Bree's Journey Pt. 02


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"You're so fucking gorgeous, baby. I mean it. Breathtaking."

Bree gasped and then blinked several times, shaking her head slightly in the process. Her voice was a barely audible whisper. "No one has ever called me that before."

"Breathtaking? Gorgeous? Bree, you're a fucking knockout. The guys you've been seeing are jerks for not telling you that."

I slid my palm down the middle of her chest and over her tummy. Her skin was white and smooth, and without a single blemish or mark. I noticed her nipples bunching up into tiny pebbles. So responsive to the slightest stimulation. I stared longingly at them as my fingertips traced circles over her abdomen.

I loved how soft she was all over. She had lovely, feminine curves like a modern day venus. A body that would've been celebrated in the forties and fifties, so unlike the stick figures we seemed to honor today. I'd had a few of those honored twigs in my time. A skeleton of bones that threatened to break if rattled too much. I could appreciate womanly parts on any frame, but I preferred the feel of sumptuous curves beneath me.

I moved my hand up to her breast and gently closed my palm around it until her nipple rose upward like a sacrifice to the gods. I released it to watch the ripples of tissue settle into place again. They were definitely real; 100% natural.

Bree giggled, pulling me out of my trance. "How long has it been for you?"

I groaned. I didn't want to think about the last time I'd been with a girl. "Too long. Four months." Longer, since I've been with one with real tits. I didn't think it was necessary to say that out loud.

"Have you been with many women?"

I shook my head. "I've been with a lot of girls."

"What's the difference? Experience?"

"Not necessarily. More along the lines of maturity. Girls are impatient and silly. I could never get away with doing what I'm doing right now. Just admiring."

"I'm silly sometimes. Does that make me a girl?"

I shook my head. "You are most definitely not a girl, Bree."

I didn't want to keep talking about it, so I leaned down and closed my mouth around one of her nipples. Bree rewarded me by arching her back and moaning. My dick twitched inside my jeans, reminding me that I had an end goal in mind, and urging me to hurry, the fuck, up.

For a second, I lost my mind and clamped my teeth around the hard nub in my mouth. Bree squirmed and mewled in protest, causing me to release immediately. I would've apologized had it not been a total lie. I wasn't the least bit sorry. Her nipple was now a lovely red, hard peak that felt amazing, flicking beneath my fingers as I swiped them over it.

My brain was starting to scramble. My cock was robbing it of blood. I could feel it pulsing in my groin.

I pushed myself up to standing so I could strip off my clothes. I didn't take my time doing it. She'd seen me strip, there was little mystery left surrounding my body. This was just necessity.

I plucked a condom from my pocket and unceremoniously rolled it on before rejoining her on the bed. I wasn't quite ready to fuck her, well, that was a lie, I'd been ready to fuck her since I met her, but I didn't want to do it just yet. I needed to taste her first.

I started with her lips, then moved down her neck, spending enough time on each nipple to make them stand at attention before kissing a trail down her belly. Her breathing had turned to panting by the time I was spreading her thighs. But I passed her gorgeous pussy to kiss down her leg so I could suck on her toes.

I didn't have a full-on foot fetish, but I'd always loved a woman's toes. Those delicate little curled appendages were irresistible to suck on. I made sure that I ran my tongue between each toe before working my way back up her leg.

I paused longer between her thighs this time, allowing myself to get drunk from her scent before diving in. My cock throbbed in anticipation. The smell and taste of pussy was the single most arousing thing in the world to me. It was why I was bi-sexual and not gay. I'd have given up on women long ago if not for this one thing that I knew in my gut I couldn't live without.

I swiped my tongue up her slit to sample her flavor. Her essence was as perfect as she was. She tasted just like the sweet cream butter my grandmother always had on her table. It invoked memories of lazy, hot summer vacation days at their house in Granbury, Texas where my mother grew up. Of happier times when things were so much simpler for me.

Bree's urgent cries snapped me back to the present. Her beautiful petals were swelling, engorging with blood and blossoming with arousal. It was rare to actually get to see a woman's pussy transforming like that. Usually, I felt it on my tongue and lips. But Bree was wound just as tight as I was. I paused in awe, but only for a second.

