Boobs that Dreams are Made of


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Officer Barker: Right, I see. That makes sense. I'm sorry you went through that. But I have to ask: why didn't you go and see a doctor then? What you're describing sounds completely debilitating. How could you live like that?

Alicia: Oh I'm aware of how it sounds. It was debilitating. Well, almost. The thing I did struggle with was just the volume of the things. I couldn't get my arms around them anymore, so putting on my homemade bra caused me to waste at least 15 minutes every morning just juggling my own breasts around. They also made it a serious manoeuvre getting in and out of those seats on the bus. Getting through any tight or crowded spaces in general took a heroic effort. But saying all that, I didn't really mind it. I actually loved it when I found myself caught in a narrow space in say a store cupboard in the studio. I'd pretend to get all upset so that some charitable person nearby would come and help pull me out. But still, the thing that actually worried me was that despite knowing keenly just how stupidly heavy they were, I never really suffered from their weight.

Officer Barker: What? That doesn't make sense. They must have weighed, what, 100 kgs each, and you yourself can't weigh more than 40. How could someone your size carry around breasts five times the weight of the rest of your body without any pain? It doesn't make any sense.

Alicia: I know it doesn't, and as I said, that's sort of how I knew something was going on in my brain. Like the adrenaline was causing me to not fully feel what was happening to me, if you want to give it some scientific explanation. But in my opinion, well... it wasn't that. I knew that whatever it was, something was going wrong much deeper down, I knew it from the beginning in fact.

Officer Barker: You've already hinted at this. What exactly are you talking about?

Alicia: Well, you remember the dreams right? All of those vivid dreams I would have about people touching my boobs, and then I'd wake up and see that they'd grown bigger? Well all this time, the dreams never stopped. Every time I had another growth spurt, it would be preceded by a night of intense dreaming. They were the same sort of thing usually. I'd see the walls of my bedroom dissolve and make way for some familiar setting like my studio, or my high school, or a busy public street. I'd almost always be naked, and my breasts would be on display to the world. Quite often they'd be sort of hovering in the air in front of me, like I was floating in space or underwater or something. But as they grew beyond any sort of reasonable size and became the monstrous things that dwarfed the rest of my body, the dreams became more twisted and hallucinatory to match.

I was no longer just being fondled by strangers in art galleries now, I was hunting people, sprinting after other artists I knew and slamming them into the floor with my breasts. I loved to terrorise people, wander into busy crowds and just start flailing my breasts around, knocking their lifeless bodies over like skittles. Other times, I would seek out groups of beautiful multi-limbed supermodels who had the faces of girls I remembered from high school. I'd ask them to molest me, and if they refused, I would turn my nipples into nozzles like on a vacuum cleaner and suck out their souls.

And I kept finding myself wanting to fuck people, like anyone I could see, men, women, whoever was around. But none more so than those strange angel-like creatures. I started to see them a lot more often. I found them frightening at first, they looked so awful, with their blank featureless faces, but after a few more dreams, I started to appreciate the beauty in them. They were definitely embued with an intoxicating femininity. Usually, they would appear to me completely naked, except for these heavy iron chains that they always wrapped around themselves. They all had women's bodies, but very lean, muscular-looking ones, with six breasts, and huge wings made of white feathers emerging from their backs.

After a while, I would start to seek the angels out, lifting up concrete slabs in the pavement, or ripping the stumps of dead trees from the ground, hoping they'd pop out--places like that were often where they'd come from. But I was never able to force them to appear. Instead, they'd find me. One or two would show up every night, but once in a while, a dream would be riddled with them, up to hundreds at a time.

Those nights it would feel like I had stumbled across one of their nests--they'd all start swarming around me. They loved my breasts so much, always exhalting like they were some holy artefacts for their species. They'd grab hold of them, cling onto the flesh with their muscular arms and legs and massage me with a calming, repetitive motion. Although they had grown to the sizes of regular women now, somehow they weighed next to nothing. I could easily carry several of them around at once if I wanted, letting them penetrate themselves with my teats and suckle my milk out through their vaginas. I liked doing that. I could see it made them happy, and over time I realised that it was what was making them grow larger and stronger too--whenever my breasts grew, so did the angels.

