Bree's Journey Pt. 02


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"Yeah, well, we tend to crave things we don't get very often. But in this case, I have a feeling that I could get it every day and it still wouldn't be enough. There's just something about the way it tastes. Like drinking pure, liquid sex."

I had to suck air into my lungs because at some point I'd stopped breathing. I was pretty sure I'd stumbled onto the perfect man.

"It's your turn."

"I think I just forgot how to play."

Kieran laughed. "I'm glad that we're in synch on this. Not all girls like it."

"Really? How many girls have you been with?"

"Is that your question?"

I tried to get my muddled brain back in order. There was another question that I had queued up for him, but I couldn't remember it at the moment. "Yeah."

"Hm. I think I've actually slept with twelve, maybe."

"Including me?"

"Nope. You're lucky thirteen. How about you? How many girls have you slept with?"

I was shocked that he hadn't changed it to 'guys' I've slept with, but then again, I was dealing with a bi-sexual man. Of course he'd be specific about the gender. I quickly remembered the question I'd wanted to ask him before. I'd wanted to know more about Daryl.

"I'm waiting."

"Oh. Sorry. My mind just wandered for a second." I thought back on my sexual history with girls. "So, what counts as 'sleeping' with someone? Does kissing count?"

"I don't know. If there was sexual intent behind it, I guess it could."

"Okay. Four. I've been with four women. We didn't do, you know, everything, but we did some things."


"I don't think that was part of the question. I didn't ask you what you did."

"Because you didn't have to."

I huffed at his reasoning. He had a point. If the situation were reversed, I'd ask him the same question. There was just too much gray area here. "Okay, well ... kissing, petting, fingering. Licking."

"No fucking?"

I shook my head. "These weren't planned events. And in every case, the girls were purely heterosexual."

"I've got news for you, if you were licking each other's pussies, you are not purely heterosexual. You may not identify with being bi, but you've engaged in bi-sexual activity."

I could see what he was saying. I'd always been a little confused about what identifies someone as bi-sexual. "So, even if you are in a monogamous heterosexual relationship, you're still bi-sexual if you've been with both sexes at some point in your life?"

"Not necessarily. I mean, you may not identify as bi-sexual in that case."

"I thought that bi-sexuality was having sex with either men or women, regardless of gender."

Kieran shook his head. "It's not 'regardless of gender'. I'm attracted to women for one reason, and to men for a completely different reason. It's not irrespective of their sex, it's because of the different experiences I can have with each one.

"And don't confuse sex with gender. Sex is what's between your legs, gender is between your ears. I learned that from a transgender friend of mine."

"God, when did this become so complicated?"

"It's not. Our own conventions are what make it seem complicated. If you throw those out, along with all the labels, and just open your mind, it's really very simple. Just people getting it on with other people."

I considered what Kieran was saying. I'd always thought I was open-minded, but I had a lot to learn about all this stuff.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to get all preachy."

"No. You weren't. I just realized that I probably could use more lecturing on this topic. I think I've been sheltered a little too much."

"So, are you ready for your dare?"

"Don't I get to choose?"

Kieran growled. Clearly he was tired of the question/answer part of the game. "Okay. You can tell me what you thought about our first sexual encounter...truthfully...or you can take a dare."

"What's the dare?"

"You have to remove your bra and unbutton your top for, say, ten minutes, without covering up your chest."

My jaw dropped in shock. Of course the dare wasn't going to be easy. But what he wanted me to confess to wasn't easy, either.

I glanced around the park. There was a grove of bushes next to us which blocked the wind and any unwanted voyeurs. Behind me was the picnic grounds. There were other people, but none that would notice me taking off my bra. With my back to them, they'd never know that my blouse was open.


"Which one?"

"I'll take your dare."

Kieran seemed pleased with my choice.

"On one condition."

"What's that?"

"When it's your turn, you have to tell me more about Daryl, or take a dare."


I didn't need to know which one he'd choose right then, so I simply sat up and reached around my back to unclasp my bra. I'd been removing my bra beneath my shirt since I was in junior high. If it were an Olympic sport, I'd be a medalist. A moment later, I was tossing it onto the blanket between us.

Kieran grinned and cocked an eyebrow at me. Clearly he was waiting for the unveiling.

