Broken Breast Pump


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Gina gave her best sorry face look at him. "I don't have time. I need to do this now. Just hold it for me and I will do the rest. Please?" Her voice cracking with desperation as she said it.

Tom stepped in trying to look away and Gina knew he was trying to be polite in such an awkward situation. "Just hold it and you can look away."

Gina moved him over to the toilet and put the seat down as Tom quickly sat down while his hands held the pump. He looked at the broken pump and squeezed it while pressing on a wire on the inside. It looked mangled as he rearranged something on the inside.

Gina pulled down her bra exposing her tits to another man for the first time since her divorce, not just any man but a coworker. She quickly put the suction cups to her breasts and then flipped the switch listening to the motor churn but just barely. Only one of the suctions cups was working but it was like heaven as her milk sprayed out while pulling on her nipple at the same time.

"Ohhhh yesss," Gina moaned, feeling the pressure in her right breast release as milk began to pour into the bottle.

Tom looked away and Gina felt it did not matter if he looked anyway, as releasing her milk was the most important thing at the moment. Her nipples darkened while she was lactating and grew in size with her last child. Now they were about almost an inch long poking out of her large areola and spraying milk like a water hose.

After a few minutes her milk was still spraying out as she was letting down her milk supply easily filling up half the bottle, making a pouring sound due to her being backed up. She could see Tom was not looking as knew he was being polite and not staring as she was bare breasted in front of him.

"I know this is weird and uncalled for, but it was so painful and I had no other option. I won't say anything about this. This is embarrassing for me too."

"My lips are sealed," Tom said still looking away, making her feel more comfortable about this whole strange moment.

When the motor stopped working Gina looked right at Tom. Her breast still had milk in it and her other breast was still painfully full. She knew that both breasts filled up a bottle each and she was only half full on the bottle on one breast.

Tom pulled the pump away and moved some of the small wires around. It was such a small motor and the wires were all together as she wondered how he even knew what did what inside of it. She just prayed he was able to get it working again.

Gina could see her milk just dripping down from both breasts at a fast rate as Tom moved wires and pushed the pump together hoping it would work. The pad in her nursing bra was going to have to be changed and she knew that at the rate it was going her blouse would be soaked and the pain would still be there.

"Can you get it to work?" Gina asked, looking at the time knowing there was only fifteen minutes left before their next class.

"I don't think so. The wire came out and needs to be put back and soldered. I can't fix it here," Tom said as he finally looked up.

"Please don't say that," she replied, fearing that she would have to go the day both in pain and with stains on her blouse from her milk leaking out.

Tom replied looking at her face as she could see he was not trying to stare at her obvious breasts. "Can you do it by hand or something? There is nothing I can do here."

"Doing it by hand takes too long and it only takes out some of the milk. I either need to pump or have it sucked out."

She could see his eyes as he looked quickly at her nipples as the milk just dripped free. She wondered if he was going to ask or if he was just infatuated with seeing breasts that were lactating. The idea came to her but it was more disturbing than having him present while she pumped. It was borderline sexual, but then it was also going to solve her problem.

"Do you mind?" she asked knowing it was crossing a line, but also knowing it needed to be done.

Tom's eyes shot up at hers breaking his gaze from her breasts. "You serious?"

Gina saw his face gave a look of hesitation, but did not have any more time to waste and convincing him was going to take too much time. She then felt she needed to get the show on the road and get her milk out. She reached around to the back of his head. "I have no other option so just open up and just suck."

She could see his eyes bulging out as she pulled him to her breast that was filled the most. His mouth opened and she knew it was her only choice and that right there and then there was no going back now.

Tom latched on and began sucking. The instant relief was there and she could feel the pressure just draining out into his mouth as she nursed him. The pleasant release of her nurturing milk into his mouth continued as he sucked without hesitation now.

"Ohhh Gawddd," Gina cooed, almost moaning in pleasure as she knew he was draining faster than her pump could ever do. It was like heaven as she knew she was out of the woods with having to leave work or having an embarrassing release of milk in front of her classroom.

