Break In The Clouds


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"Ditto, bitches." Kayla said with a smile.


I walked up to the hostess booth with Kayla attached to my right hip, Evelyn on my left, with Chloe next to her. We stressed the importance of Chloe and I to maintain a low profile in public, being siblings.

We were dressed somewhat casual with jeans and long thermals or sweaters, as a cold front was coming through. The girls were wearing clothing to accentuate all their curves and I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued to them.

"Table for 4 please." I managed.

"Absolutely. Right this way." She said sweetly.

We were seated in a secluded corner booth in the back of the restaurant. We agreed we felt way more comfortable this way, so we didn't have to hide our conversations and affections as much.

We all ordered our food and drinks and were starting to loosen up with the cocktails in our system. I loved seeing my sister and the twins genuinely enjoying themselves and laughing and smiling. Everyone was so happy and that's more than I could ever ask for.

"So, Adam. Kayla and I were talking about your situation with all of us...and...well..." Evelyn's cheeks flushed red.

"Ev. It's okay. Chloe and I talked about it, and it's the reason we invited you two out tonight. We wanted to waste no time in making sure we are all comfortable with this...uhhh, arrangement." I chuckled.

Evelyn placed her hand on my bicep and squeezed. "I don't want to give you up. I don't want to be selfish, but I really care about you. WE care about you, so much. And after that night we had. Mmmmm" she closed her eyes and hummed in delight.

"I think we can all agree with Evelyn's assessment of how Adam can please us." Kayla laughed.

I couldn't help but smile and laugh with her.

"At the risk of sounding extremely lame and corny...Chloe, Kayla, Evelyn...will you three be my girlfriends?" I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I said it.

"YES!" All three girls yelled and started laughing as they then yelled jinx.

We all gave each other kisses and hugs and did our best to ignore a few curious stares from others at nearby tables.

"Hi, Adam." I heard a faint voice. One I didn't think I'd ever hear again.

We all looked over to the front of the booth to see a fair skinned woman with powerful red hair. She was wearing a flowy dress that hugged her hips slightly and her ample cleavage was on display.

The girls all fell silent, the tension between them and the intruder was palpable. I couldn't help but feel my heart rate increase, and my blood felt like it was boiling in my veins.

"Rachel..." I said to her with a deadpan stare.

I saw her make quick glances to Chloe and the twins. I could sense she was extremely nervous.

"Um. How have you been? I...I haven't stopped thinking about you." She flashed a shy smile.

I took a deep breath and decided to diffuse the oncoming devastation from Chloe, I knew was evident.

"I've been really good. How about you? Are you here with someone?"

"Just my girlfriends over there in the other corner. I just saw you and your sister over here...along with...your other friends, and I wanted to see how you were doing."

At the mention of "other friends", Kayla and Evelyn, who were on either side of me, decided to snake their arms through mine to each grip my biceps possessively.

I couldn't help but let a small smile creep up on my face. I loved these girls so much. I made a mental note to thank them.

"Rachel, you remember Kayla and Evelyn." I used nods of my head to show Rachel who was who. "And of course you know Chloe."

"Hello." The twins said in unison.

Chloe just stared at Rachel. Her breathing ramped up and I noticed her clenching her jaw with pent up rage.

"Hi everyone. It's nice to see you two. I take three are..."

"Adam is ours and we are his. Yes. We couldn't think of anyone else in the world that could make us any happier. Right Evelyn?"


Both girls gripped tighter on my arm while Evelyn leaned her cheek against my shoulder.

"Oh. Ummm." Rachel looked shaken and her eyes started to appear red. She glanced over at Chloe who was staring daggers at her. I thought she would lunge a knife into her neck from across the table any second.

"I' happy for you. Well. Uhhh. I have to get back to my friends. Take care, Adam." She glanced a quick smile at everyone and turned to walk back to her friends table.

A let out a rough sigh and leaned back against the cushion of the booth.


"FUCK that bitch. I will fucking kill her..that cunt." Chloe seethed with anger.

"Chloe. C'mon. It's okay." I tried to diffuse the rage forming.

"No she fucking broke you. She cheated on you. You were prepared yo give her everything and she shattered you for it. If she even looks this way again, I'll scalp the bitch." Chloe was turning red and the veins were popping out in her neck.