My mouth closed on her hot, wet folds, my tongue delving deep inside her for a few moments before seeking out her exposed clit. She bucked her hips and I gripped her thighs so as not to lose contact. I'd always thought of it as a lot like bronc riding at the rodeo. The woman's job was to buck you off, while you just had to hold on. But for a lot longer than eight seconds.

She settled down when I maintained a steady rhythm on her clit. Flicking and circling, while clamping my lips around her hood to hold it firmly in my mouth. I knew I had her when she began to shudder. And when her hips began to undulate, I prepared for her climax, hoping I wouldn't go off in the condom when it happened.

She didn't disappoint, coming just when I'd predicted. I slowed my tongue when she reached the peak, riding out her wave still clamped onto the pulsing nub until I couldn't stand it another second. I had to feel those contractions around my cock.

Releasing her from my mouth, I lined up my cock to her entrance and pushed inside.

It was a tight fit. Too tight, almost, with her channel convulsing in aftershocks of orgasm. I realized my mistake right away. I wasn't going to be able to stave off my own climax. Fuck! I rocked my hips twice before shooting my load into the condom.

It was junior high all over again. How. Fucking. Juvenile.

I collapsed on top of her in a humiliated heap. I'd worked up to this moment for so long, only to blow it.

God, what a moron!



Kieran was being too hard on himself. I could tell by the way he wouldn't look at me after we'd just done it.

I could understand his disappointment, but it wasn't that bad for a first time. There was only one man I'd been with that'd managed to knock it out of the park on the first try. Miles came close, but our first sexual encounter wasn't fucking, either. I actually liked it that Kieran lost control like that at the end. Up to that point, he'd held back. He was so tame. Nothing like I'd imagined sex would be like with him based on the uninhibited way he danced on stage, thrusting and grinding with all his might.

I was pretty sure that trying to soothe his worries would just come across as a confirmation that I agreed with his scathing assessment of his own performance. I didn't. How could I? I'd just come. The man was extremely talented with his tongue.

"Thank you."

Kieran lifted his head and frowned at me. Not an angry glare, more like a confused one.

"I don't always ... You sure do know how to use your tongue."

"Thanks. Sorry I didn't..."

I pressed my fingers to his lips to stop him from continuing. "It's okay. It doesn't matter. Probably best this way."

Kieran frowned in confusion.

"You're not the smallest guy."

Kieran brushed my hair from my face as if he didn't hear the compliment I'd just given him. Maybe it was something he heard all the time. Or maybe he just dismissed what I was saying as nothing more than a pathetic upside to what had happened. It was hard to tell.

It was the truth, though. If he'd pounded away at me with that monstrous cock of his, it would've been the last sex we had for days. I was going to have to work up to his size. As it was, I was only mildly sore.

"It's going to be a warm day. Want to go on a picnic? I know a park we could go to."

I smiled and lifted my face to kiss him. He pulled back slightly.

"I need to wash up."

It took me a second to put it together. I'd never been squeamish about tasting my own juices on a man's lips. In fact, I found it a bit hot. But he was trying to be a gentleman about it. How fucking cute is that? I chuckled, mostly to myself, then held his neck firmly as I pressed my lips to his.

He tentatively reciprocated the kiss until I sought entrance into his mouth with my tongue. Then he groaned and pinned me against the mattress with that utterly encompassing kiss that only he could so masterfully deliver.

There's that intensity that I crave. Why can't we have sex like that?

We got up and dressed. I finished drying my hair while Kieran located a cooler. We then went to the grocery store and drove to the park.

On the outside, we were just a couple of friends. Every once in awhile, he'd grasp my hand in his, but nothing too intimate. Just beneath the surface, though, there was still a simmering desire. For me, anyway. I couldn't speak for Kieran, although his hand did tremble a bit whenever he touched me.

I'd been wondering how we were going to find our way back to sex. We'd sort of fallen into that friend space again and I was beginning to worry that we'd stay there. It was a fairly vulnerable time in our very short relationship. I felt like we were at a crossroads and we could go either way.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed talking and spending time with Kieran. He'd become a real good friend and I felt totally comfortable talking with him about, well, just about anything. He made me think about things in a way that let me know that he really cared about me, as a person. And he made me laugh. That boisterous, side gripping sort of laughter that ends in an embarrassing snort.

