Bum's Rush


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I rinsed the scratch on my ankle with my water-skin and rubbed at it to force any crud out.

After the trap was reset, we tied two poles to the crocodile's limbs and carried it back to camp - heading to the butcher's hut.

Before we got our next assignment, I ran home, grabbed the antiseptic cream from my pack, and applied it to the wound - I needed to make sure this didn't get infected.

I'd just come out of our hut when I heard a gunshot from somewhere near the center of camp.

I peered around the next hut to find a confrontation at the council fire.

The three guys from before were back - this time with shotguns instead of spear-guns.

They had brought two more of the crewmen with them.

One of them had Megan in a headlock; the other had Heather.

It looked like most of the camp had already been assembling for dinner when the attackers came.

The men were backing away from the villagers, the men with the captives closest to me - coming my direction - so they must have come in from the bathing lagoons..

I saw movement to my right and realized Joshua had just been coming from his hut and was also observing the stand-off.

I waved at him and pointed up the path to the lagoons. He nodded and we took off.

I grabbed the mattock, hatchet, and a spear from my hut.

When I met Joshua on the path, he had his standard equipment and a couple extra spears.

We picked a spot where the path rounds a bend and hid just beyond that point - him on the left and me on the right.

Within a few seconds, the crew I'd been working with on traps earlier came trotting around the corner and we split them between Joshua & me.

The brush wasn't super-thick but we would be out of sight until they were almost on us.

If my guess was correct, they'd be more focused on pursuers anyway.

A few minutes later, the attackers could be heard approaching.

The girls must have been struggling because the guys holding them were cussing at them in broken Spanish.

The guy with the pistol could be heard yelling back at whatever group was following at a distance.

The pair of crewmen with the shotguns were looking back & forth in the middle of the group - trying to support both ends of their procession.

Joshua and I waited until the girls were past us to jump out.

The shotgun team never got a chance to fire. Joshua put a spear through the throat of the guy on his side - and I stuck Megan's hatchet in the chest of my guy with a lucky throw.

Behind us, I could hear the trappers moving to surround the crewman holding the girls.

Joshua and I, however, were dealing with the pistol-packer.

When he realized he was in danger, he spun towards Joshua - who already had another spear ready - and fired.

Joshua dove into the brush and I threw the only thing left in my hands - the mattock.

It was a horrible throw - but it was on-target and the crewman was so intent on seeing if he'd hit Joshua that he never moved.

The handle smacked him in the temple and then the thing dropped onto his foot.

He had just started to look down at his shoe when he got turned into a human pincushion.

Joshua had rolled back out of the brush and launched his spear into the man's chest.

Two of the trappers, behind me, had gotten him in the belly, and about ten spears were sticking out of his back from the pursuers that had caught up to him when he turned to deal with me & Joshua.

We all turned to face the guys holding our women - seeing eyes as big as the platters we used for our meals.

I swear Heather & Megan looked like synchronized swimmers as they simultaneously bagged their captors, dropped out of their arms, and rolled off the path.

I'm going to assume these guys don't believe in taking prisoners because every trapper who still held a spear immediately threw their weapon.

I sent Megan to the hut to get her field-glasses and my phone.

I told the villagers to leave the bodies as they were until she got back.

When she returned, I sent her & Joshua to find the boat and see if we had anybody else to deal with.

Meanwhile, I turned my phone back on and took pictures of all the dead guys - along with their weapons.

By the time Joshua and Megan had returned, the rest of the warriors were bringing the chief and the elders up to inspect the carnage.

He asked me about the weapons and I told him, basically, what they did and how they could be carried without discharging them.

He assigned three warriors to me to collect the weapons and ammo.

For now, they would be stored at my hut.

I showed him the pictures on my phone and explained that I had taken them so that we'd remember what the guys looked like - and be able to show "other elders" if they came to check on them.

He remarked that tribes that try to steal women never last long - or something like that.

I nodded, turned off my phone, and stowed it.

Joshua showed the field-glasses to the chief and reported that the boat looked empty - but was requesting a team to go make sure.