I should've probably waited a little. Created a little suspense. But he'd just seen them a few hours earlier. I didn't feel like we were covering particularly new ground here. So I very plainly unbuttoned my blouse.

Nothing showed except the very center of my chest and belly. That is, until Kieran reached over and brushed the panels of my blouse to the sides.

"Very nice."

I blushed at his compliment. And the fact that this simple little act of exhibitionism was turning me on beyond belief. I'd forgotten to mention that little kink of mine.

Kieran reached over to run his fingers over one of my, already hard, nipples.

"Hey! You didn't say anything about touching."

"Hmph." Kieran's arm dropped to his side. "A definite oversight on my part."

"Your turn. The truth about Daryl, or take your dare."

"I'll take the dare."

I kind of thought he might choose the dare, though I couldn't understand why he thought he had to hide his past M/M experiences. I was really okay with it. They happened in the past. It was nothing like what happened to me with my high school boyfriend.

I set my mind to thinking of a dare. I wasn't prepared for this game at all.

Asking him to take his clothes off in front of people is sort of redundant. He's been doing that for years. Besides, his back isn't to the park. We might get arrested.

Anything that popped into my head was either too boring and easy, or might get us thrown in jail. It took me several minutes to come up with something.

"Okay. I got it."

Kieran lifted his gaze from my breasts to pay attention to what I was saying. What I was about to request wasn't going to be any real hardship for him, but I couldn't think of anything else.

"For the remaining time that my breasts are exposed, which is like, five minutes, I want your mouth on them."

It was Kieran's turn to be surprised. I think he was expecting to have to expose himself. "Fuck, Bree."


"A minute ago you wouldn't let me touch you, now you want me to suck on your tits?"

"A minute ago, you were breaking the rules. Anyway, I didn't say you could use your hands."

Kieran grinned at me and then lowered himself onto one elbow, adjusting the crotch of his jeans as he straightened his legs. He whispered under his breath, the only word I could make out was "fuck".

"Time's a wastin'."

"Quoting June Carter now?"

His arm swung around my back as his lips closed around my left nipple. He was gentle at first, his tongue swirling around my protruding nub. Then he clamped down around my areola and sucked my nipple deep into his mouth. I felt my breast being tugged by nothing more than his sucking, until it felt like he might devour my entire C cup. I moved my hands to the back of his head to hold him to me. It felt incredible. A tingling sensation that traveled straight from my breasts to my pussy.

He released the suction and then I felt his teeth sink into my flesh. I gasped and pulled on the back of his shirt to get him to stop. It didn't hurt, exactly. Not enough to really be disconcerting, but there was the threat of real harm. He was forcing me to trust that he wouldn't hurt me.

I did trust him. I think. Or, I wanted to, anyway.

I stopped trying to pull him away and Kieran groaned his approval as he worried my sensitive flesh between his teeth. It was incredibly hot.

He pulled away and quickly switched sides. He'd already gone over his time limit, but I wasn't about to complain. My throbbing pussy wouldn't let me.

When he was finished, he leaned up and pulled me into a deep kiss. I felt his palm sneak up to cup my breast but I didn't protest. The game was over as far as I was concerned.

It was time for round two.



I had another condom still in my pocket from earlier. I always carried a spare. The last thing you need in the heat of the moment is a blowout.

I'd been worried that I wouldn't get a second chance with Bree. We had this real comfortable, brother-sister kind of thing going, that sort of superseded romance and sex. I liked it, but it was totally unchartered territory for me. I'd never had that with any of my past girlfriends. Sex was always the first, and sometimes the only, thing on my mind with them. I was constantly plotting how to get them into bed.

It was different with Bree.

I still wanted to get her in bed, but it wasn't a constant, nagging urge. Until something like this happens, and then my mind scrambles. My aching cock wasn't going to wait until we got to the house, I knew that much. I would've fucked her right there on the blanket if I couldn't hear kids nearby. I hadn't seen them, but their distant laughter was a reminder that they were there. One stray ball might lure them to within view of us.

I pulled away from our kiss, panting with need. "I need to fuck you, Bree."

She nodded, appearing too out of breath to form words. I knew just how she was feeling. Our casual game had been slowly morphing into hot foreplay.

