Bound Friends Pt. 05


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First Sophia went to reattach Andrea's mask she had left in the parlor, giving her head the same featureless face Megan had. The rest of the outfit attached very similarly to Megan's. Sophia started by attaching both legs, making sure Andrea was nice and immobile. Because to get the top on, she first had to remove Andrea's mitts but with her legs gone and only one hand being loosened at a time Andrea never really got the idea that fighting back was the right move. Once each sleeve was through the mitts were re-attached and paws clicked on to them as well. There was a tail that Sophia removed Andrea's chastity plate to insert. The mask was the big difference. Aside from its visual differences of cat versus dog, it had no ring gag and its mouth opened and closed with the wearer's mouth rather than being perpetually open. Sophia finished with a shock collar that looked identical to the others except for a large "C" in place where the "D" would normally be.

"OK, so cat noises only now or you're going to get zapped."

Andrea still wasn't very happy about this, but she was at least finding the novelty of the bondage interesting. It wasn't the most restrictive she'd been in, but it certainly did the job it needed to. This was made especially easier to enjoy when Sophia turned up Andrea's chip, reminding her of all the things she liked about being bound.

"Come on," Sophia said as she tugged on Andrea's leash, which was unfortunately still the shock leash and gave Andrea a clear and quick penalty for dadeling.

Andrea struggled to get the walking right, but it was a short trip so the difficulty was short lived. Sophia unclipped both leashes and walked back to sit at one of the chairs. Both her "pets" simply sat there waiting to see what came next.

"Either of you think you can get out?" Sophia asked in a very blasé tone. they both just shook their head. Sophia seemed to be searching her mind for what to do now, she had all three of them so secure they could never get out. But now what? "Ok, race time, first one to the front door and back to me doesn't get whipped."

Megan didn't even wait for a go word, she started shuffling her fastest to the door. Andrea tried to catch up, she felt she had already endured enough whippings. But in the end it wasn't even close. Andrea tripped twice, giving her a very uncat-like clumsy run. Sophia went back to ge the cat o' nine and gave Andrea ten good hits, but seemed almost to be losing interest half way through.

Sophia became content to watch for some time. Megan liked walking around, it shook her tail which she loved the sensation of. Andrea prefered much more sedentary resting, a feline trate she was finally doing justice to. Occasionally Sophia would turn up someone's chip even more and watch as they helplessly reacted. But more than an hour of free roaming can eventually get tiring.

"Well shit, what do I do now?" Sophia mumbled. She spread out exhausted on her leather lazyboy, leaning back and collapsing out. "I've been kind of winging it but now what? I'm out of ideas."

Megan let out a bark while Andrea just looked puzzled about if she was expected to answer or not.

"Right, the whole 'no words' thing. Well then show me Andrea, you've been up here more than us. I'm sure Lea must have had you tied up in all kinds of ways. What would you probably be doing right about now if I were Lea? Just pretend I'm her, what would you be doing?"

Andrea looked cross eyed at Sophia's chair, trying to visualize it was Lea sitting there to get a better thought. Eventually she hobbled over stopped right at Sophia's feet, feet Andrea was picturing to be Lea's. She rubbed her smooth partial latex outfit along Sophia's legs, purring in rejoicement. She looked up at her imaginary Lea and reached up to bite onto the top of her Mistress's shorts to pull them down with her teeth. She hadn't meant to, but she had grabbed her pair of panties in her mouth along with the shorts but decided to continue without ceremony.

Sophia was a little confused but watched as Andrea removed her shorts and panties, stripping her from the hip down. She moved her legs closer to facilitate their total removal. Andrea then returned back in and began to lick the waiting pussy of her Mistress.

Sophia had forgotten just how frustrated she had been. After so long without an orgasm, at that moment her rational questioning took a back seat to her pent up desire and she simply leaned back to enjoy it. Andrea had become quite practiced and knew exactly which buttons to push and how hard. She was soft, and tender. Her tongue danced around playfully, building anticipation slowly. Sophia began to moan in pleasure as Megan crawled to the side for a better view.

After many minutes of torment, Sophia slammed her two arms down onto the armrests and gripped them hard as her moans of pleasure got louder. Andrea continued until she heard the familiar screams of someone achieving climax. She pulled back only as she felt the muscles spasm in violent eruption, spilling out some of her hot juices onto the leather lazyboy.

Andrea watched as imaginary Lea's pale legs returned to the present reality of Sophia's deep olive skinned legs. Strangely she felt a little uncomfortable, she backed up and tripped herself underestimating how difficult it was to walk backwards on all fours like she was. Rather than try to get up, Andrea simply lay out on her back and let her extremities fall to the ground in as close to a rest as they would give her.


