Booty Call


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"Fuck, you're awesome," he groaned before slowly letting her go.

Jen's bare foot landed on the mulch, her flip flop having fallen off during their tryst. Jason slid out of her with a wet slurp. She tried to stand, but her legs wouldn't cooperate, causing her to sink to her knees. Her shattered mind found her flip flop in front of her nose and she struggled awkwardly to put it on. Jason had already pulled his shorts on and in short order had pulled her tank top onto her. He pulled her to her feet and helped her into her shorts. Jen was unwilling to even look at him, appalled at what he had done. She could feel his cum leaking out of her and onto her shorts, but she had no way to clean herself. Aftershocks rocked her body as Jason led her through the darkness on shaky knees. She felt vaguely nauseous and became dimly aware they were approaching a building. Her eyes looked up and she realized they were back at her dorm. Mercifully, the foyer was empty as Jason guided her in and onto the elevator. Jen realized she was leaning heavily on him but she lacked the energy to stand on her own. They emerged into her hallway and Jason led her to her door.

"Had a great time tonight, dollface," he grinned at her.

Jen looked at him slack jawed. He gave her a quick kiss left her. Jen tried her doorknob and thankfully Karen had left it open. She staggered into the darkened room, feeling the wetness of his cum dribbling down her leg.

"Hey," Karen groaned in the darkness, "How was your date?"

"Fine," Jen answered numbly. "I need a shower."

Karen giggled. "That good, huh?"

Jen merely grunted a reply, grabbed her shower bucket and a towel, and headed out to get cleaned up. It was after two in the morning and she saw no one. She turned on the shower and then slowly sank to the floor as the soothing warm water covered her corrupted body. She started to weep.

"He raped me, right?" she wondered to herself. "I told him over and over to stop, but he wouldn't. I didn't want any of that."

Jen remained on the floor and fumbled for her body wash. She started replaying the awful events of the night in her mind as she scrubbed her skin. Topless in the Sociology building. Almost caught in Mason. Giving a blowjob in a hallway. Naked in the engineering building. Without even noticing it, her hand, once methodically cleaning her pussy, had stayed in place. She recalled being naked on stage in Smith. She whimpered as she recalled getting eaten on the basketball court. Getting fucked while bent over a park bench. And finally, getting fucked, naked and helpless, against a wall while people watched. People who went to her school. People she passed on campus every day. People who likely knew her. Jen's body started to shudder again as she fingered her aching clit and another orgasm rocked her body.

She awoke some time later as the water still cascading over her. She dried off, shuffled back to her room, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


So tell me readers, what happens next? Does she get a hold of herself and stay on the straight and narrow? Or does a good girl turn bad?

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KingCuddleKingCuddleover 1 year ago

I left during page two.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really appreciated how great this story is! I plan to utilize it with similarly delusional female AND male patients as a splendid example of how the society we live in glamorizes rape and non-consensual relationships. Perhaps this story could be summarized as: "Please do not rape me, except if..."

irvingsmusingsirvingsmusingsover 2 years ago

Such a delightful, dirty, kinky, twisted story. Such a devious, diabolical, evil not-boyfriend. So hot!

ThomasLordThomasLordalmost 3 years ago

Great story. In my world, Jen has been turned to the dark side and will need nasty sex again where she submits to his will.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You're so good, it's scary. Not for the faint of heart for sure.

KingCuddleKingCuddleover 3 years ago

I couldn't even stay with page two.

This A-Hole's appeal eludes me. Completely.

She does need to audition contenders to be her boyfriend.

maddictmaddictalmost 4 years ago

"I've never met a girl like you before".

At the end of the story Jen thought she was raped, she did say no, but didn't really try and leave. Jason did leave her alone from time to time, Naked but alone. I'm confused

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
My vote

Keep her a good girl, but I sense it’s too late for that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Utterly amazing!