The chief assigned ten warriors and me to go with Joshua.

My education, so far, had not included watercraft. I didn't even know the village had boats.

At the back of the men's bathing lagoon, several canoes were hidden in the brush, tethered to palm trees.

We freed four of these and, with three men in each, set off for the boat.

Worried I'd capsize us - due to my inexperience - I'd left the field-glasses and my phone with Megan.

As it turned out, we didn't need them - there was nobody else on the ship.

I've never sailed a boat so there was no use in trying to move the thing. I just grabbed the keys and left it anchored where it was.

We climbed into the canoes and paddled back into the lagoon.

We put the canoes back the way we'd found them and headed for camp.

At my hut, I found the three warriors holding the weapons. For the time-being, I just took them in and laid them on the floor - throwing the ammo in one of my stuff-sacks. Just to be safe, I pulled the clip out of the pistol and ejected the unspent rounds from each firearm - adding them to the rest of the ammo.

My weapons team and I arrived at the central fire to find the five bodies lying just outside of the seating area.

The assembly line for dinner was progressing so I went to my usual spot and waited for Megan to come over.

She put our food on the ground, wrapped me in a hug and gave me a publicly-acceptable kiss.

She had just released me when Heather wrapped me in a hug as well, thanking me for my part in saving her.

I felt guilty that she probably would have never needed rescued if Megan & I hadn't stumbled onto their village.

A few seconds later, I absolved myself of all guilt as I realized that this whole thing was Ridley's fault. I gave a quick prayer to the island spirits to hasten his departure to whatever hell was the most violent.

Megan asked about the boat and I showed her the keys.

As we ate, we talked about what else we could do but there really wasn't much more to be done - at least not at that point.

Dinner was crocodile stew. It was a little more peppery this time but it was quickly becoming one of my favorites - although the 3-day roasted-hog was by far the best of the island cuisine we'd encountered so far.

If Megan & I were still trying to survive on our own, this would be a much more challenging enterprise.

The way things had worked out - other than being attacked by gun-wielding kidnappers - this was like a pretty cool vacation - well - except for the working from daybreak until dusk - but - honestly - this was still pretty cool.

I pulled Megan's chin over for a quick kiss and then went back to finishing my stew and flat-bread.

After dinner, I talked to Joshua about getting some planks to make a shelf or something to store the weapons on.

He took me to the carpenter's hut.

The carpenter was wrapping things up, obviously, for the night but agreed to help me build what I wanted the next day.

I finally remembered to ask Joshua about me & Megan getting married.

He said that Heather & Megan had already talked and we would just be doing whatever they told us to - kind of like normal.

I left him at his hut and headed home to find my sister-fiancé waiting, naked, for me to join her.

I started rambling about the dead attackers but she put her forefinger on my lips and told me to shut up and fuck her - so I did.

When I had done my best to impregnate her, she held me close and told me that the chief had assigned a team to dig a pit to bury the attackers while I'd been chatting with the village carpenter.

She assured me that she'd had the men go through the pockets of the corpses - and collected any personal items - but they'd left them in their clothes because nobody wanted them.

I asked about leather belts and she informed me that she'd collected those - and turned them over to the tanner.

I told her she was the smartest girl who'd ever sucked my cock and she bit my face!

I kissed her like I wanted to fuck her again and told her how scared - and angry - I'd been when they ship's crew was trying to kidnap her.

She told me that Joshua had told her the same thing when she'd given him a hug when we got back from scouting the ship.

I asked about the wedding and Megan informed me that there would be a short ceremony the next day after the evening meal.

Tonight's breeze hinted that we'd have rain in the morning - so we'd be able to sleep a little later - or hit the communal baths - since I'd missed that today.

Megan told me that she'd loaned the field-glasses to the chief - who had set up a watch-rotation to use the binoculars to keep an eye on the abandoned ship.

At that point, my lover shushed me with a kiss, laid her head on my chest, and went to sleep.

Day 17

The heavy rain amplified my morning bladder-issues and I dodged over to the latrine to take care of that before returning to our cozy - if steamy - bed.