"Let's get out of here."

Bree nodded and started buttoning her blouse as I scrambled to my feet and began throwing food back in the cooler. Once Bree was standing, I gathered up the blanket, not bothering to fold it. We then dashed to the car.

I was glad my hands were full on the way there because I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands off her. Especially with her magnificent, braless tits swaying with every step.

I threw the cooler and blanket in the trunk, then surveyed the surrounding area. I'd parked in the corner of the lot, beneath a large oak tree and next to a fence. It was a little bit more of a walk, but the only shaded part of the lot. No one was parked around us.

In my mind, all I could hear was her slightly shaky voice confessing how much she got off on the rougher, non-consensual type of sex. My dick had been straining to break free from my jeans ever since. I swear, this girl was custom made for me.

Still, the tiny part of my brain that was struggling to function properly warned me not to push it. I'd gotten the wrong signal before from a girl, and found myself down at the police station calling my dad for legal assistance. She didn't end up pressing charges, but that was only because she'd have to confess to doing some sexual things she didn't want anyone to know about. Especially her parents, who had come to the station and were demanding a full explanation.

This is Bree you're talking about here. You know this girl. Better than most of your childhood friends. She'd tell you if you were going too far.

My mind was warring with itself in senseless circles. I didn't have enough blood flowing to the brain to make a good decision, so I just went with my gut.

Before Bree could open the passenger side door, I shoved her against the car, chest first, and pinned her there, gripping her elbows so she couldn't push away from the vehicle. Then I put my lips to her ear.

"Don't scream."

She gasped and released a tiny mewl. I yanked her elbows together and held them with one hand, roughly enough to come across as a warning.

I shoved my free hand down into the front of her jeans and beneath the elastic waistband of her panties. I was pleased to discover that she was just as aroused as I was. "Your cunt is soaking wet."

Bree whined softly and I jerked on her elbows.

"Shhh. Don't make me gag you."

My fingers dipped into her slick crevasse and began pistoning in and out of her sloppy cunt. She was so ready for my cock. And judging from her arched back and muffled moans, she wanted it. Badly.

"You want me to fuck you, don't you?"

She shook her head, and it startled me. Then I noticed a little smile tugging at her lips. I realized that she was just playing a role. The unwilling victim. Well, I could play that game, too, if that's the way she wanted it.

"Don't fucking lie to me. Your cunt is begging for my thick cock."

Bree shook her head, prompting me to remove my fingers from her pussy and show her the evidence of her lust.

"See how wet you are, you little slut? You want it. Admit it."

Bree didn't shake her head right away in denial. Instead, she wiggled her ass against my groin.

I pressed my fingers to her mouth until her lips were forced open. "Suck your juices off my fingers, then beg me to fuck you."

I pulled my fingers from her mouth after a few seconds and waited for her begging. When it didn't come right away, I lifted my hand and came down hard on her buttocks. Her eyes opened wide in shock.

"Beg me."


I waited a couple of seconds for her to continue. When she didn't, I smacked her ass again. "Please, what?"

"Please don't make me say it."

"Why? So you don't have to be responsible for your wanton behavior? Your little lustful desires. So you can be the victim?"

Bree shook her head. "No."

"Then say it." I smacked her ass again. Mostly because I enjoyed doing it so much.

"Please..." I raised my hand to smack her again and she quickly continued. "Please f-fuck me."

I wanted to make her confess more, but my cock was about to burst. I'd gotten the confirmation that I wanted. I opened the passenger car door, released her elbows, and shoved. Her arms shot forward, keeping her face from landing on the center console. It was just violent enough to come across as real. I could've stopped her from getting hurt, just by pulling her hips toward me so her head landed on the soft leather seat. But I didn't have to do that, and now she was in the proper head space for our little scenario.

I quickly liberated her from her jeans and underwear. One thing about stripping was that you got a lot of practice getting out of clothes in a hurry. I left her's bunched around her ankles for effect. It was going to make it more difficult to get in deep, but I didn't care. This wasn't about precision, it was about raw, unabridged lust. Urgent, blinding need.

I rolled the condom on and positioned my cock at her opening. Then I yanked her hips toward me as I thrust inside her. She yelped her surprise, which earned her a hearty slap on her bare ass before I began pounding into her pussy.

