Bob and Cora

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A taste of her own medicine.
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"Where are you going all dressed up like that" my wife asked as I came down the stairs in a suit and tie.

"A bunch of guys and I are getting together to have a boys night out. We are going to meet at the Kit Kat Club."

"Kit Kat Club? That's a pick-up place."

"No it isn't, but even if it was so what? I'm a married man and I have no intention of cheating on you. The owner is Mike's brother and is going to give us our drinks for half price."

"I'd rather you didn't go."

"I've already told the guys to count me in. Got to run. I don't know how long I'll be so don't wait up" and with that said I was out the door.

As I drove away from the house I thought about what had just happened. I don't know if Cora realized it, but our short conversation was almost word for word what she said to me when I came home from work six weeks ago and found her dressed to the nines and ready to head out on a girls night out. The only things different was she went to the Starlight Lounge instead of the Kit Kat and there was no mention of half priced drinks. Since that night she has gone out with the 'girls' every Thursday evening. I protested, but to no avail.

Then one Thursday night I called her and told her I was hung up at work and would be home late. She told me she would leave a plate for me in the micro wave and to give it three minutes. I was parked at the end of the block when she left the house. I gave her a block head start and then followed along behind here. I didn't know if she would spot me or not. If she wasn't doing anything wrong I doubted she would be looking to see if she was being followed. Even if she was doing something wrong I doubt she would worry about being followed because I was too dumb or clueless right?

I don't know if she thought I was dumb and clueless. Maybe she just didn't realize she was throwing up red flags. She left for work in a nice dress and heels and she couldn't leave work and go to the lounge in them? She had to come home and dress sexier (at least to me it was sexier) to go meet the 'girls' at the lounge? Coming home later and later? Having to shower as soon as she got home? She couldn't use cigarette smoke as an excuse for that because it was against the law to smoke in bars and restaurants.

She drove to the Starlight and parked in the last row from the building. I thought that was strange as there were plenty of open spots closer to the door. I parked where I could watch her car, but where she wouldn't notice unless she made a point of looking.

I knew the layout of the Starlight and there was no way I could walk in and not be noticed and I didn't want that so I had to be sneaky. I'd stopped by on Wednesday and found out who would be the cook on Thursday. A hundred dollar bill and a promise not to cause a scene got me access through the back door into the kitchen and a spot where I could see the bar and the dance floor and not be seen. Well I could be seen, but wearing a white coat and a chef's cap I was betting that no one would think to take a closer look.

Cora was already seated when I got to where I could watch. She was sitting at two tables pushed together with three other women and four guys. She was just breaking off a kiss with the guy seated to her right when I got to my observation spot. I got my phone out and it to record video and then for the next two hours I watched Cora dance with the guy sitting to her right and kiss him and let him play grab ass with her. After two hours the group started breaking up and I thanked the cook for his help and headed out to my car.

It was about fifteen minutes before Cora and the guy she had been hanging off of most of the evening came out and walked to the car she was parked next to. That made it hard for me to see what was going on, but I saw enough. True, they weren't on the back seat, but the tonsil swabbing told me all I needed to know and I headed on home and went to bed.

I was still awake when Cora got home, but I pretended to be asleep. The bedside clock said 11:05 and it was 9:35 when I left the parking lot so she had enough to do the dirty. And she did take a shower before coming to bed. When she did come to bed she spooned up against, kissed my neck and whispered "I love you."

I'll just bet you do I thought to myself as I lay there waiting for sleep to take me.


Friday at work I thought about what I should do. Cora was cheating on me. That was a given. Maybe, just maybe, she hadn't given up her pussy, but to me make out sessions with another man and dancing with a man and letting his hands paw your body was cheating as far as I was concerned. To the level of getting a divorce? It was something I was going to have to think about.

Whatever she was doing it had no effect on our sex life. Even after ten years together we still got it on three or four times a week. I was making love, but was she?

I stewed about it for three or four days and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. She came home and dressed to the nines to go on her girl's night out so I would go home from work and dress up for my boy's night out.

Of course there wasn't going to be a boy's night out, but Cora wouldn't know that. I'd just head to one of the sports bars on the other side of town, kill about three hours and then come home and immediately shower. That should get her attention because I never shower at night. I have always showered when I got up in the morning.


