In The Backseat With My Sister

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The drive down south takes an unexpected turn...
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"Long drive ahead of us," my dad says, making sure his backpack is fully provisioned and zipped up tight. "You two have everything?" He wears his new sunglasses, sharply reflecting the summer sunlight streaming through the window in a bright glint. It almost reflects as much sunlight as his bald head, which is dotted with beads of sweat due to how much he's been running around this morning.

"I think so," I say. We're driving to Cornwall, which is a good 7 hours from where we are up north. I already predict the trip will be boring, so I have my phone fully charged before we set off, with a power bank for extra charge in case it runs out. I also packed my Nintendo Switch.

"Double check, Brad," he says. "Once we're off I'm not turning back. And make sure your sister has everything too."

"Will do." I head back up to my bedroom to quickly inspect my bag, already knowing it has everything I need in it. I'm mainly concerned for my phone and Switch, everything else is of secondary concern. Then I head to my sister's bedroom which is down the hall.

I open the door, forgetting to knock as we're in a hurry. "Lucy, dad asks if you're ready?" But I get a shock as I see her and realise my folly. She's still in the middle of getting ready, putting on a denim skirt that stops just at her knees, though as I had walked in, I caught a glimpse of her ass and the blue laced underwear she wears. My face taking on a red shade, and quickly averting my gaze, I say, "Shit, sorry. I should have knocked."

Lucy just laughs, pulling her skirt up to cover her ass. "You're good, I'm just about ready now." Then I chuckle too. I must bury any inappropriate thoughts, because she has a nice ass. Of course I'd never say that out loud, but it's true. A perky little peach, firm and round with a nice curve, and the choice of underwear certainly wasn't helping any lusty thoughts. It's partly weird to see her that way as Lucy is a modest girl. She never goes out partying, hates alcohol and drugs, and has a kind of literary/academic vibe about her. She wears a long-sleeved shirt, striped black and yellow like the pattern of a bee, and over it a thin grey cardigan. Her glasses magnify her crystal blue eyes ever so slightly, making them look a tad bigger than they are. Freckles dot her nose and cheeks, and her fiery ginger hair is pushed behind a white headband that circled over her forehead, throwing the hair across her back and over her shoulders. She's quite slender, too. Skinnier than me, and most people call me skinny, commenting that I don't eat much. Lucy grabs a novel on her desk and packs it into her backpack.

"Well come on, before he starts getting stressed," I say, turning around to get my bag out of my room.

"I know how he gets." She picks up her backpack and makes for the door. "This trip is going to be so boring. I have so much university work to do, what a distraction it'll be."

"I know," I sigh. I can't imagine there will be much to do down there aside from walking along beach fronts and some hiking. I should be more grateful we're getting a free holiday, but it's not like we're going to Barcelona. "I have assignments due as well, but I'm not bringing my laptop. I hate working on holidays."

We get down the stairs, dad sees us. "Ready?" We both nod and proceed to get under way. He unlocks the doors to his 4x4 truck. An Isuzu, it's an absurdly long truck, but never lacking for space, and should make the ride a little more comfortable. At least I'll be able to get some sleep in the back if I get too bored. And since he has the back windows tinted dark, it will help keep away the blistering heat, which I already feel on my pale, exposed skin as we wade outside. It's unusual for it to be so hot in the UK, and most of us tend to complain when it does get this hot, despite how many of us spend hundreds of pounds to go to places far hotter than this.

Lucy clearly has the same idea, because we both hop in the back of the truck.

"No one coming at the front?" dad says as he jumps in and starts the engine.

"Too hot," Lucy says. "The light is shining right on the seat."

"Take your cardigan off, then!" Dad chuckles. "What about you, Brad, not want to sit in the front?"

"I prefer the back for long drives. I can lie down if needs be."

"Fair enough." Dad starts the car, and we get underway, driving through our small village and hitting the anonymous stretch of highway as rolling hills, fields, and random industrial estates race by in a blur. The way it will be for the next seven hours.

A few hours pass by. The rumbling of the car has become one with me in the sense that I don't feel like I'm moving at all, and my face has been glued to my phone screen almost the whole time. Switching between watching YouTube videos with my earphones in, to scrolling TikTok, or replying to messages.

Lucy taps me on the shoulder. I take my earphone out. "I'm going to lie down. Do you mind my feet being on you?"

