Brandi and Kelly Ch. 04


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"No! I haven't!" Brandi managed to reply in fury. Brandi wanted to say it had all been forced upon her but the intensity and submission of the last few days couldn't be explained away so easily.

"OK, hang tight I'll be back in a few," and Cindy left the changing room.

Brandi noticed how her heart beat had increased and she was panting lightly and her nipples were hard as a rock. She reached to soothe them between thumb and forefinger.

Cindy quickly returned with several leather items Brandi recognized. She started to protest, but Cindy slapped her ass and grabbed a leather cuff to fasten it on a wrist, then the other. Brandi wondered why she had become so passive allowing Cindy to push and pull her around adjusting the straps of the harness.

When Cindy fastened both wrists to the waist of the harness she groaned as though in pain. She was wondering what this harridan was planning next. In frustration Brandi pulled at the wrist restraints but the thin leather was too strong. Cindy stood with arms folded watching the struggle, with a smile of satisfaction on her face.

"Cindy, you're going too far! I'm going to scream for help if you don't let me go."

Cindy grabbed her nose, pinching it tightly and twisted Brandi's head back. When Brandi gasped for breath she shoved the ball gag into Brandi's gaping mouth.

Without the use of her hands, there was little Brandi could do except kick out but she missed. Before she could aim another the ball gag was imbedded in her mouth with the straps tightened at the back of her head. Brandi had been caught off guard to be left standing there with eyes wide with shock.

"Now, let me check out those pussy rings more carefully. Hmmm!"

Brandi twisted her body in protest and made angry muffled sounds through the gag, but there was nothing she could do to stop the assault. And over the loud music, it was not likely anyone was going to hear her.

"Mmmm nice! I have a few ideas. Back in a sec, dear," Cindy laughed, patting Brandi's bulging cheek lightly. Cindy turned then stopped, as though a thought had just occurred to her.

She rummaged through a shoulder bag to pull a camera phone free. "Never know who might like some pics of a little naked Chinese slave girl."

Brandi tossed her head back trying to scream through the gag, but it was no use. She twisted her body and turned her head to hide, but her tormentor would have none of this.

Cindy reached out and twisted a nipple ring. When Brandi turned in pain, Cindy slapped her face sharply. "Just stand still or it gets worse, slave." She snapped away taking several pictures, zooming in on Brandi's gagged face and new piercings. Cindy tucked the camera away safely in a Gucci bag and left the changing room with an awful snicker.

Brandi cringed in despair. "No! Please! You can't." She whimpered. It was too late the deed had been done and there was no going back.

Cindy pulled the curtain aside to find Brandi standing defiantly waiting for her. "You don't know when to give in do you slave gyrl," she said, looking at her naked body with satisfaction. "You do as I say or the pictures get sent to everyone in class. Exactly as I say, K? You are a slave after all!" The harridan laughed. "You know how to obey, so now you're mine and Teresa's slave slut. We're your mistresses, K?

"Ok! Ok! I'll do as you say, Mistress." Brandi muttered. The words couldn't have been more distasteful if she had cursed her own mother. This girl was the last person she would want to spend time with or even talk to but now she was forced to crawl for mercy.

Cindy knelt before Brandi looking up at her pussy with the camera. "Look at me with a big smile." Cindy pinched her pussy lips, "A big smile, I said!" Cindy showed Brandi the shot. It was a close up of a pierced pussy together with a false smile on her face in the background.

Bent over looking back Brandi smiled into the camera with her ass and pussy on view. Everything was on show, her asshole and her pussy, but more terrible still was that it was glowing hot, glistening wet. Cindy had found out her victim was being aroused from intense humiliation.

"Oh! No! Please don't! Please, Mistress." Brandi begged, holding fast to the curtain.

The words were muffled by the ball gag but Cindy knew what she was saying. "You are a well trained slave gyrl! Let go and follow me." Cindy ordered. Cindy had attached a leash to the collar and dragged her out of the small changing room.

In disgust Brandi wondered if the begging and submission was from fear or arousal. It was so humiliating being dragged naked through the store wearing nothing but the harness and ball gag. Fortunately there were few customers but they looked her up and down with smirks or big grins on their faces.

"No escaping me now little slut slave," Cindy sneered.

Brandi quivered and sobbed at the indignity of being this slutty girl's slave even if it was only on a short lone from her master. He was sure to rescue her wouldn't he? She wanted her master and needed him to help her.

The thought of needing a master's protection brought a choking ironic laugh. 'Damn this crap, all of it!' She thought. While thinking of nothing but escaping them all she stumbled behind her tormentor.

Brandi looked around trying to find Kevin but he was at the front of the store among racks of clothing. A tug on the leash turned her toward a small corner office.

"Hi!" Cindy said to a young guy waiting for her.

So this is where Cindy had been, planning yet another humiliation for her. Brandi thought.

"Sit there," Cindy ordered.

'Oh! No! Not again!' Brandi thought.

Cindy pushed her down into the chair and fastened Brandi's wrists to the arms of the chair while staying clear of her feet expecting the victim to kick out. Brandi's eyes were slits of anger and her heavy breathing sprayed spit.