I was savoring the sour look on Cora's face when I left the house and headed for the sports bar. Halfway there I decided against it and headed for the movie complex over on Perry Avenue.

I took off the coat and tie and left it them the car, headed into the complex, picked one of the six movies, bought popcorn and a Coke and then sat down to watch and kill time before going home.

I put the coat and tie back on and headed home. Halfway there I had the thought that if Cora had waited up it would aid my deception if I had alcohol on my breath so I stopped at Buckskins to have a drink or two. Buckskins was a country/western bar that had bands on Friday and Saturday nights.

The band that night was Carlos Washington and I was able to get a seat at the bar and I ordered a PBR. I sat there, drank my beer and watched couples do a two-step out on the dance floor. When it ended the band started playing Strait's "The Chair" and people lined up to do the "Cowboy Cha Cha as a line dance and I got off my stool and joined them.

I stayed out there for an Electric Slide and then went back to my bar stool. I ordered one more beer and was going to drink it, watch the dancers until I finished it and then go home. That changed when Carlos announced he'd had several requests for "Ride Cowboy Ride" and he had no sooner finished his announcement when a hand hit my shoulder and a voice said;

"Hey cowboy; they are playing our song."

I turned and found Brenda Asher standing there. She pulled me off my barstool and then pulled me out onto the dance floor. On the way I asked her how the song got to be our song.

"Because it will be the first song we've ever danced to."

I couldn't argue with that I thought as we moved into a western swing. I'd known Brenda for about five years. She worked for the same company I did, but in a different division. The western swing was not a dance you could talk during, at least not conversation type talking so I just kept my mouth shut and concentrated on the dance.

When "Ride Cowboy" ended the band went into "Coopertown Road" and we stayed out on the floor for the line dance and when it ended Carlos said the band was going to take a break. As we were leaving the floor Brenda said:

"Grab your drink and join us at our table."

"Who is us?"

"Girls from work. You know all of them."

She followed me to the bar and when I had my drink in hand she led me over to where two tables had been pushed together and five girls were sitting. I knew four of them, but not the fifth. When we got to the table Brenda said:

"Hey guys; look what I found. Our very own dance partner."

Then to me she said "You know all the girls, right?"

"I know Sally, Marsha, Patty and Mary, but not this other young lady."

"Pauline French" the woman said as she offered me her hand. "Bob. Bob Dalton" I said as I took her hand and shook it. I sat down and asked:

"What brings all you ladies out on a Friday night?"

"A girls night out" Marsha said, "And why would you ask that?"

"Friday is a prime date night and I can't imagine ladies as lovely as the six of you not having dates."

"All of us are married" Sally said. "We just have a girl' night out one Friday a month. Friday because most places don't have bands during the week. What's your story?"

"A boy's night out."

"Where are the other boys" Patty asked.

"Aren't any. Just me."

"Sounds like there is a story there" Pauline said.

Other than seeing her at company social events none of the girls knew Cora and I did feel the need to unburden myself so to speak, and what the hell, maybe getting a woman's perspective would help me understand. So I told them the story up to and including my mirroring Cora's actions.

"But you don't know if she has had intercourse with anyone yet" Brenda asked.

"Not yet, but I'm thinking of hiring a private detective to see if I can find out for sure.

"Why don't you just confront her" Sally asked.

"If I did and she denied everything I'd be right back where I started. If I had information from a detective I would at least know if she were lying or not."

Then Mary said "Maybe what she is doing is what I did a few years back. There was a guy at my last job who kept hitting on me even though he knew I was married. It finally pissed me off and I decided to screw with him. I led him on and let him think he was getting closer and closer to getting me and every time I sent him home with a case of blue balls. Could maybe your wife be doing something like that?"

"So don't confront her" Brenda said. "Let her do the confronting. All you need do is take turns dancing with us girls and you will smell of perfume when you go home. I'll even make sure of it. Just before you leave I give you a spritz of the perfume I carry in my purse. Your wife will smell it on you and I'll bet she will confront you. Then you just tell her you are only doing what she does and if it is good enough for her to do it should be good enough for you to do. Then see where it goes from there."

"Think it will work?"

"What have you got to lose?"

