Brenda and Connie Ch. 18


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During those six hours both Brenda and Connie fucked every man they encountered unmindful of the presence of other guests and/or clothed staff. Brenda and Connie found themselves on their backs on tables, couches even the hard ground to receive cock in their pussies. As eight o'clock was approaching Brenda finally was getting satiated as up to this point there was a raw need on her part to fuck as much as possible.

Perhaps thought Brenda that this was not the best method to prepare for the contest but what the hell; win or lose she was fucking her brains out and that was the primary reason for being there. Besides Vickie had indicated she intended to act this way herself to make up for lost ground. The contest was just the highlight of the orgy not the exclusive activity.

At eight Brenda arrived at the main table in the room where the contest was to occur. She noticed that half of the room was covered by a mattress looking object covered by what looked like fitted sheet. Brenda was to subsequently discover that the mattress looking object was actually a mattress custom ordered by the club from a mattress manufacturer, whose CEO was a prominent member. And what looked like a fitted sheet on it was a fitted sheet also specially commissioned by the club. The mattress did not fit any bed of course and it was simply rolled up and stored against a wall of the room when not in use. Brenda could not help but be impressed to the lengths the club went to provide the ultimate pleasures in orgies.

The table was laden with a buffet of all kinds of food to satisfy the palate of everyone and anyone. All kinds of beverages both alcoholic and non alcoholic were also available. The ubiquitous staff was discreetly available to satisfy any non-sexual whim, fancy or need of the guests. Without a doubt the orgies conducted by the Texas Love Ranch were the Cadillac of all orgies; certainly surpassing in comfort of known historical orgies such as those of ancient Rome and of the Hellfire Clubs of eighteenth century England. John William St Clair, another owner of the club, somewhat facetiously maintained that there is nothing others do that Americans can't do better. This club is proof positive with respect to sexual orgies.

As Brenda started eating she was joined by Connie who was shortly followed by Vickie and her mother. Vickie proudly introduced Kristina Vargas to the girls who were suitably impressed by the youthful appearance of Vickie's mother. Although actually being 53 years old, Kristina could easily pass for a woman in her mid thirties. There was no discernable snag to her hefty breasts and any cellulite that was visible on her body rather than being off putting instead strangely increased her feminine allure. Kristina with judicious use of makeup was also able to diminish the negative visible effect of her wrinkles and crow's feet. Some fifteen minutes later the other female team of the contest arrived and joined them. Kristina introduced Charlotte Thornton and Chloe Hamilton to the girls. Of course Brenda and Connie were thrilled to meet Charlotte arguably one of the current sexiest sex symbol in the entire world never mind just in the United States.

Brenda was tempted to ask for Charlotte's autograph but aside from the impracticability considering their nudity, she resisted sensing the indecorousness of such pedestrian request. Charlotte was wearing the gold chain belt she was awarded for prevailing at the Messalina's Challenge game. The chain was adorned by twelve hearts and each heart had inscribed the members of the club Charlotte had entertained in winning the Challenge.

As fascinated as the girls were by meeting Charlotte Thornton they were totally astonished and captivated by the introduction to Chloe Hamilton aka the 'Minnesota Enchantress'. The girl was tall! Chloe was even taller than Connie, who could not recall ever having met a female taller than herself. Chloe was not skinny either but was in fact a tad overweight. However despite her bulk and size Chloe was all WOMAN and absolutely delectable to all straight males except those who had an unreasonable aversion to tall females. And to emphasize her femaleness Chloe was pregnant and very visibly so. In fact Chloe advised that her official due date had already passed a couple of days previous.

Brenda completely flabbergasted could not help but exclaim:

"But... but Chloe how can you come to this orgy in your condition? Aren't you afraid you will pop the child while in the middle of sex here?"

Chloe replied:

"Not only am I not afraid but actually I am hoping to give birth while I am here. After all there are several doctors both male and female amongst the guests at this orgy so I am in no danger of lacking medical attention if my daughter decides to finally enter this world. And yes before you ask I do know I am going to give birth to a girl."

At this point Vickie jumped into the discussion:

"As I was born in a brothel I can sort of relate. But I was born in a brothel because my mother was parsimonious and as the madam of the brothel felt she could not afford the time off to go to a hospital for my birth. (Kristina was blushing as Vickie was saying this) What pray tell Chloe is your rationale to wish for your baby to be born here rather than at a hospital?"

Chloe advised:

"I have two reasons. When my son was born almost eleven months ago there was sperm not my husband's in my pussy. So if my daughter is born say tomorrow then once again I will have sperm not my husband's in my pussy. It is definitely a very unique tradition wouldn't you say? My second reason is somewhat similar in basic rationale.

You see there are about 300 million souls in the United States. It has been my life's observation that no matter how unique or bizarre or odd one might be or what might be one's proclivity invariably you will find another person with a similar unique, bizarre or odd behavior or personality. Thus in my opinion although each of us are unique and different it is paradoxically virtually impossible for one to be absolutely unique in all aspects of one's life and personality.