Megan grumbled and did the same, curling around me when she returned.

I kissed all over her angry face and then moved to her chest.

By the time I'd worked my way past her cute little belly-button to her clit & slit, she was purring.

"I just peed, dummy!" she complained.

I licked from her pussy to her clit and then sucked it into my mouth.

She grabbed my hair and pulled me in tighter.

I eased off when she really started writhing, gave it another little flick with my tongue, and went back to licking and nibbling all of her goodies.

"Enough, you pervert! Fuck me!" she ordered.

"Pervert?" I asked, sounding wounded. "Licking is not incest."

"Since when?" she laughed.

"This," I said, shoving my stiff cock into her naughty cunt, "is incest."

"Oh, fuck! Yes!" she moaned.

I fucked her so violently that the only sound coming out of her mouth was unintelligible gurgling.

Her pussy-muscles clamped down on me somewhere in the middle - but I just fucked her until I couldn't hold it anymore - and then pumped her full of nephews & nieces.

I flopped on the bed beside her and she climbed on top of me, plugged her sloppy pussy with my half-hard cock, and hugged my chest.

"I love you," she cooed.

"You called me a pervert," I accused.

"Do you know there's an equal chance that your perverted sperm will cause a beneficial effect in our babies?"

"But people only worry about the negatives?"

"People never worry about good things."

"I worry about you."

"Good. You make my pussy happy."

"Just your pussy?"

"If I ever see Ridley again, I might just thank him for introducing me to my soul-mate."

"He won't be hurt by that."

"That's probably true. If I see him again, I'll .."

"He's not worth it. Stop worrying about the negatives."

"You're right. If my pussy wasn't still humming, I'd tell you to fuck me."

"My cock is still buried inside you."

"As it should be. Does the rain sound like it's tapering off?"

"Kind of. Let's hit the baths. I need to see the carpenter today and learn how to make some shelves for those guns."

"Maybe a small chest?"

"I'm not sure my skills are that advanced. I think the shelves might be a stretch as it is."

I gave my lover a kiss and a bear-hug and then we gathered our things to go bathe and do some laundry.

Megan had come home with two more bars of soap the other day - which was good - because the one Heather gave me was almost gone.

The morning showers ended shortly after we got back to the hut to hang up our wet things.

Megan headed to her duties and I went to see the carpenter.

I grabbed the hatchet, mattock, and tree saw - just in case.

After seeing what tools he had - and getting advice on what he thought would work best, considering my lack of skills, I started splitting a palm log into planks.

His stone axe and a wooden maul got things started.

After that, I used a series of hardwood wedges to widen the crack until the plank peeled off.

It wasn't perfect - but it would do.

I started a second split on the back-side, with Megan's hatchet, and then started introducing the wedges to get it to chase down the piece.

The board I ended up with was thicker than I wanted, but fairly straight.

I think the carpenter might have actually been impressed with my work - or maybe just with the fact that I hadn't completely fucked it up - yeah - it was probably that.

I really wanted a drill - so I could pound some pegs in to hold things.

We ended up notching the pieces so that the shelves locked into the uprights - with little shims pounded into the connections - from the opposite side - to tighten them up and lock them in.

The result was a three-tier bookshelf thing about four feet long, one foot deep, and three feet tall.

I cut two one-foot pieces out of the plank to lay on the pole-floor under the feet of the shelf - to help stabilize it on the uneven surface.

I carried my tools back to the hut and came back for the shelf - which I ended up carrying on my shoulders due to the weight of the thing.

By the time I got it inside and moved the guns, ammo, and my tools over to our new shelves, it was time to head to dinner.

Joshua waved me over to his spot and I remembered that we were "bach'ing it" for dinner.

Heather had already dropped our food off and had taken a platter for her and Megan.

After we finished eating, Joshua and I chatted about how our days had gone.

I asked him if the lookouts had seen anything around the ship and he said he hadn't heard anything unusual.

He commented that the chief had restarted the night patrols - who would check both ends of the trail - as well as the beaches.