"It sure will be cheaper than hiring a private detective" Patty said. "It cost my brother over three thousand dollars and the detective didn't find out anything."

I decided to go for it since as Brenda had said "What did I have to lose."

I danced with the six girls until 10:30, thanked them for a fun evening and headed for the house.


Cora was up waiting for me when I got home.

"Hi" I said, "I thought you would be in bed by now. I'll meet you in the bedroom. I've got to take a quick shower" and then I headed for the shower.

She followed along behind me asking "Why do you need to shower? You never shower at night."

I ignored her, shed my clothes and dropped them on the bedroom floor. I stepped into the shower and took a quick one and when I came out I found Cora sitting on the bed with my suit coat in her hands.

"You said you were going out with the guys, but this coat doesn't smell like you were out with the boys. I'm not happy about this Bob. Not in the least."

"You aren't happy about it? Let me see if I can wrap my mind around this. You come home from work every Thursday, dress up sexy as all get out, go, leave the house for a girl's night out, come home late, take an immediate shower and then come to bed. Tonight I came home from work, dress up in my best, went out for a night with the boys, came home late and immediately took a shower. So you are saying it is okay when you do it, but not okay when I do it?

"When I was upset with you when you did it your attitude was "Tough shit Bob; live with it" but now that you are the one saying you aren't happy with it I'm supposed to care? Doesn't work that way Cora. What's good for the goose is good for the gander."

"Bullshit Robert! I go out with the girls, not the boys. You said you were going out with the boys, but from the smell of your coat you are obviously with the girls."

"There you go again. It is okay for you to dance with guys on your girl's night out, but it isn't okay for me to dance with girls on my boy's night out?"

"I don't dance with guys when I'm out with the girls."

"No? Hang on just a sec" I said as I went and got my phone. I pushed all the right buttons and brought up the video I had of her.

"You don't dance with guys when you are out with the girls? Then who, pray tell, is the woman in this video if not you?"

She watched the video and her face went pale and I could read her mind. "What else does he know" came through load and clear.

"Now why don't you explain the kisses and his hands all over your body and you doing nothing to shut him down?"

The silence was, as they say, deafening.

"Come on Cora; out with it. I want to know all about it. Up to, and including, what happened in the man's car when you left the lounge."

She looked down at the floor, took a deep breath and then looked at me.

"Please don't interrupt me until I get it all out. I was being a bitch. His name is Brad and he is the company Casanova. He has bedded all the single girls and two of the married ones. According to the girls he has a large cock and knows how to use it. I guess he decided it was my turn and he started coming on to me. I've always thought he was an asshole because of the way he would go after a girl, get her, stay with her for a month or so and then drop her and go after someone else. When he decided I was his next target I decided to lead him on, let him think he was getting some were and send him home with a case of blue balls.

"For weeks now I've played him by letting him think he is getting closer to getting what he wants. Since you seem to know I was making out with him in his car you must also know that we never made it to the back seat. He was sure he had me that night, but he has no idea that what happened that night was as far as he was ever going to get. He got that far again last night and he thinks he is wearing me down, but he is never going to get me. I'm yours and he is never going to get what is yours and what is always going to be yours and yours alone.

"I've had a good time screwing over him, but now that you know I'll have to put a stop to playing him. I was going to shut him down once and for all next week, but now I'll just do it at work tomorrow."

"I'm not happy about this Cora. I don't think you thought it through. Ever hear of date rape drugs?"

"Don't be silly Bob; Brad isn't the type to do something like that."

"Listen to yourself Cora. You just finished telling me this Brad asshole has screwed most of the girls you work with including some of the married ones. He is a proven asshole. It seems like he wants to notch his bedpost with every woman he works with. He damned sure might resort to drugs to get what he wants."

"I never even looked at it that way." She paused and then said "When I end it at work tomorrow I think I'd better do it in front of witnesses and then let all the girls he hasn't gotten yet know about what you've said about bedposts and drugs. Are we going to be okay?"

"Like I said, I'm not happy with what you were doing, but it looks like I've caught it in time."

Cora stood up, stripped and then said "Come to bed baby and I'll prove how much I love you."


"Did he buy it?"

"Hook line and sinker."

"Are you going to keep seeing Brad?"