"Chloe!" I said in a loud whisper.

She finally managed to look in my direction. I reached over to grab her hand and pet her fingers with my thumb. Her eyes softened and looked into mine with longing.

"I love you so much. I love ALL of you. You are the best things that have ever happened to me. And guess what...I wouldn't be able to have you all in my life this way without Rachel and what she did." I smiled reassuringly.

"I love you so much, Adam." I just don't want to lose you if she tries to take you from me...from US." Chloe's eyes were brimmed with tears.

"Heyyyyy, stupid head. That's not going to happen. I promise. I love you more than anything. She is no threat, I promise you."

Chloe blinked and a single tear fell down her freckled cheek. I just smiled and squeezed her hand. Her smile in return lit up the table and I felt the twins sigh against me.

I looked at each of them, cheeks glued to my shoulders. I nudged them gently and they both peered up at me. I saw they had tears streaming as well.

"Girls, listen to me. She did what she did. I don't trust her. I'm not tempted by her. I don't desire her in any way. You all are so special and caring, and absolutely, genuinely amazing in your own ways. I'm not letting go of what we have."

Both Kayla and Evelyn hugged me hard and didn't seem to want to ever let go. They both brought their lips to my ears.

"I love you, Adam." Kayla whispered and kissed my cheek.

"And I love you. So much." Evelyn squeaked in a tiny whisper as well and kissed my other cheek.

I hugged them back. Looking over to Chloe who was wiping her face dry, she mouth the same words silently to me.

I took a huge breath and smiled happily.

"Well who's ready for dessert?!" I asked.

The girls laughed and the mood lightened considerably. We ate our desserts and called it a night. I drove home after I became the designated driver, seeing as everyone one of the girls got completely wasted.


I woke up in unfamiliar territory. I struggled to peel my eyelids open and the morning sunlight blazing through the window felt like it was blistering my corneas.

I tried lifting my hand to cover me eyes but it wouldn't move. I tried my other hand but it was immobile too.

After my vision cleared I looked around to find a blonde head on either side of my shoulders. I could see the two twins had wrapped their bodies around mine, taking my arms hostage underneath their body weight.

Well that explained having no feeling in my arms. I tried to shift my torso around to free my arms but I felt paralyzed.

I lifted my head to see Chloe's brown hair covering my stomach. Her body was resting completely on my right leg as she draped her limbs across me.

I let my head slam back into the pillow and couldn't help but let a huge smile over take me. I was so happy. I felt truly loved. I would make it my life mission to love them back as best I could.

Though, part of me was curious whether I could keep this up forever. Would the twins stay interested in being with me for the long term? Would Chloe?

What if I get too attached and they don't love me anymore? I don't think I could...ugh. I don't know.

I couldn't imagine having a repeat with either three, of what I experienced with Rachel. Was I just being stupid for even fathoming that they would hurt me like Rachel did?

I felt completely sure of my previous relationship. I never imagined in a hundred years that she'd break me like she did.

The feeling of doubt was so toxic. Once a drop of that mental corrosive goop landed in my thoughts, it was hard not to let it overtake me. I felt almost desperate to hold on to what I had.

I didn't dare move my body to disturb the new loves in my life. I would willingly let my arms fall off if I could guarantee their happiness.

Just as I felt my eyelids starting to feel heavy, movement shook my body. I looked down to see Evelyn stirring awake on my left.

She lifted her weight off my arm and I tried to brush my knuckles lightly across her cheek as she smiled at me. Instead of my graceful loving caress, I ended up punching her cheek.

"Ah! Good morning to you too." She yelped.

"I'm sorry! My arm's completely asleep so it's hard to control." I cringed.

"Oh shit. I didn't even think about that. HEY! WAKE UP, KAYLA!"

"IM UP IM UP!!" Kayla startled violently.

Kayla jolted to an upright position, followed by Chloe who simply tightened her koala hug on my waist.

"Shuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuup!" I heard her morning voice groaning on my lower abdomen.

The twins both laughed. "Yep. She sure is chipper in the morning." Kayla said.

I rubbed her neck while I stroked her hair back into place with my fingers.

"Nooo she's otay. She just super sweepy." I teased like I was talking to a puppy.

Chloe's middle finger slowly rose into the air. We all laughed and I declared I was going to get breakfast started for everyone. Cheers were heard all around, even from my zombie sister.