We ate finger foods, meat, cheeses, and fruit, as we frittered the hours away. He told me about his crazy Uncle Leonard while I regaled him with stories about Daniel when he was young. Then, out of the blue it seems, Kieran suggested we play a game.

"Truth or Dare. But maybe with a twist."

"What's the twist?"

"Each question you ask, you must be willing to answer yourself. And each dare must be carried out right here on this blanket, not later. Deal?"

"Sure. If I get to go first."

Kieran pursed his lips for a moment, then just grinned and nodded. "Go ahead."

"Truth or Dare?"


I knew the question I picked would set the tone for the game, and since I'd been dying to get us back on track, I knew what type of question it had to be. "Name three kinks, fetishes, or, you know, preferences that you have. Sexual ones, I mean."

"Okay. Do you want me to answer first, or do you want to tell me yours before I start?"

"Oh, yeah." I'd actually forgotten that rule, already. "I can answer first since it was my question. Sorry, I totally forgot that part. Okay...let me think..."

I honestly had so many floating around in my head, it was difficult to limit myself to picking three.

"Okay, um, I sort of have this, like, thing for bondage and spanking. I haven't done it a lot, but, I don't know, I fantasize about it. I also think I might have a thing for watching two guys together. I don't know. That just sort of came up a couple of nights ago."

"What's the third? Bondage and spanking kind of go together."

I narrowed my gaze at him. He was cheating a little, but I decided to go along with it for now. "Rough sex, I guess. The non-consensual kind. Not rape, but ..." Close. I couldn't say it out loud, so I left my sentence dangling.

Kieran shifted uncomfortably and I realized that I'd pretty much just admitted indirectly that his style of lovemaking wasn't my preference. "Okay." He cleared his throat before continuing. "I have a little bit of a foot fetish."

I stifled a giggle at that confession. I'd already figured that one out from the way he licked every one of my toes.

"It's not a huge thing, but something. Okay, so, you already know about my bi-sexuality."

"That doesn't count."

He glared at me, but gave in, anyway. It was payback for clumping bondage and spanking into one thing. "Okay, well, I fantasize a lot about threesomes. That's probably because I'm bi."

"Ever done that?"

Kieran nodded. "With two guys only, though. Not really the way I fantasize about."

He paused and studied my face as if he were trying to decide what to confess for his third kink. He was really struggling but I wasn't going to let him off the hook. This was his game. He needed to man-up and spill it.

"I sort of have this thing for cum."

"What do you mean?"

"I like seeing it, tasting it. I don't know. There's something about a guy coming."

"I agree."

"You do?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. "Of course. Your turn."

"Which will it be...truth or dare?"

I tilted my head to one side. It was way too soon in the game for dares, yet. "Truth, of course."

Kieran nodded. "Hm. Okay, here's one...Describe your wildest, or weirdest sexual experience. I've got one in mind if you want me to go first."

"Go ahead."

"About a year ago or so, I was at a club downtown with a couple of friends. We were there to see this band. Anyway, this couple approached me. He had recognized me from the strip club and they wanted to buy me a drink, you know, shit like that. I let them, and we sort of struck up a friendship of sorts. A few hours later, they invited me back to their place.

"I thought this was my chance to live out my threesome fantasy, so I was pretty jacked up about the whole thing. They gave me the address so I could swing by my apartment first. Anyway, when I got there, Sheri, that was her name, was all decked out in leather. Stan, her husband, was on all fours, wearing this little negligee thing and a collar."

"Oh my god. What did you do?"

"I just stood there gawking at first. Not really sure what they were expecting me to do. It felt so awkward. I remember thinking, or rather hoping, that she wasn't expecting me to get on my hands and knees, too."

"Was she?"

Kieran shook his head. "No. She just wanted her husband to suck my dick. She didn't even want me to touch her."

"So...did you let him?"

Kieran shrugged and then nodded. "I kind of felt obligated at that point."

"How bizarre."

"I know. I left right after that."

"Did you ever see him again?"

"Nope. I scanned the crowd for him at the club at first. But after a few months, I just figured he'd moved on. Was probably too embarrassed to show his face, I don't know."

"Maybe he wasn't embarrassed at all. Maybe that was perfectly normal for them."

"I don't know. I got the feeling that was his first time."


"Yeah. Your turn."

"I've never really had anything happen to me quite like that. I guess the strangest situation was pretty recently with Miles fucking me in front of his wife."

