Brides of War - Ch. 03

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Three become one flesh.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/26/2022
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There was shockingly little fallout from the crew in regards to my announcement. In fact, they were remarkably silent.

No complaints by either men or female members of the crew had been filed. It was as if everyone knew desperate circumstances also required desperate actions.

Still, it was hard to accept how calm everyone was taking it. I felt the tentative nudge of someone's presence nearby and glancing to the side, I saw that it was Petty Officer Sally standing there with a cup of coffee.

Her face was flushed hotly red. It always was, as something about me always seemed to fluster her, but this time was a little different. She knew.

"Thank you." I said thickly as I took the coffee from her.

She nodded and then in a whisper said, "Thank you for... for saying yes."

Staring at her seriously, I said, "You know it won't be just us right?"

She nodded quickly.

Speaking my mind, I said, "You don't mind sharing a relationship with me that will include others than yourself."

She looked down and then surprisingly back up to meet my eyes with a direct gaze which she usually had a hard time doing and said, "I'm choosing not to look at it that way. I.... I've wanted to be with you. I guess that's no secret, but well, it's a big deal for me. That I won't be the only one with you doesn't really matter. In fact, I can actually be glad for them even as I am for myself."

I shook my head softly and said, "I am just a man Sally."

"No, you're a great man. There is a difference." That said, she turned and went back to her duties.

Soon I would be inside of her. Knowing all of her.

As I watched Sally from my position on the bridge the reality of the need I had to bury myself deeply into not just Sally, but also the girl from the underground base, Alora was her name, was something not easily done away with.

Very soon I was going to have both of them and the closer I came to that reality the more excited I became. Looking about I saw the coming reality to be seen in the deep thought that I saw upon a lot of men's faces.

In the last two days we had picked up over 800 women and within the next couple hours we would liberate the last batch due to be sold at a large slave auction that was about to begin in a couple hours' time. The enormity of soon having over 2000 women on board in addition to the crew was in many ways overwhelming and yet my eyes kept returning to Sally and somehow I felt peace when I should have felt none.


The operation at the slave auction had been a complete success. All the women needed were accounted for, even as there was an auction set to begin the had no one left to sell as we had literally beamed the girls up and out of the holding pens.

We hadn't had to buy these girls. The others we had and it was truly sickening to see what paltry sums their families and parted with them for.

In some ways the Doctor was entirely right. What we were doing was a complete act of mercy for some of these girls.

Now with a full allotment we were back on course and running silently beneath the radar nets of nations desperately searching everywhere for us. Everything was going according to plan.

I opened the door of my cabin and stepped within. I smelled her instantly.

My gaze traced over the outlines of a woman that I find entirely desirable, my gaze focused in on her face framed by curly ringlets of hair that would never be tamed even as they would always struggle to be free. She'd stood up upon my entrance and now nervously, she brushed at her wild hair.

Speaking softly she said, "I've been assigned to you as per your order."

I nodded. I heard a movement in the hall behind me and turned quickly.

It was Sally and she had her pack with her. Her face was beet red as she shyly slid by me and into the room.

She saw Alora and to my surprise, she didn't hesitate, but walked right up to Alora. Alora had started to cry and setting her bag down Sally folded her arms around the other woman and hugged her to her firmly.

Slowly Alora's arms came around Sally to hug her with equal firmness. The emotions of the moment were hard to define, but in some ways I felt incredibly blessed and incredibly awful at the same time.

I didn't like knowing that I was the source of tears. Turning away, I forced myself not to walk through the open doorway, but to instead close and then lock the door.

I turned back to the two women at a complete loss as to where to begin. There was a very real truth in the moment that I wanted both women and yet maybe I wanted Alora a little bit more.

Was that wrong?

Sally had been whispering something into Alora's ear and now Alora nodded. Tears were still to be seen on Alora's face as Sally moved to stand behind her.

Sally's hands came around Alora and she began to undo her uniform. The minutes dragged by and I watched mutely as Sally bared Alora completely to my view.

Alora now stood free of clothing as Sally stood behind her. Then slowly she turned and took away the stunning vision of her dark areoled nipples and smoothly contoured belly to replace it with the vision of her gracefully proportioned spine that narrowed down to a sweetly curvaceous pair of hips mounded off into a very pretty set of tight ass cheeks that begged to be fitted into a man's hand and squeezed.

She was gorgeous and my gaze drifted over her beauty as she began to unbutton Sally out of her clothing. My hands lifted to my own buttons and soon I too was as devoid of clothing as Alora had rendered Sally to be.

