Breeder of the Kingdom Pt. 07

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You are the only man in the kingdom.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 05/27/2023
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All characters in the story are above the age of eighteen.

The King and the Barbarian

"I must have her."

You utter the words without any preceding motivation. Your mother and wife Alisha look up from the documents.

"What do you mean? Whom do you mean?"


"The barbarian woman."

"None other."

"But you cannot have her! She is not one of your subjects, she is a temporary visitor in the kingdom."

"Nevertheless I shall have her."

"Oh, Cumagan, you are the king and yet you must sometimes be told, like a little child, that you will be sick if you stuff yourself with candy."

"Freika would be a rare treat."

"Could be, will not be. My dear son, you can be strong-willed, occasionally, but it is nothing against the stubborn pride of these barbarians. Their small tribes live among the crags in the mountains, coming down into the plains only when they need to get certain necessities. Their independence is their life."

"Have they men that can breed them?"

"I do not know. Even if they were dying they would rather die than ask outsiders for help."

"Perhaps I could persuade her to accept my help."

"How? Cumagan, if you offered her heaps of jewels she would not have you, if you offered her the title and estates of a countess or duchess she would not have you, if you offered to marry her and give her half the kingdom as a wedding gift she would not have you. She is proud."

"That may very well be true. Nevertheless I shall have her. Or at least try."

You leave your mother in the office and go your chambers in order to change clothes. Something affluent, but not royal. A mantle with a hood that can hide your face when suitable to do so. You put jewels in your pockets and hang a pouch with gold coins from your belt, though you greatly dislike the concept of buying a woman instead of her giving herself willingly. On the way to the stables you meet Serna, a captain at the royal guard. Most of her slender body is covered by an armor that is a marvel of jointed metal and chased artwork. But it cannot compare with her rosy skin, straw-colored hair and sparkling sapphire-blue eyes. If you did not have something else on your mind you could have spent a frolicsome moment with her on the hayloft. Serna makes a little bow.

"Your majesty, you seem to be in a hurry. May I be of service?"

"Not now, my dear captain. I am just taking a ride. To Maverham."

Serna wrinkles her brow.

"To the capital? Alone?"

"Yes, if you do not mind."

"I do mind, your majesty. You should have an escort."

"I intended to go incognito."

"Even if you are incognito it is my duty to think about your safety, your majesty. Take at least two guards with you."


"Then take me."


"Do you not trust me, your majesty?"

"I would trust you with my life, but..."

"Then it is right that I should follow your majesty and protect your life."

"Very well...You come along...If you also can be incognito."

"As well as your majesty."

Serna quickly finds a purple mantle with a hood. Two horses are saddled and you ride away. You advance speedily through the pleasant weather. The horses pass some peasants with heavily laden carts. At the outskirts of the great city you see mansions with walled gardens. You enter Maverham through the eastern gate, which is placed inside a triumphal arch, at the end of a drawbridge. Serna utters a few words to the guards and then you ride on. Today you do not notice the daring and decorative structures, the graceful and well-dressed women. Something is definitely wrong with you.

You tie the horses outside The sword in the sheath, the rather mediocre inn where Freika is staying during her visit. You suspect that she is not in her room at this time of the day and goes to search her at the market, followed by Serna. The hoods on the mantles are up. You are not sure about their usefulness. The market is lively as usual. Goods from the whole known world are sold here: pearls from Solistra, spices from Jahilir, silk from Chiane. Women are inspecting wares or haggling over prices. Only one person walks through the crowd, seemingly indifferent to the people and valuables around her. Freika. It is not difficult to spot her. It would not even have been difficult to spot her in the confusion on a battlefield. She is tall and erect, not very muscular, but moving with the litheness and calm confidence of a panther. Her eyes also suggests a cat animal, they are very green with a glimmer of gold. Her auburn hair is strictly collected at the back of her head. Around her sculpted neck she carries her only ornament in a thin chain, an emerald as big a thumbnail and as green as her eyes. Contrary to prejudices concerning barbarians she is not wearing furs or rough skins. She is soberly dressed, mostly in brown leather. The sight of her makes your heart beat faster.

