Bound Together

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My little sister has always been a little strange.
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"Bound Together" by Flameboy580 aka Emmett Vosh

This is my first time writing a non-consent story, so any feedback is much appreciated!

Also, this story features elements of rape, non-consent, and reluctance. If that's not your thing, you may not like this one.

For everyone else, please enjoy!

~E. Vosh


It was early in the evening, and I had just gotten home from work when my phone rang. I fished my phone from my pocket to find that it was from Sheila, my mother.

I answered with a casual, "Hey, Mom."

"Hey, Ian, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Do you have a minute to talk?" My mother always sounded so professional, even when she was relaxed.

I sat on the couch, loosening my button up and got comfortable, "Yeah, sure! What's up?"

"Well...I'm going out of town on Thursday for a business trip, and Lisa wants to stay with you."

Why was I not surprised?

"She's old enough to take care of herself though. Did she say why?"

"Ian, you already know her explanations are too...out there...for me. Do you want me to put her on?"

"Nah, I'll send her a text. What days?"

"Thursday to Wednesday, I'll be flying back late on Tuesday."

I groaned, knowing I'd have to cancel my plans to see my girlfriend this weekend, but as much of a weird pain-in-the-ass my little sister was, I had been missing her.

"Okay, that should work. She can stay with me."

"Thanks dear, I'll deposit some cash in your account as a thank you."

"You don't really have to, mom. Save it and do something nice for you, and honestly, I can keep her for an extra may need time to recover from the trip."

Our mother became a workaholic after our dad passed away 17 years ago. Apparently, I got my dark hair from him. He probably also had blue eyes, since everyone in our family has them. Supposedly, he was like 10 years older than her, and passed from an unexpected heart attack. Mom did so much for us growing up, and we were able to live comfortably because of her hard work. This was the least I could do.

"Are you sure? You know how much of handful she can be, and I'm sure you had plans with Kayla, but I do feel better knowing you can keep an eye on her."

I kicked off my shoes and socks as she spoke, "It's fine mom, I haven't seen her in a while anyway."

"Okay...If you are sure. Thank you, Ian. I'll drop her off around four on Thursday then."

"That'll work!"

And just like that, the plan was set.

I loved my sister, but I was definitely bummed to have to cancel with Kayla, my wonderful girlfriend. Being the sweetheart that she is, Kayla offered to come hang out with my little sister and I...but I was worried Kayla might not be ready to meet Lisa yet. My little sister has scared off more than one of my previous girlfriends with her weird "hobby".

It wasn't all bad though, I really had been missing Lisa, and was excited to see her.


Thursday I only worked a half-day and had requested Friday and Tuesday off. The office was closed on Monday, so this kind of worked out. The joy that only a long weekend could bring filled me as I got in my car.

When I got home, I set about tidying up my two-bedroom apartment. Why a two-bedroom apartment even though I lived alone? Because I had lived there with my ex and her friend a while back, before she cheated on me and left me brokenhearted. Now I used the extra room for storage. Having a guestroom had come in handy more than once, and the extra space was nice. Assuming things continued to go well, Kayla would probably end up moving in with me once her lease ran out in a few months. I couldn't wait. She was truly the best thing to ever happen to me.

A few minutes before four, my doorbell rang. I found my blonde-haired, blue-eyed mother smiling at me as she greeted me. My mother was always punctual and always professionally dressed. My sister on the other hand...

Lisa ran up to hug me as usual before removing the hood from her cloak, revealing the blonde hair and piercing blue eyes she inherited from our mother.

Yeah, removed the hood from her cloak.

No, I don't live in some low-budget fantasy setting. My sister wears "dark magic" robes outside since apparently the sun's rays "hinder her connection to the weave" or some crap. She's believed in this occult magic nonsense since she was little. The lack of sunlight has given her a ghostly pale complexion that really makes the blue in her eyes pop.

Lisa didn't wait before frolicking through my apartment to "examine the strength of magical" something or other while I talked to our mother.

Mom and I chatted for a bit, and as always, she ended with, "Don't let her get arrested or anything." It had become sort of running gag between us. I laughed and assured her that I wouldn't let anything happen to the nutcase of our family.