"Wait a second," said a now recovered and redressed Sophia. "That's what you usually do?"

Andrea looked over and saw Sophia with a very confused look on her face. She shrugged her shoulders and pointed with her eyes down to the collar limiting her speech.

"Well yes or no, has Lea made you do that to her?"

Andrea kind of shrugged her shoulders again, but nodded her head as well.

"Fine fine," Sophia said as she got up and removed the collar from Andrea. "So yes or no, have you done that with Lea?"

"Yes I have," Andrea said plainly as she tried with difficulty to sit up before Sophia helped her up.

"Isn't that a little.. odd? I mean that's kind of really intimate the way you do that." Sophia sat down on the floor keeping at closer head level with Andrea and Megan.

"Well not real.. well.. is it much more than what you've just done to Megan and I?"

"I don't know.. what I've been doing is whipping, tieing, that's just not the same. I mean would you go lick Megan's pussy that tenderly right now?" Sophia said causing Megan to sit up at attention.

"No that's different." Andrea retorted quickly

"How is that different?"

"Well when you were up there you were like... my Mistress. Like Lea. You said to imagine what I'd do to Lea."

"So you're first instinct when thinking of Lea is to passionately lick her to orgasm?" Sophia asked.

"You're twisting my words around!" Andrea said with a hint of frustration though not any anger. Her heart was racing, this was all getting a little intense. She was becoming increasingly uncomfortable in her bindings. She didn't know why this was coming on like this.

"Ok lets start again, do you go down on Lea a lot?"

"I guess," Andrea said as she started fidgeting her arms.

"But you only want to go down on her or people you're imagining as her?"

"Well no.. I mean yes I guess... but no that's not what I mean."

"Andrea, are you in love with Lea?"

Andrea was stunned. Of course not, she was just someone she played kinky games with. And she was a she! Not to mention one of her oldest friends. She started shaking her head no but the mask made itself extra felt as it pulled her head back towards the centre with every pull. She started getting nervous and sweaty, the claustrophobia must really be kicking in.

"Could you take this hood off, I'm getting kind of hot," Andrea said after feeling she shook her head enough in an answer.

"That wasn't the strongest denial I've ever heard," Sophia said pushing the point but not moving at all to get her out.

"No ok? No I'm not in love with my best friend. Now get these damn things off please." Andrea said in a slightly more frantic pace, she just really wanted to move this all along so she could get out of all this.

"I'm just saying..." Sophia said as she shrugged her shoulders before leaning in to remove the kitty mask. "Is that better?"

"No, I mean yes. I mean but no, could you take it all off please? I've had enough of this for now."

"You sure it's just the outfit?" Sophia said playfully, poking her friend with her elbow suggestively.

"Just fucking get me out of this!" Andrea snapped in a substantially louder voice.

"Ok, ok fine." Sophia said as she turned around and began unfastening in silence. "You want out too?" she asked Megan as she was nearing completion of Andrea. Megan shook her head no a barked twice. "There. All free" Sophia said as she pulled off the last bondage mitt.

Andrea got up and left to go get another change of clothes that wouldn't be soaking wet upstairs.

"You wouldn't turn on me like that right? You're a good little slave dog," She said to Megan as she slid over and pet her on the latex covered head. Megan leaned into the pets and let out a sympathetic whimper.

"Um, where's Lea?" Andrea asked after returning from the master bedroom in a new set of cloths.

"Oh you'll find this cool," Sophia said as she got up and started walking towards the hallway. "Come on puppy," she said signaling for Megan to follow. "I found this cool metal hole in the floor,"

"WHAT!?!" Andrea screamed upon hearing that. "You put her in the punishment box? Have you at least checked on her?"

"Punishment box? It just looked.. no I haven't checked in but she was totally fine when I put her in. She seemed to be eating out of my hand, she's really got a submissive side." Sophia said as she picked up the pace a little to reach the room.

Andrea had already opened the wooden floor which had no lock attached to see Lea laying still next to a pile of her own vomit. "Hurry I think something's gone wrong."

Sudden sound and the quick gust of air was enough to wake Lea, who awoke disoriented as to why she couldn't see, why she couldn't move or what that strange smell was.

"Oh good you're awake slave, and just in time to have an audience!" came the voice of the box to the now waking Lea.

"Audience?" she thought, she was still a little out of it but she thought she heard her tormentor say audience. "Hal...." She stammered out before the collar prevented her from finishing the word. "Ha..." she tried again but this time interrupted by both the collar and a sharp hit to her feet.

"You just couldn't stay quiet could you?" said the computer voice tauntingly. "Well now the 20 hits start all over again."