"Sure." I put my earphone back in and Lucy lies down, putting her legs across my lap so that she can stretch out all the way instead of lying in an awkward position.

After a while, I close my phone since it starts hurting my eyes. My dad plays old Abba songs on the radio, which is a refreshing break from the normal charts songs, and I sit content, staring out of the window, watching the countryside pass by as I daydream. Lucy shifts back and forth, her legs sometimes crossing over one another on my lap. I have to knock them back a few times, for which she quickly apologises.

My phone vibrates. I open it and see that Lucy sent me a text.

Lucy: 'I'm so bored.'

Brad: 'Lol, same.'

Lucy: 'Kill me now.'

"Been on the road a while now," Dad says. No kidding, it must have been four hours we've been driving. "We'll stop at a service station soon, shouldn't be too busy on a weekday, thank god."

We hum in agreement. I feel like I'm only half here. I open my phone again, scrolling through Twitter now in a vein effort to cure my boredom. My Twitter is a lot more X rated content than my other socials, as I made the mistake of following lots of porn stars and a host of other lude influencers. I can't bring myself to unfollow them. It doesn't take them long to appear on my screen, women of all shades and sizes, big tits or petite, big asses or slim. Even a few plus size models. Some naked, shaking their tits around, others sucking a cock or bouncing on one.

I'm quickly reminded that I haven't jerked off in a couple of days, because just as I stare at the screen in my infinite boredom, looking at these girls, I feel a twitch in my cock. Then the blood flows, like a dam quickly filling up, and I feel my cock brush against my jeans, trying to burst out. I quickly close my phone, needing to get rid of the boner, because Lucy's legs are still on my crotch. How awkward that will be if she feels it, I can't imagine, and I'd rather not find out. I'm just praying she doesn't move around or brush her calves over it.

But of course, Lucy shifts her legs in that moment. I cringe, biting my tongue, looking out the window as if I'm completely blank. Her foot rubs right over my hard dick, my jaw tenses. I want to readjust myself, or just tell her to remove her feet, but will that make it more obvious?

Maybe she didn't feel it. Maybe she just thinks it's something in my pocket. Her foot brushes my dick again, then she stops, seemingly resettled in her new position. I breathe a sigh of relief. Whether she felt it or not, she hasn't said anything. I glance at her, and she's not even looking at me, she's just staring at her phone.

Then my phone vibrates. Lucy sent me another text.

Lucy: 'Are you hard?'

I read it from the screen without actually opening the message. My heart jumps, and I suddenly feel hot. My face is probably going red as a cherry, and when I glance over at her for just a moment, she's looking right at me with a cheeky smirk on her face.

I just glare at her, shaking my head.

"Answer your phone, then," she says aloud, which gives me another shock. The last thing I need it her alerting dad to what's going on!

"What?" dad says, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Nothing," Lucy says. "I'm just talking to Brad, I sent him a funny video." Her foot rubs across my hard dick again, then I shove it away in a quick burst of anger. Why won't the thing just go down? I open my phone to text her.

Brad: 'What are you playing at?'

Lucy: 'Did I give you a boner?'

I shake my head. Bloody hell. Even my explanation will now sound like I'm making excuses.

Brad: 'No, I was looking at porn on the phone.'

My sister smirks next to me, letting out a quiet laugh that she's purposefully trying to hold in, which just annoys me more.

Lucy: 'Sounds like bullshit to me.'

Then, after an awkward pause, as I'm trying to come up with a response, the three dots in a chat bubble appear on the messenger.

Lucy: 'You like my feet on you, don't you?'

I scoff, covering my mouth. How do I even respond to that? Despite that I pushed her away, her foot keeps rubbing across my cock. Jesus, what is she doing? It could be played off as an accident before, then friendly, albeit weird, joking after. But now it's intentional, she's rubbing my cock with her foot.

Brad: 'No!'

What's worse is that I find my boner isn't going away.

It's just getting bigger. I fan my shirt, unsure if the sun's heat is getting to me or if I just feel awkward, trapped in a sense. How has this happened?

Lucy: 'I saw you looking at my ass earlier ;)'

Oh fuck, I think to myself. She caught me checking her out! And worse, it just makes me think of it again, her peachy ass in that tight blue underwear. My cock twitches, a sweet ache overtaking it.

Brad: 'Omg. That was an accident!'

Lucy: 'Look now.'