To be clear, my little sister wasn't really a least not according to the doctors and therapists she saw growing up. They didn't find anything diagnosable. Truth is, my sister is undeniably brilliant. Like borderline genius brilliant. She graduated high school with an almost perfect GPA and was valedictorian with numerous honors. She has received countless scholarship offers.

If only she applied that brain to something more useful...

We wished our mother a safe trip and watched her drive off before we took her bags to the guest room.

"Sorry if it's a little messy," I told her as I set her bags down.

"This is perfect Ian! Plus, I can practice my curses on random people through the window!"

I sighed, "Please don't."

I loved her dearly, but my sister was a freaking weirdo.

She's really sweet in her own wacky way, like the time she offered to hex my ex-girlfriend. I declined my sister's "generous" offer to inflict unspeakable horror on that self-centered woman.

My sister cares about me, and I'm probably the only one who understands her...kind of.

For instance, like when she began clenching her chest in the guest room and said "Ian!...The magical energy signatures are converging on my body and I require your aid," she was probably hungry or thirsty...or wanted me to turn up down the AC. It was very situational with her.

Turns out she was hungry, as was revealed by her stomach growling.

I laughed at her, posing dramatically, "Ah, yes, the dark forces of hunger must be truly powerful here," causing her to blush with embarrassment.

Even now at 19, she still reminds me of that little girl I took care of growing up. Lisa is 5 years younger than me, has a baby face and is very short, standing at only 4'11. I'm 5'10, but next to her everyone looks taller. She is super petite and doesn't have much curve, giving her the appearance of being underage. Some people have even mistaken her for a middle-schooler.

I listened to her excitedly rambling about some new spell she was working on while I threw together a quick dinner of rice, rotisserie chicken and veggies.

"If I can just figure out how to restructure the energies of temperature in the matter, think of all I could accomplish!" She bounced excitedly on her chair as she told me.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be awesome." I had perfected the art of faking excitement in my voice.

"I'm hoping to pull it off by the end of summer."

"If you perfect it, let me see it."

I knew full well her "magic" wasn't going to enable her to freeze a glass of water, but I knew better than to tell her that. No "magic is real" lectures for me today, thanks.

Casually, I changed the subject, "So what made you want to stay with me?"

She took a drink of lemonade, wiping her mouth before answering, "I always want to stay with my brother. You're the best!"

That was sweet and all...but she didn't answer my question, "I mean sure, but you can take care of yourself. I've seen it."

She got awkward and blushed, but there was something in her shy smile that I couldn't place. Maybe I imagined it. She shook her head before she said, "The magic tether has grown stronger, haven't you felt it?"

Ah, the infamous "magic tether."

My sister has long labored under the delusion that she and I are bound by a magical contract that was apparently part of some age-old pact made some powerful mages. According to her, it will bind us until the "terms of the pact are formed". I've asked many times what the hell that means but haven't gotten anything sensical out of her.

I will say this though, at the risk of sounding bat shit crazy...I don't think there is any magical tether or whatever, but I have noticed something. Sometimes I get this...nagging feeling like I need to go spend time with her. It's kinda like when you are really tense but don't realize it until you relax. That's the best way I can describe it. I feel...tense in a way when I'm apart from her for too long, and I can't relax until I see her.

Anyway, I couldn't deny that I had been having a more intense nagging to see her than usual, which is part of why I agreed to this. I did feel a certain...longing to be closer to her. Nevertheless, I doubted that it had anything to do with magic, and I would never admit it to her if I did.

Those blue eyes watched me as she awaited my response. I knew that if I denied the tether's existence, she would rant about it, but if I was too accepting, she would try to teach me magic.

Tactfully I responded with mankind's most useful response.

I shrugged.

She interpreted it as an omittance of guilt, which was fine with me. "See? You do understand the gravity of our situation then! The tether's pull is growing stronger, Ian!"

I absentmindedly agreed with her while I started serving us.

I knew one thing about my "situation": it was going to be an interesting week.


I woke up late in the night, and it took me a moment to realize what was happening. I couldn't move my body at all, but I could speak and move my eyes.

It was a night terror. Sometimes called sleep paralysis.