However I would venture to say that my giving birth to two children by the same father without any danger of trouble in my marriage but nevertheless having fucked another man with my husband's foreknowledge, prior to the immediate birth of each child is unlikely to be duplicated. So that is my claim to absolute uniqueness not shared by anyone."

Everyone at the table laughed at Chloe's outrageous speech. The reaction was best summed by Charlotte who observed:

"Chloe you are truly a hoot. You never cease to amaze me whenever we meet. Your view on life in of itself must be rather singular."

Brenda was struck by another fact revealed in Chloe's words, and so she exclaimed:

"Two children? Your daughter to be born will be your second child? But you were introduced to us as a student at the University of Minnesota pursuing an aerospace engineering decree."

Chloe acknowledged:

"Yes that's right. I will be entering my senior year in September."

"But...but how can you do it? How can you be a mother to your two children and still pursue your studies. And aerospace engineering for God's sake! It is not exactly a 'Mickey Mouse' discipline. Hell I am in law school and I find it difficult enough and I have no responsibilities like you have. How do you manage it?"

"Well my husband is sufficiently wealthy that we are able to afford two nannies. They are from Iceland and are sisters. They have proven to be most excellent nannies and enable me to continue my studies. But best of all about them is that they are not squeamish about performing extra special duties." Connie asked:

"Extra special duties?"

Chloe conspratorially informed:

"Yes. You know like fucking my husband. Or fucking me. Or fucking both of us at the same time as the occasion may arise or demand. Those kinds of extra special duties."

The table once again erupted in total laughter at Chloe's banter. A little later Brenda confidently whispered to Connie:

"This contest is in the bag for us. First of all Kristina may look great but still she is 53 years old, older than my mother, for God's sake. No matter what tricks she knows she can't have the stamina we have. As for Vickie she has not had cock until today and her inexperience will be their downfall. As for Charlotte and Chloe they may be great sexpots but Chloe is obviously their weak link. Look in her condition she cannot walk instead she waddles. She cannot keep up whether she becomes the captain or the 'helper' of their team."

Soon enough it approached 10 o'clock for the contest to begin. After introductions and rules explained, the women and their male partners took their positions on the huge mattress. As the siren horn sounded, all the women popped the cocks of their male teammates into their mouths commencing the initial blow job.

Much to Brenda's chagrin she was to find out that her confidence in victory was misplaced. She failed to take into account Kristina and Charlotte's sexual experience and the importance of the 'helper's role in this contest.

In the first round both Kristina and Charlotte held back to ensure that their female teammate would be the captain and they would be the 'helper' of their team. Reasoning that they were the better 'helper' of the pair they unselfishly gave up the chance to be captain to give their team the best chance to win. Kristina as a former professional prostitute knew all the tricks to arouse a male quickly and this experience proved invaluable. Kristina's preparation was so on the mark that Vickie hardly had to do anything extraordinary before each man would quickly ejaculate soon after the start of a round.

Charlotte with her experience of Messalina's Challenge was likewise adept at preparing the male teammates but Kristina had the edge. In the rounds of sodomy and vaginal penetrations, Vickie invariably beat out Chloe as to time elapsed from beginning of round to successful ejaculation.

However in blow job rounds Chloe held the advantage. Vickie being a novice followed her mother's instructions which allowed her to easily effect the blow job within the time limits of a round. However Chloe had a natural inborn skill at fellatio. Somehow she was subconsciously able to communicate her joy of the blow job to her male partner which forced him to ejaculate prematurely. Her husband despite the countless blow job experiences still could not hold back his flow.

As the two teams continued to score each round and seemingly headed to a perfect game it would appear then the second tie breaker would be determinative of the outcome. In this regard it was impossible to guess which team was ahead. Vickie held the lead in sodomies and pussy fuckings but Chloe had a huge edge on blow jobs. Thus the outcome was completely in doubt.

Meanwhile Brenda and Connie were mortified as they quickly fell out of contention. Neither one of them got their male partner to ejaculate in the first round. It wasn't until near the end of the second round before Brenda prevailed to become their captain. Both Brenda and Connie enjoyed fellatio and they always took their time to ensure total enjoyment. Commendable as that technique is to experience pleasurable sex it was fatal for this contest.

In the third round Brenda was compelled to pussy fucking. When her male teammate had ejaculated, Brenda was overwhelmed by Stefani undertaking his referee duties. Stefani's tongue in her cunt caused Brenda to experience a different emotional response than she had previously ever encountered. Her orgasm grabbed her mind obliterating momentarily any sentient thought. As a result in the ensuing round where she was to give a blow job, her lack of enthusiasm doomed that round.

By the time it was 10:55 with 25 minutes to go Brenda and Connie were mathematically eliminated. They had achieved one completed 'around the world' rotation but having failed in the round that started at 10:50 it meant they could not score higher than two. The other teams each had already achieved three completed rounds.

However ever the troopers, and unmindful of the good natured ribbing by the spectators, they finished the contest having achieved the second completed 'around the world' rotation.

The other two teams were proceeding like clockwork not missing a round. Kristina's preparations were so good that Vickie had her men ejaculating within the second or third minute into the round. She has having a ball! Being fucked relentlessly certainly had its charm. She had no trouble having an orgasm on each round. She couldn't be happier. Her only regret was not having done this earlier.

