Bree's Journey Pt. 02


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I didn't hesitate to shed my clothes once we reached my bedroom. My blouse was sticky from his cum, as was my underwear from my own arousal. Kieran removed all of his clothes without an ounce of shyness and climbed into bed, nestling behind me in a spooning position.

"No promises about keeping my hands to myself while you sleep."

A giggle slipped past my lips. Almost too girly to sound like me, but it was too late to stifle it. "Good." I couldn't think of anything else to say as sleep rapidly overtook me.

It was dusk when I opened my eyes again. Kieran was stirring behind me.

We'd slept in a spooning position the entire time, however long that was. I had no interest in even checking the time. Whatever the clock said, it would be later than I wanted. One less hour until my brother and Bryan returned from their little trip. One less hour of having Kieran to myself.

I felt the bed shake, and then coolness against my back, indicating that Kieran had moved. A moment later, his hands were pressing against my inner thighs to spread them, his hot breath kissing my mons.

I shifted more onto my back and let my thighs settle into a spread open position. If he hadn't told me that this was his favorite thing, I might not have been so willing. I would've insisted that it was my turn to please him. But he'd convinced me that this was what he preferred. What he wanted. And I couldn't argue with that.

He started slow, kissing and gently lapping at my outer pussy lips for some time before dipping his tongue inside to languorously caress the sensitive flesh there. It was clear that he intended to take his time and for some reason that aroused me even more. I guess it was the knowledge that he was doing this for his pleasure and not mine. He wasn't trying to make me climax. He was simply enjoying himself.

Kieran settled into place, his chest resting on my belly. He could easily shift his hips toward me and straddle my face. I half expected him to do that, out of habit. But he gave no indication that he wanted me to touch him.

My mind wandered aimlessly in an euphoric state. From our sexual encounter in the car, to the way he'd suckled my breast on the blanket, to some of the things he'd confessed during our game. Memories from our first kiss in that park at night, things he whispered in my ear at my brother's party, the heat of his body wrapped around mine. Even little things, fleeting moments, like the expression on his face when he plunged inside me for the first time. That tiny moment of surprise and awe.

My arousal coiled in my belly, so tight that I was finding it hard to breathe. But Kieran wasn't picking up the pace at all. I rotated my hips in lewd circles, trying to deepen the contact, desperate to get to that peak of climax.

Kieran lifted his head and shifted to look at me, his upper lip glistening with my arousal. "You're not going to cut this short for me."

"Short?" I groaned. We were setting some kind of marathon record and he thought it was too brief?

Kieran pushed himself up and off the bed. "Stay there. I'll be right back."

I bit my lip to keep from whining my protest. I really should learn not to complain. The guy had an amazing tongue. If he wanted to camp between my thighs for the next hour, who was I to stop him?

Darkness was upon us with no lights on in the house, so I couldn't see what Kieran was doing. I could only hear him rifling around in drawers. I fought the urge to get up and check on him. He'd asked me to stay put. Truth be told, I wanted him to finish what he'd started, and I thought if I got up, I might break the spell and ruin my chances of climaxing. What can I say...I'm selfish like that.

A few minutes later, Kieran walked back into the bedroom with something in his hand.

"What is that?"

"You'll see."

Kieran lifted my wrist and wrapped something around it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm tying you up."


"Why? Because I want to." He tied off the end of the rope to the corner of the headboard, securing my arm above my head. "Because you need to learn patience."

He then secured my other arm in the same fashion and moved to the bedside lamp to turn it on. I squinted, unable to cover my eyes with my wrists tethered to the headboard. As my eyes adjusted, I could make out Kieran's body standing next to the bed and admiring his handiwork. His cock bobbing its approval.

"And because you look sexy as fucking hell bound to the bed like this."

I tested my bonds, twisting my wrists and yanking at the rope in an effort to free my hands. It was no use. He'd secured them well.

"You're mine now. To do with as I please."

His fingertips brushed over my nipple and continued down my torso. Just that tiny touch made my nipples tighten painfully, and my skin turn to gooseflesh. I managed to huff out a complaint between pants. "This isn't fair."

"Are you complaining?"