The dull beat of my heart thrums against my ribcage. I don't want to look, I want to ignore her, I want this boner to go away, but it's throbbing, pulsing, and I can feel it overrun my thoughts. That sly horny devil in my ear, whispering in my mind to be doing things I shouldn't, like checking out my sister, or playing along with this weird game she's creating.

Against my better judgment, I look. My sister looks right at me, grinning. She's lying on her side, and she's opened her legs enough so that I can see her blue underwear under her skirt. Heat flushes my cheeks. I glance once, turn away, then find myself looking again, staring even, because she's just letting me. She wants me to look between her legs. The skin on her smooth pale legs going up to her thighs, where it just takes on a brownish tinge as it gets to her pussy, where her underwear covers the rest of it, the crevice where her ass cheeks join her legs.

She opens her phone again.

Lucy: 'Like it?'

Do the right thing, tell her to stop it, shove her legs off you, and don't speak to her for the rest of the car journey. I don't know what's gotten into her... Modest little Lucy! As far as I'm aware she's only had one boyfriend, and I've only ever seen her bring one other guy to the house, aside from that it's always just her girl friends. Yet my dick has a mind of its own, and it's pushing me to do things I shouldn't be doing...

Brad: 'Yeah.'

My heart thuds as I send the text. Am I seriously doing this? Now? When my dad is just in front of us? In the back of his car?! Yet I find it turning me on even more, like a forbidden fruit. I know I shouldn't want my sister. I know I can't have her, and that's what makes me want her even more.

And seeing her like that, seeing her panty-covered pussy, how inviting it looks. I'm not exactly a womanizer, and I could count on one hand how many girls I have been with. Is that what draws me to her now? Because a girl wanting to fuck me feels so rare that it's like a golden opportunity when it presents itself?

I'm being stupid. We can't fuck anyway, not now in the car. My phone buzzes.

Lucy: 'Good.'

"It's uncomfortable here," my sister says, getting up from her lying position. "Mind if I rest my head on your leg?"

She doesn't let me answer. As if I could get the words out before she lay on me anyway. The adrenaline rush in my veins, my throbbing dick, the horny feeling taking over my mind. It's quite overwhelming.

Lucy rests her face on my leg, looking up at me with a teasing grin and smiling eyes alight with lust. Then her eyes fall to the bulge in my jeans, that small mound trying to poke through the denim. While I can't see the expression on my face, I imagine it's one of slight panic and reluctance, yet I do nothing to stop her.

Her hand moves across my leg, her fingers caress my cock through the denim. I sigh, turning my head away and looking out of the window because I can't believe what's happening. I still have time to stop it, though it's already went too far. My sister keeps massaging it, squeezing as she gets her hand over the whole shaft. I sigh with pleasure, ashamed that I'm actually enjoying it, yet I don't want to admit it. Not to myself, and I certainly don't want to let Lucy know I like it.

But she must know, because I'm doing nothing to stop it. When I look back down at her, she's smiling.

Her hand works its way to the button of my jeans. She unbuttons it.

I grab her hand, miming the words: What are you doing?

She puts on an exaggerated look annoyance, frowning as though I've let her down, then slaps my hand away. Again, I allow it to happen, convincing myself that I'm doing all I can to stop it, yet she just persists.

I glance awkwardly to the front of the car. Dad is humming away to his music, his eyes never leaving the road, and I ensure that I'm not in his line of sight in the rear-view mirror.

My sister unzips my jeans, then her fingers tug on the tops of my underwear, and her hand slips in, grabbing my cock. Her mouth forms an O as she clutches it, her excitement at holding my hard dick just turning me on even more. The lush tingle in my cock only intensifies as she slips it out of my jeans, right here, right behind our dad. The hornier I get, the less willpower I have to stop this any longer, and I find myself just wanting her to continue, how I want to reach around and slip a hand up her skirt or grab her ass, but that would be far too obvious. I can't do that.

Lucy massages my cock slowly, careful not to make any noise, but the humming of the car's engine drowns enough of it out. Then, when I think it couldn't go further, she licks the base of the shaft, her coarse, wet tongue sliding up and down, from the base to the tip. The nice, tickling, moist feeling of it prompts another sigh, and I have to try not to loudly groan as my sister licks my cock.

She readjusts herself, propping herself up on her elbows and lying on her belly, and takes my cock in her mouth. Starting with the tip, she lets her tongue swirl over it, focusing particularly on the sensitive part just under the tip, then goes back down along the shaft.

