Boss Nanny Ch. 16


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The lack of interest didn't go unnoticed. Jay walked it off the best he could, but he was a bit sullen the rest of the day.

They lounged around and bullshited until the players left, then got ready themselves. It was Seahawk merch from head to toe. Matt wore whatever he was given, courtesy of Jay. Then they took a car service to the stadium, also courtesy of Jay. No tailgating for them, but who needed that when you were bunking with the players? The whole weekend was better than tailgating. Matt assumed.

Walking through the halls of the stadium was like trying to claw your way out of a sardine can. It was packed. The energy was so alive the walls were vibrating. Matt never experienced anything like it.

They had a block of seating. Matt started out sitting between Seamus and Will but that didn't last long as people mingled around. After the halftime show, which left Matt smiling, Loe plopped down next to him.

Neither of them was diehard sport fans, so they easily shared their common disinterest.

"What's the story with you and him," Loe pointed at Seamus. "Who, by the way, is really fucking hot. Did I mention before how cute he was?"

Matt smiled proudly. Loe wasn't wrong, Seamus was damn hot. But at the game? Whoa. He was hotter than ever with his football jersey and backwards hat that covered his little-too-long hair that curled under the bottom—he was a walking jock wet dream if Matt ever had one. The only thing that looked better on the guy than the jock look was being happy. And damn was he happy.

"When my mom and her boyfriend died unexpectedly, I ended up with my three-month-old brother. I was drowning trying to raise him, going to school full time, and working. Seamus kind of swooped in and saved the day. He was my super nanny."

"Where the hell did you find a nanny like that? Because damn, he can nanny for me anytime."

Matt laughed. "God, no. He's actually my boss. Well, my boss's boss. He owns the cafe I work at. My friend, Kase, dubbed him Boss Nanny." Matt looked at Seamus in the distance with pure affection. "I didn't like him much when we first met, but I was desperate for help so I let it slide when he stole Aidan while I was working. Then he was just, there, all the time, watching Aidan so I could work and study and whatever else I needed to get done."

"How'd you get from that to dating?"

Matt thought back. "It was all Seamus. I had a crush on him. I mean, duh. But he was so far out of my league that it never crossed my mind that he might be interested. Looking back, there were signs. I mean, he watched Aidan all the time and even asked us to move in. My rational brain couldn't see it, though. Seamus got tired of beating around the bush and told me what was up." Matt laughed as he recalled the memory. "He came to the club I was at and dragged me back to the loft."

Loe tossed his head back and laughed. "Oh man, I believe it. He's got this super possessive way about him when he watches you. It's not the crazy-psycho look some guys have, it's sweeter, but terrifying nonetheless. He's had me inching away from you more than once."

Matt's jaw dropped as he looked at Loe like he was crazy. "Seamus? No way. I've seen him look at me. He's definitely sweet on me but not possessive."

"That's because when you look at him, he gets this dopey-melty look, like he's staring at a winning lottery ticket."

Matt laughed again. Loe was being absurd. Completely ridiculous. Matt reached across the table and took the beer from his hand. "I think you've had enough. You're seeing things that aren't there."

Loe snatched his beer back. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'd kill for someone to look at me the way he looks at you, both possessively and like the winning lottery ticket."

Jay did nothing but look and act like Loe was his lottery ticket. He waited on the guy hand and foot and almost never took his eyes off him. Loe was a smart guy. There was no way Loe didn't know.


The manfluencer sipped his beer. Behind his non-existent interest in the game, there was a sliver of longing. Barely noticeable, but there. He shrugged. "Maybe one day."

"What about Jay?

Loe's eyes flickered. "What about Jay?"

"Oh," Matt rolled his eyes. "Don't play stupid. He likes you. He waits on you and looks at you like you're the winning lottery ticket you so desperately want to be."

Loe glanced at the jumbotron just as Jay's play was being highlighted in the replay. "He wants someone who can dedicate more time to him. I'm too busy. I can't drop my life for him."

"He said he wants someone who is willing to dedicate all their time to him?" Matt was confused, this didn't sound like Jay at all.

"No, but someone of his magnitude needs someone like that and I'm not that person."

"By that logic, I wouldn't be with Seamus. I get where you're coming from, though. I felt that way about Seamus. I convinced myself I knew what he wanted or what was best for him. I have a list of reasons why it would never be. A word of advice? Don't be me."

