Brass Beds


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Chuckling the director walks away calling for places.

She looks at me and I see a look of concern come other eyes.

"Are you alright, hon?"

I have to look away as I nod.

"Yea I'm fine. I think I care for this director." I tell her softly.

She looks over at him. Jason is setting up the shot with the two steady cams that will do close-ups.

"He's really more of a camera man with delusions. Don't let anything he says get to you." I look back to her and see her shrug. "Still he's the boss for today anyway. Just do what he asks and get this one in the can. There's ten more films waiting for that cock."

I nod still not liking it.

"Okay lets go. Places people."

I crawl naked out onto the mattress. She slides up next to me and we turn to each other. Looking down at her in a classic romance cover pose I find myself starring into her eyes. I try then to imagine all the years those eyes have seen. Compared to my own it seems like hers must have seen the wonders of the world.

"And we're filming in... ten."

As the seconds could down I find myself feeling sick that I'm going to have to treat this sexy woman like I've been told.

I almost miss my mark. Well maybe it will look like a nervous young man with an older woman kind of hesitation.

Her lips are on mine and I'm moving myself into position. Her hand comes down to my cock and finds me not as rock hard as I was before. The blue gods keeping me stiff but I'm not a bar of metal. Her fingers start to slide up and down till I harden just a bit more. I couldn't help it if I wanted to, even her hand feels wonderful.

Slowly I sink into her. I can tell she put a lot of lubricant inside when she went to the bathroom. She is slick wet now. I sink easily till I hit the back of her.

I feel the muscle tension build in my thigh, as I have to hold the display position. It shows what we are doing the best while letting me move in and out. Probably one of the most uncomfortable positions to have sex from but then this is acting. You have to make it look enjoyable.

Her hands are all over me; her legs from inner thigh to ankle are caressing my side legs and back with every thrust.

Seeing the camera man shift I move as well. It's the classic missionary. They love to see a big guy in this one. They get a camera shot from underneath and it shows a lot of me still out side her.

Her hand comes to my face and pulls me down for a kiss. Then she's hugging me to her chest and pushing up into me.

Her words come as a whisper by my ear.

"What is the matter? What did he tell you? It's killing your performance. Ignore it, you were doing wonderfully before."

I give a thrust that makes her arch, my lips kiss her throat, then I'm next to her ear.

"He wants me to...there will be a position change coming up... when he calls for it... I'm...I'm suppose to miss slip and give you a anal poke. He told me he won't pay me if I don't"

I lift up to a more displaying positing and look down into her face. I see first surprise then a slow anger building. I feel more aggression in every thrust she makes against me.

Her lips connect with mine fiercely.

"I told him no!" she says next to my ear, as I trust. "God damn prick. You let me handle it okay. Just do what I tell you." I nod against the side of her face.

Sitting up I look towards the director. Her watching his watch not us. Timing exactly how long we're in each position.

There is a passion to her now, that while it wasn't lacking before, has easily doubled. It's now driving her performance and by that giving me an incredible amount of pleasure. Even in the positions I'm having to shift into so that the cameraman can get a better shot.

I see the mark from the director and sit back. She turns with the agility of a woman half her age. She's on her knees in front of me looking back over her shoulder. She shakes her ass at me.

"I want you to do something special for me." I hear her say. She leans forward till her face is near the pillow. I see her breathing quicken. When she speaks again her voice is a husky purr. "I want you to sodomize me."

I look down at her upturned ass. Around me I can hear the others in the studio shifting in their chairs. They know this wasn't in the script.

She looks back at me when I hesitate. My hand is on her hip. I feel her quiver under me touch.

"Please my lover? It's my favorite thing."

Moving into position I just look at her face. I see the little nod she gives me when I lift an eyebrow.

The head of my cock touches the side of her ass cheek and rides down till I feel the little divot. I give it a slight push. I take a deep breath and start to slowly push forward.

With a grunt she pushes back and drives half of me into her before I can move.

There is a moan that's more than half pain then she slams back onto me even harder.

I look down and see the whole length of me buried in her ass. Holy fucking shit!

I feel her starting to clench and release around me. It's nothing that will show on the camera but god it feels wonderful. It takes all I have not to move my hand to her other hip. I want to so badly but I know it will block the camera's view.

She is rocking back and forth on her knees pushing me into her with a growing speed.

"Oh fuck." The words come out of me in a grunted moan. There is nothing of acting in them this has got to be the hottest feeling I've ever known. It feels like there is a furnace wrapped around me. Her pussy was wetter from the lube and she had more muscle control there but it wasn't this tight or this hot.

