Brookhaven Inn


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Cassie laughed. "It's a turn on is what you mean. I guess we're all exhibitionists." Cassie put down her empty beer can (bottles are strictly forbidden around the pool and spa). "Do you two want more beer or would you rather switch to wine? We've got several good bottles in the apartment?"

I could tell that Cassie wanted wine. "A glass of wine sounds great to me," I said. Caitlyn nodded her head.

Cassie got out of the spa, toweled off, and started walking towards the building. Her bare back, buttocks, and thighs looked wonderful.

Beside me, Caitlyn said, "She's beautiful."

"Yes, she is," I replied, "but, you are a very beautiful woman too."

Caitlyn and I looked into each others' eyes for a long moment. Finally, Caitlyn said, "thank you, but I'm no Cassie."

"Well," I said, "I am biased. But, you're damn close."

Caitlyn smiled. "Thank you," she said softly. Under the water, her hand squeezed my bare thigh.

Cassie was walking back carrying three bottles of wine and three plastic cups. She had looked very beautiful walking away. She looked even more beautiful walking towards us.

"I thought that we deserve a little party," Cassie said as she set the wine on a patio table and opened a bottle. She poured red wine for Caitlyn, me, and herself; distributed the drinks, and got back into the spa.

We drank wine and talked. In truth, we all got a bit drunk.

Finally, Cassie said, "I'm turning into a prune. Let's go in."

I said to Caitlyn, "Don't even think of driving back to your apartment tonight."

Cassie casually said, "You can stay with us."

The three of us went under the showerhead by the pool. It seemed perfectly natural for me to wash Caitlyn's back as well as Cassie's. It seemed perfectly natural for Caitlyn to wash my ass while Cassie washed my upper back. It seemed perfectly natural when Caitlyn followed us back to the manager's apartment and got into bed with us. I don't think that any of us gave it a thought.

The next morning, I felt Cassie's hand on my dick. I started to roll onto my back so that she could mount me. As I stretched out my left arm, my hand came to rest on a bare female breast. I had totally forgotten that Caitlyn was in bed, naked, with us. "What the f**k," I said.

My exclamation woke Caitlyn up. There was a moment of embarrassment as we realized that the three of us had slept together nude. Then, we all started laughing.

As we stopped laughing, Caitlyn said, "That was good wine. I guess I'm a full member of the management team now."

Smiling archly, Cassie said, "Well, there is one more rite of passage."

I looked at Cassie trying to discern what that comment meant. Cassie chose not to elaborate.

We let Caitlyn shower by herself that morning. Cassie and I, of course, showered together. Nude, the three of us walked to the restaurant where a skeleton staff had already set out some coffee and fruit. We had no reservations that day. The coffee and fruit was for the staff that was in to finish the clean up after the hectic holiday week.

After we finished our breakfast, Cassie asked Caitlyn, "Have you seen the waterfall yet?"

"No," Caitlyn answered, "there just hasn't been time."

To me, Cassie said, "Let's show her the waterfall."

The three of us walked, naked and barefoot, across the lawn towards the rear of the property. The brook ran across the property to our right. As we stepped onto the well-worn path that started at the tree line, we could hear falling water. The waterfall was just a few yards inside the woods.

It was not a big waterfall. One person could stand under it at a time, two if they were very good friends. The water flow was steady, but certainly not torrential.

"That's pretty," Caitlyn said.

Cassie said, "The surveyor told me that the property line is actually about half-way up. The top is in the park, but the bottom belongs to us." Cassie gestured towards the waterfall and told Caitlyn, "Go. Stand under it."

Caitlyn did. As soon as she was under the stream of falling water, she shrieked, "That's cold!" Caitlyn stepped out quickly.

"It is cold," Cassie said. "But, that can be great on a really hot day. And, since it is screened by the woods, no one can see what you're doing back here."

Caitlyn and Cassie shared a look. "That has possibilities," Caitlyn replied.

Of course, we hadn't brought any towels. Caitlyn had to drip-dry as we walked back to the Inn. Fortunately, it was much warmer than it had been the night before.

Cassie and I spent the rest of the day in the office working. Caitlyn did a thorough inspection of the premises and then went to work on the online reservations feature she was adding to the Inn's website. Towards mid-afternoon, Debbie Anders from the bank called. I put her on speaker so that Cassie could also hear.

"Well, you guys are doing great!" Debbie started. She knew because we had to submit monthly financials to the bank under the terms of our loan.

"We're trying," Cassie replied.

"Hell, you guys are the business success story of the county," Debbie said. "That's actually why I'm calling. The chamber of commerce wants to invite the two of you to speak at its August meeting."

The chamber was a mostly a group of conservative business people. I had interacted with it some while I was practicing, but had avoided it since I started working with Cassie. Cassie, coming from the sophisticated world of high tech finance in San Francisco, had a slight prejudice when it came to small town businessmen. She hid it well, but it was there. Also, the chamber met downtown in the middle of the day. Cassie was silently shaking her head "no."

"I'm not sure about that," I replied to Debbie. "We're awfully busy here and we're breaking in a new manager."