Loe smiled and sipped his beer but didn't say anything else. The game passed in a blink of beers and cheers.

They were still sitting there, talking about high school and how their similar experiences when they noticed everyone was packing up. Matt looked at Seamus, making the hot jock chuckle at his total cluelessness. "Hawks won," Seamus teased.

"Oh cool."

Scott and Will burst into laughter. "Please, please say it just like that to Jay. And make sure we're there to watch it," Scott mocked Matt's unimpressed tone. "You won the playoff game and now you're off to the Superbowl? Oh cool."

The teasing never relented. Not when they packed their stuff, or when they were shuffled like cattle out of the stadium, not even in the car.

All the while, Matt sat in the back, smiling.

* * * * *

The after party was at a local sports bar. It was a tight fit and Jay and his friends weren't even there yet.

When they arrived, it was the entrance of kings. The four guys came in with their hands in the air as the bar roared. The noise was deafening yet exhilarating. Matt loved it. They didn't have the hometown advantage but they still got nothing but love. At the end of the day, it was about the sport and they were surrounded by good old fashion fans who were excited to be in the same place as the team heading for the Superbowl.

As a non-sports fan, Matt's only exposure to post game parties were the tabloid covers he saw near the check-out line. He expected the night to be a total circus but it turned out that famous people had parties that didn't involve lines of paparazzi or fans throwing themselves at them. They were just normal people celebrating a job well done.

Matt drank a little but not enough to make a foolery of himself. He watched with fascination as fans congratulated the players and got pictures. Some were even bold enough to stay for a drink.

After Loe's comment about wanting to be looked at the way Seamus looked at Matt, Matt paid extra close attention. Poor Jay. Discreet wasn't in his nature. He was bold in his affections and wasn't shy about making himself known. Still, Loren pretended not to notice. Matt watched the dejection build as the night wore on. Jay made sure Loren always had a drink, food, whatever he wanted. Still, nothing.

As the night wore on, Jay gave Loe the space he seemed to want and sulked off.

Matt knew differently and catching Loe as he watched Jay laugh with a couple of fans only confirmed it. After spending the entire weekend ignoring Jay, Loren was jealous.

Matt slipped out from under Seamus's arm and pointed at Mr. Brooding. "I'm just going to see what he's up to. I'll be back."

Loe was sitting at a pub table, alone. Matt slipped in and waited. Loe frowned. "What?"

"What's your deal?"

"My deal?"


Loe straightened and tried hard not to glance at said person. "What about Jay?" he asked innocently.

Matt scoffed. "Let's skip the bullshit and tell me why you're still playing games. You spent all night ignoring him and now you look like a beaten puppy because he gave up."

They looked across the bar. Jay was with two guys, both sporting lime green and blue jerseys and were happy as hell to have Jay's attention. There were definite vibes happening. The two guys were interested in more than just an autograph.

"Looks like he moved on just fine."

It was a lie. The vibes were mostly from the two fans. But Matt played along.

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

Loe said nothing, just sipped his beer and tried not to watch Jay. Matt sighed. When the dust settled, Loe was just a normal guy fighting the same demons as any other person. He was just as prone to making stupid, self-sabotaging choices.

"You don't get to sit here and pout. He won a big game tonight and was thirsty for a little acknowledgement. All you had to do was congratulate him and tell him he played well. Instead, those two cleat chasers are doing it."

Loe looked absently ahead as he slowly spun his glass around in his hand. "There will be cleat chasers at every single game."

Matt nodded. Yeah, there probably would be. "That doesn't mean anything."

"I know what goes on behind the scenes. I've heard enough stories to know that being in a relationship doesn't mean anything."

"Then they're in the wrong relationships."


Matt waited for more but it was clear Loe was done talking. After a while, he snapped out of his mood and was laughing freely. Matt leaned across the table, showing Loe the scar he'd gotten on his wrist when he was twelve. He'd twisted a rope around his wrist and propelled off the roof of the house.

Loe turned Matt's wrist over and looked at the damage. "That's impressive. Besides a scar, how'd it end?"

Matt rotated his wrists. "Good. I mean, the goal was to land on the ground, and that's where I ended."

Loe laughed, then something caught his eye and his smile faded. He dropped Matt's arm like a hot potato and leaned back in his chair. "I'm too young to die."


"Your boyfriend. You should move away, like, across the room."