The two women stood close together, almost touching. My staff raging I walked up behind Alora and let my hands settle down upon her smooth shoulders.

Looking down I took note of the fact that both women were holding each other's hand. Of the two I had desired Alora perhaps the most, but now I appreciated Sally even more.

My gaze swept down to where the tip of my oozing shaft was painting its juices against the small of the back of the petite sized girl before me. I nuzzled forward and my shaft slid slightly up her back even as my lower portions came to press against the cleft of her ass.

Groaning at the erotic feel of contact with her I felt her entire body shiver as she stayed steady on her feet before me. She was a lot shorter than me.

If I had her this way from behind I'd have to put her on a stool. Leaning down I swept the mass of her curly hair to the side in order to kiss her neck and whisper against her ear, "You are beautiful."

I stepped to the side then and I let my one hand sweep down to grasp one of her tight ass cheeks. She shuddered at my intimate grasp of her even as Sally did the same as my other hand swept down her arched spine.

Sally's ass was more lusciously appointed and the ass cheek of hers that I held of hers was fuller and yet both women were uniquely stunning in their beauty.

"Both of you look at me."

Their heads turned and the twin gazes of two women I read to be full-fledged virgin's met mine.

"You are both going to be mine soon. I will love and care for both of you. Never do I want you or the others when they come into this relationship to look at this as some kind of a competition. It's not. I will love each of you and I will have all of each of you. In return I promise to give you all that I am with nothing held back. Understand?"

They both nodded and gripping their rears I turned them to face the bed. My hands drifted up to their backs and I pushed gently.

They walked forward and I made them lie down side by side on my bed. I had never made love to two women before and I was way over my head now.

I split both of their pressed together thighs apart and I came up onto the bed with a knee between each of their legs even as my cock hung between them. Resting one hand to the side of each woman's head, I began to lose myself in the nirvana of not having only one beautiful woman beneath me, but two.

They were so very different from each other, but entirely alike in the way they began to gasp and moan as I played with both of them.

Alora was thinly petite and yet her breasts were quite large for her frame and I suckled hard upon her dark nipples. Even as both girls began to instinctively grind their nether regions against the front of my thighs.

I felt a hand curl about my shaft and squeeze. I had never felt huger than I did now.

I glanced up to Alora's passion filled eyes. I knew it was her hand, because she had small hands.

A hand that could barely reach all the way about my girth which only made the feeling of power coursing through me intensify. Her hand slid up my thick shaft until her fingers could touch easily.

I groaned, then as I felt another hand grasp a hold of me. I let Alora's hugely engorged nipple pop free from my lips as I gazed down at Sally.

Both women squeezed and I closed my eyes. Opening them, I gave them both a look of sheer yearning.

Both of them had shy little smiles peeking out at the corners of their lips and leaning forward I kissed each of them savagely even as their hands remained possessively upon me. Letting Sally's full lower lip slide from my teeth I kissed down her until one of her rose tinted nipples was captured by my mouth and I suckled hard upon her using my whole mouth.

Her eyes seemed to roll back into her head with the pleasure she was feeling and in some ways Alora's pleasure seemed connected to it as well as she groaned in unison with Sally's every cry of delight. I felt the clampdown of Sally's thighs about my leg as she came close to orgasm, only to then crest over fully into full orgasm and feeling savage with a passion to conquer I let her breast slip free of her mouth.

Leaning to the other side, I captured Alora's nipple and her eyes opened with shock as my sudden extra stimulation sent her over the edge right after Sally. Both women were crying out and I'd had all I could take.

Shifting I placed both knees between Alora's tightly, pressing thighs as she writhed with orgasm. I seized her sweet little ankles in my hands and lifted them high only to press them down over her until her knees were touching her breasts.

Her expressive eyes opened just as my mouth descended hard upon hers. Her lips fell open and I assaulted her with my tongue and then my shaft as I drove it deep.

Her virginity tore and she cried out, but I drank it in and forced myself to continue. Savagely I went deeper into her tight body until I came to the end of my shaft.

Maybe this was no way to take a virgin, but oh well. I simply couldn't help myself and selfishly, I drove myself deeply in again and again as she lay imprisoned beneath me.

I opened my eyes and saw Sally on her side, watching as I pillaged Alora deeply. Alora groaned and I let her lips go for a moment.

She panted for air and then groaned again as I surged deeply into her. I saw Sally reach out a hand and as I surged deeply into Alora, I saw Sally roll Alora's nipple between her fingers.