"That's not all that weird."

"It doesn't sound like it, I know. But it wasn't a threesome. She pretended not to like it, but then got off on it, anyway, but not in front of anyone. It's hard to explain." I could see he wasn't following. "She didn't want me there. I don't even think she liked me. Miles forced her to accept our affair."

"That's sort of fucked up."

"I know."

"Did you like it?"

I didn't want to admit it, but I had to tell the truth. "Yeah. Sometimes. And then, sometimes, not so much. I liked ..." I had to think about it for a couple of seconds. "I liked that he wanted me. That he'd chosen me. But I didn't like it when I knew that part of what was getting him off was the fact that she was there. I didn't like that so much." And I hated that they were both using me. "Your turn. Truth?"

Kieran nodded. His expression had gone solemn.

"Describe your hottest sexual experience."

Kieran shifted his weight again. I remembered that we'd just had sex earlier that day, so I amended my request to take the pressure off him.

"Prior to today. I'm not fishing for some silly compliment or anything."

"Okay." Kieran took a deep breath before continuing. "It was with a guy, so, I don't know..."

"It's okay. I'm a big girl. Anyway, it's one of my newly identified kinks, remember?"

"Yeah, right. Well, I'd kind of fooled around with this guy a few times. Nothing serious or anything. He'd just gotten off..."


"Oh, uh, blow job. I needed to, uh, take a piss...urinate. Sorry."

I shook my head and waved dismissively.

"Anyway, he, uh, followed me into the bathroom and pulled me into the shower. I thought maybe he wanted to get cleaned up. Instead, he asked me to pee on him."

I suppressed the urge to cover my mouth in shock.

"He turned his back to me and bent over and waited. It took me a bit to gather enough composure to actually do it, but a few minutes later, there I was pissing all over his back.

"When I was finished, I reached around his thigh and felt that he was rock hard even though he'd just come. It was such a turn on for me for some reason. That this guy would get hard just from me peeing on him."

"What happened next?"

"I fucked him. I put a condom on first, of course, but then I fucked the shit out of him."

"Wow. That's intense. What was his name?"

Kieran looked shocked by my question. "Huh? Oh, uh, Daryl. Your turn. What was your hottest?"

"That's not fair. I want to hear more about Daryl. You said you slept with him more than once?"

"If you want to know more, you're going to have to wait your turn."

"Damn. Okay. My hottest sex?" Kieran nodded at me. "Mine was with this guy I'd met on spring break. I don't know what makes it stand out in my mind, exactly. He wasn't all that great. I guess it was the first time a guy had ever just done what he wanted without asking permission. He didn't rape me, or anything like that. He just ... took. It was ... I don't know ... hot. I think that's when I first realized that I had this thing for that kind of sex.

"It's a fine line, though. I've known guys who were just pushy assholes about sex. That's totally not what I'm talking about."

I wasn't sure what the hell I was saying, or why it was even important to explain it. I guess I didn't want Kieran to think that I had some unhealthy desire to be ravaged and degraded. Like I didn't feel like I was worthy of a loving relationship. It wasn't that. And I liked the way Kieran went slow with me. It was nice.

"I like the other kind of sex, too, though." I chuckled, mostly to myself. "I guess I just like sex, period."

Kieran grinned. "Good to know. Are you ready for your first dare?"

"Not yet. Hit me with another question."

"Okay. What is your favorite sexual act?"

"Oh, that's easy. What you did earlier. Cunnilingus."

Kieran chuckled. "What an awful word for it, don't you agree?"

"I agree. I wonder if that's where the slang term 'cunt' came from."

"I don't know." Kieran looked perturbed about something.


"I've never heard a girl say the 'c' word before."

"Cunt?" Kieran nodded. "It's just a word."

"It doesn't offend you?"

"Nope. In fact, used in certain situations, it can be really hot."

Kieran swallowed hard. "I agree."

"Anyway, that was my answer. What's yours?"

Kieran chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair. "You're not going to believe me when I tell you."

"Why not? Does it have to do with pee?"

Kieran busted out laughing. "No. Not at all. I like the same thing that you do. Going down on a woman is my favorite thing."

"Bullshit. It is not."

Kieran nodded. "It is, I swear. I crave it more than anything else."

"More than getting a blowjob, though? No way."