Seamus was watching them. He didn't look angry, if anything, his eyes were heated. Matt was getting lucky tonight.

Loren threw his hands in the air. "Oh sure, the second you look at him he gets all gooey eyed. I swear he was just shooting daggers at me."

Matt held Seamus's eye for a moment longer. He saw nothing but love. "I think you're seeing things. He's not like that."

Oh. He was like that. Loe decided to prove it by closing the distance once again. A minute later Seamus was there, pulling him away.

They stopped in the middle of the crowded dance floor and Seamus pressed his chest to Matt's.

It wasn't club music, just everyday stuff from the radio, but it was perfect. When Seamus looked at him with those deep brown eyes, it didn't matter that they were in some random bar filled to the brim with people they didn't know.

Matt shifted his hips.

"What are you doing?"

"Dancing," he teased.

Seamus reacted by tightening his arm so Matt felt every inch of him.

Matt stared at Seamus. "You're kind of hot tonight. The jersey. The hat. You got this varsity jock thing happening."


Matt pressed his hips against Seamus. "Hell yeah."

Matt ordered a car from his phone and they left without looking back. The hotel wasn't far but it was completely empty.

Seamus was a few paces ahead of Matt and sporting a new swagger. When the door shut behind them, Seamus stalked Matt like a predator does prey; slow and knowingly.

Being hunted was kind of fun.

Seamus stalked him like a jock in his jersey and backwards cap. When he had Matt backed against the bed, he ran the back of his fingers across his jaw and over his lips—parting his mouth. Seamus leaned in like he was going to kiss him but continued to his ear instead. "You're going to suck my dick, aren't you?"

Hell yes he was, it was all Matt could think about. He dropped to his knees. Seamus towered over him as he unbuttoned his pants. His cock was hard.

"Open those pretty lips."

Licking his lips, Matt did as was asked and Seamus guided his cock across Matt's tongue.

Precum exploded against his taste buds and made him want so much more. He let Seamus tease for a while, then he took over. This was his feast. The only thing that mattered, that existed in that moment, was rocking Seamus's world.

Seamus was close. It was in his taut muscles and the way his dick twitched. He could feel the cum boiling, ready to explode. Matt pulled off because he wanted more than a blow job. He didn't bottom often; he had a feeling tonight would be different.

It was. Seamus hauled him up and tossed him on the bed. Matt got flipped on his stomach and his pants ripped from his body. Fuck, Matt's heart was beating out of his chest.

Seamus was on him, breathing against his ear, lubed fingers pressed between his ass; telling him exactly what was to happen.

"Do you want this?"

Matt gripped the sheets. "Fuck. Yes."

Seamus sucked on his ear and breached him. First with one finger, then two, then who knows. Matt wasn't counting.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard."

"Yesss," Matt moaned.

Seamus shoved his pants down enough to free himself, then mounted Matt. He couldn't wait another second. He slowly pressed forward, then backed out, then forward again. He barely gave Matt time to adjust before he slid all the way in.

Matt was close to ripping a hole in the sheets, he was so horny. Seamus was lighting his fire. He couldn't get enough. "Harder," he begged. "I want it."

"Like this?" Seamus fucked him so hard he pushed him across the bed but hit all the right spots. Fuck Seamus. How dare he be greedy? Matt wanted to feel like this more.

Seamus leaned down. "You need to touch yourself, now."

Matt braced himself on one elbow and used the other hand to touch himself. A few tugs and he felt the pulling of his balls. "I'm close," he told Seamus. "Keep going just like that. Yeah, fuck."

Matt arched his back and let the simulation drive him over the edge. It came in an intense flood that made him scream like a dying man. Seamus collapsed on the bed, pressing Matt into the mattress, his dick still lodged in Matt's ass.

"Holy shit," Matt said.


Once their breathing slowed, Matt shoved Seamus off him. Matt looked at Seamus, who was still fully dressed, and laughed.

Seamus's smile was lazy and sated. "I got my dick out. That's all that matters."

He reached out and ran his fingers over the hat. "This is hot. I love that you fucked me with your hat on."

Seamus grabbed Matt's hand. "I love you."

Warmth bloomed in Matt's chest but before he could return the sentiment. Then he felt it and bounced off the bed and ran to the bathroom. He hadn't planned on taking Seamus, so there had been no prep. Matt let his body do its thing, then cleaned up and went back to bed. Seamus was naked and barely awake.