As I grew more familiar with them, I started to recognise the different ones, tell them apart. I discovered a few that I thought looked especially nice. It's hard to describe why, because they didn't have faces, but some of them had very impressive bodies and other features. Most of them had white or brown skin, but a few came in other colours. Some were jet black from head to toe, and there was one who had mottled orange and blue skin like a poisonous frog. The majority had six breasts, but some had only two or four, and a couple had as many as ten, hanging down in pairs along their torsos. A few even had multiple pairs of arms as well.

There was one in particular though who was my favourite. She was taller than the others, with a bulky physique and her six udders slightly larger than average. What I loved most about her though was this explosive mane of silky blonde hair she had. It must have been over three metres in length but she was able to control each individual strand at will, and use it to whip up a hurricane made of hair and encase me in it like a cocoon. I loved the feel of it against my skin. If I was in the mood, I'd seize her and force her to fuck me. I discovered that all the angels had the ability to conjure up these penis-like organs that emerged like thick fleshy rods from inside their vaginas. I'd ask the angel to nestle herself in between my breasts and stick it inside me, and I promise you, the satisfaction was like no man has ever been able to give me. Sometimes I'd even seize several of them and--Uh, Officer? Are you okay? You look a little...

Officer Barker: What...? Oh... Yes, sorry. It's just all very... well, nevermind. Look, Alicia, I confess I'm a little confused... These are dreams you're describing, right? You actually dreamt all of this?

Alicia: Yeah yeah, I can remember it all like it was yesterday.

Officer Barker: Right, well, it certainly sounds... vivid. But where were we again? You were supposed to be telling me why you thought you felt no pain from all of the growth you had suffered.

Alicia: Ah! I remember. Sorry, got a little distracted there. Yes, the reason I brought up the angels was because I was--still am really-- more than a little convinced they are real. Not like real real. But definitely symbolic of something. I knew they were responsible for my growth, for example. Every time I grew overnight, they'd always show up in huge numbers to worship my boobs. And from the way the angels grew bigger and stronger alongside me, I knew they had to be related in some way. I suspected it was thanks to them that I became so strong. Every time they made my breasts inflate some more, I could feel them energise the rest of my body too--shore up my muscles or something, give me the ability to not just carry the things, but carry them effortlessly. And I did. When I awoke, apart from the inconvenience caused by their colossal size, their weight was really not an issue in the slightest.

Officer Barker: Well that's very nice to hear, I'm glad you're not in pain. But I sense you're aware yourself that none of this is really what happened, right? To have grown breasts that size, it had to have taken a toll on your body. Perhaps your mind was yet to catch up, protecting you from the trauma of it all somehow.

Alicia: I dunno. Maybe you're right. I mean, I was definitely losing my grip on reality by that point. My real life and this dreamworld were much more mixed up than I was ready to admit. I never really felt like I was getting sleep anymore. I'd just come home from the art gallery, after spending the day being stared at, and return to my bedroom, ready to slip away into the dreamworld again.

As I repeated this routine day after day, I started to realise that I looked forward to my dreams more than my real life. In a way, the two worlds were oddly similar. People stared at me like a giant-titted freak of nature in my real life, and so did the people in my dream, only in the dreamworld I was capable of so much more. I could take on anyone, smother them to death in my cleavage, whole groups of people if I wanted. I could use my tits like cannons and fire breastmilk all over the place, flooding the city and drowning everyone in it. Even if I didn't have any ideas that day, I was so lucid in the dreams now, that I could sculpt some insanely hot man or woman out of thin air and just go to town on them. But even then... It's funny, for some reason, I always just went back to the angels. They were strong and powerful like men, but also tender and sensual like women. Their muscular arms, multiple perfectly sculpted breasts, and their huge retractable penises... I felt like they were the ideal creatures, purpose built for sex... But I knew that my feelings for them were not good. I was definitely slipping away.