"Hey, Adam what're your plans for today?" Chloe asked after swallowing a huge bite of pancakes.

"Eh. Probably stop by the shop, see how the GT40 build is comin' along. Then maybe go workout at my place. What about y'all?"

I saw the twins share a glance with each other and then looked across the table to Chloe.

"Well. Speaking of your place..." Chloe almost whispered.

"Mmmm okay? What's up?"

"You've spent all your time here lately...and..."

"I'm sorry. I know you probably want your space back..."

"Baby! No! Listen to me." Chloe barked.

I piped down quickly. I kept my eyes on her as she walked quickly around the kitchen island and hugged me tight. She rested her chin on my chest while holding my eyes with hers.

"Baby. Again, you're my everything. I want you to spend MORE time here. I was trying to say that I want you to move in here with me...permanently." Chloe squeezed my torso, lovingly.

I couldn't even come up with an answer I was so shocked.

"Are you sure?"

"You bet ya, big guy." She smiled.

I brought my right palm up to her cheek and she leaned into it and smiled so sweetly at me. I felt her love for me, so thick in the air.

"Absolutely. I would love that."

I gave her the biggest hug I could manage and she burrowed her head into me.

"Thank you." She whimpered.


"So I'm thinking we go full interior. I know he said he wants to drive it like a race car but that doesn't mean he can't be comfortable while doing it."

"For sure, dude. I agree."

"So with the new 427 crate motor...turbo? Or supercharger?"

"I know you love your turbo manifolds but he definitely wants the throttle response of a supercharged motor. But obviously we'll go large displacement." I gave Xander I sly grin.

"Obviously!" Xander agreed.

"Alright man, well it was good catchin' up with you for a while, but I gotta jet." I gave him a quick wave before turning to leave.

"Have anything to do with those twins?"

"Zip it!" I said over my shoulder.

Xander laughed. "Oh hell yeah! I bet you are! Tell them I said hi! Go get 'em tiger!!"

"BYE XANDERRRR!" I wailed from the parking lot. "That fucker." I chuckled to myself.

After I took a joyride in my truck around town and just narrowly avoiding a couple of potentially severe speeding tickets, I made my way to my house for a much needed garage workout.

Today I felt like I could really let loose and give it my all during the session. I was super-setting chest and back exercises with almost no rest between sets. The weight felt lighter than ever, and I found myself pushing myself way past my normal boundaries.

I finished with high rep tricep and bicep work to feel the insane pump every gym junkie craves. The feeling of bliss was more potent than ever.

I was realizing I should be attributing this to my three lovely ladies I now spend all my time with. This was literally the happiest I have ever been in my life and felt like it couldn't get any better.

I cleaned up my equipment and shut the garage door to head inside and start packing things for my move in with Chloe. Knowing my sister, she could easily make me feel like the little brother if I procrastinated too long.

Before I started packing and organizing my belongings, I started the shower to wash up first. Just before hopping in I heard my phone buzz.

"Hey big guy, if you're done working your muscles, I can cum give you a cardio session... :)" Chloe said.

"I would want nothing more. Hopping in the shower now." I chuckled as I responded.

"Perfect. See you in 30?"


"Idiot. :)"

The shower was almost blistering hot. But god damn it felt good to soak my muscles in the heat. I felt so relaxed. After my wash, I cranked the lever to full cold. It felt like I dove into the snow on the summit of Mt. Everest but I felt so revitalized after.

I stepped out of the shower, no longer shivering, but almost like I got shot up with adrenaline. I felt good...really good.

Then I got another text from Chloe saying she was going to be a little later, seeing as she got caught up at Apollo Automotive with some paperwork.

I slipped on some tight silk boxer briefs that did well to show off every contour. Then I began cleaning what little clutter I had in my bedroom. Time must have flown by, as the doorbell rang shortly after.

I opened the door to find that it wasn't my sister. Nor was it the only two other women I'd be dying to see instead.

Standing before me, wearing a short sun dress, eyes open wide as saucers, was Rachel. She was looking me up and down as her cheeks started to turn blood red against her pale complexion.

"My...It's good to see you too, Adam."

Just then I realized I was still half naked.

"Fuck. I'm sorry. Hold on..."

