Broken Bridget's Brotherly Love

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Bridget misplaces her date and gets played.
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My breasts are spectacular. My pussy is magic. My ass is to die for. It sounds like a heavenly recipe, but the whole sexy batch is connected to a broken brain. There's seriously something wrong with me.

It's not just the fact that I'll fuck anything that catches my interest. That's been done to death. It's not even the fact that I enjoy watching men suffer, occasionally. What woman doesn't? It could be the fact that my perversion knows few boundaries. Legally I'm on solid ground, but my moral compass has taken a bit of a shit kicking lately. I think it began with Mom, but ended with my brother, Roy. It's the ending that bothers me. I mean, I'm still sticky...

My name's Bridget, but I get called a lot of things. My body matches my reputation. I know how cute I am with an angel face framed by a golden mane. I know I'm desired by almost everyone I encounter. I know how to play it up. I seduced a Minister, for Christ's sake. That took some fancy stick handling.

None of it bothers me in the least. I'm proud of fucking the Father. But my brother Roy, well, I am having a fuck of a time getting my head wrapped around that one.

He knew it was me and he didn't stop. He didn't fucking hesitate.

Mark stormed off after he caught us, the second time. I honestly thought he was more chill than that. Oh, sorry! I'm jumping ahead of myself. Mark is the guy I was out on a date with last night. Here's the sordid tale in all its glory. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Mark's a guy I met cruising the frozen foods aisle at the supermarket. When the heat waves hit, I'll often duck inside to cool off and conduct social experiments. I've got very stiff and pointy nipples that activate easily with the slightest chill. I get a rush watching men pretend to avert their eyes from my bouncing beauties. Their discomfort turns me on, especially when their wives are there. I sometimes give them a jiggle just to pour some gas on the fire. Mark was a crafty devil. He ditched his wife in the next aisle and came back for my number. I have to reward bravery like that, right? And the fact that he slipped off his wedding ring before returning was a nice touch. I could fuck guys like that all - day - long. Married guys are the easiest targets in the world. Sometimes easy is nice. All dick and no thinking required.

When he picked me up the previous evening, I was in a strange mood. A lot of things had been happening lately that seriously wreaked havoc with my libido. I wasn't in the mood to fuck, but I was resolved to get my drink on. I think Mark was expecting an easy lay. Instead, I ushered him back to his family style SUV and pointed us toward the closest bar. He reluctantly agreed to one drink. I assured him that I encouraged such responsible behavior.

They always set out with the best of intentions. Then they get lost in my tits. FOMO sets in and they're trapped. The golden chalice lays just beyond their grasp. They quickly learn that they need to earn this pussy. Sometimes though, I get swept along in the action and lose complete control of myself, contrary to the Master Plan. You've heard of 'white girl drunk', right? That's me. But consider the fact that I get hornier with every drink and you quickly realize that I was heading for disaster the moment I opened the floodgates.

Disaster isn't the word I'd use to describe what happened next. But there were some pretty significant lows to go with the incredible highs. The evening with Mark at the bar is a blur, but I remember laughing a lot. He's a pretty decent guy, which is likely why I let my guard down and let myself get sloshed.

I remember making out with him at the bar. Flashes of it, anyways. The evening melted into a blur of too much alcohol. I might have been sick at the bar, I don't know. The fact that I blacked out portions is proof that I was hammered. I don't remember leaving the bar, but the final leg of the Uber ride was hell. Mark held me as I tried hard not be sick. The house was spinning by the time we hit the front door. I very unladylike directed Mark to my boudoir. He was kind and gentle as he guided me to my bed.

I wanted to fuck. Believe me, but I was really struggling to hold it together.

"Baby," I said, my voice alien in my mouth, "take off your closhhhh, wanna feel you."

"Yes, please," he agreed, "I can't drive for a couple hours anyway. Hey, I gotta say that I respect your right to consent and I will only go as far as you want me to go." He peeled off his clothes, revealing the killer body I imagined.

"No go," I murmured through slitted eyes, "Come here." I motioned him lazily to slide in next to me. For a moment, I wondered how I'd come to be completely naked until Mark nestled in behind me as the big spoon. I remember feeling safe. I dreamed about reaching behind, after I've rested, and getting him hard. I intended to slide him inside me and put out the raging fire he began when I saw him in the supermarket. Instead, I fell asleep.

I woke into complete darkness. Mark's labored breathing warmed the back of my neck. He felt good against me. It struck me that I was no longer nauseous, but I was hornier than ever. I was going to get my fill.

