Broken Defence


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"Holly, you can't tell me that's what you're having for dinner?" Sylvia was behaving like a worried parent but I saw Holly start to shrink under her Mum's gaze. I saw the same Holly who was in the changing room, start to emerge. The deer in the headlights, the cornered prey. I got her out of there straight away.

"Oh no, don't worry Sylvia, our dietician has all the players eating a light meal after the game. She'll want a full meal later. It'll be a real pain this evening when I have to drive her to KFC and not get tempted by the chicken," I finished with a laugh.

Holly visibly relaxed and squeezed my thigh under the table in thanks, while looking at her Mum and agreeing that a chicken burger and chips were indeed in her future. Both her Sister's definitely saw the change in her behaviour but said nothing.

When we parted, Holly had me drive to hers and get more of her stuff. She was doing all of her washing at mine now and it was getting to the point where she was moving out by stealth. "Holly, we need to talk about this," I said, gesturing around.

The place was still quite messy and I got the impression she was taking more of her stuff out to avoid having to come back too often. I also knew I was the only one who could talk to her without her closing off. She'd had two therapy sessions so far with two different therapists and called both sessions "bullshit."

"I think we need to address this. You don't want to be here. I don't want you here either but that's for selfish reasons. We either need to make this a place you can stand to be in or else you need to look at giving back the lease." It was a sign of how far she had come that Holly agreed that she would get some cleaners in and then she'd make a decision on it.

We both had the next day off. The world was full of possibilities. We ran through ideas: shopping, the cinema, a hike, a drive... on and on it went.

"I kind of just want to get drunk with you," Holly admitted. "You're my best friend and I want to get drunk."

I laughed and agreed. Secretly, I was more delighted than I was letting on as Holly had consistently declined my suggestions of going out. I never made a show of it but it felt like one of the last big hurdles she needed to work on - being out and being social. I suggested we invite some people and make a day of it. Holly was very happy with that and therefore, so was I.

Lucy and her girlfriend, Ruby, agreed to join us later in the day once we agreed on a run-down 'boozer' near to where I lived which gave Holly a bit more comfort as nobody would expect her to be in a pub like that. Naomi and some of Holly's old team were also coming along. Holly put makeup on for the first time in a long while. She even dressed up a bit. Nothing out of place for the pub, just jeans and a flattering tank top but enough that she felt good in her own skin, something that I sensed was becoming more common.

On the way to the pub, as luck or fate would have it, Holly got a call. She walked off and I left her to it, turning around to skip stones into the canal we were walking along. Her sob made me turn around at pace. "What's wrong?" I asked in alarm.

"I got called up to the England squad for the friendly games." I ran over and pulled her into a tight bear hug, spinning her around while she screamed happily.

"I love you," she said as I put her down. She looked at me with adoration in her hazel eyes. It was so powerful I had goosebumps.

"I love you too Hazel."

"I like that," she said with a smile.

"Phew, I've spent far too long thinking of a new name."

Despite our initial plan to go incognito, Holly was just too happy about getting called up again to the England squad and soon the whole pub knew who she was as well as her good news and she was getting drinks bought for her. I ordered some food for the table and watched with silent joy as she finished a whole bowl of chips to herself.

Later, she pulled me aside and kissed me passionately on the lips. "Nobody's even mentioned the video," Holly said, looking around at the male-dominated pub. I refrained from saying I told you it would be old news. I could tell a weight had been lifted from her.

I spent a long time talking to Ruby and really getting to know her until Naomi stepped up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Can I borrow him?" She asked Ruby.

When I was excused, she pulled me into a tight hug. "I can't believe that's Holly," she said, pointing over her shoulder. Holly and Lucy were talking to a couple of friendly older men and watching the football in the background. She looked completely comfortable and relaxed, even around the strangers. She saw us both looking at her and smiled. "You two should never have broken up."

I was glad we'd gone to a pub that was close by as we were both very drunk by the end of the night. I was alert enough to get us both home but I don't remember much after I locked the door. Both of us slept in the clothes we were still in and we woke up close to Midday, heavily hungover.

