Broken Breast Pump


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Gina stood up fixing her bra and looking at him wondering if she did cross line, but also knowing that she needed to clean him up. "Can't have you walk around with cum stains on your pants or a boner showing."

Tom laughed making her feel that her worries were not valid and as his hands were covered in soap. "Would be weird conversation to have with Ms. Haskins about why I had an erection or cum stains on my pants."

Gina pulled up her dress and adjusted it as she smiled feeling that Tom was not upset in her. "Would be a fun conversation to have. I know you guys look at her ass."

Before Gina could answer Tom's class phone was ringing and she decided to make her exit. Once in her room she struggled with how far she went. Enjoying the idea of Tom giving her attention was one thing, but him masturbating while doing it was another.

The entire day Gina let what happened rattle around in her head. The memory of knowing he jerked off and then cleaning up after him seemed ingrained in her conscious and it was all she could think about. Deep down she knew it crossed the line but something about it just seemed all natural and right.

Gina went home thinking about the next day which was Friday and a day she would normally bake something for him. The thought of offering Tom her breasts again seemed both normal and kind of erotic at the same time. The strange act of letting a man nurse from her breasts was there, but so was the urge to experiment and let him.

Right after putting her kids to bed Gina was baking a small batch of cookies for Tom. The tingling excitement of tomorrow was so strong she needed to text him to see his reaction. The cookies were done and the curiosity to see what he texted back needed to be satisfied.

Gina took a picture of the batch of cookies and sent it to him with the message. "Do you need milk with these?"

Tom quickly replied with, "Please."

Gina could not help but laugh knowing that he had a thing for lactating boobs. She also knew boys were fixated on breasts, but she had no idea that men liked milky boobs. Gina also knew deep down she was going to let him suck from her and that he was going to pleasure himself while he did it. She just chalked it up to men liking anything that felt with breasts.

The next day she walked into his class early hoping he would be there. Luke was not overly hungry and when she felt her boobs still full, she knew Tom was going to have a lot of milk because of it. Gina then realized that she was feeding two mouths with her tits.

Just like any other Friday she walked to Tom's room with a small container of cookies. She could see Tom was in his room as normal. Since he was an early person she knew they had more time than normal.

"Morning," Gina said as she walked into his room, closing the door before approaching him with the small container.

Tom walked over to her meeting her in the front of the room and taking the container she had in her hand. "I did not think you were going to be this early."

"Figured you might be hungry and wanted to make sure we had enough time."


"Yeah...I am really full right now," Gina joked smiling, knowing that she was offering some-thing to him that he wanted. She could feel her own excitement level high and knew that he must be the same. She unbuttoned her blouse quickly and then opened it to expose her white nursing bra to him.

"Oh, God," Tom uttered softly staring at her almost frozen.

She motioned for him to sit closer to her as she closed the door. "Here sit."

Tom's mouth dropped and Gina saw her chance. Before he could even reply her hands pulled down the cups to her bra exposing her large dark nipples to him. She moved even closer until her right nipple was inches away. Tom did not hesitate and latched on like he was hungry for her milk.

"Ohhhh yes...that's it," Gina moaned feeling the erotic connection between them. His lips were already pulling some of her milk from her heavy full tit.

She could feel his lips and mouth sucking on her one tit as she knew that her milk was flowing fast too. Her heart was beating fast as she thought about how he jerked his member off while doing it. When she did not see him unzip his fly she wondered if he was going to do it this time.

"You can play with yourself while you suck," Gina said, feeling awkward for bringing it up.

Tom moved away breaking his suction from her nipple. "I am okay."

"Just jerk off," Gina shot back quickly, knowing deep down he wanted to but was either afraid or embarrassed.

Before Tom could say anything or even move his hand to reach for his zipper Gina said, "I think we are past the embarrassment stage...I mean you are sucking milk out of my tits you know."

Tom looked up with a smile. "I guess so. I just did not think we were going to go this far."

"Oh please. Do you want me to do it for you?" Gina answered back, giving a scowl of disappointment that he did not pull it out and was hesitating.


