Boobs that Dreams are Made of


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Alicia: Oh I have no idea. I think they were so exhausted that they just wanted me out of there by the end. I'd had a magical time, of course, I'd had more sequential orgasms than I could count. Still, it was bittersweet, I knew I wouldn't be able to do that again for a while.

Officer Barker: I'd hope not! You can't go recruiting a team of medics every time you feel horny. You really need to find a more sustainable way to get off.

Alicia: I knew that! And I did go in search of other ideas, for your information. You see, what I loved the most was the hands. The groping hands. The intention to touch me, and their inability to handle my enormity. I loved when my breasts were the centre of so much focused attention. I wanted more of that, but there were really very few situations where that sort of behaviour would not be considered explicitly sexual. And I needed the involuntary aspect too, the awkwardness ensuing from people being forced into acknowledging the two monumental symbols of sexuality that lay before them. That's what I craved. So I thought and thought, trying to find something, but then it hit me. I mean, how could I have missed it for so long: I'm an artist!

Office Barker: So...? What does that mean?

Alicia: Well the thing is, my studio is constantly encouraging us to try and come up with interactive art. Stuff that those philistines who spend their Saturday mornings at the gallery think is daring and inventive. I hate that kind of art. It can be done well, but the stuff we have is always nauseatingly mawkish, like big blank walls that people are supposed to write emotional messages on for their dead pets, that sort of crap. But anyway, once I had the idea, I couldn't get it out of my mind: I was going to do one of those pieces.

Officer Barker: I think I see where this is going...

Alicia: So the day after I had my breast exam, I went to the studio and found the director to pitch her my idea. I'm not sure how closely she'd been following my growth but the sight of me squeezing my breasts through the glass doors of her office definitely seemed to alarm her more than I expected. I explained to her, leaving out quite a few important details, that I'd had an idea for an interactive piece. She was enthusiastic, though still regarding me with cautious eyes, like most people did around me on account of my bizarre appearance. I said that all I needed was a wide circular stage, a few spotlights, and several buckets of paints in various colours. I told my director that I didn't even need much set-up time, and that the piece could be unveiled the upcoming weekend. And she was sold.

Officer Barker: You know... I think I read about this... did you--

Alicia: Don't skip ahead! I'm getting to it alright?

Officer Barker: Excuse me? Alicia, you can't talk to me like--

Alicia: So anyway, I was excited. The studio director was so desperate for these sorts of pieces she didn't even check any of the details with me, just asked me what help I needed. So I asked for the stage to be set up in the centre of the gallery and encircled by several long tables holding trays full of paint. The public was going to get the opportunity to paint something, and that alone was enough to get her as excited as me.

So soon enough the day arrived, and I was to show up at 8 am to enlighten the gallery about what my installation was all about. But there was a problem. You see, that night, I got visited by the angels again.

Officer Barker: Oh god...

Alicia: It was probably the busiest night I had experienced yet. There were over a hundred of them that time, all of them crowding around me in a vast silent audience. They had all grown taller than me by that point, and they loomed high like statuesque amazons with their blank faces and six plump breasts rubbing up against my body. Eventually, I got lifted up onto a high marble plinth, and the angels, one by one, made offerings of unidentifiable exotic fruits to me and my breasts. I took them all, and found that I was able to dislocate my jaw like a snake to swallow them whole with ease. With every offering I consumed, I felt my chest grow a shade larger. I thought it would be manageable at first, they swelled and rippled outwards only a centimetre at a time, but the swarm of angelic women was so numerous that it wasn't long before my breasts had grown out of control.

I started to scream. For the first time, I felt I had gone too far. I tried to will myself out of the dreamworld, to stop myself from consuming any more fruit, but only when the final angel approached me did I feel full at last. And then she made a sound. For the first time, I heard them. Despite the fact she had no mouth, she sang to me a meandering lullaby in some muffled language I didn't recognise. She was much taller and more muscular than before, but I could tell from her endless mane of shiny blonde hair that it was her, my favourite, the one whom I had made love to on so many nights before. When she finished her song, I asked her to take out her penis and fuck me, but she refused. Instead she simply parted my breasts, pried open the folds of my vulva, and climbed inside. And it was over. The angels were gone.