After the heightened alert - when Megan & I had arrived - things had relaxed again.

I hadn't encountered a lot of thorn bushes in my travels on the island but I asked him about some kind of natural barrier between the lagoons and the village - to make sure attackers weren't circumventing the patrols by going through the brush.

He seemed to think their routine was enough; it always had been in the past.

I asked how often they'd had outsiders trying to steal women from the village and that made him pause - but he still didn't think the elders would go for my suggestion.

The other challenge was that those kinds of foliage tend to be invasive - and that would mean time spent to keep the barrier under control - when they weren't really increasing the protection-level that much.

I could see the logic - even if I had concerns - so I decided to let the idea drop.

I asked about the possibility of a watchtower - instead of patrols - but he said the storm season took out anything they'd built in the past that was taller than the trees.

Obviously, they'd been here a lot longer than I had - and had plenty of time to figure out what worked best.

Honestly, I was surprised at how little improvement my tools offered over what they used.

A sawmill might be another story - but the hand-tools I was using weren't that superior when it came right down to it.

Before long, Heather waved at us that they were ready.


Since the meal things were disappearing to wherever they went, I walked over and presented myself to the chief and the elders.

The chief nodded and waved me & Joshua over to our places.

The camp got quiet as Heather came walking from our hut, towards the council fire. She stopped at her place and I looked up to see my sister-bride.

She must have packed a dress that I didn't know about.

The color was a black somewhere between charcoal and the black that's so black that it looks a little blue.

The bodice was textured - but not lacey; the skirt almost looked like thin velvet - and fell to her ankles.

It had a boat neckline with form-fitting sleeves that went to her wrists.

She had a thin, gold chain around her neck that just draped over the neckline of the gown.

There was a touch of kohl under her eyes and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

She was regal.

Her eyes were on me as she approached and - although it didn't seem like she was making an effort to walk any differently - she looked, to me, like a queen ascending to her throne.

She carried herself with purpose, confidence - majesty.

I was definitely underdressed.

I felt her fingers touch mine and realized that I was standing there, gaping.

She looked at my goldfish-mouth and I closed it, causing her to grin wickedly.

She turned to the chief and the elders; I did the same.

They stood. Since neither of us had parents here - which would have been awkward because they'd have been the same people - the rest of the villagers stood as well.

The chief walked up, laid his hands on top of ours, raised his eyes to the sky, and voiced the blessing.

He licked his thumb and anointed my forehead; licked it again and then nodded to my bride and anointed her as well.

Turning to face the elders, he gave a "Whoop!" and then fell into place behind Joshua.

The elders lined up behind him and then everyone in the village started moving - and Joshua grabbed me in a hug.

After the embrace, he fell back to the traditional forearm-grab, and then stepped away so the chief could congratulate me.

"I know you worry that you have brought evil to our village. Do not. You are us and we are you."

I thanked him and he grabbed my forearm, nodded to me, clapped me on the shoulder, and then stepped away.

The three elders greeted me with the forearm-grab and the nod - and smiles - as did the rest of the males in the camp.

It was hard to believe we'd been living with these people for less than two weeks!

I looked over to find that the chief's wife had waited until the end of the line to greet my bride.

She complimented my sister on her beautiful dress, her diligence in her work, and her choice in husbands.

When her words were delivered, she took my lover's face in her hands and kissed both of her cheeks - then followed with a hug.

Stepping back, she rubbed Megan's flat tummy, calling on the spirits to bless her womb with strong babies - with pure hearts - who would bring happiness to their parents.

She stepped up to me and I got worried.

She took my face in her hands, delivered kisses to my cheeks, gave me a motherly hug - and then stepped back - taking my hands in hers.

"Listen to what my husband told you," she said.

I nodded.

"I know you will leave us for a time but promise me you will come back. Your family belongs here."

I was floored by her words, wondering if it was prescience - or just woman's intuition - or - fuck - the island spirits!

Megan and I would not be able to live at home like we were here - we would have to move.

We had already talked about how much we loved it here ..
