it's components. With a little more work, she had the mix down, and by the end of the first day she knew the entire formula and knew she could make more if she wanted.

Brandi ended up working late that evening. Part of the issue was that Kory was really into it, asking her to talk her through everything and even offering some advice sometimes or asking questions about why one way instead of another.

Brandi had noticed that Kory's eagerness had gone through the link and had fired up her intellect and curiosity, which had gotten her so involved she lost track of time and missed the cocktail hour with Steve. She had called him late and apologized, and they had a late dinner at a corner diner.

Steve had noticed something right away. After a bit he snickered.

"What's so funny?" Brandi asked.

"You. You are really into something, I mean, excited about it. You are practically twitching with excitement and energy. I swear your eyes are just about shooting electrical charges back and forth."

Brandi blinked and then giggled. "That obvious huh?"

"I could be blind and FEEL it, baby."

Brandi rubbed her hands. "I'm doing a research project, pure chemistry today. I had forgotten how much I LOVED chemistry. It was like I was back in class getting to play with the cool stuff in the advanced lab. I had a blast!"

"Fuck yeah! It was awesome!" Kory piped up. Brandi couldn't tell her apart in the link, they were both excited.

"Well, I'm glad you had a great day. But I'm sorry I can't take advantage of that. I gotta get some sleep, I have a big presentation tomorrow. As much I would love to help you burn some energy, I wouldn't be sharp enough in the morning."

Brandi giggled. "Actually, that works for me. I'm really focused on the work I'm doing right now, so I was hoping to have an evening I can just go over my notes."

Steve grinned and dropped her off at her place. Brandi pulled out her notes and she and Kory spent another two hours going over them.

The next day Brandi dug into herself. As in she tested her own blood and DNA and began to run tests on how the cocaine interacted with her. It was much the same as the day before, Brandi giving Kory a play by play and Kory asking all sorts of questions and making observations which just fired up Brandi's thought process more and more.

But while they learned a lot, they still had a lot of unanswered questions at the end of the day.

Brandi called Steve and told him she needed some alone time with the project and he said fine.

The third day Brandi had decided to do some more work on the RNA and DNA side of the situation. She was able to extract a good DNA and RNA sample and started working on some comparisons with normal people and even herself. Brandi had discovered that she had some DNA from prior to her change on file at her old college when she had donated some blood for experimentation thanks to Mr. Case doing a bit of digging. A few bribes and the sample was overnighted to her lab.

With all of these samples Brandi felt she (well, they) had a good chance of figuring out what the coke was doing to her.

While waiting for the computer tests to run Brandi started thinking and suddenly realized something.

"Kory, did you notice that we haven't had a craving for coke or sex all day?"

"Whoa. Damn, now that you mention it, we didn't did we? Not once. Hell, I don't really have any cravings right now either."

"I know. I'm so focused on digging into this it like it's eating all my energy. I get a little urge for sex when I think of Steve or just sex, and the same for the coke. But it's like my focus on the analysis is overriding everything else."

"Yeah. And you've been instructing me the entire day, like a teacher. And I remember it! I remember everything from the last three days."

Brandi focused her mind and looked at the desks and the link.

"Kory, are you seeing this?"

"Yes. We have some new files on our shared desk."

Brandi opened the new files. "This looks like part of my skill file on chemistry and medicine. But only the stuff we used. Hmmm, let me check something."

Brandi checked her own desk and then her own files.

Kory felt a chill go through Brandi's link. "What's up?"

"My skill files. The stuff we used today, it's not in MY file anymore. It moved over to the shared desk."

"Oh shit. Hang on."

Brandi felt concern and then another chill like hers.

"Brandi, check out the shared desk. Look there. The one called with Sex as the label."

Brandi checked it and gasped. "Fuck. Look at this! It's my collected sexual skills, all the ones I've used since I took you in."

"And some of mine. Look at this pelvic muscle usage, you didn't know how to do that until we did it on the boat."