But first, I had to deal with the copious amounts of liquor I consumed earlier in the evening. I staggered to the bathroom. I didn't want to wake anyone with the light so I crawled to the toilet. After I was done, I think I might have stood up a little too quickly. I lost my balance, crashed headfirst against the bathroom sink and bounced my head off the counter. My noggin made a surprisingly hollow sound as it struck. I was dazed and confused in the dark. For a time I feared I was blind until I caught a sliver of light emanating from Mark's cell phone next to the bed. Like a moth to the light, my vision swam as I crawled back to bed. I slid in next to Mark. He hadn't stirred.

Being completely obliterated, I got it into my head that Mark should have helped me after I crashed. It pissed me off that he kept sleeping while I could have been killed! After all, I remember the crashing sound my head made against the ceramic and vinyl. At least, it sounded loud to me. Sleep time is over, buddy!

I slid down to his cock and lost my mind. I'd struck gold with Mark. Mark had a world class dick. I set to work on it, barely able to slip my lips around the meaty flesh. I smothered my face with his sweet smelling balls. He twisted his body to get his phone, flipping it and plunging us into darkness. It turned me on even more.

Mark threw me off his dick and flipped me onto my stomach. I gasped as he dove headfirst into my ass, sucking the asshole to get at my pussy. His tongue exploration soon had me gushing. Neither of us spoke or made a sound. I know it's lame, but even at 21 I didn't want to wake my Mom. And Mark sure as fuck didn't want to wake my Mom either!

He fucked me into oblivion. I don't know how long he pounded me but I didn't want him to stop. He had me cumming from the moment he slid his monster into my hungry cunt. I wanted him to fuck me forever. I screamed it in my mind. And then I felt the rush of heat fill me. I had missed the telltale swell of his cock and what it meant. I decided that I didn't mind. Mark seemed like he could be a keeper. I honestly can't remember the last time anyone fucked me like that. I let him unload every last drop of cum in me until his dick stopped spasming.

He seemed reluctant to slide out. I enjoyed every agonizing second. He slid a hand down and stroked along his cock, dumping all the spunk from his fire hose into my cum dumpster. And then he finally pulled free, followed by a deluge of creamy goodness. It drove me wild. My body trembled with orgasms of its own that resonated long after he withdrew.

I rose without a sound and slipped to the bathroom. I freshened up and prepared a warm damp cloth to bring to Mark. I was becoming accustomed to the dark until I stepped out of the bathroom. I felt inexplicably confused for a moment, but quickly recovered my bearings.

Mark was still fast asleep. I slid in close to him and covered his crotch with the cloth. I began to rub his cock and balls, murmuring my gratitude for a job well done and providing subtle encouragement for a lot more of the same. He stirred against me and woke with a smile. His cock sprang to attention before he was fully conscious.

"Mmm, hell of a way to wake a guy," he whispered. "You better babe?"

"I could use a refill, Doctor," I purred. He smiled and gripped me closer.

"The cloth feels nice and warm. Are you a germaphobe? Don't get me wrong, it's ok with me. Especially if you suck it after." He leered and the realization that I could see him struck home. Whereas we'd been in complete darkness earlier, a shadow of soft moonlight poured around the edges of the curtains. It cast a romantic glow and painted our bodies silver. I wanted him again. I wanted him so very badly.

I devoured his dick. And sucked. And sucked. And sucked.

I couldn't stop. I was broken.

I was caught in a feedback loop from which I could not escape. My brain could not comprehend what had happened. I kept slurping his dick out of panic. I was afraid that if I stopped, I'd say something stupid. I couldn't trust myself, so I kept my face filled with cock until I could figure out what the fuck happened.

I understood why I didn't notice the moonlight earlier. I had been in the wrong room. Roy fucked me. My brother. Not only that, he gave me a pretty sizable cream pie as a parting gift. It was dripping out of me even while I sucked Mark's dick. The actual, real Mark.

The other shoe dropped when I slipped his dick into my mouth. Easily. It wasn't bad at all, to be honest. He's a solid thick 6 inches. Sure, he's half the man my brother is, but he fit nicely into my mouth. Mark slipped a finger into me and made a comment about how wet I was. I crawled up his body and planted myself on his dick to extinguish any further inquiry. In a panic, I tried to obliterate the evidence dripping from my pussy. The only solution was obvious. Fucking got me into this, so fucking should get me out of it too! In just over a minute of steady pumping, I felt Mark's dick spasm as he unloaded inside me. It felt like second place. It felt like biting into a cream filled donut and having custard spurt into your mouth. It's alright, but it's not what you were hoping for. But that's sex, right? You take what you get.