The guy wiped her mouth with a tissue. "You sure this is OK? I'm not supposed to do this without the person's permission," he said.

"Just look at her will you? She's already pierced. Besides she's my slave gyrl so just get on with it, I've paid you extra." Cindy told him.

The guy roughly pulled Brandi's hair over the back of the chair and hefted the staple gun up to her ear. "Not again. No! Please mistress. Please!" Brandi wailed but they took no notice. She tried to shake her head but Cindy had a firm hold of her hair.

She felt the sting of the gun piercing her ear and winced.

"Hold her head still!" the guy complained.

Again the sharp sting was felt only this time Brandi sat quietly uncomplaining. She pressed her thighs together not wanting to reveal how wet she was. She felt ashamed at how aroused her body had become, knowing it showed on her face too.

"I told you, she loves it. Look at how hard her nipples are, she's red hot," Cindy said with glee.

Brandi closed her eyes as they fiddled with her ear lobes. Just below the little locks they were fitting another set of earrings and there was nothing she could do about it. Being so stoked up kept her quiet but she was still secured to the damn chair so what could she do.

"So what do you think slave gyrl?" Cindy asked. She pinched a nipple for attention. When the victim looked into the mirror her eyes opened wide in astonishment. the effect was very much to her liking. "Nice eh?" she laughed.

Brandi focused on the large hoop earrings and choked around the gag. "Damn you, shit bag!" Brandi shouted. It was a good thing the sounds were so garbled or another punishment would have resulted.

"Please, Mistress, take them out!" Brandi complained. It was getting her nowhere complaining; pleading for mercy didn't stop the slut either. The only hope was if she gave in, then maybe the slut would take her back to Kevin.

"Just one more little thing sweet slave gyrl then we join the other two. I paid for a paint job for this slave so get on with it." Cindy demanded of the guy.

Brandi listened to the discussion that went on between them while they completely ignored her as though she weren't there. Although still stoked up the thought of being returned to her master calmed her. It was still a wonder that she had become so passive but realised Kevin's training must have something to do with it.

Brandi just stood there while the harness was removed and the guy gave her a thorough rub down with a wet cloth. His touch was gentle and stimulating yet it was a complete stranger touching her naked body so she had to protest.

When she wriggled away from him Cindy brought out the camera phone. "Some nice pictures for mom and pop? I could send them now if you like." The words were enough to bring Brandi to heel.

Under different circumstances it would have been a nice feeling. A paint brush tickled her body; over nipples, between the legs and in every crevice. If she hadn't already been stoked it might have been possible to ignore or at least keep under control. After all she had become used to being naked and stimulated but this attention to her naked body pushed her ever closer to the edge.

Cindy admired his work, with the subtle shading making it look as though she were dressed. Brandi stood there in a pair of tight shorts and tee-shirt, though still naked. The clothes were literally skin tight! The new large loop earrings added to the effect of her looking like a slut on the prowl.

The gag was removed but Brandi dare not speak. The anger would spill over into a tirade against this nasty piece of work so she bit her lip. The leash was still attached to the collar and a sharp tug moved Brandi toward a side door. Even though being led back to Kevin Brandi winced and froze in the doorway.

"Take me back inside right now! I can't do this." When her tormentor just smiled she tried again. "Please, Mistress. I beg you! I'll be a good slave gyrl. Please don't humiliate me like this. I'll do anything, honest, just give me back the dress, please!" the words tumbled from her lips without thought as to how pathetic she sounded.

She was breathing heavily from being so near an orgasm, needing it to happen. The thought of walking outside naked was pushing her to ward the orgasm that might happen in the street.

"Do you promise to let me dominate you, to be my obedient little slave gyrl?" Cindy asked her.

Brandi gulped. The idea of being a woman's sex toy was abhorrent, going against her moral upbringing. Submitting to a man in marriage was at least a part of her culture, though rarely a reality, so having a master was at least nearly normal.

"Yes mistress. I promise!" she quaked at the promised submission even though it was a lie.

"You'll submit while I fuck you and bugger you with a dildo?" Cindy asked with a cruel laugh.

Brandi felt the cruel humiliation of those words heating her body working on her mind forcing her to submit. Cindy already had her under her power with those damn photos what could she do but submit to the horrid girl?

"Yes mistress, I will submit to you," she whimpered.

"Oh! How I wish I had that on the camera. Then prove it by doing as I say right now."

A tug on the leash pulled Brandi out onto the street. No one took any notice of her nakedness so the shaking subsided as she just stood there in the street wearing nothing but some paint on her naked body. She dare not fight Cindy not wanting to draw attention for a close look would reveal all.

Brandi wondered if the woman had lied and was taking her away from her master. She was so hot it was difficult resisting Cindy so what would happen if they both worked on her? These two class mates could take her to their apartment to be tormented into a state of complete submission. Would they humiliate her with others from her class? The thought of being taken by the whole class was frying her thoughts into a mush.

"Just around that corner back into the store and your safe my shameless slave gyrl. Who would have thought little Miss Perfect was such a slut? Yet here you are being led naked down the street on a leash." Cindy laughed with a cruel twist to her mouth.