"I know that Caitlyn can handle herself for a few hours unsupervised," Debbie replied. "Consider it a favor for your banker." That was Debbie's way of telling us that she really expected us to accept the invitation. Put that way, we had little choice. Cassie gave a defeated shrug and nodded her agreement.

"Ok," I said to Debbie. "That's the second Wednesday in the back room at Leon's at 11:00?"

"You've got it," Debbie said brightly. "I'll see you there. Oh, and, please wear clothes."

After s very short post-Fourth lull, business picked up again quickly. The online reservation feature Caitlyn had put on our website was also proving to be a business generator. Caitlyn had also dressed up the website with pictures of some of our guests who had agreed to help. The pictures were carefully selected so as not to show anything you wouldn't see in a mainstream magazine, but it was clear from all of them that our guests were naked.

The chamber meeting was on us before we knew it. That day was the first time I had put on a suit and tie in months. Cassie wore a nice blouse, skirt, and heels. Her outfit was business-like, but tight enough to show that Cassie had a wonderful figure.

Caitlyn came up to us as we walked to the car to drive to the chamber meeting. "Damn. You guys look pretty good dressed too. Go wow them. Maybe we'll get some more local guests."

Cassie laughed. "I don't think that crowd takes their clothes off unless all the lights are off and the doors are locked."

The chamber meeting was good for a free lunch. As the guest speakers, we sat at a table with Debbie and the chamber officers. The conversation was predictably boring. I was a little surprised at the topic which was not mentioned at all: what people, including us, wore at our Inn.

We sat through a boring business meeting before Debbie introduced us. We got up on a very low stage at one end of the room. There was a table, a couple of chairs, and a tripod stand for our graphics. Caitlyn had made some charts showing things like our revenue growth, our trends in bookings, demographics of our guests, and where our guests came from. Cassie and I droned about that for a while, just as if we were talking about a building supply house rather than a nudist Inn.

Following our spiel, we took questions. The first several were about things like how much of our food and beverage was purchased locally. The game changed, however, when a heavy-set young woman sitting in the back stood up. She and Debbie were two of only three women in the room, not counting Cassie.

"We've skirted around this," the young woman began, "but, it is true that most of your guests spend most of their time at your inn stark naked, isn't it?"

"That is correct," I answered.

"You advertise your Inn as a place where guests can go naked. Isn't that what sets you apart from your competition?"

"We think that there are several things which set us apart," Cassie replied, "but you are correct that we target the clothing-optional market which is the fastest growing segment of the hospitality industry."

"The two of you work naked, don't you?" the young woman followed up.

"Yes," I answered, "we think that it is important for management to establish rapport with our guests and demonstrate that we share their values."

"Don't you think," the young woman asked, "that it is hypocritical for you to appear here wearing clothes?"

Debbie stood up and interrupted. "I told Harry and Cassie that they were required to wear clothes here. This is a business meeting after all."

Cassie apparently felt that she had been challenged. "Debbie did tell us to attend this meeting dressed. However, if you like, we're more than happy to strip off right here right now."

The young woman in the back replied, "I really think that you should."

No one else in the room said a word. Cassie looked over the silent room and then said "ok." She kicked off her heels and began unbuttoning her blouse.

"Shit!" I thought, "If Cassie strips I will have to also to support her."

Cassie already had her blouse completely unbuttoned and was taking it off. I kicked off my shoes, laid my jacket on the table, and began undoing my tie.

To use a cliché, you could have heard a pin drop in the room as Cassie and I took our clothes off. Cassie finally pushed her panties off of her hips, down her gorgeous legs, and stepped out of them. Feeling much less confidence that Cassie projected, I did the same with my boxers. Nude, I stepped over to Cassie and took her hand. We stood together, nude, facing the chamber of commerce and holding hands.

After a few moments of silence, Cassie smiled and said, "Now that you've all had a good look, does anyone have any more questions?"

Tentatively, the third woman in the chamber, a lady in her fifties whom I knew ran a clothing store on Main Street, stood and asked, "Um, uh, how do you feel right now, standing there naked?"

Cassie turned on her 10,000 watt smile. "It feels great. I wasn't a nudist when I took over the Inn from my late parents. Going clothing optional was a business decision intended to revive our business by finding an unserved niche. As Harry said a few minutes ago, we decided that we needed to work in the nude in order to establish credibility with our guests. I was very hesitant and nervous at first. Now that I've been doing it for over a year, I absolutely love it. I always prefer being nude to being dressed in any setting. You really ought to try it yourself. Harry, what would you like to add?"

Cassie's confidence had bolstered mine. "I really cannot say it any better than Cassie has," I said. "Going nude is a great experience. All I can add is that it has helped a lot to have a great partner and a dedicated and supportive staff."

A male voice in the room said, "He means that it helps to have a partner built like a brick shithouse."

Cassie lit off the mega smile again. "Thank you," she said. "I'm very glad that you enjoy looking at my body."

We decided not to get dressed after the meeting. In this town, the chances of being arrested for indecent exposure were virtually nil. Most people left quickly, although several of the men took lingering looks at Cassie.