I'm not really a psych type of person, but according to the docs growing up, night terrors happen when your mind partially wakes up, but your body is still in the stages of sleep. You can't really do anything except wait as your brain either wakes up, or you fall back asleep. They are a major pain in the ass. I've been having them since I was like 16, when they started happening randomly. I got checked out by a doc or two, but they couldn't figure out the cause.

Come to think of it, I hadn't had one for a long time...

I laid there until I could fall asleep again, but not before noticing that my bedroom door was slightly ajar. Strange, since I thought I had closed it before going to bed.


I woke up feeling groggy, which was common for days when I had night terrors.

Guess I'd try taking a sleep aid tonight.

I was surprised to find Lisa awake in the kitchen, and even more so when I saw her making coffee. She was dressed for comfort, with a thin tank top and shorts. She didn't wear those ridiculous robes indoors, thankfully.

"Morning Ian!" Her smile was waaaaay too chipper for this groggy boy.

"Hey...whatcha doing, Lis?" Lis was a nickname I've called her for ages. It sounds just like Lisa, but without the "a" sound.

"Making you coffee. You still drink it every morning right? Splash of cream, 2 spoons of sugar?" She tilted her head to the side as she awaited my reply.

"Y-yeah..." She has always been observant and liked to study people's habits and patterns, especially mine.

She smiled happily as she stirred the sugar and cream in. "I hope I made it right."

I let it cool down a bit before I took a sip. It was...delicious. I stared into the cup, not bothering to hide my confusion, "This is good stuff...what coffee did you use?"

She smirked, pride blatantly showing on her face as she held up my can of generic coffee. "I used regular coffee...but I used a spell to enhance the flavor!"

I rolled my eyes. She more than likely brought a fancier brand of coffee and was pulling my leg.

She just laughed at me and said, "I can even show you on your second cup!"


"Oh, and I was wondering if I could make you breakfast? I've been...learning how to cook lately."

I almost spat out my coffee. "Cook? You mean like brewing right?"

Our grandma, Martha, was into this magic crap too before she passed. We found all kinds of weird books and stuff in her house, including an antique cauldron...which Lisa ended up with. We still teased her mercilessly about it.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head cutely, "No! I mean like normal food."

I raised a brow, " an experiment?"

She pulled out some eggs from the fridge, "Not exactly...I thought it would be good to learn."

She had a habit of going on skill-kicks. Basically, she would tell herself 'I should learn how to BLANK' and would practice it until reaching a satisfactory level of competence before forgetting about it. She could do all sorts of little things as a result but wasn't really a master at anything. Unless you include "magic", which I didn't count as a real skill.

Curious, I decided to watch her.

It turns out she really did know the basics of cooking. She made French toast, eggs and sausage. It was kind of cute to see how she struggled to reach any of the shelves higher than the second one.

When it was ready, I pulled down some plates for her to serve us. When we sat down at the dining room table, she didn't even touch her food. Instead she eyed me intently as I took the first bite.

"Well????" She asked, leaning in with an adorable look of anticipation.

It was delicious. "Wow...that's good."

She kissed me on the cheek before exclaiming happily, "See? I told you I could do it!"

I couldn't figure out what she had added or done to make the food taste so good. She added vanilla extract to the batter, and used some cinnamon and nutmeg, but that wouldn't be enough to create this good of French toast. It's not like I had farm fresh ingredients or anything.

She must have noticed me eyeing the spice cabinet because she giggled, saying "Nope! I didn't add anything unusual...I used a spell on this too!"

Her pale face was beaming with joy at me while we ate.

I felt something strange as I looked into those blue eyes. I told myself my tired brain was imagining it...but there was an...impulse. I felt a strange, powerful urge to tackle her to the ground, pulling her tiny body into me as I kissed her deeply. I shook my head to clear the non-so-brotherly images that followed.

What the hell was that?

She must have noticed something was off, because she asked, "Ian? okay?"

"Yeah...sorry," I said, trying to sound casual, "I kinda...zoned out for a sec there."

She watched me intently but said nothing.

In an attempt to recover, I changed the subject, asking her if she had any plans for the day.

"Nope! I left my schedule empty so I could spend time with you!"

"Really missed me, huh?"

"Well yeah! I always miss you!"

