Blue Eyes and Cold Feet

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Bailey has a change of heart on her big day.
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Hey folks, Delta here. I just wanted to say that this story is a little light on sex, so if you're just here for that go ahead and look towards the end. If I do decided to make this a series, future installments will be more focused on beautiful girl on girl action. Please feel free to comment or message me if you have anything to say!


Savannah looked down at her dress, baby blue, just like her eyes. It was probably just a happy coincidence, but she liked to imagine that her eyes were the sole reason that her and seven other bridesmaids were wearing blue. Who knows what goes through a bride's mind on her big day?

She was happy for Bailey. They had been friends since elementary school, as close as sisters and Savannah had always considered Bailey to be her best friend. In high school Bailey fell into popularity and became a cheerleader, while Savannah threw herself into running for the Cross-Country team and stayed decidedly out of the spotlight. Even running in different circles, the two were close. They talked for hours on the phone, had sleepovers, walked together at graduation, and even went to their Junior prom together when Savannah's boyfriend dumped her just two weeks prior. Bailey had been there for all the big moments, and now it was her chance to be there for her.

It felt strange to be there though, somewhere deep down she felt something like guilt. After high school, Savannah had left town for college, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she had abandoned her best friend. They still talked on the phone regularly, visited each other from time to time, and had a Snapchat streak some couples couldn't touch. Still, there was no denying they had grown apart in the six years since high school, Savannah didn't even know Tyler, the man her friend was marrying today. They had met once at a bar when she visited town a year or so back. It was the night the happy couple announced their engagement, and Savannah distinctly remembered drinking more than her share, so she remembered very little of meeting Tyler.

A knock on her hotel room door shook her from her reminiscence. "Savannah? Bailey wanted to see you." She heard through the door. It was Bekka, the maid of honor.

"I'll head right over," Savannah replied, "Thank you Bekka." She rolled her eyes. She understood why Bailey asked her to be the maid of honor, they went to nursing school together, and now worked together at the same hospital. It hurt to admit, but Bekka was Bailey's new best friend. It didn't change the fact that Savannah always imagined it would be her role in the big day.

She stepped out of her room and into the hallway. The hallway was a buzz of hurrying people and blue dresses as everyone hustled to get ready. Savannah made sure she was first in line to get her hair done so she could have some time to relax before the ceremony. As she approached the bridal suite, she passed by one of the younger bridesmaids as her mom was fussing with her dress. She was glad her parents were off at the venue setting up. Before she could knock on the door, it flung open. Kim, Bailey's mom was just on her way out.

"Hey Nana!" her expression suddenly smiling.

"Aunt Kim! I was wondering when I was going to see you." Savannah replied. Savannah had spent almost as many nights sleeping over at Bailey's house as she spent at her own. She had begun calling Mrs. Tanner "Aunt Kim" sometime in grade school as a joke and it sort of stuck.

"You look beautiful honey." She said, taking in Savannah's dress. Suddenly whispering, Kim leaned forward "Bailey is under a little stress, she needs her bestie."

"That's what I'm here for." Savannah said, smiling. At least someone still thought they were best friends.

"Don't let her get cold feet!" Kim said jokingly as she pushed past her and hurried down the hall. No doubt on some important wedding day business.

Savannah stepped into the suite, eyes turning towards the huge dressing room mirror in the corner. Sitting in front of it, a hunched mass of white, sat the bride. Bailey had her elbows on the table, head in her hands, and the subtle sound of sobbing permeated the room. Savannah didn't realize it was this serious, and she hurried to stand behind her friend. She didn't speak, instead she just gently rested her hands on Bailey's shoulders.

"Nana?" she called out in between sobs.

"I'm here." Savannah reassured her, leaning down and wrapping her arms around her friend.

Bailey raised her head from her hands, looking into the mirror, the two locked eyes. Even with tears in her eyes and running mascara, she was breathtaking. Bailey had always drawn more attention in school. Whether it was for her deep amber eyes, her catalogue model smile, or in the case of the high school boys, her ample chest, Bailey had always been the hot friend. Savannah was taller, by a good four inches, and where Bailey had rich chestnut hair and perfect skin, Savannah had a dirty blonde mane and freckles crowning her nose and cheekbones. Not to mention a cross-country runner's body. A boy on her team had once joked that the courses they ran had more curves than she did, and being that they lived in Oklahoma, the courses were flat as a paved road usually. At the time she laughed, and joked back, but she remembered crying about it that night when she slept over at Bailey's. Being the great friend she was, Bailey went on about how she wished she was as tall as Savannah, how she was jealous of her long legs and her "golden" hair, and then she talked at length about how she wished she had Savannah's baby blue eyes. Bailey always made Savannah feel like the best version of herself.

"Thank you, Nana," Bailey started to get her composure back, "Thank you for being here."

"Of course Bailey, now want to tell me what's going on?"

Wiping a tear off her cheek, Bailey straightened up, stared at her reflection, and spoke. "I can't marry him. Not yet at least, there's something else I need to settle."