"That's not all, sexy walks, movements, all that I copied from all the high-class escorts is in here."

"And all my stripper and dancer moves and struts. And my knowledge of illegal drugs, the mixing cutting, and so on." Kory added.

Brandi focused hard and checked out her core. After a moment, she let out a long mental sigh.

"Kory, focus on the shared desk. Look for a "core" file."

Brandi could feel the puzzlement and fear through the link. And then she heard Kory.


They were both silent for a bit.

"Kory. It appears we are slowly merging. That core file on the shared desk, it's us."

"Sort of us. We are still distinct personalities. But it looks like we are starting merge in certain spots."

"Overlap. Where we share common interests. Sex, power, mental challenge. Right now, you and I for all intents and purposes have the same sex drive. With a few exceptions, our sexual tastes have melded into one. Same for our fashion sense. We like looking sexy, we like being the center of attention, we like being desired. It's mixed, my high-end tastes with your sense of flare and show. My high-class glide and your sassy stripper strut."

"But that is really mental. Not biological or genetic."

"Yes Kory, but that is happening too. Eyes, body, chest, we are merging more and more."

"Let's not get worried. Once we have these tests done, we can see what's up with the genetics side of this. Maybe we can force us back apart and then we can dump this shared file."

"Maybe. Let's hope." Brandi said. She wasn't holding out much hope and she could tell Kory wasn't either.

"Shit, if we merge, what will that do?" Brandi thought. "Will it be a struggle for dominance? Or will our selves merge to form someone new? Or will we have a multiple personality complex? With Kory and I switching places? Damn it, why couldn't that bitch just have given up when I was trying to wipe her mind?"

Brandi could tell Kory was thinking hard as well. Her emotions were stable, but there was defiantly some fear and some determination. "She probably reaching the same conclusion as I am. Very likely one of us at least is on the chopping block and neither of us wants it to be her. This could get nasty."

After a lot of thinking the computer testing completed. It was late, but neither Brandi or Kory wanted to quit. Brandi printed the results and started reading. And what she found was interesting to say the least.

Compared to her original DNA from college, her new coding was wild. It looked like it was constantly changing or being recoded, which made sense considering she did entire body changeovers. There were several new types of sequencing that Brandi had never seen in any DNA code (going off of her pirated memories) which Brandi assumed to be part of the master code that enabled her to change her own DNA up.

Brandi had found some DNA from right after she had moved to Miami, prior to Kory, on some old clothes she had forgotten to wash in an old gym bag. She ran a comparison to that and found some more differences. After running some comparisons, she had found what appeared to be her "master" code or default setting.

But that had changed since Kory arrived.

Brandi could tell that her newer samples had been re-coded in certain areas. Eye color, body shape, hair color, and several others including bone structure in her feet and legs. It was while trying to figure out why this was when she realized what was going on.

"Kory, I've figured it out. Well part of it. The merging of the physical parts. Evolution."

Kory was silent for a bit and Brandi could tell she was thinking but not getting it.

"Evolution. Pure flat-out Darwinism. Those with the best traits to survive will survive and mate and pass on those traits to their offspring."

"Okay. I know the theory, but how is this got anything to do with us?"

Brandi giggled. "My body is remolding itself to be the most desired body it can be in order to attract a mate. A powerful mate."

Kory sent off feelings of puzzlement. "Not following you."

"Steve is strong, handsome, powerful, rich, grade A alpha male. By any standard, he's a mate any female is going to want. My body knows this. Not me, I mean my body, my, um, biological self if you will. My genes that want to get passed on."

Kory thought some more and then Brandi felt the mental light go on.

"Hold on. So your body is making itself more desirable for Steve? As it, figuring out what he likes the most?"

"Yes! I know that while he loves my eyes, he prefers blue. We know my eyes have shifted color, but have you noticed that our current blue-grey combo has just a hint greyer? My body has figured out exactly what color he prefers best."