"Yeah yeah...Well I need to get some shopping done. Wanna run some errands, maybe pick up a board game or two, and then maybe go ice skating?"

Those eyes glinted with delight as she said "I love that idea! Lets go!"

We got dressed and did the usual morning stuff before heading out. Lisa surprised me when she left her robes at home, opting instead for a large sunhat to "block the sun's harsh rays". Between the large sunhat and her simple white dress, it gave her an appearance of innocence that was precious. She looked almost like a little doll.

While shopping, she took my hand suddenly to pull me toward something she wanted when a middle-aged couple saw us. They smiled sweetly at me before the woman said, "Your niece is so cute!" I had grown accustomed to the look people give when I laugh it off and tell them she is my sister. This sort of thing happened often.

When we finished shopping, we went back to my place to put the groceries away and change for ice skating. Lisa had just put some yogurt in the fridge when she turned toward me and spaced out. She stared at me with this...look. I watched as a strange expression danced across her face. Something like...hunger flashed in her eyes, but a moment later she shook her head and it was gone.

" okay?"

Her cheeks were blushing slightly, and her voice cracked as she said, "Yeah's just...never mind."

I waited to see if she would say more.

She opened her mouth but closed it, opting to keep silent.

I asked to make sure she was feeling alright, but she said she felt fine.

She was probably just pranking me or something.

We threw some warmer clothes for ice skating in a bag before heading to the rink.


Even though I had 5 years of practice on her, she was still better on the ice than I was. I watched as she nimbly tore through the rink. I could keep up with her for the most part, but I couldn't do any tricks or anything, unless you count the good old falling-on-my-ass trick. Even so it was fun, and the rink was refreshing in the summer heat.

After a while I stepped off the ice to grab a snack. I watched her little frame zoom around the room in her puffy blue jacket, admiring her grace as she spun around the room.

She finished a cute little spin before turning toward me with a bright smile.

My gut constricted suddenly, and that odd sensation took over again. I found myself wanting to be closer to Lisa. As close as possible. To pull her into one of the locker rooms with me, lock the door, rip off her clothes and...

I shook my head once.


Okay seriously...what the fuck was that?

Just to be clear, my sister has almost no sex appeal. She leans very heavily toward the cute and innocent direction. She also doesn't resemble my taste in women even slightly. Kayla, for instance, was voluptuous, dark-haired, and sexy. By contrast, Lisa was petite, light-haired, and cutesy. Kayla also didn't look like she was 10 years younger than me or make me feel like a very young father.

So why the hell did I just picture myself fucking her up against a wall?

Maybe I was just pent-up. At least...I hoped that's all this was.

I sent Kayla a text saying I missed her, hoping that this was just some weird way for my brain to process not being able to see Kayla this weekend.

I was so lost in thought that Lisa's voice startled me.

"You alright?...Was it an evil spirit? Did someone hex you?" Her eyes scanned the room vigilantly as she searched for the non-existent threat.

"N-no...I'm fine." My voice came out a little shakier than I intended.

She tilted her head before placing a hand on my forehead. Her warm hands sent signals through my body that I couldn't understand. All I knew is that those electric signals converged on the exact spot my gut twisted moments before.

"Could it be...?" She mused to herself.

I didn't wait to hear the end of her sentence, "I'm fine now...want to tear it up again?"

"Actually..." She chewed her lip thoughtfully for a moment before continuing, "...never mind. Sure, let's go."

We played on the ice for a for a bit longer before we decided we were both tired.

We both got changed back into casual clothes in separate locker rooms. I tried to change quickly, before my mind started wandering. I would have to process those weird...thoughts later. But not now.

I was waiting by the entrance when she came out. She really did look adorable in that summer dress.

Unexpectedly she came up and held me tightly.

"Hi...miss me alrea-" but I stopped myself when I realized she was trembling lightly. Worry flooded me.

"Hey, okay?"

"Yeah...I'm just...I'm cold."

I felt the corner of my mouth twitch up into a smirk. "Oh? Can't you use a spell to warm yourself up?" I was unable to resist the tease.

I figured she'd lecture on all the reasons that wouldn't work, but instead she simply huffed a laugh before nuzzling her head to my chest. She was so tiny...because of our height difference, I could rest my head on top of her's if I wanted.