Fantastic. I read this a long time ago and had to read it again. It was better than I remembered. You are an amazing writer!

zammzammabout 9 years ago
good God

Jason is a true prick but he is not the focal point. The story gets its power from Jen's slow and gradual descent into utter sexual desire, a craving that cannot be denied. Jen gets sucked step by step into a sexual vortex that she cannot resist and cannot escape from. You ask what happens next? Jen's deepest, oldest and most primitive parts of her brain have been stimulated and awakened. The memory trace is now there and to try to overcome it now would be more difficult than a junkie trying to kick heroin cold turkey. I'm afraid this is just the first night of Jen's transformation and degradation. Into the abyss.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

what a waste of time!! worse story by far

JerryJonesAfriqueJerryJonesAfriqueabout 9 years ago

Either way works for me. Jason is the assiest-hole I ever read of. So fucking hot!!!

sopharoonessopharoonesalmost 11 years ago
well fuck me

i think the most twisted thing bout jason is all the liitle "compliments" he throws into his "torture", he seems upfront bout only being a fuck buddy but then there is so much that any girl wld see as lights of hope it cld b something more. apart from that loved her descent into pure hormonal, primitive sexual lust. good girl goes bad is always hot. i shall move on and see wat else u have written now. cheers

Barkley570Barkley570about 11 years ago
Rough but Hot

I cringed at the humiliation Jason inflicted. What a monster.. Doesn't even know her name. Feel so sorry for Jen; driven for closeness and yes, sex. You did such a good job: I just hate him. Which is what you must have wanted at this place in the story. You are a wonderful writer and I so enjoyed your art.

PaperdartPaperdartalmost 12 years ago

I enjoyed this story and hope that you find the time to continue it. I particularly like the way that Jen has been having to pay with photographs for Jason to come and cater to her lust. I would like that theme to be continued and expanded. Jen should become the victim of her own desires more willing to follow Jason's lead.

gemman1gemman1about 12 years ago
Very Nice

Your Doing a great job! Keep it up!.. I might take her down a little more D/s path and make him more dependent on her to get his "Fix" so to speak.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
waiting for the next installment!

I'm eagerly waiting for the next installment! There are so many directions that you can take this. You've really built Jen's character to be one that a lot of us can understand. Although we all want someone to love and have meaningful intimacy with, there's something totally hot about wanting nothing more from someone than sharing physical pleasure. In my last relationship, the man was very loving/tender and sometimes I really wished he'd just bend me over and show me whose boss. The one-dimensional nature of Jason's desires are certainly not ideal for Jen's first and might have some sort of downstream negative psychological effects on her interactions with men. He has a girlfriend and has made it clear that he wants nothing more from her than her body... and she seems to dislike herself for wanting him back. Why can't she stay away? Why can't she put her intellectual reasoning over her physical reactions to him? Why does she let herself fall so completely into his control? Does she have feelings for him other than lust for his dick? You've completely captured the essence of questionable decision making that a lot of us women can't understand in ourselves. I'm really interested in how you will make this unfold... whether or not it's going to turn into nothing more than smut or if you will further explore the psychology behind Jen's decisions. She is young/naive after all... you have a stage to build her into a woman. I'm very interested in finding out what kind she will be!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This is the best story I've read on here. You really know how to write to get women hot and wet!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Cute story

Jason reminded me of my own boyfriend-who-claims-to-be-just-a-fuckbuddy. This story made me equally horny and sad

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great Stuff

Great start, love the characters and the internal conflict, I think this has great potential. The descent and continued discovery of Jen's submissive nature has some obvious legs to run on in this setting. I'd love to see some further humiliation with wardrobe restrictions in class, a lesbian scene (maybe with Karen), unexpected group play, maybe a brother or sister visits campus, some pain play, etc. I also think you have laid the groundwork for more than just a fuck buddy relationship, and perhaps, I am hoping, even a surprise regarding Jason's relationship status.

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