Debbie came up, smiling and shaking her head. "Well, you two definitely have a first for a chamber of commerce meeting."

The young woman who had challenged us to get naked also came up. "I'm Karen Cox," she said. "I didn't mean to give you a hard time. These meetings are just so damned boring that I saw an opportunity to liven one up." She laughed. "I think Bob (the chamber president) is the one who really got a hard time."

Cassie smiled back. "Stripping in front of a room full of clothed people was a new experience, but it was fun. I'm glad that you challenged us."

Driving out of town back to the Inn, Cassie said, "That really was fun. I hope that Caitlyn was ok while we were playing around."

"She's fine, except that she works too hard," I replied. "She's been here six weeks and she's not had a single date. That's just wrong for a woman that lovely."

Slowly, Cassie said, "Harry. I don't think that Caitlyn wants any dates."

"What?" I asked.

"I think that she's more than happy spending her time with us or, I should say, with you," Cassie said.

"Me?" I said. "Why me?"

Cassie smiled. "You are an attractive guy, particularly when you're naked."

"Shit," I said. "Are we going to have a problem?"

With a teasing tone in her voice, Cassie replied "I can share."

Wednesdays were almost always a slow night for us, and the evening after the chamber meeting was no different. Caitlyn had been busy on the website all afternoon so we didn't have a chance to tell her about the chamber meeting until the evening. The three of us were sitting on the small patio outside the manager's apartment having some wine when Cassie told Caitlyn about our day.

Caitlyn said, "You guys stripped naked in front of a room of clothed people? That is so hot. I wish I'd been there."

Teasing her, I asked "You want to watch?"

"Shit no," Caitlyn replied "I wish that I could have stripped with you."

"You'll have your chance," Cassie said. "I think that the three of us will be doing a lot of things together. In fact, I think that we should start now. Let's go inside."

Caitlyn and I followed Cassie into the apartment and into the bedroom. Caitlyn and I were standing a bit awkwardly, not sure of what Cassie had in mind. Cassie put a hand on each of our backs and gently pushed Caitlyn and me together. When we were just inches apart, Cassie reached down, took Caitlyn's hand, and guided it onto my dick. Cassie took my hand and guided it between Caitlyn's legs.

Caitlyn and I needed no further permission. Caitlyn began stroking my dick and I fingered her clit. As we got each other aroused, we looked at Cassie, who nodded her head. As Caitlyn led me to the bed, Cassie opened a drawer and took out a dildo.

Caitlyn lay back on the bed with her legs spread. I got over her. She took my dick in both hands and guided it into her. As I began thrusting, Caitlyn wrapped her legs around my hips. Cassie has sat down on the bed next to us and was working her dildo into her pussy.

For a short while, I was torn between looking at Caitlyn's face as I fucked her and watching Cassie get herself off. Caitlyn's bucking and low moans brought my attention fully to her. Caitlyn was every bit as good a lover as Cassie. Hearing Cassie's moans beside us heightened the incredible eroticism of the experience.

Sooner than I wanted, I felt myself ready to shoot. I started trying to back out. I felt a tongue lick my ear and heard Cassie's voice saying, "You come inside Caitlyn too."

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Shaglus_ZieglerShaglus_Zieglerover 1 year ago

Five stars for detail and writing but lacked passion and true vivacious warmth. Almost wouldn’t call it erotica. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"With other girls you can pull out. You always come in me."

Bro, that is not sexy. That's a giant red flag and it kills the mood of the whole scene. You wrote Cassie like a crazy person.

Anyone reading this who likes the concept, look for "rebuilding eden" or something like that. Far better written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

They strip in front of the chamber representatives? That’s ridiculous without checking to see if it would ruin their business. I like the premise of the story but it lacks emotion by the characters. Harry and Cassie are in a committed relationship yet Cassie lets Harry fuck Caitlyn without hesitation and Caitlyn does it with no reservation. Also, Harry fucks Caitlyn without hesitation or giving any thought to the consequences. There is no jealousy, no remorse no empathy and no afterward discussion to make sure things still are OK? Will start to read the next chapter but will quit if the story continues to lack feelings!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Kinda far fetched story but a fun read!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Loved the story! Thank you HS!

I don't have time to make a comment now....I need to get to part 2!

rodryder44rodryder44over 5 years ago
Brookhaven Ch 1

We are family......Love the fucking around

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Follows a pattern

Harry gets all the girls in the end, although we’ll have to wait for part 2 to see who is next: Beth or Angie or Anne or Karen or Debbie (who turned into Diane on Page 1 briefly). And then of course Cassie & Caitlyn will become lovers too. Bring it on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

As an alumni of Ohio University, it's rather intriguing to read a fictional story about Athens, Athens County, the Hocking Hills and the Wayne National Forest. Loved the story but it did end somewhat abruptly. Great place to start the next installment though.

Oldergenteman69Oldergenteman69over 6 years ago
Loved It!

This story read like a true event and very well written! One of the best I've read! I'm also a naturist/nudist and enjoyed reading about how this clothing optional inn began it's life. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
More chapters

I loved the story. More please. Maybe a Sequel .Thank you.

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