Bunking with Becca

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Sister's bed is smaller than Jack remembers.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/15/2021
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"Wow! Look at you!" Becca said, squeezing his broad shoulders. "All grown up. Come inside."

"Hey, sis. It hasn't been that long, has it?" Jack said, wiping his dust covered boots on the mat. "Hey everyone."

"Look who it is, Aunt Lily," Mom said. "Jack is here."

"Hey Lily. Nice to see you," he said.

The old, white-haired woman didn't budge an inch. Becca stifled a giggle with the back her hand. The tattoos on her arms became prominent.

"Aunt Lily," she said, pointing to Jack. "Look!"

"Oh, my dear. Sorry, love. My hearing isn't so good these days."

"That's ok," Jack said, reaching in for a hug. "Food smells great, Mom. I'll just go wash up first."

"Hey! I helped cook too," Becca said, pouting.

Jack grinned as he pinched her arm. With the red highlights in her long, black hair, nose ring, and choker necklace, she'd managed to retain most of her college days' goth look. He always liked that style. Any chick who wore black Metallica t-shirts was cool in his book. He felt a tug on his arm as he neared the bathroom.

"Careful when you wash up. The kids are sleeping in the next room," Becca said.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll be quiet."

He couldn't understand why her eyes lingered on the leather tool belt fastened around his waist. It did hold an impressive array of equipment, he supposed.

"I'll...get you a beer," Becca said, finally releasing his arm.


Jack rubbed aching limbs and splashed some warm water on his face. Green eyes stared back at him as liquid beads clung to his unkempt beard. Working on a building site wasn't the worst job. He liked being outdoors, but it sure took its toll on his body. On the bright side, he didn't need any gym membership. Muscles sprouted up in the oddest of places. Even Becca had noticed. 'If only other women would,' he mused. He did his best to straighten his scruffy hair and headed back. Passing quietly by his old bedroom, he hoped his nephews were getting a good night's rest.


"So, where will I sleep, then?" Jack asked as he spread butter over roasted potatoes.

"Well, Aunt Lily has the spare room, so you'll have to share with your sister. It'll be just like old times," Mom said, smiling.

Jack stared across at Becca to check her reaction. Oblivious to his gaze, she shrugged her shoulders as she failed miserably to cut her steak.

"Don't worry if there's no room, Mom. I can just drive back home. No big deal."

"You've been drinking," Becca said.

Her thick lips formed a grin as she tapped the tinny can. It wasn't fair that her teeth were so much nicer than his. 'Damn genetics,' Jack moaned to himself.

"Your sister's right."

"Okay, fine," Jack said, shovelling gravy-soaked potatoes into his mouth.

"At least you can relax a bit now," Becca said, offering her brother a hearty Cheers!

"Don't drink too much, kids," Lily said.

Jack almost spat his cider as a stony-faced Becca nudged him under the table. They sank another few beverages and sat up chatting after everyone else had gone to bed. Chilling together reminded him of how easy she was to hang out with. In stark contrast to their friends, they had always preferred to share a joint rather than bicker and fight about petty sibling shit. On bringing up the option of sleeping on the sofa, Becca sarcastically agreed with him: "If a stiff back the next day is what you want." Growing tired, they headed to her room.


"This bed is smaller than I remember," Jack said.

Becca crushed her empty can, burped, and tossed it into the trash.

"Another drink?" she said, peeling off her pants.

Jack turned his head away.

"Ehh...No thanks. I've an early morning. Uhm, you want me to go outsi-"

"Me too, I guess," she cut in. "It was good to have some adult time away from the kids tonight though."

"Yeah, it was great catching up with everyone."

Jack crawled under the covers, yanked off his work pants and dropped them onto the floor. The belt buckle made a light thud on the carpet. He squeezed his cock, and then halted, remembering that it wasn't his usual bedtime routine. He watched Becca sit at her dresser and drag a brush through her long, flowing hair. The tattoos on her legs were visible now; a diamond, a skull, a flower. He thought they made girls hot. A little wild or something. Other girls, that is.

"It must be down to your...-"

"Ass?" she answered. "Yeah, I should probably get it cut."

"Nah, it's nice."

"Thanks. My hair is pretty nice too."

Becca swivelled on her stool and gave a cheeky wink before returning to the mirror. Jack couldn't figure out what she was doing next. She slid one hand under her t-shirt, then another around the back. Finally, after much struggling, she pulled a black bra through the sleeve and plopped it on the floor. Her long, lissom legs were on full display as she stood and turned. Jack didn't know where the t-shirt ended and the black panties began. He cut a stunned expression and was glad she couldn't see where his hand had roamed.