"I probably shouldn't, but Damn Pauline, his cock is so huge I actually have screaming orgasms. Bob is great in bed and I do love him to death and I keep promising myself I'll stop seeing Brad, but then I start thinking about those three fat inches he has over Bob and I backslide. I've probably only got another week or so since Brad never stays with any one girl for long."

"I hope you know what you are doing. Your hubby is a great guy and you are taking a big chance on losing him."

"I'm just glad you were there when he told his story and thanks for giving me the story I told him."

"I'm glad I was there too and that he didn't recognize me. Of course he only saw me the one time at your wedding and I was just one new face among many. I was just lucky that I was able to slip away and call you while he was out on the floor dancing. Sorority sisters are forever and will always have each other's back. Right?"'

"Damned right" and then the two fist bumped saying "Sigma Gamma Rho rules."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


This thing needs a sequel. We do not know how slut is going to see Big Dick in the future, and she plans to do so.

Tough story

Shame she does not really love Bob anymore, yet has deluded herself that she thinks she does.

Lying sluts are the worst, Bob is in for a life of deception and pain, and she will do it to him while claiming and thinking she loves him.

Really not smart not to watch the entire session in the car between slut and Big Dick.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great and humorous story. This Bob is a dope.

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson3 months ago

This needs a sequel

ker63469ker634693 months ago

The story was ok but the ending sucked. This guy really got the shaft. The wife and her sorority sister need to pay for their deception

avidreader62avidreader623 months ago

If I were Bob, I would not have bought into her story at all because it was too close to what the woman said at the bar. I would out 2 and 2 together and figure this was a conspiracy. I would hire the PI, get the evidence, and divorce her. No reconciliation because she lied and even got her soror to help in the deception. No way Iโ€™d trust her again. I hope there is a sequel to that effect.

za_robionyza_robiony4 months ago

And where is justice?

SatyrDickSatyrDick4 months ago


NOPE! Just flippin' NOPE!

I usually like your stuff, but this is just out and out TRIPE!

Sigma Gamma Rho must equal a bunch of slutty CUNTS!


oksideshow859419oksideshow8594195 months ago

What a bunch of BS there better be a sequel to this story


CamdudeCamdude5 months ago

This author is very good,unfortunately said author seems to enjoy writing stories with no real end.How does the bitch get caught,how does she react?Damn it those are the things I look for in a cheating wife story and these "imagine your own ending" tales are a big let down.Sorry but Ive got to just plain not read just plain bobs stories.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


MattKesterMattKester10 months ago

This story is a start, but it's not finished. The wife WILL get caught, or something will happen to knock the husband over the head with facts. And if he's still not suspicious, well... Believe me, in a couple days of running back through the conversation, he'll see the holes in the story. Need to finish this story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Another slut gets away due to stupid guy

Btrying2Btrying211 months ago

No this is so wrong to let him be this gullible He sniffed out the cheating - it is and was cheating eveni if she said it was for a purpose! She was playing grab ass and tonsil swabbing with other guy for several weeks. She should be gone. He is too astute to go gentle into the night. The story is too much like the one he was told to pass the smell rest. She was to into this from what he observed to be settling the asshat up. A soon as possible get a PI to shadow her at least a couple of weeks. One make-up sexromp doesn't get her out of this mess! Keep after her. The PI is worth the price for peace of mind. But still she needs to go for the lack of respect. She'll do it again. John

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry....hate an author is leaves reader without an ending........otherwise a decent story!

DrgwngDrgwngabout 1 year ago

this writer is unique in lw. Not only produces vast quantities, but that vast quantity is complete shit , with formulaic writing, weak character dev, and breaks almost all the standard creative writing rules, not the least of which is never providing any decent ending.

l0ver0tical0ver0ticaabout 1 year ago

What she meant to say was, "Sigma Gamma Hoes rule..."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That is the end? I have read quite a few of your stories. A lot of them have no ending closure. You think that most readers want stories with no end? I am a reader who likes closure. So I guess I will have to live with the way you write or check each story at the end before I start to read it.

BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago
A sad

And disrespectful lying bitch and a lying bitch accomplist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He let his "little head" overrule his big head. A little sex and he believes her? Next time put an audio recorder in her purse.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

Needs more of an ending. Either she realizes the risk and breaks it off, or she gets caught.

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