Gina felt her heart pumping hard as the thought of jerking him off now came to her. She pushed her breast towards his mouth and just as he latched on she moved her hand to his crotch. She instantly felt his erection and heard him moan once she made contact with it.

"Just suck and let me do it," she said with a calming voice, not wanting to have him say no or get upset.

Tom continued sucking as Gina began to unzip his pants. She could feel his manhood throbbing hard in her hand as it bulged out from his boxers. As she finally pulled it free to expose it she could not help feel the excited wetness in her own sex. She could not recall the last time she gave a hand job but all of a sudden she felt the giddy exciting pleasure of feeling a man pulse in her hand.

She felt the familiar sensation of her nipple being nursed as Tom's mouth formed a perfect seal. She globed some spit on her hand before gripping his shaft. The sexual tension was so much Gina felt her pussy give a few cringes of excitement too.

Her nerves were calmed and yet going crazy at the same time. Keeping her cool, she slipped her hand up and down his erect dick. She felt its soft yet flexible hardness as her hand stroked the length of his shaft. Just as she felt the tip of his cock, she stroked down feeling his full length each time. It had been a long time since she last stroked a man off and listening to his moans let her know she did not lose her touch.

Tom was continuing to moan softly as he suckled at the same time. Gina felt empowered with the control she had and the feeling of pleasing a man. She could sense Tom's weakness to her breast as he almost seemed powerless to her as he drank and sucked her warm mother's milk right from her tit. Stroking his cock was the icing on the cake, making the whole thing seemed almost surreal.

She wanted to look down to see his hard cock as her hand now glided up and down on it. Her mind drifted to the thought of his warm cum exploding on her hand. The idea of Tom unloading his orgasm on her hand brought to her a place in her mind that only existed when she was dating men. The sexual aspect of jerking a cock now dawned on her and she knew it was not just helping him out and she knew it now.

Tom switched breasts moaning loudly when his mouth was free. Gina looked down returning his smile. "Feel good?"

"Oh God yes," Tom cried out as he looked at her and then at her other breast.

Gina said nothing but moved her body so that her one full tit was at his lips now. When Tom latched on and began sucking the sensation of being drained once again came to her. The relief of being sucked on was now mixed with the sexual nature of giving a hand job. All of the worry of being caught or doing wrong disappeared as her hand glided up and down his slick shaft.

Tom's lips were firmly clasped on her nipple pulling it as it sprayed nourishment into his mouth. Gina could not help herself as her own sex became moist with need. Her hand stroked his dick feeling it give a few pulses. Tom continued on suckling, moaning softly each time her hand went up the shaft and slid over his tip.

She knew he was building up to an orgasm as his dick began to pulse in her hand wildly. She paused only for a moment to apply more spit only to resume stroking. Her mind could only focus on the thought of Tom's warm cum in her hand. The thought of him exploding made her realize that she was going to have to deal with wet panties today.

"I can feel you about to cum. Cum for me...cum in my hand."

Tom grunted and Gina knew he was seconds away from covering her hand in sperm. She pushed him closer to her breasts as her hand now pumped away on his shaft. Feeling his girth as it was swollen with need she stroked on. Tom still grunting moved his mouth from her pulling him and he just had her nipple on the side of his mouth.

The swelling of Tom's member brought back erotic memories of sex as she slipped her hand up and down his spit covered member. Tom grunted one more time finally letting go of her breast. She felt the warm splash of his cum on her hand as Tom tightened his body.

"That's it...Oh yes." Gina encouraged him as she felt two more sprays of cum on her hand.

Gina pulled away and looked down to see both his cock covered in cum and her hand. "Stay there, don't move. I need to get some wipes."

"Oh shit...Oh shit I came hard," Tom muttered as Gina used one clean hand to retrieve baby wipes from her bag.

Quickly wiping her hand she looked down to see his still swollen manhood. With his dick still holding its strength, she moved closer to wipe it. Tom moved suddenly and Gina looked up at him. "Don't move, I need to clean it."

"You don't have to clean me up."

"You going to walk around like that? Cum all over the place?" Gina said joking and smiling as she thought about how embarrassing it would be in her mind.