Officer Barker: Alicia, I sense we've gone off the rails again. Can we get back to your exhibition?

Alicia: No but you don't get it, that really was it! That was the last time I saw them. I haven't seen the angels again... but, you know. Look at me. This is the state they left me in. You see how big these things are. By the way, I don't know why you insisted on cramming me into this interrogation room because I'm a little concerned I won't be able to get out now.

Officer Barker: I-I know Alicia, that was unwise, we just weren't sure...

Alicia: Whatever, I'm used to it. I've lived with these things like this for a bit now. Apart from getting through tight spaces, I can basically manage. I sort of have a system: once I have them covered up, I usually find I can just walk backwards and drag them along the floor behind me.

Officer Barker: Yes, I remember seeing you doing that when I arrived. I can't even fathom how much that must hurt.

Alicia: It's not so bad. As long as people don't force me to go inside places I'm obviously too big for--hint, hint--I'm actually quite content to walk like that. But anyway, back to that day at the gallery. The point of telling you my dream was to explain that I had a new dilemma on my hands. I showed up to the studio that morning with breasts which were now perhaps 20 times the volume of my body each, and at a weight that was probably not even possible to measure in quantities not involving elephants. I could still move them somehow, using a source of strength that was not from this world, but unfortunately, that also meant that it was really only me who was able to move them.

I was running a bit late after freaking out about the size I had grown to, so all I could really do was drape a large sheet over them, lie a soft carpet underneath them to protect the skin, and then just drag myself the 30 minute walk over to the studio. I saw best not to worry the bus driver with them that morning, so you've got to give me credit for that at least.

Getting inside the gallery took the effort of me and several of the nearby assistants, but after a series of forceful shoves and pulls we managed to get all of the flesh through the glass doors. From there, it was just a simple exercise of me dragging my masses up onto the central platform and lying down. It wasn't quite how I imagined it, my breasts now being so much larger than when I had formulated this idea, but I found a relaxed position to lie down in, with only a minimal amount of boob drooping off of the stage.

So there I was: mostly naked, lying down on my side with the two colossal mountains resting uncovered beside me, one half on top of the other. Amusingly, there were only a few angles where an onlooker could tell that there was actually a small woman attached to them, but in a way, I felt that only added to the experience.

Officer Barker: Okay, so one thing: where exactly is the supposed "art" in all this? Sounds to me more like a strip show.

Alicia: Ah ha! It's all about setting my dear! Let me explain, because that's exactly what happened next. My director, seeing this naked woman brandishing her two room-filling breasts for all to see in the middle of her gallery, rightly came sprinting over to ask me what in God's name I was doing. I then explained to her the plan. The installation was going to be all about Shame, the Female Body, and Unspoken Desire. All total hogwash mind you, but I'd been to art school, so I knew the right words to say.

In essence, what I wanted was for members of the public to touch my boobs, and good god was there a lot to touch now. The ruse was quite simple really, I was just going to get them to paint me--I'd have them wander over to the tables full of trays of various coloured paints, let them dip in their paintbrushes, sponges, or hands, and then use my breasts as the canvas for whatever their hearts desired. It was a fabulous social experiment and was certain to force countless nervous hands into molesting me.

Officer Barker: So, did it work then?

Alicia: A little too well if you ask me. Sure, they were shy at first, most people baulked as soon as they saw the gigantic disembodied boobs sitting in the centre of the gallery. After a long initial period of inaction, I had to start calling people over to me, encouraging them to touch me all they wanted, splatter me with paint if they saw fit. Eventually, a group of young ladies, who'd obviously had a few too many mimosas at brunch, were the first to give it a go. They slathered their hands in paint and made a cute sisterly collection of handprints on one section of my left breast close to the nipple. I couldn't see any of this of course, but I had the CCTV cameras filming me the whole time so I could watch a bird's eye view on a nearby screen.