"What do you think of her?" you ask Serna

"A competent warrior probably", the captain answers.


"Is there more?"

"Are you blind?"

"She is...pretty, perhaps."

"Not pretty, beautiful."

"You want her, your majesty?"

"Would not you want her?"


Freika leisurely leaves the marketplace, unmoved by the offers of the eager merchants, and strolls in the general direction of The sword in the sheath. You make a decision and hurries after her, with Serna at your heels. After a moment you catch up with Freika and steps in front of her. With lightning speed one of her hands goes to the broad knife in her belt. To put her at ease you bow deeply. You hear a disapproving grunt from Serna, but ignores it. Slowly you straighten up and smile towards Freika.

"Oh, beautiful lady from the wild mountains, may a humble traveler ask for a favor?"

She eyes you suspiciously, from head to foot.

"I am not a lady. And humble travelers do not wear such expensive clothes. Neither do I have the habit of granting favors to strangers."

"But you to not deny your beauty? That would be supreme foolishness, a lie of gigantic proportions."

Freika smiles, slightly and disdainfully. She relaxes and remove her hand from the knife.

"The foolishness lies with the young nobles believing that I am a courtesan. Are you one of those?"

"Young, yes. Noble, perhaps. Is the love of beauty foolishness?"

"Beauty is secondary to strength."

"You have both, in great supply. To caress you must be like caressing one of the large and supple beasts in the jungle..."

You stretch out a hand towards Freika. With the same lightning speed she touched her knife she grips you around the wrist. She does not squeeze hard and yet the strength is undeniable. In your mind you envision the rest of her body, how her unclothed beauty and strength would affect you...

"Do not hurt the king!"

The cry comes from Serna. A rustle of metal and she holds out her sword, its sharp point almost resting against the throat of Freika. The barbarian look at the captain, eyes of emerald meeting eyes of sapphire. Then she releases your wrist.

"The king?" asks Freika warily.

"Yes, I happen to be Cumagan the fourth. By accident of birth, not my own fault", you say, trying to sound disarmingly frivolous.

You put a hand on Serna's arm, making her lower the sword. Grudgingly Serna returns the weapon to its scabbard.

"I apologize for captain Serna. She has my wellbeing at heart."

"She should apologize", mutters Serna, "If she had any sense, she would be on her knees, begging for mercy."

"I never apologize when I am right. To a king or anyone else", Freika states calmly, "And I have the right to defend myself if someone raises their hand against me."

"I did not intend to strike. Only to caress."

"I am not a cat."

"Not a tame cat, assuredly."

"Do you intend to tame me, king Cumagan?"

"No...Not unless you would like me to do that, magnificent Freika."

Freika smiles again, still condescending, but a bit friendlier. She crosses her arms over her chest.

"If you want to spar with me, king, I can get a sword and meet you in battle wherever and whenever you wish."

"Oh, don't tell me that you will only give yourself to someone that can defeat you in combat. I do not need to exchange sword blows with you to know that you are the superior fighter. And I can accept that, because I do not wish to fight with you."

"Then you are a weak king."

"Perhaps weak in some things. Weak when it comes to good food, comfortable living and beautiful women. But not weak in performing my duties...or seeking what I desire."

"Your desires matters little to me. Almost not at all."

"Hold back your insolent tongue!" snarls Serna.

"Please, Serna. If I want her to hold something back, it is not her tongue."

Freika bursts out in laughter. It sounds wonderful and makes you smile.

"Neither do I want you hold back your laughter, heroine from the misty heights."

"Well, Cumagan, you have my attention. What do you want?"

"Perhaps we could talk about it in a more secluded place..."

"As you wish...Follow me."

She leads you and Serna to the inn, up a creaking staircase, out of sight from the other guests, and into her room. It is quite spacious, but the furniture I very sparse: a bed, a table and a chair. The door is closed and Freika leans on the edge of the table. Her facial expression is both cautious and expectant.


