Broadmoor's Haughty Headmistress


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Mired in despair, it took awhile for Kris to notice, but the voice was different. Yesterday it was harsh and malignant; now it was musical and melodious.

"Obedience to Master arouses you."

"You crave sex, you love eating cock, you love eating pussy."

Kris knew the words were wrong, but the sound of the voice, the certainty of it's commandments, made the vicissitudes of the last two days manageable. When she listened to the voice she didn't have to think about what Kendall had done to her.

The dildo started to vibrate. Kris' breasts glowed, her clit quivered, an intense overwhelming joy flooded through her. Her body had never been this responsive.

"You may only come with Master's permission. You will be punished if you come without Master's permission."

She thought back; she had not been given permission. She did not want to be punished. She tried to stuff the feelings flowing through her, but couldn't. The voice went on.

"Your body is designed to give and receive pleasure."

Her tits throbbed; her cunt pulsated. The dildo felt like it was growing, consuming her body, merging with her soul.

"You may only come with Master's permission. You will be punished if you come without Master's permission."

She didn't want to be punished; she had to find a way to stifle the orgasm, but she had no more control of her cunt then she did of the rising of the sun.

"Your body is designed to give and receive pleasure."

How could she be expected to control herself, pleasure was what she was for?

"You may come only with Master's permission. You will be punished if you come without Master's permission."

She needed the pain. The pain in her breasts would stop the orgasm. She felt the tingle, the electricity was about to surge through her, it would kill the orgasm. But when it poured into her it was different than it was yesterday; it was wonderful and exquisite and perfect and pure. Her cunt exploded in flames. Pleasure/pain battered her consciousness; juice gushed from her cunt; she came.

The voice had said, "You crave pain. Pain sets your pussy on fire. You are a pain-slut." It had been right. Pain had set her pussy afire.

"You may come only with Master's permission. You will be punished if you come without Master's permission."

She had come without permission; it had been wonderful, but she would be punished.

"You are cunt, tits, mouth, asshole, clit."

"You need cum to survive; you are a cum-slut."

"You love Master; you are his slave."

"Your body craves cocks. You love to eat pussy"

"Your slut-body requires constant stimulation."

"Your slut-mind requires Master's guidance."

"You shall obey Master. You shall refuse him nothing. You shall submit to his every desire. You live for Master."

"You belong to Master. Master owns your body."

Kris turned what little energy she had left to the dildo and the pain, getting ready for their return. She would direct all her strength to controlling her reaction, she would stave off the orgasm, avoid the punishment.

The dildo started wriggling. Pleasure erupted within her; spread everywhere; her skin flushed; her breasts swelled; her pussy lips tingled; her clitoris danced. Her attempt to control herself was washed away; it had been no more effective than a sand castle would be against a tidal wave. She wanted the pleasure, craved the pleasure, that was what her slut-body was for. She came, she came again, then again, each one exquisite, wonderful, stretching, redefining her consciousness. Then she felt the tingle on her breasts, she knew what was about to happen: beautiful pure sweet lovely pain. She welcomed it. The electricity shot though her, followed by a blindingly powerful orgasm, the biggest largest hardest yet.

As she floated down from the tsunami of pleasure she thought about the punishment. She'd lost control of her body, she would come and come all night; the punishments would multiply, become medieval. Her weary mind blundered about, trying to find a solution, and then, finally, in an epiphany, she understood. The voice had been telling her the answer all along, silly stupid stubborn her had refused to listen. Master was not cruel and arbitrary, he was kind and generous. He had shown her the path.

The voice had said: "You belong to Master. Master owns your body. You may come only with Master's permission."

She'd been a fool. She'd thought she controlled her body, that she could suppress the orgasms, but it was Master, not her, who owned and controlled her body. When the dildo started moving again Kris chanted, "I belong to Master. Master owns my body. I may only come with Master's permission. Master has not given me permission."

She repeated her mantra, the pleasure kept building, her loins felt like they might rip apart. When the electricity came the pleasure spiked, but she returned to the words, celebrating their truth: "I belong to Master. Master owns my body. I may come only with Master's permission. Master has not given permission." She rode the waves of pleasure like an expert surfer, she did not come. The vibrator finally slowed, became dormant, the nipple clamps went back to sleep. She had not come; she would not be punished.

The voice had been right; she did not control her body, Master did. Joyously, over and over, she sang the phrase in the depths of her shattered mind: "I belong to Master. Master owns my body. I may come only with Master's permission."

Throughout the night the voice repeated its messages, they were simple and beautiful and true.

"Your world centers on Master."

"Master completes your being."