"Shit! That makes sense! You have a knockout body, but didn't he make a comment down in the Bahamas about the size of tits he likes? And now we have EXACTLY that size?"

"Exactly! My body shape has been gradually adjusting to HIS tastes. You saw the places where the code seemed to be, um, not quite locked in? Things we are still finding out about what he likes. By my estimate, in a couple more weeks I'll be his perfect woman in terms of body type, hair color, eyes, you name it! Look at my leg structure, I can't walk normally now. I have that sexy as fuck strut-glide that causes Steve and pretty much every male who sees it to hyperventilate. My legs, heels, ankles and feet have been modified so I CAN'T walk any way but that."

"Damn, this is wild. I've heard of changing for your man, but this is taking a bit far."

Brandi and Kory laughed at that.

"So, in terms of physical body, it's not so much merging as adapting. But that doesn't explain our skills and mental parts. Those still appear to be slowly merging together." Kory said after they had caught their breath.

"That appears to be true. But this part here, this part of the code? This I think is where we have hit pay dirt. This is the sequencing for my brain DNA, specifically the parts of the brain that we believe house the, um, self or core."

"Hmmmm, I thought once your brain reached maturity it didn't grow anymore?"

"Normally not, but you can see ours is rather active. I think that when we transform, parts of the brain have to re-code themselves in order for the changes to take. And that is where the problem and solution lie."

Brandi pulled up a keyboard and pulled up the DNA coding. "This part here is where the transforming starts. See this coding? When we do coke, it activates. Watch the simulation."

"Oh wow! It went haywire when the coke hit the brain!" Kory said.

"Yes, even though it didn't start a full-on re-coding, you see how it ran a, um, a test pattern or something similar? Look here."

"Hang on, some coding got changed."

"Right. That is where the seepage is. Or where you are "leaking" into me. That coding change isn't changing my brain really, but it's causing the protections around my core to weaken while the brain is hyperactive. Yours too. And bits and pieces are leaking through. And each leak isn't plugged up fully when things calm down, so the more we do coke, the more we tear down the protection we have against each other. And my brain is trying to force it as well because we don't have balance."

"Balance?" Kory asked.

"My brain has two cores in it. My brain is not designed for that and is trying to "fix" it by forcing parts together. The way it, pardon the pun, "thinks" there should not be two completely different ways I enjoy sex. Since we have a lot of similarities, it has been able to meld them together without much resistance on our parts."

"So our own biology is actively trying to force our cores together for our own good." Kory said. "Well shit."

"Yes. That's it in a nutshell. But I think I have a solution. I can tinker with the RNA binders just a bit and make a blocker if you will. It should stop the leakage, at least for a while. With a couple of modifications, we can make a slightly adjusted hit of coke that can block our merging for several days. Even better is that this may amp down our addiction. I think one of the reasons we have our extreme urges for sex, learning, or coke is because my brain knows that every time we indulge it helps it to force our melding. So, my own sub-conscious is driving our hungers and if this works the urges should become less."

"Hot damn! Let's get to it!" Kory said with some heat.

"Okay, okay. It's late though..."

"Fuck that! Haven't you pulled an all-nighter before? Let's do this!" Kory was mentally hopping up and down in her head and Brandi found herself getting excited as well.

"Alright, what the hell. It's not like I have work tomorrow." Brandi said with a laugh and got down to work.


"So, this is the blocker?" Kory said as Brandi looked at the line of white powder.

"Yes. This should do the trick for at least 48 hours. It should prevent more seepage. My only issue though is that it may inhibit some of my abilities. As in shapeshifting. It may also stop us from learning "together" if you will. Instead of having a shared file, we may end up separate. That may be interesting to see though, because if that is the case, we may both learn differently."

"What do you mean?"

Brandi frowned at the line. "Well, everyone learns differently and remembers different things. Right now, with my abilities, I pretty much remember everything. But you may not or be focused on other things."

"Oh, I got you. We sit in the same class but take away different things."