"Comfortable back there, guys?" dad says as he drives, not taking his eyes off the road.

Startled, Lucy releases my cock and quickly says, "Yeah, just seeing if I can get some sleep."

"Same," I mutter awkwardly.

"We should be at a service station soon," he says, turning up his radio.

Lucy grins, winking at me. "We better be quick then."

"I'll step on it!" Dad laughs, unaware of the debauchery going on behind him.

"Yeah... Hurry up." I tell her, now chuckling. My nerves are more at ease since we aren't being discovered, and the thrill of it all electrifies me.

"Okay, okay!" Dad says. Lucy's mouth is already back to work, sucking up my precum as she gets her lips all the way around my pulsing cock. "I'll go as fast as I can, you can pay the speeding fine though." He laughs at himself.

Lucy keeps sucking, her head bobbing up and down. She moves her other hand to tickle my ball sack as she does so. My toes curl in my shoes, and I have to grip the handlebar at the top of the door as I control my rapidly tensing body from the pleasure. I've never had such good head in my life, not even from my last girlfriend!

She twists my cock as she sucks, making sure to let her spit ooze down for extra lube as she works it along my shaft like massage oil, letting her hand caress it smoother.

I think I'm about to come when the car turns. "We're here!" Dad says, and I notice the service station now that I take my eyes off my sister sucking my dick. Lucy gets up too, wiping away a thin string of saliva that clings from her lips to the tip of my dick. "Anyone need the loo?"

"No," Lucy says, and I say the same as I put my hard, wet dick back in my jeans.

"Well, I'm gonna go for a loo break. We can get food while we're here," he says as he winds the truck through the car park, looking for a spot. He heads to a quieter area at the back, always preferring to park his truck in a place where there are empty spaces due to how big it is. Navigating it around a busy car park is hard work.

Lucy glances at me, a sly smile tugging at the corner of her lips, shaking her head. I understand her que, and I'm still horny enough that my judgment is warped. "I'm good, I brought my own food."

"Hm," dad says. "Unusual for you two, but whatever, I want to get back on the road so I'm not wasting more time. Loo, then I'll head to Burger King or whatever else they have, then I'll be right back!"

"No bother," I say, and dad jumps out of the car, leaving me alone with Lucy...

"Finaly," my sister gasps, pouncing on me. She shoves her tongue down my throat, attacking me with all her primal lust, her fingers clutch the back of my head, she shoves her body up against mine, the heat of her body pulsing over me.

"What's gotten into you?" I manage to say after releasing my mouth from her lips for a moment.

She bites her lips. "You think you were the only one watching porn? I saw this in a video once.. And... well I just have to try it!"

"You're crazy," I say to her, only imagining the modest, quiet little bookworm she was. But as my friend Nathan used to say to me... 'It's always the quiet ones.'

She tilts her head, her eyes alight with blue fire through her glasses. "I don't see you complaining."

"I'm not." I smile, letting myself enjoy it a little more.

"Good, we don't have much time, keep a look out through the window," she says.

"What?" I ask, confused, then see that Lucy reaches under her skirt, taking her underwear off and throwing them by my feet. She yanks my jeans down so that my still-hard cock falls out, and climbs over me, throwing her leg over my thighs and resting it beside me so that she sits on top of me.

"God, Lucy... I-I'm probably going to nut," I tell her nervously, remembering I haven't jerked off in a couple of days.

Her mouth gapes open, her eyes come alive, "Good!" I look out the window, thanking god the windows are tinted. No one can see us. Not that there's many people walking around the car park, but there are a few passers-by... if they could see what was happening behind that black screen. My sister about to mount me.

She pulls her denim skirt up, allowing me a glimpse of her slightly dark pussy. It's completely hairless, a tidy slit running down the middle, and wet with her juices. Lucy grabs my cock, my tip rubs along her clit before she guides it to her soaking entrance, where it slides in easily as she lets herself fall onto it. How warm and wet it feels in there, I groan out with pleasure as she moves slowly up and down.

"You like that?" my sister asks, her hands on my shoulders as she begins shifting back and forth on top of me. The tingle in my cock intensifies, how pleasant it feels.

"Oh, Lucy," I moan, my head falling back as I close my eyes in sheer ecstasy.

She slaps me. "Hey, look out the front, remember. Dad could come back."

"Oh, right, s-sorry," I mutter, peaking my head over Lucy's shoulder as she rides me.