"No! Wait. I...I just wanted to come over and say something really quick."

I sighed heavily, trying to hide myself from her behind the door.

"Yeah? Look I don't have much time right now..."

"Well. I'm sorry. For everything, Adam. I miss you so fucking much. I want to right my wrongs. I know I fucked up. I want you back, baby. Please give me another chance."

"What do you think is really gonna happen? That I would take you back??"

"Baby I would do anything you say. I'd be your fucking slave if you wanted. Whatever you asked for, or...demanded of me..." Rachel bit her lip as she looked down at my crotch.

Just then my phone buzzed on the table in the living room. I turned around quickly to fetch it.

"Just a sec." I said.

The sound of the door closing stopped me in my tracks. I turned around and saw Rachel walking toward me, completely nude, leaving her sundress dumped by the front door.

"Jesus Christ....what the fu..."

"Ssshhhh baby. I want to make you forget everything. I want you to only realize what good I can bring you."

She practically tackled me, kissing me frantically with need. Her hands slipped under my briefs, her fingers instantly gripping my ass cheeks hard.

Within milliseconds she pulled them off and shoved me onto the living room couch.

"Rachel, stop! You have to leave!"

She literally pounced on me and was grinding her soaking lips up and down on my dick. I was instantly hard and was momentarily distracted by the utter bliss of her wet heat massaging the length of my shaft.

"Rach..." her mouth attacked mine and gripped her arms around my neck tightly. I felt her trying to wedge my tip inside her hole and for an instant, the euphoria was almost blinding.

My vision was suddenly blasted with darkness. All sound ceased to exist. I felt like I got sucked into a black whole. I was literally standing in complete darkness with no sense of direction. I couldn't hear or feel anything, like I was in my own oblivion.

I noticed a faint mote of light that looked like a ball of lightning in the distance. I started walking to it.

As I approached it, the brightness widened and allowed me to peer inside a moving image. It was a memory of Rachel and me on our first date. It showed how happy and excited we were to explore our new possible future together.

The lightning then flashed brightly and faded completely. I walked to another one that appeared and it cleared up as well, to reveal the first time Rachel and I made love with each other. The passion between us was unmistakable.

This image soon flashed away as well. I walked to the next one to see us having dinner together. This one was different though. I noticed every few seconds, Rachel was preoccupied with texting someone.

The next image showed her look of discontent as I was telling her a story at a party, and she was frequently glancing over my shoulder at a good looking guy I didn't know.

The last ball of lightning opened to show her with the imposter, and me walking in on them fucking each other's brains out. I was standing in the door way with her engagement ring in my hands, ready to give her my life.

The utter heart ache she made me I was completely lost after I literally wanted to end my life countless times...She was an absolute evil and it took me forever to notice how little she cared for me.

I suddenly snapped back into reality and felt her hand around my cock as she was aligning it with her pussy. Just as she pressed her lips down on me, I gripped her shoulders with both hands and threw her backwards onto the floor.

"Hey! Fucker! What the fu..."

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WI..." I stopped dead in my tracks.

In my peripheral, I noticed a figure by the front door. I turned sharply and gasped in disbelief. My heart sank to the floor.

With her hands clasped together, all dolled up in a cute little sundress of her own, tears pouring down her face, was Chloe. The love of my life was staring at Rachel and I naked together, and who knows how much she witnessed.

"Chloe. Please.'s not..."

"Adam. Not now." I suddenly felt like a toddler being put in time out.

"You. Bitch. What the fuck did I tell you the last time I saw you?" Her expression turned from heartache to downright sinister. The look in her eyes was...terrifying.

Raw fear suddenly dawned on Rachel's face as she saw Chloe approach her rapidly. Rachel suddenly stood up and tried to put on a brave face.

"You know what? He's a man that can take care of himself and I don't give a fuck what you think! I can make him happy and I know he still loves me!" Rachel began yelling, defensively. She then turned to me, pleading.

"Look, baby, we can work this out and I'll show you how perfect I can make everything! You'll see. We'll be so happy, my love!"

A sudden blur passed through my vision. I barely registered Chloe between Rachel and me, with Chloe's fist planted deeply and forcefully in Rachel's gut.

Rachel crumbled to the floor and began gasping for air. She curled herself up in a ball, tears streaming down her cheeks.