"The only thing that matters is to serve and obey Master."

"You are Master's slut."

"Master controls your pain and pleasure"

"You shall do anything to make Master happy."

The rest of the night, whenever the dildo started up, the nipple clips jumped to life, pleasure and pain would pour into her, her body would crackle with joy, but she did not come. She did not have permission. QED.

Kris loved the voice; it was wise and beautiful, it was her best friend. When it stopped she was desperate and lonely. When it returned she celebrated. Sometimes it would bring the dildo and the electricity and her slut-body would vibrate with pleasure.

"Master is wise and brilliant."

The voice was right. With all her resources, all her experience, all her wealth, a boy had imprisoned her, then turned her daughter against her. He'd destroyed in a day a relationship that had taken her eighteen years to build. Compared to Master she was nothing.

"Master is kind and generous. You and your daughter shall serve him."

And Master, having taken her daughter from her, was going to give her back. She and Kendall had been horrible to Master; they'd tried to humiliate him, they'd manipulated his professors and fellow students, but Master was not vengeful, he was kind. He would re-unite she and Kendall as his slaves. She did not deserve such a wonderful Master.

"You are designed to give and receive pleasure."

All night long, each time the dildo wiggled in her cunt, each time the electricity tore into her breasts, her body became more responsive. Master was correct. She was designed to give and receive pleasure.

"You love Master."

She did, she did love Master.

"Giving, receiving, sexual pleasure is why you exist."

"Master is your lord, sex is your purpose."

"You are a sex-toy, a sex-kitten, a cum-bucket, a pain-slut."

"You exist to serve Master."

Kris had lied, connived, fought her way to the top, then used every mean manipulative trick to stay there. It had been difficult, exhausting. Now Master who would do the hard things. Her life would be easy; she'd be a fuck-toy, enjoying the blazing pleasure for which her body was designed. Her life had been silly, pointless; Master offered so much more. She was a fuck-toy. Why had she wasted so many years?

"Master is everything."

Kris mouthed the words around the ball gag, "Master is everything."

"You exist to serve Master."

"I exist to serve Master."

"You are a slut, a sex-slave. Your purpose is to give others pleasure."

"I am a slut, a sex-slave. My purpose is to give others pleasure."

"Your slut-body requires constant stimulation."

"My slut-body requires constant stimulation."

"You love Master."

"I love Master."

"Master is everything."

"Master is everything."

* * * *

The living room was permeated by the smell of sex; both women's vaginas were swollen, their thighs covered with juice. Michael studied the computer. Kendall had shown no resistance; the pleasure centers of her brain were alight with activity. When he released her she beamed, her eyes dancing in delight.

"Good morning Master. Your sex-toy loves you. All night I heard your voice; it was wonderful."

He helped her up, took her into his arms, he kissed her.

"From now on you will share my bed, but remember, in public to use my name. Now go fix breakfast."

Her cunt was burning up; she wanted to bend over, take his cock in her pussy. She wanted to ask whether Mama understood, but Master had given an order. She reached down, stroked his dick. "Yes my love."

He watched her exquisite ass as she left the room. Boy, was the world going to be surprised by his new girlfriend.

The data on Kris were excellent. When she'd initially orgasmed, it was the pain that drove her over the edge. The second time she'd come several times, but the most powerful had been when the electricity surged into her breasts. After that the orgasms stopped. At first she'd struggle to suppress them, but it soon became second-nature. Kris had internalized the message that she belonged to him; she'd ceded him control of her mind and body.

He had to admire Kris. Only an extraordinarily strong-willed people would have lasted as long as she did. He imagined her last night, gathering together her remaining strength, all the desire and determination that had made her Empress of Broadmoor, steeling herself with dreams of rescuing her daughter, and then having it wash away, completely ineffectual against the voice echoing in her head, the dildo in her cunt, the clips on her breasts. Her ego had collapsed, she'd accepted the world he'd built for her. The drugs, the voice, the subliminal messages, the sleep deprivation, the hunger and thirst, and his own special twist, Kendall's betrayal, no one could have stood up to it for long.

Kendall re-entered the room, wearing heels, thigh high stockings, and a gold chain around her slender waist. "Master, here is your breakfast."

"Thank you Kendall. Contact the resort in Mexico, let them know you're running a few days late and you're bringing a third. Make plane reservations for tomorrow afternoon, three, first class."

Kendall, a smile on her face, turned her gaze to her mother. "Does that mean Mama understands?"

"Yes Kendall she does."

"Thank you Master, from both your sluts."