"Lovely barbarian", you begin, "It is indeed an honor that you allow me to..."

"Skip the compliments and the diplomatic chitchat."

"You do not like them?"

"Under other circumstances perhaps."

"What is wrong with the present circumstances?"

"I do not like anyone, even a king, to pressure me into doing things."

"I am not trying to pressure you."

"As I said before, I am not a courtesan. You cannot buy me."

"Have I said that I wanted to buy you?"

"What do you want?"

"I thought I had made it clear. But I can be even more direct. I want to make love to you."

Freika's expression becomes sterner.

"How many times must I tell you? I am not a courtesan."

"I agree. You are not a courtesan. You are a free, independent, and some would say, wild woman. And very beautiful. I do not want you to be anything else. I do not desire you to be anything else. But perhaps I could give you something you desire."


"Do you have children? Do you want children?"

A cloud of uneasiness passes over Freika's face. Is she wavering?

"I...I do not have any children...I would like to have a child...A daughter I could teach everything I have learned...But I am not begging you, or any other man, for that."

"I would be glad to give you a daughter. And there's is no need for begging. If you like my appearance..."

Freika looks away. She actually seems embarrassed.

"It not as simple as that..."

"Oh, you find me repulsive, you mean?"

"No...You could be called handsome...But...I prefer..."

She looks at Serna. You exhale in comprehension.

"Ah, that should not be a problem. Or what do you say, Serna?"

Serna is startled out of her sourness.

"What do you mean, my king?"

"Are you not prepared to do anything for your king? Should we not show hospitality to this guest in our realm? Should not all life be dedicated to pleasure?"

"Yes, but..."

Serna is obviously daunted by the challenge. You would be to, if you were not as lecherous as you are. Freika regards Serna with gleaming eyes. The captain sighs.

"For my king and his realm...I will do anything."

"Come here then", orders Freika.

Serna steeps closer to Freika. Her face is blushing. When she bends forward to give the barbarian a kiss, Freika places a hand on her shoulder and pushes her down.

"On your knees. As if I were your queen."

With some hesitation Serna obeys. Freika smiles broadly, showing white teeth, as she looks down on Serna looking up at her. She strokes the hair on the captain's head.

"Look at you...A moment ago so arrogant...So confident...And now, on your knees....The mighty warrior submitting to a mightier warrior...I like to dominate my lovers...Love to dominate them...Will you do as I say? Will you?"

She grips the hair hard, as to force forward an answer. Serna gasps, but her hesitation is gone. She looks up, defiantly, which is rather incredible, considering her physical position.

"I will do as you say...But I will never truly submit...My heart belongs to my king, even if my body may belong to you for a moment...Filthy barbarian."

There is something of a predator in Freika's flashing smile.

"Filthy, am I? Well, why should I not be filthy? I live in the real world...Not like you, in palaces with servants and hot baths...If I am filthy you should clean me...Start with...Kissing my boot."

Freika holds forward her left boot. First Serna seems to turn away. Then she submits and gives the leather a few pecks.

"Too soft...Show your tongue...Your insolent tongue."

Serna growls something in her throat, but licks the boot.

"Good...And now the other boot."

To reach the other boot Serna must almost crawl on the floor. There is something very exciting over that image. Freika giggles, as one might imagine that a tiger giggles.

"Very good...You can obey orders, captain...Remove my boots."

As a dutiful handmaiden Serna follows the instruction.

"Lick my feet."

Serna bends forward again. Taking pale toes into her mouth, letting all of her tongue glide over the skin. She cannot hide it. She is eager, she is enjoying it. You have seen her earlier with servant girls and fellow officers and this is genuine passion. Meanwhile, Freika takes away her belt. It falls to the floor. She tugs down the trousers over her hips.

"Now, captain", she says with a voice becoming thick and strained, "Pull off my trousers...And then..."

Serna does what she is told. Two long legs become visible, they have wondrously smooth muscles. And between them there is a shimmer of moisture. Serna is drawn to it, as by a magnet. Freika grips her hair, holding her back the last inches. Serna mewls disappointed.