I run my hand down her back feeling the sweat from the hot lights that are blazing on us now. I look around to see that every spare camera in the place has been picked up and is filming.

Leaning forward more my hand brushes across her neck. My fingers curl into her gray hair and I pull her up from the bed. I notice that less of me goes in now but having this hand full of hair gives me a better balance. I stop feeling like I'm about to fall over at any second and slip into a good rhythm.

She's a continuous moan under me now. How much of it is for the camera and how much I'm causing I can't tell. This is wonderful as far as the movie goes.

I feel her shake, then there is a shiver that sets her legs to twitching against mine.

I see her finger claw into the sheets pulling them from the corners of the bed. The cheap mattress is shown.

I turn loose her hair and lean even further forward. My fingers close on the cold metal of the brass bed. It's a solid hold and I hear her screaming out in orgasmic ecstasy as I truly lose my focus and just pump for everything I'm worth.

I'm dripping sweat now onto the bed. She's all most screaming, the sounds coming out of her are so loud. I'm making sounds like I'm trying to hock up a hairball.

As I start to feel the first pulse from my cock she feels it as well. Her ass hit me harder then than ever before. My sweaty fingers slip from the bed rail and I fall backwards. My cock tears its way out her ass and sprays a stream of cum from the tip onto the reddened cheeks of her ass.

I suddenly have some idea what a main stream actor feels like as a storm of flash cameras go off around us. I scream out still not acting as a second then a third, I swear, rope of cum launches out of me to her back and ass.

She sinks to the bed in front of me and I all but fall down next to her. My hand comes to rest on her shoulder and I give it a squeeze. She turns and snuggles into my chest her face right next to my ear.

"Oh fuck, whew. I do hope that prick got that, I can't do a second take." She tells me softly.

I chuckle at that, knowing I'm spent for maybe days.

"Are you okay? I know that had to hurt, I'm sorry as hell..." I try to say.

"It's okay. I can take that kind of scene for a good deal longer than you did it." panting I look down at her flush red face her fluttering eyes I see her lean forward then and place the single gentle kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Cut and print!"

The director is all but screaming. I hear people clapping. I go to move and she catches me.

"Come out to my RV. When you get cleaned up." She looks down at my cock.

Looking down I see the blood along the side of me. I look up at her in horror. She gives me a smile.

"I told you, I'm okay. Now go get cleaned up, then come talk to me."

Me legs are wobbly as hell when I stand up. Margaret, the wardrobe lady, hands me my robe and walks away without a second look my way. All the way to the bathrooms I have people patting me on the shoulder.

I have to splash water on my face and lean over the sink for a minute or two. My heart is still pounding like mad.

I've just gotten clean when the gofer enters without knocking and drops my bag by the doorway.

"As it goes... that was a decent scene. You really loused up the camera angle when you moved forward like that. By the way I saw you start to cum inside her. Bad angles and then nearly blew the money shot? The director said he's got your check."

"Go get it for me."

He looks me up and down then shaking his head he walks away.

I pull my clothes out the bag, get dressed and head over to the director. I see the gofer fussing next to him.

Jason looks up at me and smiles.

"Man that was beautiful. Here you go, and thanks. I'll be calling you." He turns back to the gofer and his little notebook computer. I see the scene running on the screen. I hear them discussing the editing.

The hired cock is dismissed. Please don't drip cum on the floor on your way out.

With that thought running through my head I walk out the building.

Sitting in the parking lot is a rather large RV. It's not new but it looks well taken care of. I see curtains behind the front seats.

I knock on the door.

"Come on in, I'm decent as I ever get."

As I open the door and step inside I see that she's on the phone. She holds up a finger and points me to one of the nearby chairs. Having a seat I watch her pacing the floor by the kitchen side of the RV.

"Yep. Yea I love the idea myself. Yea that sounds good, at least that much. Okay I'll wait here and listen for the screams. All right Phil... love you too, hon. Bye" She hangs up the cell phone and looks over at me. "Would you like some coffee? I just got a pot going."

I can smell it and the smell is wonderful. I look at her and nod, then remember my manner. "Yes please. Thank you, Ma'am."

She starts to chuckle.

"Lord have mercy someone raised you right didn't they. Well hon, given that I'm going to need a pillow to sit for the rest of the night I think you can call me Michelle."

"I feel like hell that I hurt you." I say unable to look her in the eye.

I feel her move, then she's in front of me. She kneels down till we are eye level.