I sucked in a breath. God, what's wrong with me? Stop complaining. You want this. You've fantasized about this a thousand times. I shook my head.

"I didn't think so."

He continued his lazy exploration of my body with nothing more than his fingertips. For some reason, the sensation was ... more. Heightened. My body reacted to the slightest and most innocent touch as if it were directly on my clit. My pussy began throbbing with need.

"I like how responsive this makes you." His fingers trailed down my belly to my pussy. Kieran pressed two fingers inside. "And so horny."

I parted my thighs, hoping he'd finger fuck me to orgasm. Instead, he removed his fingers and chuckled.

"God, I really love you like this."

I moaned, yanking at my restraints. "You're killing me, Kieran. Please..."

"You sound so sweet when you beg."

This was a whole different side of Kieran. He'd never come across as someone capable of this level of ... of...sadism. I wasn't even sure that was the right term for what he was at the moment. I just never expected him to deny me pleasure, to tease me like he was doing.

Something snapped inside me. All at once, I let my emotions run amok. My confused feelings furiously ping-ponged from panic to rage. In my frustrated state, I somehow lost my mind, feeling like a trapped animal.

"Shhhh. Relax, baby."

Kieran's mouth was next to my ear. During my struggle, he'd climbed onto the bed and was laying next to me. His warmth infused my bare skin, bringing me back to reality.

"I'm not going anywhere. If it gets to be too much, just tell me. Okay?"

I nodded. My mind still too foggy to form words. He'd managed to calm me with his voice and touch. I realized just then, that I depended on him. That he held all the control. Over my emotional state, as well as my body.

This was so much more than a sexual game. In that moment, I felt a real connection between us. An unspoken promise that went deeper than simply whether or not I'd climax. It was a commitment on his part to take care of me, and on my part to trust him.

I took a deep, cleansing breath, allowing my body to relax with the exhale. "I trust you."

Kieran lifted his face to stare into my eyes for several long, silent seconds. So much understanding passed between us in that moment. He knew what it meant for me to say that. To bestow that upon him. He was the first man I'd dared to trust since I was eighteen years old. It hadn't been all that long, but it had felt like a lifetime to me.

He ran his fingers over my lips as he studied my face. It was as if he were memorizing each feature; each angle, lash, and crease. I did the same, noticing that his hazel eyes actually had dark brown flecks in them, which is why they sometimes looked more brown than green. That this little crease formed between his eyes when he concentrated on something. I would never grow tired of this interesting face.

I let my mind and heart feel what my eyes couldn't see. That this was someone I could spend my life with. Someone I could love, who would love me back. I was pretty sure I was already in love with him, I just hadn't wanted to admit it to myself.

Everything was happening so fast with us, and yet, not fast enough. Part of me wished I could just fast forward to the part where we're living together and starting a family. A family? Shit. You don't want kids, remember? The idea of starting a family with Kieran was such a natural thought. It just felt right for some reason.

Kieran moved his face away from mine, slowly sliding down my body until his mouth hovered over a distended nipple. He paused, seemingly asking my permission before touching it.

I released another breath and smiled, clearing my mind of doubt and expectations. Whatever he did, I would accept it. It was his choice, and I understood that now. More than that...I wanted it this way.



To see her working it out in her mind, accepting the position she was in, surrendering to it, and to me, was really something extraordinary. It was a moment I'd burn into my memory indelibly. I could never predict how meaningful it would be to me. I was both honored and humbled by it. Never before worthy of anything until this point in time.

I felt stronger than I'd ever felt before, but also more vulnerable. One look from her, one harsh word would slice me to the marrow. On the other hand, a single sigh could make me soar higher than I'd dared to go before. It was a heady trip. I knew in an instant that I was addicted to it.

Why hadn't I ever tried bondage before? Is it this powerful for everyone? Somehow I knew that it couldn't be.

What we'd managed to tap into had to already be present within us. Bree knew she'd respond to bondage. She must've known she was like this all along. I, on the other hand, had no idea I'd get so thoroughly enthralled by the power exchange of it.