"Oh god that must have been some kind of trick," Lea thought as she stopped fidgeting and tried slow deep breaths to brace for the next hit without screaming. But time had made her feet even more sensitive, and all the hits land within a small area of each other so each blow was heightened in pain by one that came earlier.

"Sophia hurry, unlock this goddam gate!" Andrea yelled back as a surprised Sophia fumbled around with the phone.

"God this computer's good at imitating their voices," Lea thought as she braced herself for now the sixth hit on the way to twenty.

"There," Sophia said as she found the right button and unlocked the cage disabling the AI and unlocking the stocks trapping Lea's feet and head. Andrea ripped the gate open before the computer could land a seventh hit. She rushed to undo Leas feet, neck and then to her blindfold.

When Lea felt her feet get freed she was overwhelmed, the ordeal was over. It wasn't a trick! Andrea carried her up to the bed and sat her up, Lea found it hard to put much weight on her feet at that moment. She looked Andrea in the eyes trying to convey a thousand thank yous knowing from her horse throat that saying them wouldn't be possible. Andrea reached around to remove the collar but found Lea still had an attached lock, "Do you have the key?" she shouted over to Sophia who was preoccupied studying the box.

"No.. I think it's upstairs," Sophia said as she patted down her pockets. "I'll go get it." She said as she darted over to the nearest door that lead upstairs.

"God what happened," Andrea said as she patted through Lea's hair that had grown sticky and clumpy from laying in vomit. " And you've been crying too?" she said as she saw the redness of Lea's eyes and traced the lines the teardrops formed as they fell down the side of her face. "Are you going to be.. I mean.. I'm worried about you."

Lea started tearing up. She was so sure she had been left there, she was so frightened. She leaned in to Andrea who extended her arms around her in a hug. Andrea started quickly undoing her straight jacket, removing it entirely and leaving before her a shivering, pale, naked body (aside from the collar) who went right in for a close embrace with her rescuer.

Andrea began to pull away to look her friend in the eye to ask her something more. Before any words could escape, Lea moved in for a tight, passionate kiss. Andrea was surprised but the desperateness of her quivering body was obvious, she needed this affection.

Sophia walked in just as Lea let out a low satisfied moan. It was one of relief but it could have been interpreted as anything. "So you really sure?" Sophia asked with skeptical eyes.

Andrea pulled away at the quip and loudly retorted "Yes, fuck, I'm still sure! How many times do I need to say it, Lea's just a friend. I'm not in love with her. She started kissing me and I guess she felt like she really needed it. That's it."

Somehow this hurt as bad as anything the machine had thrown at her. Lea had always assumed Andrea didn't lover her back, but to hear it all so forceful, so dismissive, so patronizing. It was just too much. She fell to her side and pulled her feet up onto the bed curling up in a ball.

"I got the key," Sophia said as she started walking over with it waving in her hand. Andrea outstretched her hand and Sophia stopped to hand it over instead of unlocking it herself. When the collar was off, Lea threw it across the room.

"Get out," Lea said softly into her pillow so no one could hear it.

"I'm sorry? what's out?" Andrea said

"YOU!" Lea yelled threw a raspy, someone cracking voice. "Get OUt! ALL of you!" She screamed in anger.

Andrea was crushed. She could see her friend was in so much internal pain, the box must have really wrecked her. Lea had told her about it once, but said she never calibrated it because she said that Andrea hasn't done anything bad enough to punish her with it. She reached over to set her hand on her shaking leg which Lea quickly swatted away.

"Out to the living room?" Sophia asked quietly not wanting to add fuel to a fire she was increasingly afraid she started.

"No, out. Take my car and just go. Take your bags and leave. The weekend's over." Lea said without even turning her head to look at Sophia.

Megan was already gone and Sophia wasn't far behind but Andrea refused to believe what she was hearing. "Hon, please, don't do this, what's wrong?"

"What wrong?" Lea said, finally turning over to look Andrea in the eyes. "I've just been through hell... hon. When Sophia caught me that was one thing. But then the pain, and I've never experienced that so when I started drifting off into my own little subspace I didn't even notice. No one did. Then when I woke up from the haze I was crashing from the high all alone in the dark, I was trapped in there, in pain and in for a whole lot more pain to come. I tried calling for help but that damn collar wouldn't let me! And so no, I'm not going to just keep hosting you for the weekend. Just take my car and get out. It's a piece of crap relic anyway, from way back before everything started making driverless standard. I'll.. I'll call for a taxi or something. Promise the company enough cash and I'm sure one of them will come out this far. And tell Sophia to change the goddam master code back so I can actually run my own house."