Michael ate, further studied the data; on-line Kendall confirmed the resort reservations and purchased the plane tickets. When done the two of them knelt by Kris, Kendall took the gag from her mouth. Kris was talking in a low clear voice.

"I serve Master."

"I am a slut, I love to fuck and suck, only Master can control me, fulfil my needs."

"My slut body requires constant stimulation."

"I love to obey Master."

"I love to come; I may come only with Master's permission."

"I am a fuck-toy."

"Kendall and I are Master's sluts."

"Master is everything."

"Master is my life."

They freed Kris; she wrapped her arms around Michael's ankles and burst out crying, "Oh Master, I came without permission, I was a bad slut. I need to be punished. Please punish me Master, I was wicked."

"How may times did you come?"

"I'm not sure Master. The first time once, the second time, I came over and over, I couldn't count them all."

Michael helped Kris to her feet. As he did Kris thought how kind he was. She'd been a disobedient little whore and still Master was helping her..

"Should I have Kendall spank you?"

Kris shivered at the thought. "I'm not sure Master. You are wiser than I, but this slut craves punishment and humiliation, they arouse her. This slut would like it if your other slut spanked her."

Michael smiled. "Tomorrow we are going to Mexico. One day while we're there you will not be allowed to come. That will be your punishment.

In a gleeful voice Kris said, "Oh Master, does that mean I get to come today? Please Master, I'm such a horny little slut."

Michael reached for Kris' hand, drew her towards him. The headmistress of Broadmoor tilted her head, opened her lips, took his tongue into her mouth, kissing him greedily and hungrily. Her lips had never felt so alive; her fat breasts, squashed against his chest, tingled in delight. She belonged to Master. She had never been so happy.

* * * *

The last day of winter break Professor Havel received a call from Kris asking if she could visit his wife in the hospital. Kris was the only person at the school, Havel believed, who had not yet come to see Anna. Why the interest now? After checking with Anna, he invited Kris, but thirty minutes before the end of visiting hours, just in case.

Havel had never seen Kris so happy or, for that matter, looking so good. With Anna she was solicitous and kind. When they were ushered out by the head nurse, Kris asked Havel to join her in the hospital's coffee shop. She had something to tell him. Professor Havel had expected something like this; there had to some game afoot.

Kris brought Havel his coffee, then sat and scrunched down on her chair, loving the feeling of the butt plug filling her ass. "Professor, I know I've behaved abdominally. At this point I'm not asking you for your forgiveness, I will need to earn that. I would like you to re-grade Michael Sadkins' paper. I've held up the release of the class ranks waiting for you to do so."

She took an envelope from her Armani purse, handed it to him. "At my request the Foundation's Board of Directors met yesterday. This is it's resolution. In honor of your years of service to Broadmoor and its students, the Board has agreed to pay all expenses, medical care, home nursing, a maid, anything, related to Anna's condition not covered by insurance."

Havel read the paper. It looked authentic, but still he wasn't sure. "Thank you. I don't know what to say."

"I guess you're wondering what happened. While the entire school will know tomorrow, I'd ask that you keep this to yourself until then. Over the holidays Kendall ran into Michael outside of school, got to know him. To cut to the chase, she's fallen madly in love with him. It made me put aside my own prejudices. He's an impressive kid, I'm embarrassed by the way I've treated him over the years, all of which, in turn, made me rethink a lot of decisions I've made."

Professor Havel told no one; he didn't believe it. Kendall might be beautiful and smart, but he couldn't imagine Michael putting up with that nasty self-absorbed girl.

* * * *

The next day a few students noticed Kendall's Jaguar drive past her usual parking spot, located directly in front of the building next to her mother's, and pull into the student lot. When Michael, sporting a tan, got out of the driver's seat and walked around to open the passenger door, everyone noticed. When Kendall stood, adjusted her sunglasses, and kissed his cheek, word spread around the school instantly.

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nipples_painnipples_pain5 months ago

A rather lovely story, spooling mistake and all

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Nice 4 stars!

Mind control is too much science fiction for me.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can u tell the story of Kris seducing her sister in law

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 1 year ago

I agree with all the other comments you left the story to open need to write another chapter or two to finish it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

NLDomNLDomover 1 year ago

This definitely deserves at the least a 2nd chapter! Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

If you are still writing, I'd be ever so grateful if you wrote a second chapter of this story!

blackknight314blackknight314about 2 years ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

He should fuck both, a threesome

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

If you are still writing PLEASE, PLEASE write a chapter 2 of this story.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good one

Love the way you write. Each story runs differently. Not like some authors who use the same formula for each of their stories.

This could have gone into 2 more chapters.

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