After the girls, the floodgates opened. Everyone wanted a go. Soon the whole gallery was crowded around my breasts, with up to 20 people at a time doodling and wiping paint all over me. Eventually the word went around the neighbourhood, and more and more people flocked in. I even began to worry that all these new people wouldn't realise what was going on, perhaps they would miss the memo that these really did belong to me. So I started to have some fun. Every so often, at random intervals, I would shift my body around. Lie back and flop the breasts over to the other side. This would usually cause everyone around to gasp and go "ooooh" at me.

People then started to test me--men would attempt to lift up part of a boob, finding that they were simply far too heavy and shapeless to budge. Then people started to come up and lean their weight into them, getting their clothes covered in paint in the process. At one point a very short woman who was built like a gymnast decided to mount me and sat cross-legged atop the summit of my left breast, the flesh rippling beneath her like a water bed.

Officer Barker: This all sounds rather exciting for them at least. Did you enjoy it? Was it everything you wanted?

Alicia: Yes and no. I loved the attention of course, the excited giggles from members of the public as they placed their hands on me and marvelled at the softness of them. I even enjoyed the nervous whispers as groups of women tested just how much of me they could touch without me saying anything. I never opened my mouth once though. Even after Candace and her friends showed up and started to playfully rub and twist my engorged nipples, I just laid back and enjoyed the titillation.

But as I expected, it was the people who were reluctant to touch me that excited me the most. The nervous boys hiding their erections, the men with their frustrated wives, the flat-chested girls. Somehow the more insecure the toucher, the more excited I felt--as if I was able to peer into their psyches through the pores of my breasts. I actually felt telepathic in a way. However, it wasn't all as exciting as that. There were people who were enjoying it too much. Perverted men who went back for more, or touched me far longer than the others. I found their attention interesting and somewhat amusing, but the sexual feeling wasn't there.

Officer Barker: Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Alicia: Meh, it was a ride. I was happy for the most part. And I did manage to get myself off a few times. It helped also that I was able to creep my hand under the breasts and slip a few fingers in, just to give myself a bit of an extra rush while I watched the public groping and touching my--

Officer Barker: Right, well hold on a second. There it is, you just admitted it. Public masturbation, Alicia.

Alicia: Oh come on Freya. No one even knew! Sure, my face probably let on a few times that I was enjoying myself a bit more than normal, but no one could have seen me actually fingering myself.

Officer Barker: I'll look past it for now... But tell me, what happened then, how did we get here?

Alicia: Well... yes. And that brings us to now. At last... But it's a bit of an anticlimax I'm afraid. Essentially, two of the attendees, a wealthy-looking man and woman wearing really nice designer clothes, approached me as the event was winding down and asked me to come to their place to "discuss my art". I declined at first, thinking it would be impossible for me to get there, but they told me they owned a moving truck for transporting large pieces of artwork around, and that there was probably enough space for me as well. There was, surprisingly, though I had to take a brief humiliating ride on a pallet crate lifted by a forklift to get in it.

But once inside the truck, the couple drove me like some pregnant cattle over to their place, somewhere up in the hills. It was a huge space, a warehouse conversion that was more than big enough for me--once we had gotten my breasts through the double doors that is. All they told me before we got there was that they wanted to chat to me about the exhibition, and maybe take some photos of my breasts which were now covered on all sides by a headspinning collage of multicoloured patterns, shapes, handprints and written messages. However, it became pretty clear after witnessing the overly-enthusiastic way they helped me get my breasts into the building, that what they actually intended, was to have sex with me.

I humoured them for a while. They took some nude photographs of me which turned out very nice and allowed me to admire what the public had done to me, but eventually I just asked them to get to the point. And they named their price. Now, before you get all policewomany with me, yes I admit it: I went along with it, full well knowing it was wrong. But that mixture of built-up horniness and sordid curiosity just made me need to know what it was they wanted to do to me.