Alora cried out sharply and truly I had reached the end of my control if you could call it that. My whole body shuddering I emptied my shaft deeply into Alora even as she twisted about and gripped at the sheets as pleasure had its way with her.

Breathing heavy I leaned back and took the pressure off of Alora's legs. They fell down limply to either side of me as her whole body vibrated to the beat of a fading orgasm.

Glancing down I viewed the reality that I was still fully sheathed in the girls womanhood. My gaze took in the sight of her virgin's blood bathed across her thighs and possessively I shoved back into her deeply as the thrill of claiming her as mine fully took hold of me.

Her eyes opened and peering down into her gaze, I said, "You're mine!"

She nodded and whispered breathily, "Yes, Master."

Something savage was calmed in me then and I leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was a long one and when it was done my gaze swept to Sally.

I shifted on the bed and my cock came free of Alora's tight clasp of it. I was as hard as a rock and I had no way to explain how that was possible.

Breathing heavy I moved to lean over Sally as she lay on her side. Her head turned and I drank from her mouth with lips still wet from Alora's.

The taste of each of them was unique and very good. My wet shaft lay heavy upon her outer thigh and through it I felt the quiver of her body as she lay under the domination of mine.

My shaft had already been baptized in the blood of one virgin and now it was time for another and Sally knew it. When I should've been gentle I wasn't.

I pulled back from our kiss and she gazed up at me in wonder. Her lips moved, "Take me."

My hand pushed on her shoulder and she rolled obediently to her belly. I moved back to be between your legs and then I was dragging her back word until her ass was level with my shaft as she crouched before me on her knees.

With a groan, I swept my cock into the wet heat of a woman ready for penetration. I was no less the monster with her as I had been with Alora as I drove my shaft into her deeply. She cried out and I saw her bite the bed as I held her hips still for my possession of all that was female about her.

I looked down and groaned with savage appreciation upon her gorgeously full ass. My cock sank all the way into her and I rested with my groin smashed up against her rear for a moment.

Breathing heavy I then began to find my way in and then back out of yet one more extremely tight virgin. I rode her long and hard and with appreciation I watched as one of Alora's hands disappeared beneath Sally as she returned the favor of stimulating her through not one, but two consecutive orgasms.

Seed erupted once more out of me as I buried my cock to the hilt in the wet heat of Sally's open invitation to me of being her man from this day forward. I had never felt such a viral ability as I did right now and as I savagely pressed myself into the beautiful blonde before me that was sobbing into the bed sheets I experienced the sublime reality of knowing that to these two women I was a stud.

It was far from pain that was causing the girl before me to be completely overcome and in turn she was nothing but pleasure for me as I felt my way back in an out of her clasping warmth. I stared upward at the ceiling for a long moment as the thundering beat of my heart slowed in rhythm.

I glanced down to my joining with Sally and groaned deeply. There was surely no better sight in the world than what I gazed down upon right now.

Pulling free I watched as my seed made her entrance creamy even as her thighs were bathed with a few specks of blood from her own shattered virginity. What could a man ask for more than this?

I lay down beside Sally, who still remained on her knees as if ready for me to do it all over again. Seeing me though she slumped down and then curled into my side.

Alora had moved further down on the bed and with shock I felt her tongue come out to wetly bathe my softening cock. She washed me clean and when she was done, she came back up the bed and cuddled into me as Sally was doing.

My arms were about both of them and as time went by I heard both of them drift off into sleep as the sides of their faces rested against my chest. Each of them had a thigh splayed across one of mine even as their generous breasts nuzzled into my side in a reality of feeling that for a male was simply sublime to experience.

As they cuddled, they seemed to both have a way about them that said they'd found something good and neither of them was wishing to be elsewhere. I didn't want to be anywhere else either.

For the first time in my life I didn't feel alone. How could one right now?

I had been as savage as I could be but these two girls seemed to behave as if a dream had come true for them. My arm squeezed about Alora.

One would've been enough. Two were just something incredibly more.

I turned my head to let my lips press a kiss gently into Sally's hair. Reflexively, her hand resting on my belly squeezed and then to my amusement Alora's hand squeezed.

Society could say whatever it wanted to about what had just happened, but in full reality, I knew that I was one flesh with both of these women and they were one with me.

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linnearlinnearabout 2 years ago

I'm addicted to this series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story. Please keep it up.

AedanSaylaAedanSaylaabout 2 years agoAuthor

Glad to have been missed JustBobbinAlong! More chapters forthcoming.

JustBobbinAlongJustBobbinAlongabout 2 years ago

I'm so glad your back, I love your stories!

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