Officer Barker: Well, you're here, Alicia. We're in the real world together, right? And you've been quite cogent with me so far, albeit a little scattered. So I would have no problem arguing the case for your sanity, as long as you know that these are just dreams.

Alicia: Well that feels good to hear, but I stress that I'm only here now after trying my hardest to remain on the side of reality. Even though I was enticed by the dreamworld, and the way it gave my ever-enlarging breasts superpowers or whatever, I was fully aware it was just a fantasy. I knew I couldn't keep going on like that. Just wasting my days so that I could go back home and fuck the angels.

So I sought to make my real life more satisfying. I'm sure it's obvious from everything I've said so far, but I can't emphasise enough just how freaking horny I was. All the time. I suspected that it was this sexual frustration that was making the dreamworld so exciting to me. Every hour I spent in my studio during the day, I would just imagine all the new ways I could defile the angels when I got home. So I needed to bring some of that satisfaction into the real world. But as I mentioned, what I really wanted was becoming even harder to attain, now that each of my breasts alone had approached a size that exceeded the rest of my body. They were truly gigantic, a scale that made little physical sense. Even after my strategy of hoisting them up and hanging their supports around my neck, they still only cleared the ground by a few inches.

Officer Barker: Surely people would have intervened by this point. How did you even get around looking like that?

Alicia: Not very easily. I'd stopped wearing normal clothing by that point. I'd just put on a skirt or hot pants, scooped the ginormous floppy mounds up in two pieces of fabric that used to be bed sheets and called that a wardrobe. It was winter by this point, and I was getting frozen whenever I went outside, but I didn't care. I no longer even really took notice of the continual stares.

People would come up to me a lot and ask if I was okay, if I needed help lifting myself up off of seats, or worrying about whether I would be able to fit through a doorway. Occasionally I'd get bold and ask for assistance in cramming my body into things. I'd recruit sorry-looking passengers to push or pull on sections of my flesh to get them through the aisle of the bus. Or get a group of people to help give me one last shove to get me inside of a cramped elevator. I found these moments mildly exhiliarating, but they still weren't enough. I needed more.

Officer Barker: How!? That sounds humiliating, for everyone involved. What exactly were you looking for?

Alicia: I didn't know at the time, or at least not how to communicate it. But the thing I was looking for was a real physical connection to my breasts. By this point, I was well and truly in love with the things. All my free moments I spent caressing them and squeezing them. The artists I sat next to in the studio even allowed me to sit around topless so I could rub lotions all over myself and keep the skin free of blemishes. And I desired that kind of attention from someone else. Not just people touching the mountains of flesh because they were in the way, but really touch them, and acknowledge what they were.

Officer Barker: Okay, you've lost me. What could that possibly entail that couldn't just be achieved by someone feeling you up in the bedroom? What happened to Candace?

Alicia: Well that was my dilemma. I couldn't think of how to get my kick. Candace loved my tits sure, she'd often come down to my end of the studio to feel them and check how much they'd grown. Sometimes I'd let her rub the lotions on me which always made the other artists roll their eyes. It was fun to watch her enjoy them, but I needed the attention from someone else. I needed it to feel wrong. I wanted to find people whose desire for my breasts was in conflict with their own sense of decency.

At first I tried massage parlours. I thought I would be able to convince a masseuse that my boobs ached and force her into massaging them. The first one I visited did make an attempt to feel up one, before she lost her nerve and asked me to leave. Then the next few kicked me out of their establishments before I could even explain what I wanted. After that, it seemed I'd made a name for myself. Someone had let on to the others that there was a pervert with giant breasts far too large for her body roaming around town asking to be groped. I was barred from even stepping into a massage parlour from then on.

So my next port of call was a doctor. I knew that their duty of care would mean they'd have no choice but to fondle me if I needed them to. But I was still somewhat afraid of them. I guess I knew deep down that the second I walked into a doctor's office, they'd seize me and force me to get the boobs I was now in love with surgically removed from my body right away. So I couldn't do that, but then I had a lightbulb moment: a mammogram.