Savannah felt her jaw physically drop, she stared at the reflection of her friend, trying to find something to say. Before she could find her words, Bailey stood up and stepped away from the mirror. She took Savannah's hands in her own and faced her. Savannah stared down at Bailey's face, still at a loss for words. There was still a sadness in those big amber eyes, but also a strong resolve. Savannah felt her friends hand rest on her cheek as their eyes locked.

Slowly, Savannah felt herself being pulled closer. She didn't dare speak, afraid to ruin the moment, but her heart began racing. She wasn't entirely sure what was happening, but it felt right. Bailey's eyes closed, while Savannah's stared at her friend's full lips. Was this really happening?

Then they met. Savannah froze as Bailey pushed her lips into hers, and seconds passed until her resistance melted away. Closing her eyes, Savannah leaned into the passionate kiss, embracing her childhood best friend and pulling her closer. Her lips were soft and warm, and Savannah wondered what they'd feel like elsewhere on her body. Shame finally pushed the thought out of her mind and her cheeks felt flush. She pulled Bailey closer. The kiss felt like it lasted forever, and part of her wished it would have, but eventually Bailey pulled away. opening her eyes, she searched Savannah's face, trying to find some hint of reaction.

"I'm sorry to spring that on you... but I've wanted to do that for years now." Bailey admitted timidly. "Are you mad?"

"Mad? Bailey Mae Tanner, that was the best kiss of my life." Savannah replied, finally finding her words. Then she stopped to think about what Bailey said, "Years? Really?"

Bailey giggled, suddenly bashful. "Yeah, I mean you did look pretty hot as my prom date." She winked

"Oh hush." Savannah said playfully pushing her friend away. She turned around to collect her thoughts

"Hey, I grew up when you left town, started... experimenting." Bailey offered teasingly, fishing for a reaction.

"You mean to tell me I'm not your first girl?" Savannah whirled around, feigning offence.

"Oh no. Your girl got around a bit. This makes number..." Bailey squinted one eye and pretended to count on her fingers. "one... two... four. You're number four. Sorry love." She winked teasingly. "Not to mention all the gentlemen lovers, and the whips and chains, and the orgies."

Savannah knew she was mostly teasing, but Bailey had always been a pretty strait-laced kid, and her newfound promiscuity surprised her.

"Come on, we both know all the stories about you in school weren't just baseless rumors." Bailey continued, closing the distance between her and her friend. Savannah blushed; it was true. Savannah lost her virginity as a Sophomore to an older boy on the cross-country team. Where her looks alone didn't get her the attention she wanted, she used her body. She wasn't ashamed of it, she enjoyed her sexuality, however she was under the impression that she hid it well. Apparently not.

"Those damn baby-blue eyes haunted my fantasies." Bailey was once again face to face with Savannah, a primal hunger now burning in her own golden eyes. "And I never did get laid on prom night."

Savannah pulled her friend into another kiss, not timidly as before, but wild and passionate. Bailey's hands wrapped around behind her head, and Savannah felt her friends tongue thrust into her mouth. Welcoming the intrusion, Savannah's hands began to wander, feeling the beautiful material of her friend's wedding dress, finally settling on her gorgeous bottom.

"Ever been with a girl? Bailey asked between passionate kisses.

"Never had the pleasure." Savannah teased back.

"Can't wait to pop your cherry then." Bailey finished with a wicked smirk on her face. She had maneuvered the taller girl to the bed. She gave her a little shove and Savannah fell back, now sitting on the bed. Bailey leaned in for one last lingering kiss, before pulling away. The bridesmaid's dress was slit down one leg, allowing Bailey to easily hike it up, unveiling Savannah's long, toned runner's legs. A smile crept across Bailey's face as she noticed a pair of black lace panties gracing her friend's hips.

Bailey did her best to sound accusatory "Which one of the groomsmen were you going to fuck?"

"Shut up, a lady has to be prepared." Savannah retorted.

"True, not sure how that applies to a slut like you though."

Savannah was stunned by Bailey's choice in language but smiled back. It wasn't the first time someone had called her a slut while undressing her, and she secretly loved the title. She felt Bailey's gaze crawling up and down her bare legs, admiring the sight. Bailey silently bit her bottom lip, holding herself back from diving between those long legs like she wanted. Savannah knew what came next, she quickly kicked off her shoes and drew her knees towards her chest, setting her heels on the edge of the mattress. The only thing that stood between her womanhood and the hungry lips of her longtime friend was a thin layer of chiffon.

Bailey, still radiant with her hair styled, and slightly blemished makeup, closed her eyes and planted a long kiss just inches above Savannah's ankle. Then began a steady trail of kiss up her muscular calves, moving even more slowly when she reached the smooth pale skin of her inner thighs. Savannah subconsciously bit her own lip; the anticipation was killing her. Her body ached with desire now, she was completely at the mercy of the bride. She didn't want it any other way. The trail of torturous kisses was inching ever closer to her nexus, becoming wet and long as she did. Her lips now hovered hungrily over the sheer material of Savannah's lingerie and paused to inhale deeply.

"Darling you smell almost as good as you look." Then leaning forward, she planted one last kiss on Savannah's panties, and then stood up.

"Did I do something wrong?" Savannah asked, looking up in surprise. She desperately wanted that touch, she was so close to getting it.