Holly suggested we go to KFC for a hangover cure and I happily drove us over. That was the highlight of the day, not least because Holly ordered a main meal and did a good job of trying to finish it. We spent the rest of the day watching Netflix and playing Monopoly.

When I won the second game, Holly looked tempted to flip the board over. I tried not to laugh at how seriously she took it. Her competitive side was what made her such a good athlete so I had to live with it. "You're lucky I love you or I'd be throwing this against the wall." I did laugh at that, which broke the ice. Holly seemed quite relieved that I was laughing. I got the impression it was a side of her she normally had to contain.

I spent Tuesday developing quotes and articles as well as a comms plan for the forthcoming international fixtures. We had several players called up to their respective national squads. If it stayed that way in the summer, I was going to have a busy few months covering the players at the upcoming European Championship tournament in France. It was a testament to the team and in particular, Caroline, so it felt right that the players organised a meal for her the day before they would head off to their International Camps on the Friday.

I knew that the Thursday had the potential to be a crossroad day for Holly and I. Holly had pretty much moved in but we were doing a dance about making it official. She'd head to her house after training and then come over later in the evening or else she'd stay late and train or watch tapes, before I drove us home via Georgia's. She no longer called her place 'home' or even 'her place' - it had become this nameless location that she collected clothes from or checked for any post. I'd hinted that I'd like her to move in but I was trying not to push her, aware that she'd gone through a lot of change already.

However, the practicalities of our living situation forced my hand somewhat. The outfit Holly had planned to wear was at my house and in her eyes, there was nothing suitable left in her 'other wardrobe' (another sign she had practically moved in). So Holly suggested she grab my key, get her stuff, come back to the training ground to give me back my key so I could head home later, go back to where she rented, drive to dinner and then drive to mine again on the other side of the city to spend the night.

"That's insane," I said bluntly when she called me over to the car park and told me her plan. "Holly, what are we doing?" I asked.

"Well, right now I'm trying to come up with a practical solution to how I wear my favourite shirt out to dinner and you're being difficult about it," Holly teased.

"Firstly," I responded, trying to keep my face straight, "as your PR person, can I just remind you that our kit is your favourite shirt." Holly grinned at that, something she was doing more now. "Secondly, you are very cute when you're being cute. Thirdly, it's still insane."

Holly batted her eyelids in a very exaggerated way. It was still cute, even when she was taking the piss and still a bit red from training. I hadn't ever realised just how cute she was. I guess the ponytail look helped. "So does my PR expert have any idea how I can get myself out of this mess? In my view, I'm giving him far fewer problems than the last PR guy I worked with but he's still behaving like a stressed soul."

"You're in luck Superstar, your boyfriend has a solution." I pulled out the spare key I'd made for her and saw her eyes go wide. "I'm not asking you to move in just yet as I don't want to add to your pressure but I am saying that my house is your house and it'll be our house whenever you're ready for it to be. So there, problem solved. Go and get changed there and come back after your meal."

The whole time Holly said nothing, just looking at the key in my hand. I wasn't sure if she even heard me. When I finished, without her expression changing, I watched as she quietly started to cry. "Holly?"

She shook herself and wiped the tears, her cheeks slightly redder. "Sorry, I just didn't know how much that would mean to me. You really love me, don't you?"

I took her hand and replied, "I really love you, Holly."

Holly opened and closed her mouth a couple of times and then almost run off from me, jumping in her car with a quick 'bye' and driving off. If that had been anyone else, I would have worried about having done the wrong thing but I knew Holly and knew she was overwhelmed with feelings at the moment.

To my pleasant surprise, I got a message and a picture from Holly later in the day. She had on boxer shorts and her chosen shirt of choice - a flattering blue one - with the top couple of buttons open, showing off a padded white bra. I was instantly aroused and let her know I was.

Holly: I'm going to be thinking about your cock all day. I cannot wait to have it back in my mouth.

I drove home that day and then hit the gym, processing the last few weeks and how happy I was. The idea of being anywhere else now felt like stupidity. It was about 11 pm when Holly had come in, using the key I had given her earlier in the day.