She instinctively put her hand to the back of his head as he suckled away, pulling more milk from her tit like he was a hungry for it. She knew it was so awkward having him latched onto her overly ripe tit, but the sensation of having her breast drained won out in her mind. His mouth just sucked and sucked as the pleasure of being drained was the only thing that mattered.

Tom began to squirm at little and Gina thought he was done. She then pulled away. "Can you handle doing the other one?"

"If you need me to," Tom replied breathing heavy.

"This one is really full too." Gina smiled and moved her other tit to his mouth and let him latch on.

He instantly began suckling again as she felt her milk just flowing right into his mouth. The sensation of pain was leaving as was the worry about her pump and work. Her full breast instantly felt better as she knew her milk was flowing fast into his mouth.

Tom was not protesting at all as his mouth never stopped draining her painfully large milk supply from her tit. She could feel the letdown of her supply as she knew it was spraying right into his mouth and being swallowed quickly. He never made any grimace of disgust or anything unpleasant as he continued sucking from her.

"That' God I needed this so bad," Gina again moaned out as she knew her breasts were drained to a level that she could handle. The rest could be done after school and the pain was gone now.

Gina looked at the time and saw the bell was about to ring. She pulled away quickly. "Shit...we have to go. The bell is going to ring."

Tom moved away quickly and Gina saw briefly that the front of his pants were poking out. She knew men got erections from women's breasts and playing with their nipples, but she could not imagine him getting aroused from suckling milk like a baby would.

Tom looked away shyly and then walked to the door quickly as she saw his pants showing his erection. "Let me leave first. I can watch your class for a little while you get yourself dressed."

"Thank you," Gina replied, pulling up her bra and holding back the smile that he got aroused from sucking on her lactating breasts.

Tom made his way out and she quickly checked her makeup and fixed her clothes so not to arouse any suspicion. She opened the door to a crowd of students making their way to class. She waded through them to her own classroom and resumed her normal routine.

As she began to teach she could not get out of her head that she allowed Tom to suck her milk out of her breasts like he was some hungry infant. She also knew that he was a lifesaver for doing it and it could have resulted in a catastrophic moment of embarrassment. She knew it was an unforgettable awkward memory, but she knew it needed to be done.

It was the end of the day and Gina could feel her breasts swell again. She knew they were not drained completely and a few hours had passed to let them fill up again. There was only so much time left in the day and she knew she could have her child do the rest when she got home.

Tom was still teaching and then had an after school club today. Gina would not get a chance to meet with him although the thought about the conversation they would have brought a feeling of weirdness between them. She thought about texting him, but then also thought about not mentioning it and acting like it never happened.

Gina made her way home and instantly began to nurse her son, letting him drain her heavy breasts of milk. The soothing release of pressure was just what she needed as she sat down and thought about Tom and how he did the same thing.

It was the end of the day and with a few clicks of the mouse she had another smaller and inexpensive double pump in the mail. The smaller single hand pump she already owned was going to have to do for now and she put it with her school bag for tomorrow making sure she had it.


Tom was in his classroom when she walked to her own classroom. He said good morning like he did every day and she had a feeling that the whole incident was behind them.

Gina had an overwhelming guilty feeling about just letting it go even though she spent the entire night wanting to put the whole thing behind her. She made her coffee and walked the few steps to his room.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you. I know it was weird and all too," Gina said as she felt her heart racing from the awkwardness of bringing it up to him.

"You're fine. I am just sorry I could not fix your pump," Tom answered back, giving a reassuring look as he moved papers on his desk.

Gina smiled nervously trying to end the weird conversation. "Well, I got my backup with me today and it has no motors to break."

"Did you still want me to see if I can fix it?"

She thought about how Tom was once again trying to help, and was happy that he was there at the right time. "I ordered another one. But you're sweet for trying to fix it."