So I let them have at me. I allowed the man access to my nipples while his girlfriend buried herself inside my cleavage to eat my pussy. I was afraid to make any sudden movements, so I simply laid back and let the pair explore my body like rodents scurrying around two painted elephants. It didn't do much for me sexually, but I was being paid for it so who cares, I thought.

But after they'd had a bit of fun just investigating my breasts up close and trying to pleasure me, they started to grow restless. They told me that what they really wanted was to experience my weight. I sensed it was going to be a bad idea straight away, and sure enough, they then explained that they intended to have me lift my breasts on top of them so they could feel how heavy they were first hand. They asked and asked, they even tried to get under there themselves, but they knew that only I was strong enough to move their weight. That should have tipped them off that this was a bad idea, but still they kept on, and they doubled and tripled the price.

So, well, in the end, I did it... And that's how it happened. With all of my strength, I extended my back as far as it would go and slammed my breasts down on the couple, crushing them between a wall and the floor. Even before I made impact I knew it was not going to end well. Then I heard the crackle of their bones shattering into pieces. And that was the end of it.

Officer Barker: So you're saying, after all this time, those two are being treated for critical injuries because they asked to get crushed by your boobs, and you did it?

Alicia: Well yes, if you want to summarise, but you see--

Officer Barker: You know that's really not so bad. They were consenting adults. And clearly trying to make you into a prostitute. Some would even call you the victim in this... Why did you tell me all of that story just now?

Alicia: Because you wanted to know.

Officer Barker: I wanted to know about the couple, you could have just led with that.

Alicia: But you enjoyed it, didn't you?

Officer Barker: What?

Alicia: Well, I can tell, Freya.

Officer Barker: That's Officer Barker to you, and what are you trying to say?

Alicia: Oh, y'know. I've seen the looks you've been giving me. I saw the way your eyes glazed over when I described all the chicks I'd been fucking. You wanna piece of the action, don't you?

Officer Barker: Watch it, Miss!

Alicia: Don't think I haven't seen you staring at them all this time. You can't get your eyes off of them.

Officer Barker: Well they take up the whole goddamn room, Alicia, it's a little hard not to--

Alicia: You know, most people are horrified when they see me, but not everyone. Some give me the same look that I give myself when I look at my boobs in the mirror. You love me. You love them.

Officer Barker: Alright, that's enough Miss Nguyen. I have been very patient with you. For starters, I am a police officer, and you are treading a very dangerous line here. But even besides that, I'm straight I'll have you know!

Alicia: No you're not! Admit it, you imagined it all. All the disgusting sex, the molestation, I could see the sweat bead up on your lips as I described my dreams to you. You're as dirty as me, just admit you've been waiting to get your hands on my tits!

Officer Barker: Alicia, stop!

Alicia: You know, you kind of remind me a bit of the angels. Big lady, nice and strong. Even so, I bet I'd be able to crush you into dust just like that couple.

Officer Barker: What are you saying!? That you did that intentionally?

Alicia: Well they did ask for it, but of course I did it intentionally. I may be massive, but I don't think you realise just how strong I am too. It was the ultimate expression of their glory, it was what I'd wanted all along. And you're next, Freya. I know you want to worship them, so just do it. Go on: have a touch, feel how huge I am.

Officer Barker: That's it, I'm putting a stop to this.

Alicia: Oh yes. Please do. I've been a very bad girl officer, these giant boobies have made me behave all funny. I think I need to be apprehended. Now let's see you try.

[Tape ends with the sound of women screaming and laughing]

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cutedaddy69cutedaddy69about 1 year ago

Interesting subject matter. But looooong long long and boring. The writing is good, but the story line drags terribly. Too much even for hardcore booblovers.. sorry to say

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Would’ve gotten more out of this story if it was written with Alicia as a narrator, rather than making the entire story 1 long dialogue.

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