"What?" She said, placing her hands on her hips. "Bras are uncomfortable. Especially after 15 hours! Men have no idea."

"And that isn't?" Jack said, tapping his neck.

"What, my choker? Not really. I like it. Makes me feel...I dunno...young again."

"How about your rose? Is it still growing?" Jack asked.

Becca offered a shy smile. She turned sideways and scrunched the t-shirt up under her breasts. He followed the thorny stem that wrapped around her body and stared at the dark, red petals covering her lower ribs. Jack blamed the alcohol on the amount of side-boob she was mistakenly revealing.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"Still looks awesome, sis. The color hasn't faded much at all."

"You hated it the first time I showed it to you. Remember?"

Unrestrained, her breasts motioned freely as she flicked off the light and climbed into bed. Cool skin brushed him as she made herself comfortable. Cloaked in darkness, they lay there, shoulder to shoulder, staring at an obscured ceiling.

Of course he remembered Becca revealing her tattoo all those years ago. It was a miserable, fall evening. Mom and Dad must have been still at work. It wasn't that he'd hated her rose. Fleeing the bedroom was just the reflex reaction he had to his eighteen-year-old sister sitting next to him and lifting up her shirt. Imagining what would have happened had he stayed was a shameful but recurring thought.

"Tired?" Becca asked.

He was. Jack, however, struggled to remove thoughts of the inexorably feminine body beside him. That, and the image of her breasts protruding through the baggy top.

"A little, yeah. Oh, we better keep it down in case we wake Aunt Lil."

"I wouldn't worry," Becca said under her breath, "She's as deaf as a dildo."

"You'd know all about those," he jested.

Bodies bumped as they struggled to hold in their laughter.

"It's funny how we call her aunt. I mean isn't she Mom's aunt? Anyway, I have to drive her to the train station in the morning," she said. "The stories she has, Jack. I'll miss her."

Becca sighed and wriggled next to him.

"Ugh! I hate sleeping on one pillow!" she said.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I have your other one. Want it back?"

"Nah," she said, shuffling. "Give me your arm."

Jack lay passively as she dragged his arm and tucked it under her head.

"That's not bad actually," she said. Her voice closer now. "You used to be only skin and bones. Plenty of meat on you now."

The sound of breathing was all that could be heard as they lay. Jack didn't know how his sister felt, but for him, the close physical contact was causing a great deal of confusion.

"Remember when we were little, we used to camp in our rooms?" Becca said.

"Yeah, we'd make a tent out of the bedsheets," Jack said. "We'd try and stay awake all night, but you would always doze off. Sleepy head!"

Their knees knocked as they chuckled.

"And now here I am with kids of my own, but still in the same old bedroom!" she said. "Where have the years gone?"

"How are the boys?" Jack said, unable to drift off.

"A handful! Nah, they're great. Though it'll be nice to have some peace and quiet when they visit their father tomorrow. The bastard."

"Still pissed with him?"

"Of course! He practically ruins my body and then runs off with another girl. Prick!"

"Shush!" Jack reminded her. "Ruined your body? What are you talking about?"

Becca sighed and grabbed his free hand.

"This!" she said, pulling it under her t-shirt and pressing it tight to her belly.

"It used to be as hard as a rock. Now it's all squishy. See? That's why I haven't bothered to pierce there since."

"Bec, no one is going to notice. Anyway, it's only natural. It's not a big deal."

"I bet you wouldn't like it on your girlfriend!"

Jack's fingertips accidently glanced the lacing of her panties as he withdrew his hand. Mind desperately fought body as her persistent touch started to evoke the most unnatural urges. He exhaled some of the tension away, but Becca became impossible to ignore as she continued to jostle against him.

"You're relatively young and in decent shape. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a guy."

"Yep. You're right," she sneered. "It's keeping them that's hard. Guys run a mile when they find out you're a single mother."

"Surely not all of them, Becca?"

"Well, most of them. It's so annoying. I don't even really care about finding Mr Right, just sometimes a girl needs to... Y'know..."

"I do," he half joked. "You have no idea."

Jack stopped himself talking before the conversation got any stranger.

"Hey!" Becca said, lightly squeezing his thigh. "I might know a way of solving both of our problems."

"Huh?" Jack replied, his heart racing.