"Well if you need anything I am here."

"Thank you so much. Oh...and we are going to keep this a secret between us right?" Gina asked as she wanted him to know how embarrassing it was, but also knew he would keep it a secret and really did need for her to ask.

"Of course. You know I can keep a secret," Tom replied quickly, giving her a look that he was honest.

Gina gave a shy smile and then retreated back to her class to get her day going. She thought about how Tom was and how he of all people would keep a secret too. The guilty feeling faded quickly and she just now thought about making something for him to eat on Friday now.

The rest of the week went without incident and on Friday she made cookies for Tom. Like usual he was eager to have them and still made no mention about why she owed him a favor of baking something for him. She knew that he was probably shy about what happened too and would be in trouble from the school as well if anyone found out.

By the middle of next week Gina checked on the order for her pump and saw that it was shipped and would have one more day struggling to use her single pump. Her milk supply was still as strong as ever and using the manual single pump took so much time at school it began to be a nuisance.

Gina hated when her children were sick and tonight her son was a little colic and would not take to her breast. She walked to her school bag to retrieve her pump and walked back upstairs to pump right before she went to bed.

Her daughter was still not feeling good either and began to cry in the middle of the night. Gina just knew her babysitter would not take her like this and there was no other option. Gina called her mother to see if she could make the two hour trip to her to watch the kids. It was always a hassle to have her mother help but there was no other option.

Her mother was always complaining about how Gina was not strong enough of a parent and then went on a rant about how she should have her ex arrested for what he did. Gina could not leave fast enough and leave her mother alone with her daughter and infant son as going to work was now a safe haven from the complaints of her own mother.

She waved to Tom like normal before going to her room to begin her day. She could see her mother was already texting a list of complaints and she in turn shut her phone off.

After a couple hours of teaching, Gina felt the familiar swell and pressure of her milk supply in her breasts wanting to be drained. She felt like a cow every time she thought about how she needed to be drained and with the amount of milk she was producing it only reinforced this feeling. With the extra weight from childbirth still nagging at her, she felt like an unattractive cow too.

She reached into her bag and instantly remembered pumping the night before and leaving her pump upstairs in her bedroom. The anxiety of leaving it home smashed into her, making her heart race with stress. She knew her mother was too far away to bring it in time too.

Tom walked in holding a piece of paper. "Hey, can you read this quick for me?"

Gina looked up and realized she was going to have to ask Tom for another favor. It would take her mother little less than an hour to get to school with the pump, and then Tom would watch her class while she pumped. The only hope was that Tom would watch her class and then hope he would not get caught doing her another favor after being warned before.

Gina blurted out her problem while hoping he would offer to watch her class. "I forgot my pump."

Tom froze in his tracks and gave a stunned look back at her. "I know...I know, I am forgetful," she said, chastising herself in response to the look he was giving her.

"I guess we have time if you want me to do it again," Tom replied as his expression of shock ended.

"I was just thinking you could watch my class while my mom brings me my pump."

"Oh okay. I just know you were worried about leaking before."

She knew he was right as she thought about changing the small nursing pads in her bra soon to help stop any leaking milk from showing up on her dress. She also thought that he disliked doing it and asking him a second time would be wrong. "I should be fine. Last time was just a freak thing and I know you probably hated doing it."

Tom gave a reassuring smile. "Wasn't that bad."

Gina could see from his small smile that he was not lying, but rather open about what happened without being judgmental or angry that Gina had to ask as the option of him draining her breasts now came into her mind. "You're kidding me. You would really do it again?"

"If you need me to do it again, I will. I know that you're out of time and that it will help you out."

Gina got up and walked to the door looking to see if anyone was in the hallway. "I am really sorry to ask you do this again though."

Gina thought about her options and Tom sucking her tits again was the easiest and best solution. It was still weird in the sense that a grown man was latching onto her nipple and getting nourishment, but it was the best way to drain her milk ducts in her breasts.