Charlotte and Chloe were competing furiously as well. Charlotte was also able to get the men well primed for their sessions with captain Chloe. Although the men as members of the club had all seen Charlotte personally before, her allure was still heightened by her celebrity status and thus the men were truly ready to burst when starting the round with Chloe. Although Chloe was tired from her condition of pregnancy, she was still sexually aroused that she was grunting and moaning passionately throughout each round. The sight of her very pregnant body fucking was even a greater turn on for her male teammates.

Going into the last round the two teams were headed for the maximum score and it looked like the tiebreaker would have to be used to declare a winner. Vickie was giving a blow job and at the 11:17 was able to display a full mouthful of sperm. After swallowing same and displaying an empty mouth her team officially ended with a perfect score of five completed 'around the world' rotations.

Meanwhile Chloe on her hands and knees was being sodomized during that last round. She was grunting in earnest now as she was eager to finish. All of a sudden just seconds after Vickie had swallowed the cum in her mouth, Chloe involuntarily let out a very loud fart ejecting the cock in her ass. Then her water broke and she was into her labor for real. She had been experiencing contractions throughout the contest but had kept quiet about it. As she was being led to a room especially prepared and ready for delivery of her child she was heard to be muttering: "Aw shit! To lose by a fart!"

In honor of having been bested by Victoria Veronica Vargas, and because her child would share the same birth date, Chloe decided to switch her previously intended name for her daughter by naming her Vivian Vanessa, copying the "V" alliteration. Like her brother, her time of arrival in this world mirrored her birth date. Vivian Vanessa's birth was recorded at 5:22 AM on May 22. Unlike her brother though, she went by her first name and not by her middle name.

Vickie had overheard Brenda's boast of expected victory to Connie. So when they met again starting their second year at the Duke Law School, she couldn't help teasing Brenda and Connie every now and then especially when they had a sexual get-together. However they only fucked each other twice during that year as Vickie hooked up with a charming male med student. They were compatible from the get go even though he was substantially less adventurous in sex. When Vickie graduated from Duke they got married. Vickie and her husband moved to Atlanta and Vickie lost touch with our heroines. Vickie's husband was not into extraneous sex but he was man enough for Vickie that she was content in a faithful marriage.

However Vickie was proud of her victory at the 'Around the World in Eighty Minutes' contest and she wanted to wear the awarded chain belt especially when fucking. Thus she concocted the story that it was a gift from her mother and that the names inscribed on the hearts were people that helped her mother in business dealings to gain her success. She kept her mother's past a secret and intimated that her mother ran a legitimate ranch strictly catering to wealthy Europeans who wanted to experience the wild west of the United States. Naturally she compelled Kristina to back up this fabrication.

By the time Brenda and Connie graduated from law school, Linda Snyder had given birth to six children by five pregnancies. On the birth of the sixth child, Linda waved the white flag. The desire for a dozen children was eliminated by the reality of raising half a dozen. Thus Linda had her tubes tied within two months after the birth of that sixth child.

When Brenda and Connie graduated they moved to Memphis and saw no reason not to continue living together. After passing the bar for Tennessee they started their own law firm. Not only were our heroines brilliant lawyers but they both had terrific business sense. Their firm was soon flourishing and they were able to take on four associates after only three years of practice.

They joined the Texas Love Ranch. Because of their association with Vickie and thus Kristina, they were immediately accepted as full members entitled to attend four orgies per year. The club membership was ideal for their needs. The demands on running a successful law firm precluded entering into an intense love relationship.

Besides after Harry for Brenda and Bruce for Connie they each started to believe they were not destined to duplicate the similar chemistry. And they did not want to settle for less if they were to commit to a man.

They started to think that perhaps they were lesbians after all. They were so compatible to each other both personally and professional and the sex between them was good; oh so good in fact. The Texas Love Ranch was therefore a godsend to satisfy their heterosexual needs and desires. The fact that no effort need be expended on their part to achieve fulfillment of such desires made their sexual situation as perfect as possible. In addition to scheduled weekend orgies Brenda and Connie were periodically invited to special occasion mid-week orgies. Thus the girls averaged participating in six orgies each per year; sometimes they attended together but more often they attended separately at different orgies.

After their firm expanded, they decided they would like to become mothers. Society certainly has become much more tolerant of lesbians and of lesbian mothers so that there would be no professional concerns for them to becoming mothers without a father. They discarded the notion of utilizing a sperm bank. Instead the Texas Love Ranch would again seem to be an ideal notion. The question of fatherhood like Kristina/Vickie would not be a factor. So both of them went off birth control and let nature take its course.

Brenda gave birth to a girl when she was twenty-nine. Connie subsequently after turning thirty-one gave birth to a boy. Remembering Chloe's recommendation, they each hired nannies from Iceland for their children. Sure enough these hired girls were excellent nannies for their children, and best of all; they were also eager to embrace their "special extra duties."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This was an excellent story, except for the watersports, which for me is disgusting.

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