He found himself allowing his fingers to close around her far shoulder.

"You set me up with one of your friends, and I set you up with one of mine!"

"Hmm...Maybe. Although I'm struggling to remember any of your hot friends, Bec."

"That's because they pale in comparison to me!"

She giggled and pinched his thigh as he struggled to respond.

"Shit, Jack, you're so easy to wind up! But, y'know, beggars can't be choosers," she teased. "You have to take the opportunities when they come."

"Fine, Becca. Go ahead and set me up with one of your friends. Try choose an attractive one if it's not too much hassle."

Jack figured it was his turn to pinch his sister back. Her slight pause made him think he'd crossed a line.

"Meh! You're probably right," she said. "It'd probably go to shit anyway."

"Yep. Dating sucks."

"This is kinda nice though," she said. "Snuggling up to someone again."

Jack didn't reply. It would be too weird admitting she was right; the hand on his thigh dangerously close to his bulge.

"I think I need a girlfriend," he said under his breath.

Becca let out a faint chuckle. A distant car speeding by in the night was the only sound they heard for a while. Eventually, she broke the returned silence.

"Jack, was I your first kiss? You know, like, real kiss?"

"Huh? Umm, not sure. Maybe."

"You remember? We used to sneak behind the trees for a cigarette. We'd sometimes fool ar-"

"Yes, Becca. You were. How sad is that!"

Jack did nothing to stop the hand rubbing his thigh.

"Hey, it's fine. I mean, who wouldn't want to kiss a girl like me," she said, giggling.

"Yeah, I guess you used to be pretty hot."

"USED TO?" she said, bringing the weakest of fists down on his groin. "Looks like I haven't lost all my charm!"

"Hey!" he warned, swatting her hand away.

Jack was too worked up to sleep. It didn't seem that way for Becca until she started speaking again.

"What you were saying before...Well, I can't be your girlfriend, but I can at least give you a goodnight kiss? Can't I?"

Jack craned his neck. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness, but he could barely make out the features of the woman lying beside him. She, however, was able to read his nod. Shifting her body again, Becca's soft hair soon dangled in his face. Their noses glanced as they met.

"That was...nice," she whispered, her breath warm on his face. The beefy arm she'd taken as a pillow had now wandered down her back.

"Sweet apple cider," Jack said, sliding his hand around her narrow waist.

A smooth leg half-straddled him as their lips busied for the second time. Longer, this time, forcing them to breathe through their noses. Jack figured many siblings innocently kissed each other goodnight, but they probably didn't grope their opposites genitals in the way Becca did. He drew a sharp breath as mischievous fingers found their way under his briefs and curled around his expanding girth. His cockhead chafed the sheets as she pulled him free and worked her wrist. Jack plunged a hand down the back of her panties and explored her goose-pimpled ass. His large hand almost covered the entirety of her tight, curved cheeks.

"You always did have a nice dick," Becca said.

He really wished she wouldn't speak. Her inviting body was shrouded in darkness, but the voice was unmistakably that of his sister. The thought refused to vanish.

"Bec, we could stop right now...Go no further and it would be like nothing happened. Just a bit of harmless fuu-- Oh God!"

Her strokes quickened.

"Does my hand still make you feel good, Jack?"

Squeezing her ass, he groaned his affirmation.

"Try not to run away from me this time," Becca said.

He was glad that her face was concealed - that her head had retreated under the covers. In his mind, he could pretend it was someone else; pretend that the moist lips closing around his throbbing cock weren't hers.

"Oh, fuck!" he gasped, clutching the sheets.

The duvet swayed like waves in the sea as her head bobbed up and down.

'It could be just a pleasant dream,' Jack told himself as her nose skimmed his pubes.

'But it's not, is it? replied the voice in his head. 'It's the lips that smiled at you across the dinner table tonight.'

He didn't try very hard to fight his conscience. He desperately craved a woman's touch and Becca's proved too intoxicating. He closed his eyes and relaxed to soft squelching sounds.


Sharp limbs prodded him as Becca wriggled in the bed. Her mouth never left his penis though -- Jack, now dangerously close to finishing in it. As if knowing this, she emerged from under the covers. The dark outline of her slender arm extended over his head. A small garment dangled from the end of her finger and then fell onto the floor. Jack sensed she was grinning from ear to ear. The back of his hand brushed against the shaved hairs of her womanhood. She let out a weak moan as his fingers found the delicate skin between her legs. She squeezed his bearded cheeks and sucked on his tongue. A musky scent filled their nostrils as she tore off his vest.