"Better?" he asked.

"A heads up would've been helpful. I could've saved myself a mess."

"Couldn't have known," Seamus mumbled.

Matt watched Seamus fall out of consciousness. He never met no one like him. He definitely never dated anyone like him. No one could convince Matt that Seamus wasn't out of his league. No way. Facts were facts. The cards were on the table. But if Seamus couldn't see it, then who was Matt to argue?

Matt held the ace of spades.

* * * * *

He woke to a pair of soft brown eyes and those eyes definitely deserved a kiss.

"Fuck," he moaned as he tried to move. His ass was sore as hell. "How do you do this all the time?"

Seamus chuckled. "It's not that bad. You're being dramatic."

He wasn't. He'd been railed last night and there was no walking to breakfast without the entire room knowing. "I'm paralyzed."

Seamus laughed louder and gripped Matt's morning wood. "Does that mean there's no round two this morning?"

"You're delusional if you think you're getting anywhere near my ass this morning."

Seamus rolled on top of Matt and straddled his hips. "What about the other way around? Or are you too sore for that?"

Matt did a practice thrust and could feel every movement in his ass. "Maybe if you do all the work."

That wouldn't be a problem.

* * * * *

Matt still walked into breakfast like a cowboy after a long ride. Besides Jay and Loe, who gave him knowing looks, no one else noticed. Straight guys never picked up on these tells. Plus, most of the guys drank too much the night before and were trying to regain some semblance of life before flying out that evening.

There were no videos, no dancing, no Tik Tok videos. Just lounging, light laughing, and storytelling.

After lunch, Matt and Seamus packed their bags and left with little fanfare. Now that he knew everyone, he was bummed he wasn't flying on a private plane with everyone else.

Mostly, he wanted to get to Aidan.

* * * * *

Aidan was at the windowsill with both hands against the glass. His smile went as big as Texas when he spotted them. Even from a distance you could tell he was bursting with joyish energy. Aidan climbed down from the window and was stomping around in excitement when they came through the door. Seamus was there first to swoop him up, but Matt was quick to steal him away.

Aidan had a lot to say as they loaded him into the car.

Seamus looked across the console and smiled. It was a this-is-better-than-any-vacation smile and Matt couldn't help but agree.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anon 1 year ago,

I'm glad for the praise on the author, but what's up with the "women are better in gay literature" stuff? There's a lot of males that write just as great on gay stories, and in fact, there are also just as many males and females who wrote awful gay stories. Easy examples like the alpha-beta-omega stuff, or the ones that stuff way too much sex instead of putting more focus on plot, and even more. Feels like a comment that doesn't add to the context at all, since the praise works even without that.

sm1982sm1982over 2 years ago

Your writing of Aidan is outstanding. Hopefully Loren stops giving Jay the cold shoulder so they can be in love like Matt and Seamus!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This story is fantastic and can’t wait for the next one.

Please never finish writing about them as 8 feel I have so much invested in them

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieabout 3 years agoAuthor

Re: Anon

Jamming the ham radio. I’m dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieabout 3 years agoAuthor

You guys are the best. Thanks for reading and commenting. Things are great, but I can’t help stir stuff up soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I love it! Women beat men in gay literature. This author is definitely a leader.

I love the fact that her stories are just as much about human emotions and real life issues as they are about the sexual aspect, which makes the stories very realistic.

I hope ( although I would be greatly surprised) that this relationship between Matt and Seamus matures without any disturbances. However, this author created a reputation of having someone or something “ jamming the ham radio” before things improve.

TamtamanTamtamanabout 3 years ago

Seamus insecurities from his cheating husband is about to be a problem. Her comes the sad chapters, if this follows the pattern of your other stories. 😢😢

RikAlAdRikAlAdabout 3 years ago

I love it. This author is my favorite. I was afraid the appearance of Loe was going to be a problem for Matt and Seamus, but instead it was only a problem for Jay and Loe himself. Pity. It had such potential.

LASFSEALASFSEAabout 3 years ago

Great chapter. The sex was hot. Leo and Jay- wonder where that goes? This is an awesome story. Love all the friends. Go Hawks!

BaladeerBaladeerabout 3 years ago

Matt and Seamus together make me happy. I have a knott in my stomach thinking a shoe is about to drop. Please don't let a shoe drop.

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