Brandi cursed under her breath. This was no time to antagonise the bitch. What if she pulled her down the block and left her there tethered to a lamp post. This was no place to be caught naked, as if there was anywhere reasonable in such a dire situation.

There were hookers dressed in tight little pairs of shorts and t-shirts like this only hers was just paint. As they rounded the corner onto the main street the crowd of people seemed to close in on her like the walls in an elevator as though she were a claustrophobic.

The closeness and their interest in getting to their destination meant the crowd hadn't noticed her. One or two men had looked at her bug eyed for a moment before passing in the crowd.

The door slammed shut behind her and at last she dared to open her eyes. Cindy patted her naked ass as though Brandi needed reminding how vulnerable she was.

"Thank you, Mistress, for taking me back to my master." Brandi said with sarcasm. She dare not openly challenge the bitch for she still had the photos.

"Where have you been?" Kevin asked with anguish plainly on his face and in his voice.

"Don't worry the slave is safe with me." Cindy tersely replied. "Perhaps she might prefer us two as mistresses. What do you say slave gyrl. You would prefer to cum with us," She quipped while toying with the camera.

Brandi lowered her head in shame. The consequences would be catastrophic if this bitch released those photos. It would be so bad for the class to see her naked with these piercings in her body. Seeing her aroused would invite them to see her as a wanton slut.

How would her parents react seeing their daughter like that knowing the photos were going the rounds of the Taiwan community? There was no option but answer the bitch.

"Yes, Mistress," She whispered.

"Tell him." Cindy and Teresa demanded.

She saw the look of disappointment and hurt on Kevin's face making her feel even worse. The idea of being led off by these two class mates to be their sex bitch was disgusting.

With those photos as blackmail they could get her to do anything, far more revolting than Kevin had managed and without the rewards. She would be their sex slave, a pet, unable to resist their craven desires. They didn't have the restrictions and rules of experienced masters either.

With a shudder Brandi faced Kevin to speak up. "I must go with my mistress," she choked almost breaking down.

The two young women were smiling nasty looks of victory that made her want to hit them. She bunched her fists in frustration, gritting her teeth unable to add more in way of an explanation. The mental image of those two animals using her body with double ended dildos left her feeling like a worthless object.

"Has it anything to do with this?" Kevin asked, as he grabbed the camera phone.

"Hey! Give me that its mine." Cindy complained, trying to reach for it. Kevin kept her back with a hand to her chest. As an afterthought he grabbed a nipple and squeezed it hard. Cindy crumpled up unable to take pain as well as she could give it.

Brandi gave him a big smile and ran to his side wrapping her arms around him. As Teresa bent to help her friend Brandi kicked her in the ass. Both women tumbled out the door looking back over their shoulders looking as though they were hissing curses.

"Here, let's get my lovely slave gyrl dressed. We can get you back to the slave farm then." Kevin said while leading her to a changing room.

Brandi didn't think about the indignity of him taking her back as his slave as it seemed such a natural thing to be, especially as he had rescued her from those bitches. Her master had saved her from such a dreadful fate she was happy to think of herself as a slave gyrl under his protection.

After such intensive training and being so stoked up it was easy to accept a master dressing her ready to be returned to a slave farm.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

No TRUE Master would ever leave his collared slave alone with anyone that he did not know or he had given his permission to be used as they saw fit. You are certainly not a part of the lifestyle and are writing this farce " from a place of ignorance!" I am certainly done reading anything else you have written. What a dolt!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
hot as a slave's needs, this story rocks!

You hit just the right degree of intellectual resistance and emotional and sexual attraction drawing Brandy slowly deeper into the slavery mindset, and at the perfect pace to be savored. She is hot as a $ 2 pistol. Kevin, I can understand his hesitant steps as a master, being just a tad bit of a nerdy, inexperienced grad student. Strong, sympathetic, masterly glimpses shine through on occasion, though. I hope they both develop and grow in the lifestyle.

You done good, keep on trucking, or writing as the case may be.

PS: Let me leap to your defense of your use of 'gyrl', which is a very good word, separate and distinct from 'girl' of the same gender and having most of its meaning with added connotations of ultra feminine with an additional dose of submissiveness.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a hypocrite!

You know it's bad when a person who complains about spelling cannot spell. It's not 'SPELT', you moron! It's 'SPELLED'! You're the one who needs to go back to school, but this time, sit at the head of the class. You need the extra attention.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

He should have never left her with those two girls. Being a Master, he should be able to tell how his slave is feeling, and know her well enough to read signs. After the first incident where Michelle almost got to Brandi, you would of thought the novice Master would have learned something. His lack of attention and protecting someone that submitted to him (under distress, mind you), may be what causes me to give this story a low score. I've enjoying it so far, except for the end of this chapter. A Master should know their submissive, and for him to turn her loose with these two girls, perhaps he needs to be cuffed and caned.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
really good

a really interesting and hot story so far. Can't wait for the next part. I hope you won't let us wait for too long. ;-)

jleetechiejleetechieabout 14 years ago

This will soon be hotter than an icelandic volcano!

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