This wasn't going to be our last bondage experiment. I was already imagining future sessions, all the things I wanted to do to her. Some of them sweet, some teasing, some far more sinister. I wanted to push her to accept things I did to her that she didn't think she was capable of accepting. Ease her past fears until trust took on a much deeper meaning.

I wanted all of her. Her body, her mind, her heart, her soul. The greedy, possessive monster inside me woke up from his long slumber.Yes. Mine. I would never be satisfied with a casual relationship with Bree. I couldn't share her with anyone. I'd made up my mind to have her, and I was going to tease her, fuck her, please her, and yes, hurt her, until she understood that she belonged to me, and only me.

I circled her lovely, responsive nipples with my tongue, eliciting needy sighs from my little captive. She was teetering on the edge of release, much closer even than when I was licking her pussy. I hadn't planned it this way. I'd thought the ropes would simply hold her down so I could take my time. But now...if I even touched her pussy, she'd go off like a rocket. And I didn't want that. Not, yet.

I sat back and admired the taut peaks I'd created with my tongue. Her tits really were works of art. Without even thinking, I raised my palm and slapped one of them. It wiggled before settling back into place. I vaguely registered that I'd heard a noise when I did it and realized that someone had cried out.

I looked up at her, somewhat surprised to see Bree's face. I'd become so mesmerized by her breasts that I'd forgotten they were actually connected to a person.

Her face was a bit flushed, her lips were parted and trembling slightly. Her breathing was shallow and erratic. She was aroused. And maybe slightly worried.

I soothed the pink skin on the side of her breast. It was warm from having just been slightly abused. I liked how it looked and felt. I liked that I did that to it. I wanted more.

I smacked the same breast again, this time glancing at her face as my palm came into contact with her skin. She yelped and squirmed, but made no other protest.

If she'd told me to stop, I would have. If she'd asked me to let her go, I wouldn't have wanted to do it, but I would have done it, nonetheless. I was in control. Of myself, as well as her. I even thought that maybe it was her trust in me to take control that gave me the strength to be in charge of my own inner monster. I'd fought with him before, and lost. This time he was free, but under my command.

I watched her skin turn a darker shade of pink. I didn't like that the other breast was so white, so I gave it two rapid smacks.

Bree's back arched off the bed as she squealed. How lovely she looked when she was uncomfortable. I decided to let her know. Cupping her cheek with one hand, I leaned down until my face was hovering just above hers.

"You are so beautiful like this." I reached down to caress the heated skin of her breast and smooth away the pain. "I want to hurt you some more."

Bree mewled, shaking her head slightly.

"Not your tits. Although they are a lovely shade of pink now. I want to spank your ass."

Bree shook her head but didn't speak the words. She'd told me that this was a fantasy of hers, so I knew she wanted it.

"Sorry, you don't have a choice."

I removed the pillow from beneath her and gripped her torso to slowly flip her onto her side, then onto her belly. Her arms crossed over her head, and I helped her scoot closer to get the slack she needed to rest on her elbows. I then wedged the pillow between her head and the hard wood headboard so she wouldn't hurt herself.

I lifted her hips until she was on her knees. I was happy that this put her forehead firmly on the mattress and exposed her lovely, dripping cunt to me. I made sure she knew how exposed she was by dipping my thumb into her wet hole and flicking her clit with my forefinger. It must've surprised her because she yelped and bucked, sending her head into the pillow at the headboard.


"You need to watch yourself."

I heard her mumble something and this caused my hand to rise in the air and come down with a hard thwack onto her bare buttocks. She cried out in protest.

"It's not very wise to backtalk someone who is already in the mood to cause you suffering."


"That's better. It's not going to win you any mercy, though."

I came down hard on her ass with another slap and was rewarded with a squeak. I probably should've warned her that I was starting, but I figured she'd get the idea soon enough.

The next few smacks weren't my hardest. I was getting a feel for it. This was my first spanking and I wanted to get it right. There was a bit of an art to it, a certain position that created the most satisfying sound, a way of cupping the hand to minimize the sting on the palm. It took me a dozen strokes or more to get it just right.