"How was it?" I asked, sitting up after almost drifting off to sleep.

Holly walked in and put her stuff on the table, ignoring me. I watched her take a steadying breath and walk over to me with purpose before leaning down and kissing me hard. "I've been thinking about you all night," she said when she pulled away.

"Wow," I said in response, surprised by the suddenness of her actions.

"I'm ready," she said quietly, in a way that oozed sexiness.

"Are you serious?" I asked in surprise, my sleepy brain still playing catch up.

In response, Holly took me to my room, which now felt like our room and kissed me as we fell backwards onto our bed. The room was almost pitch black bar some light from the living room. I went to turn on the lamp but paused. "Lights on or lights off?"

"Off, please. If you don't mind?" Holly asked shyly.

"Not at all, it brings out all the other senses. I can't wait to feel and explore you," I gushed.

"You are so cheesy," Holly laughed, kissing me quickly on the lips and then moving around to my ear. "And I love it," she whispered, nibbling and licking my ear afterwards, which gave me goosebumps.

She pulled my top off and unbuttoned her shirt as she straddled me. I put my palms behind my head, enjoying what little I could see of the show, almost unable to believe it was happening. She was soon taking her bra off with her open shirt still on. It gave me a tantalising sight of her breasts and I moaned with desire when I saw the slight light give shape to her hard nipples. She leaned down to kiss me but I dodged it and took her pebbly nipples in my mouth, making her laugh and then gasp, as I ran my tongue along them.

I took a gentle hold of her breast as I lightly nipped and licked at her nipple. Holly was extremely sensitive to my actions, squeezing my arm in appreciation and rolling her eyes in pleasure above me. Feeling like I could be more bold, I took her nipple between my teeth with a bit of firmness and licked it with my tongue. Holly gasped and squeezed my arm a little harder. I repeated the action and then did the same to her other breast. I loved her body and the way she was responding to me. Before I knew it, she was grinding herself into my thigh while I enjoyed her breasts, my arms now around her and on her hip so that she was kept in place.

"I am so turned on," Holly whispered with excitement.

"Can I do something about that baby?" I asked, biting my lip and drawing my eyes down to her middle.

I felt more than I saw a stiffening in her movement. "Not yet.. I'm... not healed enough for you to see it yet. I'm sorry."

I nodded and then followed up when I realised she couldn't see it, "That's fine baby, I'm ready whenever you are. Please don't apologise."

"I want you there so badly but I just know I wouldn't be able to relax."

I kissed her and held it for a little longer. "I know, beautiful, let's only do what you want to do."

Holly kissed her way around my jaw and then got to my ear again, licking at it and giving me goosebumps. She licked her way under my ear and along my neck, continuing to give me goosebumps. She seemed to know my body better than I and was giving me feelings I hadn't had before.

"I really," she paused to move her hand down and over my shorts, "really want to suck your big cock."

I tried not to smile too wide at her compliment, lest she see it even in the low light. Privately, I knew from the video that I was a lot bigger than her ex.

Holly finally pulled off her shorts and kissed down my body, licking one of my nipples teasingly and then doing the same at my belly button. "What are you doing to me?" I asked in amazement.

"I don't know, I just seem to know what you'll like," she whispered happily.

I must admit, the darkness was a real turn-on. As I said it would, it heightened all our other senses and there was something so arousing about whispering in the darkness and being in our own little bubble.

Holly pulled my shorts down and kissed my cock without hesitation. It was a proper kiss, her lips moving seductively across my skin. I could see the colour in her eyes and knew she was looking up at me. "Are you okay?" I asked a little more loudly than we'd been talking.

She kissed my cock again and then licked the head, leaving it glistening. She definitely seemed able to create a lot of saliva. It made my cock so sensitive to her touch.

"I'm debating how honest to be with you," she admitted after a pause.

I shook myself away from my horny stupor and sat up on my elbows. "You can always be completely honest Holly. Talk to me."

She had been stroking me gently, keeping me hard, without my realising. "Part of why the comments get to me so bad is that they're right. I'm a slut. I love sex. I love sucking cock so fucking much," she said strongly. The bluntness of her words surprised me - but I shouldn't have been, this was Holly after all.