Officer Barker: What? You mean like screening for breast cancer?

Alicia: Exactly. It was perfect. They'd have to inspect my breasts, and spend a great deal of time and care doing it too. It was the perfect way for the attention of an unsuspecting victim to be fully focused on my tits and my tits alone.

Officer Barker: Hold on, hold on. I've had a mammogram, the machines are nowhere near big enough for... someone like you. How the hell did that work?

Alicia: Hey, now you're catching on! That's exactly what made it so brilliant. The second I showed up in that office, with my giant floor-length titties in my stupid homemade bra, the place went into absolute pandemonium. Obviously, they had never encountered a woman with breasts as large as mine--no one in the entire world had--and unfortunately for them, that woman was there for a 10 o'clock appointment. Of course, they had every intention to refuse me service initially, but here's the catch, I was obviously a woman who was at serious risk of breast-related problems. If anyone needed a mammogram, it was me. So I was brought around to see the doctor at once, who nearly fainted when she saw me. For a long while they didn't really know what to do with me, so while the doctor and her nurses discussed amongst each other, I just innocently wandered over to the puny mammogram machine, looked at it and then down at my chest, and began to cry.

Officer Barker: Okay, Alicia, seriously? You said you were an honest person.

Alicia: Hah! I know, I know. I hadn't planned to. It's just in the moment it seemed appropriate. And boy did it work. The doctor and all of her nurses rushed to my side, offered to sit me down and rubbed my back to calm me down. The chair they put me in was this thing with high armrests, and obviously I wasn't able to sit on it without my tits flopping all over the place and landing on one of the nurse's laps, which just made everything more hilarious. But after a while, I made myself calm down. I was still there with a purpose, after all, and it was one that every medical professional in the room was on board with: I needed a breast scan, stat.

Officer Barker: Good grief. So, what did they do?

Alicia: Oh it was fantastic. The doctor and the team of three nurses cancelled all of their appointments for the day and hatched a plan. You see, you don't necessarily need a mammogram, they can detect tumours and growths with ultrasound too. So the first item of the day was for me to lie down on an operating chair, extended on either side by several rolling tables to rest my breasts on, while the nurses lubed them up with unholy quantities of that ultrasound gel. And at precisely that moment, I realised I had done it. The sensation of the six hands of those masked nurses rubbing me all over was heavenly, and reminded me so much of the angels. I had an orgasm almost instantly, but fortunately, I managed to reignite my arousal again soon enough. Then the doctor got to work. She scanned every corner of my overgrown mountains of boob and tried her best to determine what was inside of them. I was never sure if she found anything out of the ordinary, it was all just fatty tissue and inflamed mammary glands I think, but I was too focused on the way she was examining me to care.

Officer Barker: This is ridiculous, what a waste of their time, Miss Nguyen. All just so you could get off on people fondling your tits!

Alicia: It was not a waste of time! You've seen my tits, they're huge! It absolutely served a medical purpose, the fact that it also turned me on was just a bonus. And look, it wasn't like it lasted all day, just until the afternoon. It did take a while though I admit, because they eventually realised that the ultrasound wasn't able to penetrate deep enough. After that, they decided to go the old-fashioned route.

Officer Barker: Which is?

Alicia: Well I nearly leapt out of the chair in excitement when they told me, apparently the only other option was to feel for lumps hidden deep in my breast tissue. Again, because of the size of them, this was a task for four people, two nurses on my left breast, and the third nurse and the doctor on my right. They warned me that they were going to have to really squeeze me to properly inspect them. With a tremble in my voice, I told them it was okay--concealing the part where this was exactly what I had been waiting for all along. And yeah, I lost it. I had to grit my teeth, even bite down on my tongue at one point to stop my legs from writhing around from the pleasure. All I wanted to do was ram a couple of fingers into my pussy just to complement the magnificent feeling of having those four poor medical professionals all fully occupied in the examination of my breasts. God, the dismay in their eyes, it was so beautiful...

Officer Barker: Right... well I hope you enjoyed yourself. Please tell me they didn't clock that it was all a ruse.