"Nooo. But I can clean up myself. The least I can do is clean myself up."

"Oh stop. You afraid of something?" Gina replied with a bit of a sarcastic tone to her.

Gina bent down and had the wipe in her hand as Tom answered back, "It's not that, it's jerked me off and now you are cleaning me up like I was a kid or something."

Gina looked up and then began wiping up his shaft cleaning his cum off of his still erect shaft. "You want to be my baby boy?" she joked as she continued cleaning his erection.

"Oh, my God, you are funny."

She noticed that all of his cum was cleaned up and keeping up with the joke she kissed the tip of his dick. Even though she played it off as a joke, she could still feel the excitement of letting her lips touch his soft spongy cock head.

"Oh Jesus." Tom shot out as Gina gave the tip a kiss.

Gina still kneeling down, looked up smiling. "You liked it, didn't you?"


"You want me to suck it?" Gina asking shyly, almost hesitating when her question left her mouth. She knew it was going past any line in the sand she made up.

"Yes," Tom replied softly.

Gina smiled and kissed the tip again tasting some remaining drops of cum she missed. Keeping her lips on the head, she opened her lips and moved down taking his still hard dick in her mouth. Feeling the fullness of his shaft brought back a flood of memories and erotic sensations. The tingles of having his member in front of her now grew to heart pounding thunderbolts as she took almost his entire shaft in her mouth.

"Ohhhhhh FUCKKK," Tom moaned as Gina felt her mouth full of his cock.

She moved back and forth feeling her pussy swell with even more wetness from the erotic act of pleasuring a man with her mouth. She knew it was good for him as his dick pulsed right against her tongue returning to life quickly. She had no idea if he could cum again but it did not matter to her as she wanted the erotic moment to last forever. The desire to please him orally was her only thought as her head moved back and forth.

"Ohhh God...Ohhhh Goddd," Tom cried again, moaning louder.

Gina heard his moans and could not help but feel empowered giving him so much pleasure. The throbbing dick pulsed again as she moved faster too. Smelling his male scent from his body drove her to want more and more of his cock in her mouth. Going faster she gripped his balls hoping that they would give more warm cum.

Tom moved her head and his body forcing his member to be free from her mouth. "Time...we are out of time. We are going to get caught."

Gina stood up quickly wiping her mouth. She glanced at the clock seeing that he was right too. "Oh Lord."

The thought of what she was doing came to her hard and fast. She knew the line between co-worker and sexual partner was being blurred with having him nurse from her breasts, but now it was completely crossed. Not knowing where she stood in terms of relations with him also bothered her. She did not want to ask, but also wanted to ask.

"I wish we had more time," Tom joked as he zipped his pants. Gina could see that he was still sporting an erection too.

Gina felt her own guilt dig deep in her soul as she knew it was wrong. "I can't believe we went this far...I can't believe I went this far."

"Would you feel better, if I said I loved it?" Tom replied as Gina looked at him worried.

"I don't know...I just feel like I... we went too far."

Tom looked at the clock quickly and then moved in for a kiss. Gina was taken aback by him moving closer but was too much in shock to move as she felt his lips against hers. His tongue wanted entry; without thinking she let it happen. The electricity of being passionately kissed came to her as she knew her defenses were smashed down.

Tom pulled away and Gina looked at him in both awe and surprise. His kiss was sudden and needed as she felt the connection between them was more than just fooling around with breast milk and a blowjob. She felt his kiss was more of him wanting her.

"Now we both went too far," Tom added as he backed away.

The bell did not ring but the sound of students coming down the hallway made Gina look away and act like she was asking him a question. Before she could think of something to say students were already pouring into the classrooms and hallway.

The bell sounded and Gina rushed to her classroom unable to process what was happening. She tried to focus on being a teacher but also struggled with Tom's kiss. It was not a peck or a good tongue kiss to her. She felt the butterflies in her stomach of something much more. She never really asked about his feelings for her or thought anyone would be interested due to her predicament.

She began teaching but still could not wrap her mind around Tom wanting something more. As her students began asking questions, the questions about Tom faded. They did not fade for long as the moment she could think about something else they were there. The other thing that pressed on her mind was that her panties were soaked through from all the excitement.