"My little captain...You must humble yourself...You must beg...Let me hear you beg..."


"Please what?"

"Please...Let me lick your pussy..."


"Because I want to...Because it calls on me...Because I want to bury my face in the wetness...Because I want to prepare it for the cock of my king...Because it looks so good...Ah!"

Freika pushes Serna's face into her moist pussy and puts her thighs around her head to hold her in place. Though that seems unnecessary. Serna eats pussy ferociously. She slurps and sucks, Freika moans and laughs, the table creaks. The bold captain, on her knees and still in armor, surrendering herself, putting her pride aside, to feast on a pussy, belonging to a magnificent barbarian, riding her as if she was an untamed horse. A sudden spasm and Freika grips Serna even harder, eyes closed, erupting in a wordless yell of ecstasy. The grip loosens. Both women are panting as if they been on the verge of drowning. Serna rises on unsteady legs. Freika touches her face. Once again emeralds and sapphires glow, but not in hostility. Freika takes two licks on Serna's cheeks and then kisses her. Vigorously. As you have often said: If there is something more beautiful than a beautiful woman, it is two beautiful women making love to each other.

You have enjoyed this scene while sitting on the bed, slowly stroking your stiffening cock. Now you get up and walk over to them. You join the kissing, one on Serna, and then one on Freika. The barbarian does not protest. On the contrary, she pulls you closer. Serna steps away and starts removing, with amazing skill and speed, her armor. Your tongue tangle with Freika's tongue. Her hands wander down over your chest.

"So...I can see that the stories are true...You are indeed Cumagan the decadent...And from what I feel you could also be called Cumagan the potent..."

With those words she grips your cock. Hard. You moan into her smiling mouth.

"King of the Reversang dynasty...Can you give me a daughter?"

"I can give you as many children as you want", you answer hoarsely.

Freika giggles, crawls back a bit on the table and spreads her legs.

"Come here, king of lechery...You have not conquered me...I give myself for a moment...Using you for my pleasure."

"Your pleasure is my pleasure."

"Well, then..Come here...And...Fuck!"

With one determined movement of her hips she pierces her pussy on your cock. You grit your teeth and hold back for a moment, afraid of reaching climax too soon. Then you thrust. She meets every thrust, with forceful bucking. Skin slap against skin. Her luminously green and half-closed eyes are mesmerizing. The table groans and heaves. If you were not so delirious with lust you would worry about it collapsing. Serna, now naked, rejoins the debauchery, standing behind Freika, supporting her back, kissing her neck, whispering hotly.

"You like it, don't you?"


"You want him to fuck you?"


"You want him to breed you?"

"Oh, gods, yes!"

"Then accept his seed...His royal blessing...Humble yourself barbarian....Bear his child that will also be your child...Think how strong and beautiful it will become...A chieftain of great renown, surely...The founder of a new and mighty tribe...All because Cumagan wanted to fuck Freika...It is a wonder...A miracle of copulation..."

The fucking becomes so rapid that it almost hurts. Freika claws your shoulders. Her head thrown back, a gargling sound arising from her throat. That is as much as you can take. A final hammering of thrusts. Your thighs will be aching tomorrow. But now you do not care. You just want to climax, to give her and yourself pleasure, to breed this barbarian wildcat...

You howl and she yell. Bodies spasming, sweaty and mindless. Gradually relaxing. Breathing heavily. Realizing that you are both alive. And that you are still in her pussy. With a surprisingly tender gesture she caress your face.

"Thank you...King Cumagan...For giving me the greatest gift you could give."

"It was a sheer pleasure, I assure you."

"Yes...I suppose you must return to your castle."

"There is no hurry...We have all day."

"What about your kingly duties?"

"This is a part of my kingly duties...Making visitors feel welcomed...And appreciated."

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mseg14mseg1413 days agoAuthor

Thank you for your honesty. I understand, it is a matter of personal taste.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Gotta be honest, the best written 2nd person story ever written would still only get 3 stars from me, and this ain't it.

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