Andrea could feel the hurt in her tone. She reached over to take her hand but Lea just pulled away. "No this isn't something a little hand holding's going to fix. I need some serious time and I need that to be time without any of you."

Andrea felt crushed, but she tried to make herself understand. She grabbed everyone's bags and left Lea in her room who promptly began to cry into her pillow after she saw Andrea walk out of focus and heard the door close.

"Is she going to be alright?" Sophia asked as she was down on the floor unfastening Megan from her suit.

"Not for a while thanks to you. You completely fucked her the hell up. What's the matter with you?" She said as she shoved Sophia in anger. "This is serious, there are serious consequences, but you just had to run everything yourself without thinking about anything. She didn't look a little odd to you when you took her downstairs?" Sophia asked incredulously.

"I mean she seemed a little spacy.."

"Oh, OH, ok, so lets just lock the person who's a little spacy in a metal torture box and leave her alone." Andrea said as she circled around paced back and forth in front of the two of them.

"Well I didn't know.."

"Well it's supposed to be your job to fucking know. Being in charge isn't just cause you win a wrestling match, you have to be responsible. You fucked this up." Andrea continued, interrupting Sophia.

"Is this because I asked if you loved her?"

Andrea's head went red, she felt like she was going to blow a gasket. "Of course it's fucking not! We're just fucking friends. That's it."

Megan laughed low and to herself, now free to do so with her collar off.

"Something funny?" Andrea insisted.

"Sorry, you just said 'fucking friends' and it made me laugh. Inappropriate. Carry on." Megan answered sheepishly.

"Well she says she's done with these for a while and I can't blame her. You, Sophia, you should back the fuck up too till you learn a little more about safety and consent and all that boring stuff you just ripped apart today. And you Megan? You need to keep that belt off for a while cause you seem to be doing way too much thinking between your legs and not enough between your ears. This can be dangerous stuff and you don't seem to appreciate that. Not everything can be like it is on the internet. You are smarter than any of us, this shouldn't be that hard to be a little more balanced about." Andrea blasted out angrily.

The three continued yelling at each other for another half hour, running through how everything was everyone elses fault but theirs. They burnt so many bridges that the only response the room had was to just sit there in the awkward silence they created before agreeing to go home.

It was perhaps the quietest car ride the three of them ever shared. Andrea dropped them each off and parked a few blocks away from her house to keep the car a secret. Monday felt like it was a long ways off still and for the first time she could remember she was not looking forward to seeing any of the three at school. It was a feeling Sophia and Megan shared.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This part is missing some serious tags, like non con for starters, author.

An indication that the story takes such a dark turn would be pretty respectful of the readers too. It came at me cold and completely ruined the story because i wasn't prepared.

JasmijnJasmijnalmost 3 years ago

This was torture. How could Sophie not understand this. How could their be a place in the house where safewords did not work. Why did Sophie thought that it was ok to take over a house that is not hers. I can’t understand that the other girls want a person like that to be their friend. She is dumb and selfish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

This is incredibly well written I was nearly crying at the end of it

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Ugh... this story is one step forward, six steps back. Lea/Andrea's consent was so much better with the safeword scene, and then it all went to hell.

teehaateehaaover 5 years ago
I'm happy to have continued...

This was a trainwreck of scene. But a beautiful one...

A inexperienced dumbdomme at her best.

A nice emotional rollercoster, made me really uneasy... let's hope it serves a purpose!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Leaving someone wearing a shock collar unattended in a hot tub? Is she mental? That's like a recipe for drowning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Holy Crap

I had to skim through this chapter because it made me cry, Sophia is moron.

Wicked_NightmareWicked_Nightmareover 8 years ago

This chapter runs with the characterization, and takes a dark turn, but an exciting one. The ending is a real cliffhanger that fired up my expectations and interest.

Celina_Celina_over 8 years ago

Aaaah, where to begin?!

You are a very talented writer at making the story and characters come alive, and I've thoroughly enjoyed the ride thus far.

I must confess that this particular chapter made me shake with trepidation - it was like a horror scene come live. Now, normally I don't mind reading about nonconsent and very very rough stories. But this one got to me on an emotional level - perhaps because it was all unintended and done due to a lack of understanding?

I tried putting the story away and start reading again with a few hours in between to try and calm down, but it didn't help... Every time I started reading, I started shaking.

The above is intended as a big kudus to your talents as a writer, and I hope you take it as such!

I'm thinking of waiting a bit with starting on the next chapter... But I reeeeally want to find out what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This has been a really well written story throughout. The character development was strong and climaxed by underlining one of BDSM's most important facets, consent.

Thank you for a wonderful story, you are a far better writer than this website deserves.

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