Her phone buzzed almost near the end of class and Gina looked at it to see a text from Tom. It was a simple come see me message. The feeling of the unknown mixed with raw emotions of something else blended together.

She walked into his room and closed the door. Tom quickly got up from his chair and went to the side of the room motioning for her to do the same. She figured he wanted to talk with her in private so nobody could see they were in a room together alone. Once away from prying eyes she figured the conversation was going to be deep and complicated figuring what happened before.

Gina was bracing herself for a letdown knowing her condition as a divorced mother of two was not something men wanted. Although the kiss was spectacular she chalked it up to a moment and hoped that he was not offended or wanting to stop being friends.

Tom moved quickly towards her, kissing her, taking her by surprise. The same twisted gut feeling came to her and Gina knew that if the kiss continued she would not be able to handle herself. His tongue was pressed against hers as his hands moved around to her back pulling her closer. Stopping was not an option as she felt her knees go and her heart pump with need.

Tom broke the kiss suddenly but his hand was still on her back keeping her close. "I have been wanting to do that for awhile now."

Gina nodded her head up and down dramatically as she wanted to scream for him to continue but was at a loss for words at the same time. Her sex was already wet as it was getting prepared while her mind gave in to her heart and emotions of wanting a man like Tom.

He smiled and moved back in for another kiss. His right hand moved down and when it grabbed her ass it made her realize that this was no normal kiss; nor was it a normal ass grab. His fingers dug into her ass and then pulled her cheeks apart making her pussy open slightly.

Gina wanted to gasp in delight but his kiss was not letting her. She felt her sex become overly wet yet again like it was to an almost soaking point. Her hands moved to his chest feeling his muscles and then down to his crotch. Taking the next step she moved her hand to feel his growing passion that bulged in his pants. He was as stiff as a board and the sheer thought of it drove her wild.

Tom lifted her on one of the desks while Gina continued to stroke his erection from his pants. Wanting more she pulled down the zipper and fished out his manhood from the confines of his pants. Tom broke the kiss and gave a confused look.

Gina smiled knowing that she was needing to take charge a little. "Go ahead."

"Here now?"

Gina hiked up her skirt a little and then slide aside her panties. She could feel they were soaked through from her own wetness. She then looked up at Tom determined to have his cock inside of her. "Fuck me."

Tom pushed in and Gina grinned wide in both victory and satisfaction. She felt her sex give way to his hard member. The familiar yet dormant sensation of her vaginal sheath opening up to a man's shaft now made her body shudder. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped in both moan and shock as Tom continued to slip further inside of her.

"Ohhhh God yessss," Gina moaned out, trying hard to keep her volume down for fear of being discovered.

Tom's eyes were on hers and just as wide. Her mind drifted away from the consequences and focused on how it felt and who was awakening her dormant pleasure. His member throbbed hard and moved through her sex muscles with ease. The doubts of it being non emotional ended as his kiss caved in any barriers from the past.

Over and over his hard male muscle pierced in her like a piston would in an engine. She could feel her sex wet being needy and wanting more while taking each thrust. Gina could feel her vaginal muscles spasming from the intensity of it all. Her mind was half focused on getting caught while the other half was in a state of pure bliss.

Tom's kiss seemed never ending and almost life altering for her. She knew the flirting now boiled over and she felt that her ability to attract a man in her condition was all wrong. Tom was proving herself doubt all wrong with each movement of his member inside her sex.

The pleasure of his lips sent pulses of urgent sexual need to her whole body. The utter fulfillment of her urgent sexual needs being thrusted inside of her was sending lust filled bolts to her pussy. In her mind it felt like a moment of a lifetime that was capped off with him making love to her in a way only a woman could understand.

She knew that if she was standing she would have a fallen over or collapsed in a heap from just the kiss. With his male member not stopping its momentum, she knew her body was helpless to his hard male demands, and all she could do was ride through her orgasms until the very end. There was so much to say to him but it all seemed trivial now as her sex muscles were clenching in overdrive around his manhood.