"Not at all Nana, I want you, but here's the deal. I'm about to pull the runaway bride act, and I want you to come with me. If you want your bestie to go down on you, you're going to earn it." As she said that she raised her nose in the air a little, putting off an air of snooty superiority.

Savannah stood up, locking eyes with Bailey. "So, let me get this straight. You brought me in here, on your wedding day, to confess that you had a crush on me? Then you play on my emotions, get into my pants and then ask me to run off with you as some sort of sex slave?"

"Nana I..." Bailey stuttered, suddenly ashamed.

"I'm so fucking in." Savannah cut her off, dropping the act. "Where are we going?"

Bailey looked up into the smiling face of her best friend, now smiling herself. "Well, I've got a couple's cabin in the Rocky Mountains. Want to go on my honeymoon with me? Savannah just kissed her on the lips. "I'll take that as a yes then. Before we go though, can I take my new toy for a spin?"

Savannah smiled, she had never been called someone's toy, but she liked it. "What did you have in mind? A formality really, at that moment she'd have done anything to please the honey-eyed beauty in front of her.

Bailey smiled, looking up at her, and without a word placed her hand on top of Savannah's head. With gentle force she pushed down, and the taller blonde got the message. Savannah sunk down to her knees, never taking her eyes off her friend's. In response, Bailey placed her right foot on the frame of the bed, pulling her bridal gown up over her own hips, revealing that she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing beneath. Savannah had seen other girls changing in locker rooms, but here he was, just inches away from the most perfect little pussy she had ever seen. Bailey had obviously spent some time grooming for her big night, clean shaven except for a little patch of dark hair, pristine like a porn star. The scent of perfume, and something heavier and more alluring was apparent. Savannah felt the hand on the back of her head lead her in closer. She could feel her heart rate increasing but she allowed herself to be led in, she wanted to be a good toy after all. Savannah was held there, so close that she could feel Bailey's landing strip tickling her nose. That heavy scent was overwhelming now, musky and forbidden, the scent of another woman. She had never wanted something so badly.

Bailey lowered her voice, suddenly very serious "Enjoy that smell sweetheart, it is going to rule your world for the next few days, because you belong to me. Got it?" Savannah blushed; she had tried some soft domination play with a past lover, but it never felt right. Now it just clicked, she finally found someone worthy of submitting to. Her sweet childhood friend was now a strong, powerful and sexy domme, and Savannah could not be happier with the change

"Yes ma'am." Savannah replied obediently, trying not to sound too excited. With that Bailey pushed her eager friend face first into her pussy. Savannah had never done this before, but she was eager to please, and plunged her tongue in-between the pink folds of her friend's pussy, tasting the sweet honey and enjoying every drop. Bailey seemed to enjoy it and began gently rocking her hips, riding her new plaything's face. Continuing her rhythmic licking, Savannah snaked her hands around Bailey's hips from behind, pulling her new mistress in closer. She lost the rhythm and was just hungry licking at her lovers slit, enjoying the moans she was eliciting. With one hand she felt for Bailey clitoris, using two fingers she parted the hood and attacked it with her tongue. Bailey nearly double over at the sudden assault but found her composure and began riding her slave's face with a fresh enthusiasm. Bailey was now moaning, long, and low as she mercilessly rubbed her pussy against Savannah's mouth. The moans got louder, and less frequent until an orgasm wracked her body and she held Savannah tight against her. From on her knees, Savannah felt her friend's orgasm and was rewarded with a flood of sweet juices that she happily lapped up.

After several long moments, Baily brought her foot back down to the ground, her dress falling about her ankles again and she collapsed on the bed. Savannah got up and set next to the would-be bride. Bailey, with her eyes still shut, felt around the bed to find Savannah's fingers, without looking she interlaced her fingers and the two held hands for several long minutes, smiling inwardly.

Finally, Bailey sat up. Turning to face her friend she spoke, "Hey, I know I made a big deal about the sex... but I wanted to let you know that I have real feelings for you, that's why I asked you to come in here. I really intended to marry him... but then I saw you."

"Hey, it's a long drive to Colorado, we've got plenty of time to be sappy. I'll take first shift, you look like you can barely walk" Savannah said with a wry smile.

"I do feel a little weak in the knees," she admitted, "care to help me out to the car?"

"Of course." Said Savannah, getting to her feet, never letting go of her best friend's hand.

Bailey struggled to her feet after her, glancing at the bridesmaid dress, then taking a moment to look Savannah in the eyes, then said "I'm glad I settled on that color, I think I got your eyes just right."

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RubyRedLipsRubyRedLipsabout 3 years ago
Very nice

A little abrupt and I'd like to see a more character development, but still, very nice.

MICHAELG1963MICHAELG1963about 3 years ago

This has to continue for sure, you can even slow it down some and have them reconnect with some past memories from when the crush began, Great first chaapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This needs to continue for sure

MigbirdMigbirdabout 3 years ago
Nice Start

Like the start of this adventure - just enough about the two heroines, some humor and a bit of sex. Looking forward to more. Glad you started to share your imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
More chapters

Well done. Hope there is more

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