"You didn't do it. Okay. I put you into me; I did half the work. And just to let you know it didn't really hurt much after the few minutes or so. By the end I was enjoying the hell out of it. I really did cum there at the end; I didn't fake that for the camera. That was really me."

Her hand come to my face and caresses my cheek.

"God you're sweet. Compared to some of the guys I've worked with you're a gentleman of the first class." I see her smile. "With a very beautiful cock."

I smile at her grinning face. I hold out my hand and help her to stand back up.

"Oh, thank you. These old bones don't work as well as they did when I was your age. Hell when I was fifteen years older than you are for that matter. Oh, coffees ready. Cream and sugar?"

"Sweet and white."

"Well thank you but how do you want your coffee?" she says with a grin.

Shaking my head I watch her get out two cups and pour them half full. She takes real cream from the fridge, half fills the distance then a large spoon full of sugar, and she gives it a stir. Several times I see her stop and cock an ear towards the door. I get to listening for whatever she's waiting for myself.

"Here you go, hon, now don't burn your mouth. Makes eating pussy a bitch for days."

She moves a thick pillow to the chair opposite me and sits down gingerly. I see her wince and feel like hell that what we did still feels wonderful to me. She again tilts her head and listens.

I do the same.

"What are we listening for?" I ask after a moment

"Jason, to start screaming like his nuts are in a vice." She says sweetly.

Blinking I have to ask


She smiles, blows steam off the top of her coffee, then chuckles.

"Because I have his nuts in a vice."

At my puzzled look she sits her coffee down and moving her hand over the table pulls a piece of paper over to in front of me.

It's the release waver; identical to the one I signed.

Except her's isn't signed!

As I look up at her smiling face I hear a scream of "What!" Come from, I'm guessing, inside the building across the parking lot.

"There is very little that the us actors can do against the movie makers in our trade. We don't have, the Screen Actors Guild, protecting us. But not signing that little paper till after the movie is shot is one of them. If you can help it never ever sign one up front again."

Chuckling I nod.

"I'll remember that." I say grinning.

"Do. I..." she pauses and looks down at her coffee. "I want to thank you for telling me what he was up to. You could have kept mum and just given me a quick thrust and a quicker apology. I've know guys in the business to do that, hell I've had directors trying that shit for the last ten years. Ever since I stopped doing anal scenes"

"The blood?" I say half statement half question.

She nods.

"I've got a problem up inside that makes it not very comfortable to do a lot of those. It's better now than it was ten years ago...well not better now!" she moves her hand around to her hip and rubs at her but cheek. "Not since I had this iron bar shoved up there."

I go to say I'm sorry again but see that she is teasing me. I look down and lift my coffee. I take a small sip

"It felt wonderful.'

"Well of course it did. Why do you think we film anal for? Because it feels wonderful for the man. Because every guy out there wants to do that and only about half can talk their girl friends into doing it more than once."

"I don't mean just that scene. I mean the whole shoot. Everything you did felt absolutely wonderful. Thank you."

She smiles and shakes her head.

"What are you thanking me for. I was there doing just as much, enjoying it just as much as you. Hell I had to have cum four times today, myself."

"I'm thanking you...I guess for showing me that a woman can be wonderful in bed no matter her age. All I've ever been with is girls my own age or younger. The idea of a woman more my moms age now has a lot of appeal."

"Hun, I'm probably closer to your grandmothers age." She smiles and takes a sip of coffee.

I listen to the sounds of a car door being slammed and tires boiling out of the parking lot.

"Jason." She takes a sip. "He's probably going to have to go get a loan to pay me with." She looks down at the paper. I see her tap the portion on there where it show her pay for the movie. "I asked my agent to get triple that."

My eyes are glue to the number. It's at least ten times already what I got paid.

When I look up she got an eyebrow lifted.

"You had to have been told that the ladies make more by now?"

I shrug.

"It's one thing to hear it another to see it in numbers."

"Yep. We've got the only trade where one gender can make more than the other and no one starts screaming about it on the nightly news."

I nod.

"You know by now, he will have figured out you told me?"

I look up and put together what she's saying.

"Yea." I look behind me for the bridge I just burned but it's already ashes.

"Well don't worry. You just did the last scene with the, Granny of Porn. You can almost start dusting off a place of the Porn of the Year award your going to get. You'll have your phone ringing off the hook before long. Bit of advice?" she asks.

"Would love some."

"The directors are always more interested in the movie than in us. To a lot of them we are actors doing a part... but to the rest... well they think there is little difference between us and a hooker."

"Hired cock, have dick will travel." I say nodding.

She laughs.