"Sorry, didn't really get a chance to wash properly," he said, his finger flexing deep inside her.

A lust-drunk Becca sniffed the clammy air.

"It's turning me on so fucking much," she said, returning to his nipples. "The smell of a fucking man."

Her hair was soft against his chest. Jack pushed down on the crown of her head in the hope she'd go back to sucking his cock. He pictured her disobedient smirk again as she resisted, and instead dragged her body across his, straddling him completely. He took his hands from her ass and lifted the t-shirt up to her breasts.

"No, it's better on," she said, clutching his wrist. "Now, just relax."

Jack gave up on her boobs and laid his hands on her thighs.

With her legs spread across him, Becca straightened into the cowgirl position. Her girlish frame came into view as the bedsheets fell away. Soft skin gently teased his impatient balls. Jack kept his gaze on random strands of hair silhouetted against the pale wall. Tucking his cock under her t-shirt, she rubbed the slimy head against her stomach. His groin tingled as her tugs became firm and measured. Becca was surely going to ruin one of her favourite t-shirts, but Jack accepted that it was the safest way to drain him. 'Still...Her mouth would have been heaven.' Jack wondered if she saw his eyebrows rise as dutiful fingers readied at the base of his cock.

"Okay," she whispered, answering an unspoken question.

In a swift, fluid motion, she perched up and eased back down. Jack let out an amorous groan as raw warmth flowed around his cock. On discovering the most intimate part of the woman above him, every hormone that coursed through his body demanded he do one thing.

"Who says you need a fucking girlfriend!"

She flicked her hair and rotated her hips. Slow at first, her slushy depths transfixing him. Creeping streetlight caused her nose ring to glimmer. Every nerve in his cockhead fired as he grabbed hold of her spiraling waist. Demented hands dug into his chest as she fucked harder. As the fleshy thumps of her pussy drowned out their panting, Jack only hoped other sounds of their incest weren't escaping the bedroom. His hands explored her ink-stained body. Switching between sensual swirls and aggressive pounding, it was easy to see how Becca could draw a man's seed. At the rate she was working him, he knew she was close to claiming his.


No words or warnings were given. Muscles tightened and fingernails pierced flesh at climax. A mix of throaty grunts and high-pitched moans escaped them as they came. Jack threw his arms around her as she fell into his slick chest. His cock continued to ooze inside her as they lay there, spent.

"You have no idea how much I needed that," Becca said between breaths.

Jack could have said the same thing but instead just ran his fingers through her hair. The sound of her voice wasn't as off-putting as it had been. She raised her head and found his lips.

"You're my best friend, Jack. I...love you so much."

Clinging to his shoulders, she nestled her head back onto his chest. With their bodies grooved together, Jack pulled the covers around them. Heavy eyelids signaled his day's considerable work was catching up with him. He fell asleep with his limp cock firmly wedged in the comforting chamber of his sister's pussy.


'She must have moved during the night,' a half-awake Jack reasoned as he tried to wet his dry mouth. 'Or maybe it was just another sex fever dream...about her again.' Experiencing the familiar sensation of a wet dream, something still didn't feel quite right. Jack didn't want to think about the truth of it too much. Scanning the dimly lit room, he sensed a warm body beside him. The damp scent of sex shattered any doubts about their indelible act. Before turning on his side, Jack braced himself for the intense dose of shame he knew would come. There, Becca lay; her nose ring and red highlights illuminated by the grey light of dawn. He felt nothing. Nothing except for the familiar rise of his morning wood -- a little later on this particular morning. It slumped across the mattress towards Becca.

"Sis, are you awake," he whispered.

He got no response.

"Becca," he said a little louder while massaging her breast. "I have to go to work soon."

A sleepy moan was all she gave as her nipple stiffened under the black fabric.

Letting his hand drift between her legs, Jack found that she was still bare; her vulva, not as wet as a few hours ago.

"Sleepy head," he jested.

Slithering under her t-shirt, a supple breast filled his hand. He moaned as she squeezed his cock in response.

"I gotta go to work soon," he reminded her.

"Hmm, sucks for you."

Becca's eyes remained shut. Her grip loosened on his cock as she dozed off again. Jack couldn't wait much longer. He was already on a warning at work, and didn't want his cranky foreman spoiling his good mood. Besides, he was looking forward to bragging about his night to the guys -- certain details emitted.