I had to seriously keep my focus off her tight, hot cunt. How it gripped my cock with each thrust. Instead, I glanced around the parking lot for unwanted visitors. A car had pulled into the lot just as we were getting started, but like the rest, parked nearest to the walkway leading to the picnic area. I peered over the roof of my car to spy two women unloading a picnic basket and some blankets.

I'd gotten past the initial urge to come and could now set a blinding rhythm. Beneath me, Bree trembled and mewled between pants. Every once in awhile I could make out words, fragments of a plea. "Please...Don't...Stop...I can't..."

It just spurred me on that much more. It was every fantasy I'd had since I was old enough to know what sex even was.

I yanked her arm and shoved her hand beneath her. "Make yourself come. I want to feel your cunt pulsing around my cock like last time."

"No...I can't..."

I slapped her ass hard. "Do it!"

I briefly wondered if I'd gone too far. It would be difficult to tell, since I couldn't see her face. But a moment later, I felt her fingertips brushing against my cock, then the telltale signs of her rubbing her clit vigorously back and forth.

Not ten seconds later, her cunt was milking my cock with a vice grip that just about sent me over the edge.

I pulled out of her and yanked the condom from my shaft, then spun her around until her legs tangled and her ass dropped to the seat with a thump. I jacked my cock in rapid strokes until it shot rope after rope of cum onto her face, neck and hair.

It was perfect. Better than any money shot I'd ever seen in a porn flick. Bree was gorgeous, her cheeks flushed from her orgasm, taking each shot of cum like a pro. I think I fell in love with her a little in that moment, nearly blurting out the words right then. Instead, I pulled my jeans up and knelt down on one knee, grasping her sodden face in my hands.

She was the most beautiful mess I'd ever laid eyes on. I kissed her lips gently. Just a peck before moving to her cheek and jaw. I swiped my tongue over the streak of cum there, stopping to check her expression. She just smiled and tilted her head to expose her saturated neck. A clear invitation to continue.

A mantra kept repeating in my head as I kissed and licked my cum from her neck. Please be real; please be real...

But as my after-climax glow began to fade, doubt and guilt took over. I'd smacked her ass fairly hard, and said some harsh things in the heat of the moment. She'd acted pretty on-board with everything, but what if she wasn't?

I helped her get dressed and quickly snatched up the condom laying on the floorboard. The evidence of the crime I'd just committed. I wanted to hide somewhere.


Bree's soft voice made me freeze in place. "Yeah?"

"I want to change one of my answers."

I was confused on what she meant, then I remembered the game.

"My hottest sex wasn't on spring break. It was on my vacation to Austin. In the front seat of a ..." She glanced around and saw the logo on the steering wheel. "A Ford, something-or-other. With this incredibly hot, bi-sexual guy in the parking lot of a park."

I released the breath I'd been holding for god knows how long, then I reached down and touched her cheek. "Me, too."



We'd gone from having just okay sex, straight to mind-blowing, best-sex-ever, kind of sex. I silently wondered on the way back to the house what ordinary, everyday sex was going to be like with us. I was pretty sure we'd set the bar too high now. We could never hope to top that. Could we?

I tried to imagine what sort of scene would top the one we'd just played out. I was pretty sure we couldn't plan something as good at that one. Mainly because it would be the planning that would ruin it. Our encounter had been so spontaneous. Unrehearsed. When he pushed me down onto that seat, I totally felt like I was being taken against my will, even though I wanted it with all my soul.

And those slaps to my rear...Shit. They stung like hell. I could still feel tingling back there, along with the dull ache from being pile driven by a goddamn telephone pole.

If I weren't so wiped out from the intense orgasm, I might be a little upset about that. Or maybe not. It was the best sex I'd had by about tenfold. And something else was different. I felt calmer for some reason. Complete. Sated. I wanted to stretch across my bed like a lazy cat.

"I don't know about you, but I could use a nap."

I shot a glance over at Kieran as he was parking the car. "I think you read my mind."

"Really? Are you naked in my arms in your mind, too?"

I grinned at him. "I am now."

I loved how easy it was to talk about sex with Kieran. I felt like I understood him so much better now.