Tom looked and gave a sad look as he interjected, "Things happen. I am sorry I can't float you any more days."

Gina smiled and felt that he would have given her all of his days if he could. "I know you would have and am really thankful for everything you have done."

She then motioned with her hand for him to follow her to the bathroom. She made sure no one was looking and then quickly opened the door pushing him inside out of view from any prying eyes. She then looked at him as she pulled down the top of her dress exposing her bra.

Tom smiled and sat back down on the closed toilet lid. Gina smiled back, but still had to ask if he liked it or was just doing it to help her. "Did it taste gross?"

"Not at all. It's kinda like warm sweet milk."

Gina pulled down her bra and chuckled. "Well here is more warm sweet milk for you."

Tom moved in and latched on. The moment his mouth began to suck she felt the release of her milk supply into his mouth. The soothing relaxation of letting her milk flow into a mouth consumed her. The stress and anxiety of forgetting her pump faded with each suck of Tom's mouth.

His lips were perfectly latched to her nipple as his cheeks collapsed and pulled the milk from her tit. She could feel her nipple being pulled by the suction of his mouth and spraying her warm breast milk into his mouth. Her hand went to the back of his head again as she looked down at him as he was suckling from her bosom. She felt a bonding moment as she was feeding the man who helped her out whenever she asked him. The sensation of motherly nurturing him came to her fast just as her milk flowed into his eager mouth.

She wanted to say something but the relaxation of being drained in such a pleasant manner made her stay hushed. She could hear him give soft moans as she knew her milk was in full letdown and was flowing fast too.

Gina could feel her one breast drained to a good point and then moved it away from his mouth. She looked down and could see the smile on his face. "Taste good?"

"Would it be disturbing to you if I said yes?" Tom admitted, looking up at her face and not at the nipple inches away from his face.

"No...not really. I am just glad you are doing it," Gina answered, smiling back as she moved her other tit to his mouth that was still full.

As Tom put his lips around her nipple she knew to herself that her view of having him suck her breast milk had changed. No longer was it gross or disgusting in anyway. The urgent dire need to just drain her milk had now moved to a more maternal connection. As her hand went back to his head she could not help but feel she was feeding him instead of him just doing an emotionless draining.

She began to run her fingers through his hair in a soothing way, feeling his lips pull on her nipple as it pulled her milk from her. He was in a fast rhythm of sucking as she continued to run her fingers softly through his hair. Gina could not help herself but feel that she was having a deep bond with him as he drank from her tit.

When she felt her milk finally give out she moved away to let Tom stand up. She did not pull her bra up but let him see her large chest out in the open with no shame of what they just did. As he stood up she could clearly see the outline of his erection.

Gina smiled and then quickly had to stop looking at it in fear of him seeing her stare. "I am guessing you are full now," Gina said with a chuckle.

"You really did have a lot too," Tom admitted as she saw his eyes glance down at her chest.

She reached into her bag to pull out two new nursing pads to put in her bra. She knew he was looking at her too and felt like it was a reward for what he did. She also had to admit she liked the attention and knew the glances made her feel more attractive.

"Do you need this again after the faculty meeting today?" Tom asked as his hand was on the door about to leave.

"Shit...I forgot."

The Wednesday faculty meeting was a bane to all the teachers who had to attend. The new assistant principal loved to keep them there for at least two hours too. Between the time she had left in the day and the meeting, her breasts would be extremely swollen.

"I guess so, if you don't mind," she answered hating the fact she was going to miss time with her kids. The act of Tom nursing from her seemed more of a solution to an awkward problem.

"Want me to meet you here before the meeting?"

"Yeah. Just leave the door unlocked."

Tom left and Gina finally pulled up her bra and fixed her dress. Although the faculty meeting was going to be a drag, she enjoyed how Tom now looked at her. The erotic feeling inside of her that her body could attract a man now emerged again. Knowing Tom was getting aroused made the whole thing a little more erotic too which gave her goose bumps and butterflies.