"Well, that seems like a minor issue. But do you think this may mess up shapeshifting? Or working with someone's mind? Does that mean that it might cause you revert if you are in another form?"

"Shit, I didn't think of that. On that I'm not sure. I'm thinking more of preventing use of something."

Brandi looked at the coke for a moment and then sat back.

"Okay, we need to test this. Full test. I need someone to stimulate me, and then someone I can work on, test the mental abilities, and the shapeshifting."

"Our personal assistant?" Kory said.

Brandi thought a bit as she put things away and started to lock up. "Maybe. I'd like to use someone that we could dump if we needed to though, in case something goes wrong you know?"

"That makes sense, I guess. Let's eat and then figure it out."

Brandi locked up and they headed down to the beach. Brandi got a large breakfast and then they went for a walk.

"Ok Kory, what we are going to do is hire an escort and have some sex. We'll do the blocker after we fry her brain and then see what we have happen."

"Sounds like a plan. Based on what we know, in theory, we shouldn't have any issues with connecting and doing other things. But making sure she is out of it is a smart move."

Brandi pulled out her phone and made a call. "I always check out who is available at short notice in case of a job and I need to get things set up. Having a photographic memory is better than a smart phone any day."

Kory giggled. "Can't argue there. Where are we doing this? A hotel?"

"Nope, I have a couple of safehouses set up for just this situation. Nothing connected to me in any way, shape, or form. Just enter a code and in we go. I also have some hacks in place so all the cameras and security recorders will have a slight problem when we walk in and when our help arrives."

"Covering all the angles. Good girl."

Brandi made a call to a girl named Tiffany on a burn phone, a nice little blonde tart, and then drove to the safehouse. She parked 4 blocks away and eased into the apartment complex with no issues. It was late morning so not a whole lot of people were around.

Brandi picked the lock to get in, and then deactivated the alarm system. "It only goes to my personal number anyway." She told Kory.

The apartment was very plain and ordinary, and nothing indicated that it was anything different than any other place.

"Hey Brandi, do we have any food here? If we are going to transform and do all of our things, we will need some."

"I stocked this place with a lot of canned goods and some frozen things, plus a lot of energy drinks. We should be good, but if all else fails we can order in."

There was a knock on the door and Brandi let Tiffany in.

"Hi there! I'm Tiffany. Wow, you are beautiful." Tiffany said as she hugged Brandi. She pulled Brandi in close and said softly "Such lovely eyes".

Kory snorted and Brandi pulled the girl in and gave her a mind-melter kiss. Tiffany made an "Ummph!" sound and then went limp. Brandi dug through her mind and she was exactly what see seemed, just another hot blonde who was trying to make money in Miami using her looks. Brandi had her zombified in a few moments.

"Well, that was easy. Come on Tiffany, this way." Brandi said with a purr to her voice.

Tiffany was shorter than Brandi, about 5 foot 8, blonde hair, nice 36C rack and a fit body. She didn't have any tattoos and Brandi knew from her scan she was still pretty new at this game. Brandi led her back to the bedroom, sat her down and stripped her naked. Tiffany just stared into space with a slight smile on her face and didn't resist as Brandi laid her back.

Brandi stripped and then made a line with the blocker.

"Moment of truth Kory. You ready?"

"Do we want to give her some milk? Of just try this straight?" Kory asked.

"Let's try this straight and then see how that goes."


Brandi snorted the line and blinked.

"Um, wow! That is, uh..." Brandi said

"Different." Kory finished.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling really high, but more, uh, amped? More energy?" Brandi said.

"Same, it's like I've got static electricity or something but it's being held up." Kory replied.

Brandi took a blood sample and then went over to Tiffany. Brandi eased down next to her, and then kissed her. She made the connection easily enough and noted no real differences in what she was doing.

"Well, this is kinda funny. I'm here making out with a hot blonde and I'm not even really turned on." Brandi muttered.

Kory laughed in her head. "I know right? I'm so focused on seeing what will happen I'm not even enjoying the sex."