From her slow stroking and her words, I felt my cock pulse in Holly's hand. Holly sucked out my emerging pre-cum without pause.

"Holy crap Holly," I said in response.

She carried on without waiting for me to form more coherent words. "Don't get me wrong Tom, I don't sleep around but when I'm with someone, I'm hyper-sexed for them. The more I feel for someone, the more I want to be intimate with them. And I can't describe how much I feel for you." It was the sexiest of warnings.

She looked at me in the low light and I saw a need for acceptance of some kind in her expression. I didn't know what to say. "I've never had sex as often as you're describing you like it Holly, to be honest. So we may have to work me up to your levels and hope you don't kill me," I finished with a grin.

Holly grinned back, happy enough with my reaction. She moved back up to kiss me and then said against my lips as she pulled away, "If I do kill you through sex, I promise you'll be in the hole of your choice when you die."

"Any?" I asked pointedly.

Holly took my hand and placed it behind her so I could feel her muscly, firm cheek. "Any," she confirmed.

I let out a deep breath and sat back up again as I watched her lower herself back down. "What have I got myself into?" I teased.

Holly sat just below my knees and then did something I wasn't expecting. She pulled her hairband off and let her hair flow down passed her shoulders. She shook it out and brushed it away from her face. The sight was mesmerising even in the low light.

"Wow," was all I could say.

Holly leaned down and started to kiss and lightly suck my cock, working from underneath. Her wet tongue ran its wall down my balls and before I knew it, I could feel her lifting them out of the way and her hot breath underneath them. She kissed and licked the area in between which I'd never had done before and it honestly made my body tense in pleasure. She got as far as the bottom of my ass cheeks and kissed them.

"I'm going to rim you one day soon and you're going to love it," she said confidently.

I groaned. I already knew I would love it, which was crazy as the idea of any ass play had always grossed me out before now, even anal. With Holly, it was like none of my past preferences mattered. Everything was new and ready to be discovered afresh.

She took my right hand in hers, interlocking the fingers, as she gently kissed my cockhead. I felt her squeeze my fingers and then guide my hand to her head where her other hand had bunched up some of her hair. I took her hair in my hand and used my other hand to collect any stray strands. No words were spoken but I knew right there how big that was after the video and what had happened in it. That was Holly saying: I trust you completely.

I kept hold of her hair but she controlled the pace. Her mouth stretched around my cock and she very quickly got it as deep as she had the last time my cock was in her mouth. She was determined to take it deeper. I was determined to hold out but I knew I was in trouble if she stayed down there for too long.

I felt the wet trickle of her saliva down my cock and onto my balls as she worked herself down. Her hand emerged from below, up along my chest and towards my lips. I immediately kissed it but could feel and taste more than just skin.

"Fuck, is that your pussy?" I asked with excitement.

She moaned affirmatively around my cock, with her nose only an inch away from my body. I sucked her fingers into my mouth and tasted her. It was divine. Sweet and slightly sticky. It was better than I imagined it to be - and I'd imagined it a lot. Holly pulled off my cock gasping for air, making me look towards her again. Only Holly could distract me from the fact she was deepthroating my cock.

She put her hand back down towards her and I could see movement in her arm as she rubbed or more likely, fingered herself.

"I love this cock so much, this is making me feel even hornier. I want it all in my throat so badly." I had never heard Holly like this, it was completely unrestrained and therefore so arousing.

"We may need to raincheck that if you do want me inside you tonight," I said cooly.

Holly moaned and drew herself back up my body until she was level with me. "I really want you inside me unprotected but we shouldn't," Holly moaned. I agreed.

"I take it you're not on contraception?"I rolled out from under her and went to the side table while she covered herself up so that I wouldn't see her when I briefly flicked the light on.

Holly laughed. "No, I came off when I got myself tested and swore off men for the rest of my life."

"Tested?" I asked.

"He was cheating on me."

"The fuck?" I said, freezing as I opened the condom pack.

Holly took my arm and squeezed it. "Can we not talk about this right now?"