"I like that. You should keep that and use it on your business card. Hell, go all out. The name you've been using isn't great call yourself Paul Aden, and use that slogan"

I chuckle.

"I'll have to get an agent in San Francisco."

She smiles that I know that. Then chuckles.

"Most of the agents I know form old Sanny are for the guys that do gay porn." She holds up her hand. "Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with that. Hell I've done more than my share of muff diving for a straight girl from Georgia."

I smile.

"There have been offers but's not my thing." I shrug and sip more of my coffee. Seeing her sit her cup down half empty I hop up, take it, and mine back to her coffeepot. I feel her eyes on me as I mix magic from bean juice.

"Well thank you sir, I truly don't know what I would do without the kindness of strangers."

I lean down till my lips are just over hers.

"I'm not a stranger. Call me Tommas." I place a very long soft kiss on her up turned lips. Then after our lips part I place a single one on the tip of her nose.

"Why young man I'm old enough to be your mother." She says with an even deeper southern twang.

"And I'm old enough to know that's not old."

She smiles.

"So, Tommas, how about I put you in touch with my agent and then you have a sit down talk with this new director I know that's just getting started." As I sit back down she looks at my face and lifts her cup. "Over coffee maybe."

I look at her for a moment then start blinking.

"You're going to direct? I thought you were leaving the business."

She waves a hand.

"The only way I'll leave this business is when I'm cold. I've got too many years invest to do that. No I'm just getting my saggy self out from in front of the camera. Hell I know ten times more about doing one of these than idiots like Jason here does. If that twit can make one that will sell I know I can." She lifts her cup. "So what you say, want to come get naked for a perverted old lady?"

"I don't think you will have much problems talking me into that." I take a sip. "Over coffee anyway."

I sit the cup down and lean forward till my hand comes to rest on top of her.

"Or any other time you feel like it either."

She gives me a wink.

"Careful, I just might take advantage of a young man like you."

Caressing her fingers with mine I smile.

"Well I don't know about Paul Aden the porn star but Tommas Williams the computer geek from Ohio feels like taking advantage of you so... I guess it would be alright if you took advantage of me."

"Sounds like a fun business arrangement." There is a twinkle in her eye that makes the wrinkles by them unnoticeable. " So Tommas, any ideas about how we could cement this business agreement."

I nod.

"Dinner, on the rich lady." I tap her contract. "Then a long warm soak in a hot tub at a place I know. Then well maybe..."

"Maybe what?" she asks grinning.

"Maybe a night without the cameras."

She smiles.

"Damn, did I really get to you that much?" she asks shaking her head. "That you would want someone as old as me?"

Standing up I pull her up into my arms by the hand I'm holding. As my arms close around her I look down into those dark hazel eyes. I pause for a second as I see those beautiful eyes looking back at me.

"Age makes the finest things better."

As my lips touch hers I feel again her wonderful body against mine. Our bodies are sated but I think as her lips move against mine that maybe our hearts may just be getting started.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
very enjoyable

wonderful perspective, a secret out in the open. Very enjoyable read

Crusader235Crusader235almost 5 years ago

I say wow because I never really thought about the people behind the porn. You have us some insight into real people involved in what can be a very heart breaking industry. I do hope you will do a sequel someday. Five well deserved Stars! Thank you for opening my eyes.

If you . . .!!!

If you haven't tried it . . . When I was 27 my girlfriend lived with her aunt and my girlfriend asked me for a special favor. Seems her aunts 50th birthday was coming up and auntie wanted something special and me being male and totally clueless said "well what does she want?" and Janet pointed her finger at me and said "you." Well auntie got her present and I got educated much more than once that night !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Odd, but even doing that .. I know

that in the middle of it there are little things going thru a mans mind that are "distracting" that can effect performance and it was cute to know that and add it into the story. No, it isn't just the dick that is involved. Scotty

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

And the hits keep coming! Or...cumming...depending on how you view things. You invest so much emotion into your work I am truly envious. Good job. I am going to keep reading. Can't favorite you yet...but I am getting close! :-)

Sincerely, Payenbrant

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 10 years ago
What an odd feeling...

To feel like I just read a romance story - while immersed in what is inarguably one of the LEAST romantic industries in the world...

A beautiful look under the skin, as it were...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
great writinga

great writing, definitely deserves a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

interesting, surprise ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The change of view, so quick yet so ... 'like a painter's brush stroke' (a good one i.e)

Jim44444Jim44444over 11 years ago
Good story

I enjoyed the story line. The characters were believable. However, the tehnical glitches were distracting.

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