Did I sabotage any chance at happiness with Mark by spoiling myself with Roy? I think that's possible. I mean, I couldn't stop thinking about his amazing dick the whole time. Even with Mark's cock in my mouth or in my pussy, I fantasized about my brothers'. Even as Mark's sperm mingled with Roy's, I craved my brother's huge hammer. I felt incredible confusion and guilt. But, I reminded myself, I was still drunk. I could still apply drunk reasoning and put off future self-judgment and ultimate self-immolation.

White girl wasted was starting to sober, but my bladder was still catching up. This time I slipped on the light after closing the door behind me.

The memory haunts me.

He knew it was me and he didn't stop. He didn't fucking hesitate.

My eyes scan the counter looking for bits of blood or hair. Nothing. I study myself in the mirror. There's a bright red blemish at my temple. It looks like it will be gone in a day or two. At least the skin isn't broken.

A rush of cool air whips my skin as the bathroom door swings open and a man slides inside. He closes the door and turns to face me. He's naked and his magnificent cock is at full attention.

Roy has a crazy look in his eyes and a ravenous leer on his face.

I'm a slut, I tell myself. I'm a dirty, dirty slut. I don't wait to be told. I bend over at the waist and look back at him, wiggling my ass in offering.

The pervert is on me in two strides. I sometimes forget how big his body has grown since he turned 24. I know I call him my little brother, but that's only because he's a useless lazy fuck who lives in the basement and refuses to work. The minute he gets a job and helps support the house like a real man, I'll start viewing him as a real man.

But none of that matters now. I realize what a useless cunt I've become. I'm a slave to cock and will sacrifice every last shred of my integrity to receive pleasure. He's insanely good at fucking. He is gifted at discovering the angles that elicit the best response. And when he varies his technique, he always remembers what brings me the most pleasure and comes back to it. He's a superb lover. My head splits with pleasure and I throw morality into the toilet that he's got me bent over. I squeal with delight when he starts to use my ass. I can keep a lid on it when I'm taking the vaginal train to pound town, but when a good dick tickles my asshole, nothing short of a ball gag can silence me.

Somehow Roy knows this and clamps a hand over my mouth. His fingers smell like me. He's been stroking himself with my cream coating his cock. He must know that I'm an anal screamer. I wonder if he's spied on me ass fucking myself with my toy collection. It is possible he heard me scream into my pillow at some point.

Thought becomes impossible as he shatters me into oblivion and decimates my world with powerful, deep, and fast strokes. I groan and my body convulses against him with involuntary spasms of pleasure radiating from within my pelvis.

The door crashes open and Mark confronts us.

"You fucking whore, are you fucking kidding me? Is this your husband?" Mark spits, his face twisted with anger. He's smaller and older than Roy, but he has all the outrage of the entitled middle aged white male.

That triggers me and sets my rage aflame. I twist and lock eyes with Mark. I note that Roy hasn't stopped pumping me. My voice trembles from the anal stretching and cascade of orgasms when I say, "You should be on your knees thanking me for the chance to even touch me. This guy is more of a man than you'll ever be. Oh and by the way, he's my brother, actually. Go home to your wife Mark or I'll pound on your fucking front door tomorrow with your cum still pouring from my fucking cunt. You don't own me. Fuck off!" I realize I'm panting. My jaw works rhythmically as I try to catch my breath. My heart hammers and fills my ears with thunder. I imagine that I must look terrible and amazing as my breasts swayed with the steady Roy-rythm.

It wasn't my visage that quelled him.

Mark lost all color at the mention of his wife. He turned soundlessly and left without another word. He looked defeated.

Wait. Did I say 'brother'? Holy fuck, I think I did.

It's too much to even think about right now. There's only one way out of this. There's only one way this ends: I fuck myself to oblivion on the end of this awesome cock and let 'tomorrow Bridget' worry about 'tomorrow problems'. That's the only way out of this.

Moments later, little bro obliges with a massive slam that sets my molars back. It feels jarring until I realize I've lost control of all my limbs. He supports me fully as he machine guns into me, slapping against my ass with sweet strokes. I can scarcely stop the moans and the drool that pours from my lips. I'm a rag doll in his capable hands and I want to be man-handled by this sexual wizard. I am beyond caring that he's my brother and I only crave more of the chain reactions he's set through my body. I cum until I lose all sense of being.

Oblivion leads to nirvana which bleeds into sleep.

I don't wake even when Roy carries me back to my bed and tucks me in under the covers.

I find no peace in my dreams.

I guess Bridget's got some issues to deal with. Oh boy, here we go again!

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Robinius1Robinius112 days ago

Her brother has cum in her pussy and in her ass. He's the best fuck she's ever had. And she has issues? What issues? If it was about incest she'd have stopped him right away. I might be wrong. Don't think so.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shift17 days ago

Wow, She's got it bad

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