Then I started in on her. I swung my arm in a steady rhythm, switching from one cheek to the other every few strokes. As the motion became more fluent, the intensity of the slaps increased. I steadied her hips by wrapping my free arm around her waist. Then I focused all my attention on what I heard. The timbre of the slaps, her raspy breathing, and her mewling. But never a word. I most especially listened for those.

When it became difficult to hold her still, I knew she was reaching her limit. I decided on a number and counted it out in strokes. When I reached it, I stopped.

Her entire ass was a deep shade of pink. I swelled with pride that she'd taken that from my hand. Endured something that must've been so painful.

I ran my fingertips over the warmed skin, wondering if there was anything more beautiful in all the world. My fingers wandered down to her slit. Her lips were swollen and glistening with her arousal. It was time to reward her for being so patient.

I climbed between her legs, laying on my back and positioning my face beneath her pussy. Then I pressed on her warm ass, pulling her down onto my face until her exposed clit was sliding between my lips. It only took about thirty seconds of flicking that naughty nub with my tongue for her climax to overtake her.

She tried to pull away when it happened, but I dug my fingernails into her freshly spanked, sensitive flesh to keep her firmly in my mouth. I wanted to experience every contraction, and drink every drop of her orgasmic juices.

At some point during her orgasm, I shot my load onto my stomach. Or at least, mostly onto my stomach. Some of it landed on the sheets.

When her waves of climax finally ceased, I released my death grip on her ass and eased her off my face so I could sit up. Then I helped to reposition her onto her back again.

As much as I didn't want to release her, I knew it was time. I untied the ropes from the headboard, then loosened the loop from around her wrist. There were angry red marks from when she'd yanked at the restraints. I kissed them tenderly, feeling an ache inside from having hurt her in that way. It was odd. I had no qualms about reddening her behind, but felt guilty as hell about the little marks on her wrists. I hadn't meant to cause her pain there.

When she was free from her bindings, I pulled her into my arms so I could stroke and kiss her hair. I felt her shaking and then a sob broke free. For some reason, it felt right that she would cry like that in my arms. Usually when a girl cries, I get all nervous. Mainly because I'm scared that they're crying because of something that I did. This time, I knew it was over something I did, and I didn't feel the least bit upset about it. I just held her until her sobbing subsided, then wiped the tears from her cheeks.



I felt so stupid for crying like that. I don't even know why. It wasn't because of the spanking. That was every bit as horrible and wonderful as I'd imagined it would be.

I guess I just needed a good cry.

Kieran didn't seem to mind one bit. He didn't even get all antsy like guys can get when they see a woman let go like that. He just acted as though it were the most normal thing in the world.

When we pulled away, I noticed the wetness on his abdomen. A drop of semen lingered at the slit of his cock head.

"You came?"

Kieran shrugged one shoulder and looked down at the evidence. "Yeah." He studied my face for a moment. "Are you hungry?"

I chuckled at his question. Of course he'd be thinking of food right after sex. He was a guy. "Yeah, I think so."

"Do you like Chinese food? There's a place around the corner that delivers."

I nodded. "That sounds good."

They delivered fast and we scarfed it down. Then we settled down onto the sofa beneath a blanket and found an old Bogart flick on cable.

We'd been laying there for over an hour when Kieran broke the silence.

"What happened bed...that were amazing."

He'd always been so open and comfortable talking about things like that, but the way he stammered out the statement, I knew something was up. "I thought you were amazing, too. It was better than I'd fantasized. It hurt more than in my fantasy, though." I nudged him with my elbow. "But it was so much more than I'd imagined."

"For me, too." Kieran brushed my hair behind my ear so he could see my face. "Something happened to me...I can't explain it."

"Something good, or bad?"

"Good. Definitely good. I want to try that again sometime. Maybe after I get some gear." Kieran lifted my wrist to his lips. "Would that be okay with you?"

I smiled. "More than okay."


Kieran settled back into position behind me, his arm draped over my waist. We continued to watch the movie for awhile before he sat up on his elbow again, indicating he had something else to say.

"I was just wondering...Did you get a chance to talk to that guy in Dallas?"



"No. Not yet. Why?"

"I ... I don't know how to say this without coming across as a total prick."
